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The Death Of Miss Hanna Charlotta Backlund


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Also, a week before I left my home to come here, I had to call 911 3 times in 24 hrs. and just the other day somebody was shot right in front of the place I used to live.

I saw a guy who had been stabbed or shot inside Pantip Plaza on Friday probably die right there on the street. It was about midday and there were hundreds of witnesses.

I'm presuming the guy was Thai. I'm not denying the fact that amongst Thai people, it is way more dangerous here than in my country. I'm talking about the murder of farangs.

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I don't feel that sex was the motivation.

He is a largely built man, as far as Thais go. A big knife wouldn't

have been needed to rape.

He needed big knife for another reason.

A Sexual Terrorist I think he wanted to kill, that he was suppressed sexually for so long it just came pout in a murderous rage at a young woman that excited him in a siuation that he waited for. Mr. Tankae's religion was not reported. I would like to know if he was raised muslim with all its taboo on masturbation and unusually supressive mores on sexuality.

The police seem to have a

chauvinistic view toward Ms. Backlund's choice to sunbathe with

nothing covering her upper body on an earlier date ( as is done all

over Phuket Island by European tourists, male and female.)

How to lobby for the maximum penalty under the law for Mr. Tankae?

It certainly appears pre meditated. homocide. He surely would have killed her after a rape if he's kill her for resisiting.

Just how many women has he attacked before?

So women, I would suggest you not feel safe under any circumstances

while traveling alone. Anywhere. (And if you're traveling with a man..hel_l, he

might kill you too.)

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Also, a week before I left my home to come here, I had to call 911 3 times in 24 hrs. and just the other day somebody was shot right in front of the place I used to live.

I saw a guy who had been stabbed or shot inside Pantip Plaza on Friday probably die right there on the street. It was about midday and there were hundreds of witnesses.

We seem to have deviated!

What about the (murder) stats, tud? (Refer to post #186)

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I don't feel that sex was the motivation.

He is a largely built man, as far as Thais go. A big knife wouldn't

have been needed to rape.

He needed big knife for another reason.

A Sexual Terrorist I think he wanted to kill, that he was suppressed sexually for so long it just came pout in a murderous rage at a young woman that excited him in a siuation that he waited for. Mr. Tankae's religion was not reported. I would like to know if he was raised muslim with all its taboo on masturbation and unusually supressive mores on sexuality.

The police seem to have a

chauvinistic view toward Ms. Backlund's choice to sunbathe with

nothing covering her upper body on an earlier date ( as is done all

over Phuket Island by European tourists, male and female.)

How to lobby for the maximum penalty under the law for Mr. Tankae?

It certainly appears pre meditated. homocide. He surely would have killed her after a rape if he's kill her for resisiting.

Just how many women has he attacked before?

So women, I would suggest you not feel safe under any circumstances

while traveling alone. Anywhere. (And if you're traveling with a man..hel_l, he

might kill you too.)

Are you for real?

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May I ask , George, please.

I'd like to know where the info in initial report on this thread came from.

It was posted by yourself , signed as Thai Visa

I can answer that since I was the one who translated it.

It comes from the first Thai language report on the case, by Thai Rath.

For anyone who follows the progress of police investigations in more than one newspaper source, especially here in Thailand, it will be clear that there are often conflicting facts, and all reports need to be taken with a large, sometimes extra-large, pinch of salt. Sometimes the facts reported prove later to be flat out wrong. Where in the chain of information something has gone amiss or twisted is usually not easy to say.

By the way, the initial post has stated all along that it is my own translation (which may not be 100% correct although I have done my best) of an article in the online edition of Thai Rath.

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Concerning the French woman at the memorial who also claimed to have been stalked, I actually spoke with her French husband yesterday (Saturday) early evening on south Mai Khao beach. Without prompting, he confirmed this incident to me and said that his wife was a very lucky woman not to have been harmed.


Edited by simon43
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Concerning the French woman at the memorial who also claimed to have been stalked, I actually spoke with her French husband yesterday (Saturday) early evening on south Mai Khao beach. Without prompting, he confirmed this incident to me and said that his wife was a very lucky woman not to have been harmed.


Hi Simon, some remarks/questions as I didn't understand a few things from the beginning:

1. I read that the suspect killer moored his boat (longtail ?) at the pier of Chat Thai. As far as I can see on Google Earth, the nearest -possible shelter- mooring sites to Mai Khao Beach are either WEST or EAST of the bridge to the mainland. That's on TOP of Phuket Island.

That...is very far from South Mai Khao beach; also, it is a long way to walk but I read also that he had a motobike; did he live in one of those small living quarters south of the bridge next to the mooring places ?

2. Where was the resort/bungalow/tent where the poor girl was staying ?; south or north of the Marriott Resort ? South = between the airport and the Marriott ? (I thought your hotel was a little south of the airport ?). Logic tells me it must have been North of the Marriott as the beach around the Marriott must be more crowded.

3. If you spoke to the French husband on South Mai Khao Beach, where were those people staying ? On South Beach? I mean that is very far from the north side where the boat was moored. And where was the French woman hassled by the same guy ?

post-13995-1206273569_thumb.jpg Phuket International is on the south of the photo. The Marriott is where it shows a 'plane image' north, telling (wrongly) PhiPhi islands.

Sorry for the questions but so far I couldn't find the answers.



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Lol...There would be a line ten miles long if all the Families could get money for their Thai Whiskey swigging no good offspring!

That's a ridiculous idea.

No, that's a ridiculous exaggeration. Did you understand my previous post:

Not too surprising that they are re-thinking who gets the reward, but if he is the real killer and the family helped to turn him in, then they should get a share of the money, irrespective of what it may encourage in the future.


Rewards should never be based on the conviction of someone. You want to get the information early in the investigation, so rewards should be based on information that leads to the arrest of the suspect or suspects.

And that's why the reward was offered in this case - for information that leads to the capture of the suspect. That's what the family did. Good for them - give them the money, or a share of it as there was information obtained from others.

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Rewards should never be based on the conviction of someone. You want to get the information early in the investigation, so rewards should be based on information that leads to the arrest of the suspect or suspects.

And that's why the reward was offered in this case - for information that leads to the capture of the suspect. That's what the family did. Good for them - give them the money, or a share of it as there was information obtained from others.

I agree. You pay the reward money to the people that helped you the most. It is often family members of an offender who provide the most critical information. It would be naive to exclude them from reward consideration. If others also provided helpful information, then the reward should be divided on a pro-rated basis depending on the importance and timeliness of the information. What an informant does with the reward money should not be a concern to authorities. Frankly, many informants use reward money to buy drugs. Does this mean druggies should not be eligible for rewards, even if you suspect that the reward money will be used to purchase drugs? No. Otherwise you would dry up a very important source of information. If you bust the informant later on and they possess illegal drugs, then fine. They are fair game and should be charged accordingly.

But when a reward is offered, it becomes tantamount to a verbal contract. There are rules to this business...1) a cash reward is being offered for information leading to the solution of a crime; 2) or for information leading to the arrest of a suspect; 3) or for information leading to the conviction of an offender. Each of these types of rewards carries their own set of rules. An informant, meanwhile, has a commodity that is important to police -- information. The informant's responsibility is to ensure the information is accurate and that the information is delivered in a timely fashion. If this information leads to the successful conclusion to a case, then the informant has fulfilled his/her obligation and should be eligible for the reward. To then backtrack after the fact means the party offering the reward has broken the terms of the verbal contract. This is why a program like Crime Stoppers works so well...the police officers and the civilian board that runs the program know these rules very well and they maintain the integrity of the program. But when rewards are just offered willy-nilly by other entities, it often ends up in controversy because they don't know about the rules of the road involving reward offers and it often ends up with mad informants and a police agency with egg on its face.

Edited by farang prince
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May I ask , George, please.

I'd like to know where the info in initial report on this thread came from.

It was posted by yourself , signed as Thai Visa

I can answer that since I was the one who translated it.

It comes from the first Thai language report on the case, by Thai Rath.

For anyone who follows the progress of police investigations in more than one newspaper source, especially here in Thailand, it will be clear that there are often conflicting facts, and all reports need to be taken with a large, sometimes extra-large, pinch of salt. Sometimes the facts reported prove later to be flat out wrong. Where in the chain of information something has gone amiss or twisted is usually not easy to say.

By the way, the initial post has stated all along that it is my own translation (which may not be 100% correct although I have done my best) of an article in the online edition of Thai Rath.

Ok, Thank you MdSb, for the response,

Yes, I can see that journalism standards are of an inferior quality, but a glaring error such as she was killed at night when it was broad daylight? I think that goes beyond sloppy reporting and delves into deliberate dis information .

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Are you for real?

What is it you are, I assume by your question- disagreeing with?

That Mr. Tankae was a sexual terrorist- he wanted to quell the power Hanna had over him - sexual power, so he butchered her.

Or the comment about traveling with a man?

Women are more in danger from their mates than any other source.

Perhaps you're confused by my suggestion that his religion may have contributed by stifling his natural sexuality. If he's Muslim , masurbation is forbidden, correct? ( If he lived in Malaysia he wouldn't even be allowed proximity to a woman who wasn't his wife)

Maybe he was in the woods mastubating and it would have ended with that relatively harmless activity, BUT NOOOOO-

he had to made to feel guilty and ashamed for this most natural of acts..Because of a religious screed pioneered by old goats who can't stand that women have something they want- P**ssy!!

(So women should be covered up tightly so as to be unable to use the sexual power they have??)

Allah forbid she be topless on the beach . Kill her!!!

Isn't this conjecture even remotely possible?

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MiniVDO: A memorial and religious ceremony was held for the murdered Swedish tourist on Mai Khao beach in Phuket.

To see or download mini-video, go to http://news.prd.go.th/news_detail.php?newsid=216562

Swedish Consul to Phuket Silvia Jurich, foreign volunteer police, Swedish and international tourists, residents and local bungalow operators on Saturday gathered at Mai Khao Beach to attend a Buddhist ceremony for 27 year old Hanna Chalotta Backlund who was killed the week before on Saturday 15th March. She was an attempted rape victim. A spirit house was also established nearby for her memorial, according to Buddhist beliefs.

MiniVDO: Phuket Police sets up a committee to consider recipients of cash reward for people who gave clues leading to the arrest of the murderer.

To see or download mini-video, go to http://news.prd.go.th/news_detail.php?newsid=216561

Until now police have not given out the cash rewards for informants leading to the arrest of the man who was responsible for the Swedish tourist murder on Mai Khao beach, north of Phuket. Following the crime, the Phuket Tourist Association donated 100,000 baht cash reward for police to give to informants so that wrong doers could be swiftly brought to justice. Akaradetch Tanke was arrested 3 days after the crime. The father and wife of the man were reported to have received the award, leading to a call from a man to our studio here at channel 11, citing that he was also an informant and that the reward must be fairly given out. Our reporter talked to the provincial Police chief, Decha Butnampetch who insisted that the reward has not been handed over to anyone as police have to consider it carefully and fairly. A committee has been set up to consider the matter. He stressed that each witness or informant will receive some different amount depending on the information they provided. He stated that the suspect family gave the most information, and persuaded the man to give himself up. Police will try their best and believe that public would understand, he concluded.

from Andaman News TV11 (VHF dial) at 8.30am & local Cable TV channel 1 + maybe FM90.5 Radio Thailand 6pm, broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces, & possibly FM108 Mazz Radio 7.30pm in Phuket, Monday 24 March 2008 & http://news.prd.go.th

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In answer to LaoPo's questions from yesterday:

1. I read that the suspect killer moored his boat (longtail ?) at the pier of Chat Thai. As far as I can see on Google Earth, the nearest -possible shelter- mooring sites to Mai Khao Beach are either WEST or EAST of the bridge to the mainland. That's on TOP of Phuket Island.

That...is very far from South Mai Khao beach; also, it is a long way to walk but I read also that he had a motobike; did he live in one of those small living quarters south of the bridge next to the mooring places ?


There is no mooring (AFAIK) on the whole length of Mai Khao beach. It is too exposed. He must have had a motorbike to reach the location where he was, since it's dirt roads.

2. Where was the resort/bungalow/tent where the poor girl was staying ?; south or north of the Marriott Resort ? South = between the airport and the Marriott ? (I thought your hotel was a little south of the airport ?). Logic tells me it must have been North of the Marriott as the beach around the Marriott must be more crowded.


The resort is south of the Marriott by a few kms. Mai Khao beach only has tourists in the immediate vicinity of The Marriott and from the beach resort you can look up and down Mai Khao beach at midday in high season and see not a soul...

3. If you spoke to the French husband on South Mai Khao Beach, where were those people staying ? On South Beach? I mean that is very far from the north side where the boat was moored. And where was the French woman hassled by the same guy ?


Sorry for the confusion here. Although I encountered the French guy at the southern end of MK beach, the incident with his wife qctually took place nearer to the MK Bungalows (they have their own car etc).

I still have an open mind as to whether the police have caught the right guy. I hope that maybe there can be some DNA tests or bitemark analysis (wishful thinking?)


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In answer to LaoPo's questions from yesterday:

1. I read that the suspect killer moored his boat (longtail ?) at the pier of Chat Thai. As far as I can see on Google Earth, the nearest -possible shelter- mooring sites to Mai Khao Beach are either WEST or EAST of the bridge to the mainland. That's on TOP of Phuket Island.

That...is very far from South Mai Khao beach; also, it is a long way to walk but I read also that he had a motobike; did he

"I still have an open mind as to whether the police have caught the right guy".

Who is really worried if it is the right guy (apart from the guy himself and his family) we don't want to get bogged down here with getting "the right guy" because if we do it will be a first time here.

As long as they can close the case and tell the world what a good (and quick) job that they have done that's all that matters "well isn't it"

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Thanks Simon !

It looks like the guy (IF he is the one...) traveled quite a distance with his motobike to go to such a remote place on an empty beach.... :D

Hanna, innocent as she was, was on the wrong place, at the wrong time and encountered the wrong man... :D:o

May she Rest In Peace :D


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Special - Safety on Phuket beaches after the murder – views of government, businesses & tourists

To see or download mini-video, go to http://news.prd.go.th/news_detail.php?newsid=216565

Not only natural beauty can attract tourists to visit any destination, but safety is one of the main factors contributing to travelers’ decisions. Our special report today takes a look at security and safety measures at Phuket’s busy Patong beach and quiet beach in Phuket.

The island of Phuket is home to many spectacular beaches, some so popular and busy, some seductively hidden and undiscovered by those who are keen to explore the secrets of nature. Patong beach, for example is one of Phuket’s or even Thailand’s famous beaches for tourists around the world. Due to its diversity offered in sun sand sea, water sports and shopping plus its nightlife which is an excitement many don’t miss while visiting Phuket. Management is a key word for tourist destinations in order to accommodate large numbers of tourists and businesses. The Patong Municipality has been developing infrastructure and facilities to catch up with tourism growth. The 2004 tsunami experience led to local governments to learn that not only natural beauty is needed for tourists, but also they have to be secure and assured of safety plus a good environment. This is being recognized by the local administrators, like Pian Keesin, Patong Mayor. Apart from 3 early warning towers in case of any sign of natural disaster as precautionary measures, Patong also currently operates Closed Circuit Televisions or CCTVs at 16 locations on 3 major roads Thaweewong, Rat-Utit and PhraBaramee. The equipment helps police to monitor traffic and crime as the Kathu police superintendent Pol. Col. Krissak Song-moon-naak, who oversees Patong area, explains: "The CCTV system currently operational is one of the very first systems introduced. We use it for traffic plus for security. The technology then needs to improve as it can show traffic accidents with duty officers each shift to control or monitor the operation."

In addition, the police are receiving another 4 million baht funding from Patong Municipality to have 10 more CCTVs to cover more areas. The equipment is reported to be more hi-tech and the public will be able to access the camera views via the Internet. Patong mayor confirms its emphasis on supporting the operator. "One main issue is safety. The municipality invests some money to obstruct any crime activities to enable police to locate wrong doers."

On the other hand, the 10 kilometre long Mai Khao beach, located just north of Phuket airport is relatively quiet and peaceful at several points like the area near the campsite far from big hotels and more resorts being built elsewhere. Tourists used to compliment it saying it is like paradise as a small local bungalow operator, Mon-si-karn Ruck-rang-si-man-suk told us: "Most guests say this is paradise and we provide equally special services to each client." The more private the more remote it gets, may sometimes lead to more need for safety, as the recent murder on Mai Khao illustrated. Manote Chupak, advisor to the Phuket Tourism and Sports Centre agrees with the idea of local participation in monitoring tourist safety: "We need to establish more networks & have local villagers participate in taking care of tourists."

On the government side, the Tourism and Sports Minister, Mr Weerasak Kow-su-rat, on his recent visit to Phuket, sought cooperation from local authorities to install new measures. He stressed that in some areas beaches can be quiet and remote so more beach guards are needed. At the same time, the Ministry is introducing whistles for tourists as a tool to seek help in case of emergencies especially violence against women, as he showed us:

Finally let’s hear some comments by (Swedish & Slovakian) tourists on Kata beach to hear what they think of safety here on Phuket’s & nearby beaches

Special report for Andaman News TV11 (VHF dial) at 8.30am & local Cable TV channel 1 + maybe FM90.5 Radio Thailand 6pm, broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces, & possibly FM108 Mazz Radio 7.30pm in Phuket, Tuesday 25 March 2008 & http://news.prd.go.th

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Are you for real?

What is it you are, I assume by your question- disagreeing with?

That Mr. Tankae was a sexual terrorist- he wanted to quell the power Hanna had over him - sexual power, so he butchered her.

Or the comment about traveling with a man?

Women are more in danger from their mates than any other source.

Perhaps you're confused by my suggestion that his religion may have contributed by stifling his natural sexuality. If he's Muslim , masurbation is forbidden, correct? ( If he lived in Malaysia he wouldn't even be allowed proximity to a woman who wasn't his wife)

Maybe he was in the woods mastubating and it would have ended with that relatively harmless activity, BUT NOOOOO-

he had to made to feel guilty and ashamed for this most natural of acts..Because of a religious screed pioneered by old goats who can't stand that women have something they want- P**ssy!!

(So women should be covered up tightly so as to be unable to use the sexual power they have??)

Allah forbid she be topless on the beach . Kill her!!!

Isn't this conjecture even remotely possible?

Hi MustaphaMond

Assuming and speculations are a constant trive of any press agency worldwide, sometimes more in LOS, due to the language differences. Who expects that a newspaper can forward correct information of events? It is mostly hearsaying and missunderstandings!

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Are you for real?

What is it you are, I assume by your question- disagreeing with?

That Mr. Tankae was a sexual terrorist- he wanted to quell the power Hanna had over him - sexual power, so he butchered her.

Or the comment about traveling with a man?

Women are more in danger from their mates than any other source.

Perhaps you're confused by my suggestion that his religion may have contributed by stifling his natural sexuality. If he's Muslim , masurbation is forbidden, correct? ( If he lived in Malaysia he wouldn't even be allowed proximity to a woman who wasn't his wife)

Maybe he was in the woods mastubating and it would have ended with that relatively harmless activity, BUT NOOOOO-

he had to made to feel guilty and ashamed for this most natural of acts..Because of a religious screed pioneered by old goats who can't stand that women have something they want- P**ssy!!

(So women should be covered up tightly so as to be unable to use the sexual power they have??)

Allah forbid she be topless on the beach . Kill her!!!

Isn't this conjecture even remotely possible?

Hi MustaphaMond

Assuming and speculations are a constant trive of any press agency worldwide, sometimes more in LOS, due to the language differences. Who expects that a newspaper can forward correct information of events? It is mostly hearsaying and missunderstandings!

Chef, these appear to be Mustapha's assumptions, speculations, hearsay and misunderstandings (nothing to do with any press agencies). :o

Hence my original question.

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Hi MustaphaMond

Assuming and speculations are a constant trive of any press agency worldwide, sometimes more in LOS, due to the language differences. Who expects that a newspaper can forward correct information of events? It is mostly hearsaying and missunderstandings!

Yes I can expect a newspaper to adhere to some level of integrity...I expect english writing g reporters who uderstand AM and PM in telling time and other reporters who might get on a phone to consulate to get a correct spelling of a name and editors who actually are interested in information, not toting the official line.

Yes I expect that.

And I expect others to expect it too.

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  • Swedish tourist dies after being stabbed in neck on Thai beach
  • 27-year-old Hanna Charlotta Backlund killed on island of Phuket
  • Woman had set out for late night beach stroll alone


And CNN picks up the " Late at night" Dis information NO NO NO !

Broad daylight. Broad daylight.

Women, While in Thailand, you are not safe in broad daylight on a beach within view of your accommodation.

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Special - Safety on Phuket beaches after the murder – views of government, businesses & tourists

To see or download mini-video, go to http://news.prd.go.th/news_detail.php?newsid=216565

"Not only natural beauty can attract tourists...................."

Finally let's hear some comments by (Swedish & Slovakian) tourists on Kata beach to hear what they think of safety here on Phuket's & nearby beaches

Special report for Andaman News TV11 (VHF dial) at 8.30am & local Cable TV channel 1 + maybe FM90.5 Radio Thailand 6pm, broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces, & possibly FM108 Mazz Radio 7.30pm in Phuket, Tuesday 25 March 2008 & http://news.prd.go.th

Dearest Channel 11 ,

I feel strongly this report showed one very limited view from the female perspective.

May I say that these young women looked to be in Patong or the thrill of meeting young men like themselves and having some fun.

Because they are sexual beings, just like men.

Why not ask women seeking ,"Natural beauty" spots- maybe the area where Hanna was killed.

And disappointedly, ( Nooooo! Not you too Channel 11 ! ) again and again they say,

" At night, no beach issafe at night," a subtle omission reporting that Hanna's death was at night.

Please, please reiterate it happened at daytime.

Hanna had every right to feel safe .

She had been told she was safe.

She was lied to.

Edited by MustaphaMond
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A hugely glaring fact missing in all the reports of late, mine included is that Mr Tankae admits to stalking Hanna for 3 days. How can it even be insinuated she deserved attack.

If this doesn't get the death penalty..then it truly is open season on the unsuspecting tourist.

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A hugely glaring fact missing in all the reports of late, mine included is that Mr Tankae admits to stalking Hanna for 3 days. How can it even be insinuated she deserved attack.

If this doesn't get the death penalty..then it truly is open season on the unsuspecting tourist.

That's the first time I hear about this. Where did you find that info ?



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First my condolences to the poor girl's family. It must be horrible to lose your daughter in such an evil way.

It takes one brainless idiot to do such harm.

I think that our perception of crime in Thailand is absolutely different than that of back home.

Back home when we have problems, we feel that in most cases we can fight it off. We have rights.

Here in Thailand, I am afraid we are rather helpless. We cannot stand up against the Thais, we cannot fight them, we cannot overcome them in court, etc.. We are in a weak position here, almost defenseless. And that's, in my opinion, the reason that most of us over perceive crime against farangs. Just a thought.

....and most Thais in the lower 90 percentile feel weak, useless and useless too. Thats why people have weapons easily available under the car seat, behind the door and lots of vicious mutts running about. Its socio-economic and tourists from the first world need to understand the risks of travelling amongst other, less privileged cultures.

But then if Thailand were a first world economic culture (like Singapore) they wouldn't come for the rustic charm or unspoilt scenery would they?

So yes the chips are stacked against you if you live here Johnny Foreigner but they'd be stacked against you too if you were born Thai but in a not so wealthy or respected family.

The poorer, less educated members of society have there share of desperate and disadvantaged individuals.

The wealthier classes have their share too but they just smile and wave at the cameras.

Unfortunately we do seem to be seeing an increase in crime here and its likely to continue if the economic and political factors keep going south. The same can be said for many other countries.....

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A hugely glaring fact missing in all the reports of late, mine included is that Mr Tankae admits to stalking Hanna for 3 days. How can it even be insinuated she deserved attack.

If this doesn't get the death penalty..then it truly is open season on the unsuspecting tourist.

That's the first time I hear about this. Where did you find that info ?



From this .....


Akkaradej allegedly told police that he had watched Miss Backlund and her friend Emma Stenman at Mai Khao Beach for three days until on Saturday he spotted Miss Backlund sunbathing alone.

He approached Miss Backlund from behind, with a kitchen knife in his right hand taken from his home in Thalang, police said.

I am disgusted at the character assassination of Hanna, Like she really deserved this .. , SLUT showing her breasts. Kill her!!!

Tankae was well known as a peeping tom- My question is how did he make the leap to brutal murderer in just a few days? How many has he killed before, or raped...?

Oh and it was the Gazette that first reported the police were looking for several attackers. I'm working on getting more info on that ...

<<<<<<<<<<March 28th, 2008 ,

Letter to the Editor,

Hanna Backlund finds herself ultimate victim of Thailand's fondness of the ol' bait and switch routine. She trusted the ads that told her Thailand was a paradise where walking the beach wearing perfectly legal garments, was safe and acceptable. And because tourists aren't widely known to be cited for sunbathing topless, she felt comfortable doing so on the first days of her vacation as is done on every single beach in Phuket.

That was the Bait.

The Switch is: How could she could seriously expect NOT to be murdered in the most brutal fashion imaginable? One of the supreme chauvinists was quoted internationally. ".....And then they attack."

(Let's remember, Mr. Tankae claims he stalked over 3 days.)

Because she revealed her body. In the middle of the day. On a beach void of crowds, on a site within sight of her bungalow's umbrellas.

As is the norm all over Phuket, at hundreds of tourist destinations, advertised in countless brochures, with beaches showcased as the greatest attraction, women and men are half naked, attired as they please.

For Hanna understanding this normal behavior to be acceptable, for believing the hype-for trusting Thailand-she was assassinated.

I don't believe the accused Mr. Tankae, or whomever, wanted a sexual encounter.

A heavy set man doesn't need (and a group, certainly not) a big, gigantic knife to rape. It's needed for something else entirely.

It is called hate.

WHY she was killed is what we need to look at.

More police, more TV cameras, more money will not help.

This is sexual terrorism and it is an idealogical war aimed at waging control over sexuality. The foot soldiers hypersexualized through repressive brainwashing, directed to aim the violence at women.

Spread by fundamentalists of patriarchal religions, it's happening all over the world.

And through it all last week, the damage to the tourist industry is what the officials are publicly wringing hands over. What the press covered.

Not Hanna's lost life and her frightened suffering or the horrendous pain her family must forever remember. Barely mentioned is her unimaginably horrible, utterly preventable death.

Or the unfamiliarity women have for solitude, our loss of freedom.

Would the press please keep interested parties informed so as to attempt effective lobbying with this case. I'm sure there might many hoping that the duly-tried guilty is/are given the maximum penalty.

I believe it is penalty of death for pre-meditated murder, no?



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I do think that if the profile of this sickening case was to be highlighted in the newspapers in every country of the developed world with the likely consequence that the Thai tourism industry was to be dealt a really severe blow then the authorities might (just might) start to put their money where their mouth is.

Then and only then is this sickening trend that has become "amazing Thailand" going to ever have the brakes put on it.

There is only one thing that they care about and that is their image. They do not give a stuff for the young women that are being raped and murdered with alarming regularity. If they were they would do something to make the place safer.

And not just pay lip service.

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