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Another Falafel Thread


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Well while I am in no doubts that the Jerusalem restaurant at Thapae makes great food and certainly (IMO) the best falafel in CM, I do wish I could be as complimentary about the owner. Old Mama Falafel, I'm afraid to say, is the surliest and possibly rudest restaurant proprietor I've had the misfortune of coming across in this city. I've visited at least half a dozen times in the last few months and witnessed some unbelievable displays of churlishness on her part towards customers. On a recent visit she was actually asking diners who'd barely eaten their last mouthful of food and still had drinks on the table, to pay-up and leave because it was busy. Now these folk were not impressed believe me. I guess she gets that much passing trade because of her location that she has no interest in encouraging repeat customers but still, a smile and a pleasant demeanour costs nothing. I, for one, won't be going back again, nor will I be visiting the new place at Ruamchok.

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Well while I am in no doubts that the Jerusalem restaurant at Thapae makes great food and certainly (IMO) the best falafel in CM, I do wish I could be as complimentary about the owner. Old Mama Falafel, I'm afraid to say, is the surliest and possibly rudest restaurant proprietor I've had the misfortune of coming across in this city. I've visited at least half a dozen times in the last few months and witnessed some unbelievable displays of churlishness on her part towards customers. On a recent visit she was actually asking diners who'd barely eaten their last mouthful of food and still had drinks on the table, to pay-up and leave because it was busy. Now these folk were not impressed believe me. I guess she gets that much passing trade because of her location that she has no interest in encouraging repeat customers but still, a smile and a pleasant demeanour costs nothing. I, for one, won't be going back again, nor will I be visiting the new place at Ruamchok.

Got to agree, maybe we could start a rudest restaurant prorietor poll :o

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She can also be incredibly kind and generous.

I have heard of numerous nice things that she did for other people over the years - including buying me an expensive mattress (because she knows that I have a painful case of Rhumatoid Arthritis), back when I was a penniless teacher. I hardly knew her.

She gave a tenant his large deposit deposit back when he walked out of her (because his wife had just had a baby) even though he violated their agreement and she owed him nothing. She has not been able to rent the place out since and she lost a LOT of money on the whole deal.

She also lent quite a bit of money to an elderly resident who was thrown out of Thailand because he couldn't support himself and there is very little chance that he could ever pay her back.She hardly knew him either.

Her personality might take a bit of getting used to, but she is a genuine person. I like knowing that people like her are around. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Well while I am in no doubts that the Jerusalem restaurant at Thapae makes great food and certainly (IMO) the best falafel in CM, I do wish I could be as complimentary about the owner. Old Mama Falafel, I'm afraid to say, is the surliest and possibly rudest restaurant proprietor I've had the misfortune of coming across in this city. I've visited at least half a dozen times in the last few months and witnessed some unbelievable displays of churlishness on her part towards customers. On a recent visit she was actually asking diners who'd barely eaten their last mouthful of food and still had drinks on the table, to pay-up and leave because it was busy. Now these folk were not impressed believe me. I guess she gets that much passing trade because of her location that she has no interest in encouraging repeat customers but still, a smile and a pleasant demeanour costs nothing. I, for one, won't be going back again, nor will I be visiting the new place at Ruamchok.

Having eaten in her restaurant many times, I have to say that she has been nothing but polite and courteous, as well as very friendly, with me and those at my table. She has behaved as a good restaurant proprietor should, seeing to the needs of her customers quickly and efficiently. Having watched many tourists in town sit down at a table for several hours nursing a plate of spring rolls and a bottle of water, perhaps it's these sort with whom she is curt. Can't say as I blame her be that the case. For me, I'll be happy to eat there when ever the mood strikes me, and wish her the best of luck with her new restaurant.

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Well while I am in no doubts that the Jerusalem restaurant at Thapae makes great food and certainly (IMO) the best falafel in CM, I do wish I could be as complimentary about the owner. Old Mama Falafel, I'm afraid to say, is the surliest and possibly rudest restaurant proprietor I've had the misfortune of coming across in this city. I've visited at least half a dozen times in the last few months and witnessed some unbelievable displays of churlishness on her part towards customers. On a recent visit she was actually asking diners who'd barely eaten their last mouthful of food and still had drinks on the table, to pay-up and leave because it was busy. Now these folk were not impressed believe me. I guess she gets that much passing trade because of her location that she has no interest in encouraging repeat customers but still, a smile and a pleasant demeanour costs nothing. I, for one, won't be going back again, nor will I be visiting the new place at Ruamchok.

Got to agree, maybe we could start a rudest restaurant prorietor poll :o

Yup. If we were to do that, she would be right up there (along with her foul mouthed (in English!) little Thai 'husband'). I don't often say this but, overall, truly foul people.

Delighted that there is some good in her, Ulysses! Reminds me of the assassin patting the child's head on the way to blowing off someone else's. I DO know of what I speak but - enough!

A very close 2nd in this poll would be the fat Italian at Pxccxlx Rxmx who manages to make money despite being a serial squirt and rip off merchant.

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She can also be incredibly kind and generous.

I have heard of numerous nice things that she did for other people over the years - including buying me an expensive mattress (because she knows that I have a painful case of Rhumatoid Arthritis), back when I was a penniless teacher. I hardly knew her.

She gave a tenant his large deposit deposit back when he walked out of her (because his wife had just had a baby) even though he violated their agreement and she owed him nothing. She has not been able to rent the place out since and she lost a LOT of money on the whole deal.

She also lent quite a bit of money to an elderly resident who was thrown out of Thailand because he couldn't support himself and there is very little chance that he could ever pay her back.She hardly knew him either.

Her personality might take a bit of getting used to, but she is a genuine person. I like knowing that people like her are around. :o


Now I want falafel!

Being a bit of a curmudgeon (online at least) I tend to like people with character! (or that are characters!)

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She can also be incredibly kind and generous.

I have heard of numerous nice things that she did for other people over the years - including buying me an expensive mattress (because she knows that I have a painful case of Rhumatoid Arthritis), back when I was a penniless teacher. I hardly knew her.

She gave a tenant his large deposit deposit back when he walked out of her (because his wife had just had a baby) even though he violated their agreement and she owed him nothing. She has not been able to rent the place out since and she lost a LOT of money on the whole deal.

She also lent quite a bit of money to an elderly resident who was thrown out of Thailand because he couldn't support himself and there is very little chance that he could ever pay her back.She hardly knew him either.

Her personality might take a bit of getting used to, but she is a genuine person. I like knowing that people like her are around. :o

I have absolutely no reason to doubt that what you are reporting is entirely true, however, I'm judging her purely on her behaviour as a restauranteur and I can say with absolute honesty and not a shred of exaggeration that I have witnessed some displays of truly shocking tableside manners on the last three occasions I've been in.

Folk Guitar says she's always been polite when he's been in, well all I can say is that she must have her good days and her bad days and I obviously always seem to go in on the latter. On the last trip, she actually interrupted a girl who had answered a call on her cell phone to tell her it was time to pay up and leave if she'd finished her meal. One occasion when I was in I had just finished eating and my partner was still finishing a drink when we had the bill unceremonially dumped on the table without a word before we'd even had five minutes to think about asking for it.

She may well be a generous and charitable member of the local community but she ought to take the time to remember that her customers are the reason she's got enough money to be able to help others in need from time to time.

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I've known Mama Falafel since she came to chiang mai in 1992. She is Israeli, so she has the attitude that if you fuc_k with her- watch out! But, she is also one of the nicest people in town. I have seen her give food away to needy people, and do many other nice things for them. With your attitude about her in this public forum, it might suggest to me that you are not a favorite customer.. Oh well, she has been here a long time and I'm sure her attitudes don't bother many of her customers

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I've known Mama Falafel since she came to chiang mai in 1992. She is Israeli, so she has the attitude that if you fuc_k with her- watch out! But, she is also one of the nicest people in town. I have seen her give food away to needy people, and do many other nice things for them. With your attitude about her in this public forum, it might suggest to me that you are not a favorite customer.. Oh well, she has been here a long time and I'm sure her attitudes don't bother many of her customers

She's always been fine with me but I still have seen her be rude to other customers, from what yourself and UG are saying she has another side to her, which is good to know - but I don't think customer relations is her strong point :o

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I've known Mama Falafel since she came to chiang mai in 1992. She is Israeli, so she has the attitude that if you fuc_k with her- watch out! But, she is also one of the nicest people in town. I have seen her give food away to needy people, and do many other nice things for them. With your attitude about her in this public forum, it might suggest to me that you are not a favorite customer.. Oh well, she has been here a long time and I'm sure her attitudes don't bother many of her customers

She's always been fine with me but I still have seen her be rude to other customers, from what yourself and UG are saying she has another side to her, which is good to know - but I don't think customer relations is her strong point :o

Some customers... :D

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This is one of the things that I don't like about anonomous internet forums.

I don't think that the OP meant any harm. He obviously feels quite strongly about his point of view, and I know that a lot of people would agree with him, however, it is easy to see that Momma also has a lot of good things going for her and a lot of people who enjoy her unusual style.

In this case, a few people knew her enough and disagreed enough to stick up for her, but that is not always the case. Sometimes no freinds happen to be on line or don't notice the thread and the person who it is about see it and feel like crap because they don't realize that there are other people who would not agree at all.

I can understand staying away from someone that bothers you or that you dislike, but posting your feelings on the Internet should be thought about most carefully. :o

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This is one of the things that I don't like about anonomous internet forums.

I don't think that the OP meant any harm. He obviously feels quite strongly about his point of view, and I know that a lot of people would agree with him, however, it is easy to see that Momma also has a lot of good things going for her and a lot of people who enjoy her unusual style.

In this case, a few people knew her enough and disagreed enough to stick up for her, but that is not always the case. Sometimes no freinds happen to be on line or don't notice the thread and the person who it is about see it and feel like crap because they don't realize that there are other people who would not agree at all.

I can understand staying away from someone that bothers you or that you dislike, but posting your feelings on the Internet should be thought about most carefully. :o

Is Momma Falafel a Thai Visa member? it was only that nasty bananaman who disrespected you not me :D

I'm not sure I agree with you on this UG, for one I now see the old girl in a whole new light after reading this topic and will look at her with love as she beats some hapless tourist over the head with a stale pitta bread :D

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Both her and her husband always been pleasant to me. Don't go there often but have been there numerous times since they opened.

Like many people in Chiang Mai, in business, I am sure she has some good customer stories!

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This is one of the things that I don't like about anonomous internet forums.

I don't think that the OP meant any harm. He obviously feels quite strongly about his point of view, and I know that a lot of people would agree with him, however, it is easy to see that Momma also has a lot of good things going for her and a lot of people who enjoy her unusual style.

In this case, a few people knew her enough and disagreed enough to stick up for her, but that is not always the case. Sometimes no freinds happen to be on line or don't notice the thread and the person who it is about see it and feel like crap because they don't realize that there are other people who would not agree at all.

I can understand staying away from someone that bothers you or that you dislike, but posting your feelings on the Internet should be thought about most carefully. :o

I agree with you and as the original poster I gotta say that I did consider at length what the consequences of such a post might be before I made it. I think I knew with a reasonable degree of certainty that her business would not be damaged in any way by my remarks and that was certainly not at all in my motives for posting. I guess first and foremost I wanted to see if anyone else had shared my experience and second, well yeah, maybe I thought that if word got back to her along the grapevine she might realise that she was offending a few folk with her abruptness and modify things accordingly. I have no personal beef with the lady and to those posters who think I might not be her favourite customer, I should stress that it's her rudeness towards others that I've witnessed more frequently than that towards myself. I think those who have come forward on this thread with nice things to say about her have redressed the balance and proven that she's a lady with some honourable virtues in spite of her not-always gracious approach to service.

Like anonymouse, I am inclined to see her in a different light now and will be disinclined from slinging any further muck at her good name.

Viva Falafel!

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stale pitta bread :D

You are digging yourself in deeper ... :o .

Just for the record, never had anything but delicious fresh food there.

Beg to disagree. 'Anonymous' just gave me the best laugh I have ever had from tv with that last post. Brilliant, thanx!

If I could ever brace myself to face the old battleaxe again I would offer you a plateful of dry falafel at her new place at Mee Chok Plaza. If it was ever open, that is.

Can't some of you folks see the bigger picture here? She and the (very!) few other grossly impolite service industry foreigners like her are actually making loadsamoney while doing a GREAT disservice to Chiang Mai tourism, which this season is already down the plughole.

TAT should order her to shut up or close up.

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We always say that if they sent her to Israel with a army uniform and rolling pin, she would straighten the whole thing out, pronto! :D


During my Army career I had the fortune of working several times with the IDF.

The IDF women, well some of 'em could swear better 'n me, drink better 'n me and sometimes fist fight better 'n me ..( I could always shoot better :D ) were some hard core troops....good lookin' alot of 'em but still hard core.

So this morning whilst the woman ate at her nasty favorite noodle shop, I stood outside the falafel place and kept thinking 'bout those wild nights in northern Israel watchin the rocket trails coming in from Lebanon...

I ate at the Art Cafe.

( and just the thought of her in a IDF uniform with a rolling pin instead of an M4 really put the fear in me!!! )

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The times the family and I ate there, everything was as fresh as could be.

Beg to disagree. 'Anonymous' just gave me the best laugh I have ever had from tv with that last post. Brilliant, thanx!

If I could ever brace myself to face the old battleaxe again I would offer you a plateful of dry falafel

Did YOU ever have falafel at her restaurant? Served on a plate instead of served inside pitabread? Dry? You mean there was no tatsiziki sauce on it? Something doesn't sound right about this. In fact, it sounds very wrong. Have you ever actually eaten in her restaurant?

Can't some of you folks see the bigger picture here?

I don't know about others, but I'm beginning to get a very clear picture here. I'm seeing someone with a personal agenda against the owner of the restaurant, rather than someone offering information about restaurants.

She and the (very!) few other grossly impolite service industry foreigners like her are actually making loadsamoney while doing a GREAT disservice

Unlike, I'm sure, the woman you were advertising for who wants to help newcomers to Chiang Mai purely out of the goodness of her heart. Is she going to charge people for the same 'help' they can get for free at the ex-pat club?

to Chiang Mai tourism, which this season is already down the plughole.

Tourisim isn't down in Chiang Mai. Try visiting some of the tourist venues and see if you can find a parking space among all the tour busses. We took the kids up the Mae Sa road this past weekend. There were so many tour busses at the Elephant Camp that we had to park 500 meters further up the hill. The place was packed, (and we are at the end of high season, right?) as was the monkey show, and the Orchid Farm where we went for lunch. They have a huge restaurant, and almost every seat was taken. We had to park our car on the road as there wasn't any room in the parking lot. There must have been 8-12 busses there, plus half a dozen mini-vans.

It IS true that very few of the tourists were western. Almost all were Asian; Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and lots of Thais from down south. Probably more Thais than any other group. But there certainly was no lack of tourists. Tourism isn't down. Western backpack tourists aren't coming here in the numbers we've seen before, but the mid-range package tourist is here in full force.

TAT should order her to shut up or close up.


Are you sure you don't want the government to just shoot her?

The Fly Fisherman

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The times the family and I ate there, everything was as fresh as could be.

Beg to disagree. 'Anonymous' just gave me the best laugh I have ever had from tv with that last post. Brilliant, thanx!

If I could ever brace myself to face the old battleaxe again I would offer you a plateful of dry falafel

Did YOU ever have falafel at her restaurant? Served on a plate instead of served inside pitabread? Dry? You mean there was no tatsiziki sauce on it? Something doesn't sound right about this. In fact, it sounds very wrong. Have you ever actually eaten in her restaurant?

Can't some of you folks see the bigger picture here?

I don't know about others, but I'm beginning to get a very clear picture here. I'm seeing someone with a personal agenda against the owner of the restaurant, rather than someone offering information about restaurants.

She and the (very!) few other grossly impolite service industry foreigners like her are actually making loadsamoney while doing a GREAT disservice

Unlike, I'm sure, the woman you were advertising for who wants to help newcomers to Chiang Mai purely out of the goodness of her heart. Is she going to charge people for the same 'help' they can get for free at the ex-pat club?

to Chiang Mai tourism, which this season is already down the plughole.

Tourisim isn't down in Chiang Mai. Try visiting some of the tourist venues and see if you can find a parking space among all the tour busses. We took the kids up the Mae Sa road this past weekend. There were so many tour busses at the Elephant Camp that we had to park 500 meters further up the hill. The place was packed, (and we are at the end of high season, right?) as was the monkey show, and the Orchid Farm where we went for lunch. They have a huge restaurant, and almost every seat was taken. We had to park our car on the road as there wasn't any room in the parking lot. There must have been 8-12 busses there, plus half a dozen mini-vans.

It IS true that very few of the tourists were western. Almost all were Asian; Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and lots of Thais from down south. Probably more Thais than any other group. But there certainly was no lack of tourists. Tourism isn't down. Western backpack tourists aren't coming here in the numbers we've seen before, but the mid-range package tourist is here in full force.

TAT should order her to shut up or close up.


Are you sure you don't want the government to just shoot her?

The Fly Fisherman

Something to consider; there ARE two sides to every story.....

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I'd heard stories about her but never saw any unusual behaviour other than a persistent dour look on her face. She's pleasant enough to me because she's good friends with a friend of mine.

Then one day I was eating there and overheard her taking a customer's order. She asked the girl if she wanted a side order of something and the girl clearly said yes. When the order came out, the girl politely asked where it was and the owner exclaimed "You said you didn't want it! You said that! Why are you doing this? Why are you playing these games with me?!?" It was an over-the-top reaction and completely unnecessary. She turned a simple misunderstanding into an uncomfortable confrontation.

I'd happily eat there again, but for me that experience helped to explain the reputation she has.

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Well, as a falafel over, I gotta go there too.

Sounds like a good entertainment available.

Yummy falafels.

Good luck. If you like your falafel on a plate with no sauce and dry as dust (as I DID have it there, Physherman, on the first and last occasion I visited) and enjoy the horror movie genre of entertainment you might be very pleased.

I do know of what I speak re this person, her husband and her business 'ethics', Mr P, but your Carp-ing remarks deserve no more response.

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Well, as a falafel over, I gotta go there too.

Sounds like a good entertainment available.

Yummy falafels.

Good luck. If you like your falafel on a plate with no sauce and dry as dust (as I DID have it there, Physherman, on the first and last occasion I visited)

I'm sure you wouldn't lie to us. :D

I'm equally sure that unless you asked for your falafel on a plate with no sauce you would receive it in a pitabread pocket with shredded veggies and tatziki sauce. On the other hand, perhaps Mama Falafel just doesn't like you, and didn't want you to come back! :o

The Fly Fisherman

Edited by Physherman
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