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I Love Thailand Please Advise How To Find Work

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Hi Garro,

As I have stated before; I am not a native english speaker. The OP is! It is not just his english, it is a combination of language, the tone of his posts, some statements about his experience, etc.

He can and should do whatever he wants and I wish him good luck! All I am saying is that, based on his topics and posts sofar, in which he is using this forum to apply for a job, he has not done a very good job of selling himself! Let alone real estate!


I actually joined this forum to get a heads up about the whole idea? so if you are interested in finding out a little more send me a private message.

By the way Ive got offers already just wanted to see if there are like minded people out there.

Garro I like your replies and statements there great :o

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Excellent. Just what Thailand needs. Yet another carpet bagger coming in, gouging out plots of once beautiful verdant land, to sling up their godawful little boxes and condominiums.

Why are all these farang allowed to come here and set up business furthering the deterioration of the natural beauty of this country anyway? Is there some clause in the 'jobs restricted to Thais' I've missed? Along with all the bloody Nepalese tailors?

Go and do something useful with your life or go home. :D

???? What are you talking about????? :o

Ive seen developers promote a better quality of life, by building state of the art communities.

Get your facts right mate this is exactly what Thailand needs.

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Excellent. Just what Thailand needs. Yet another carpet bagger coming in, gouging out plots of once beautiful verdant land, to sling up their godawful little boxes and condominiums.

Why are all these farang allowed to come here and set up business furthering the deterioration of the natural beauty of this country anyway? Is there some clause in the 'jobs restricted to Thais' I've missed? Along with all the bloody Nepalese tailors?

Go and do something useful with your life or go home. :D

???? What are you talking about????? :D

Ive seen developers promote a better quality of life, by building state of the art communities.

Get your facts right mate this is exactly what Thailand needs.

right you are! it's about time to build state of the art communities for the majority of financially well-off Thais who live in rural areas and can afford state of the art quality life style with those state of the art wages of 150-250 Baht they earn per day.

if not spending their fancy income on improved quality of life -especially on immobile property-... what would they do with all the dosh? hire Farangs as cooks, gardeners or drivers? :o

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Excellent. Just what Thailand needs. Yet another carpet bagger coming in, gouging out plots of once beautiful verdant land, to sling up their godawful little boxes and condominiums.

Why are all these farang allowed to come here and set up business furthering the deterioration of the natural beauty of this country anyway? Is there some clause in the 'jobs restricted to Thais' I've missed? Along with all the bloody Nepalese tailors?

Go and do something useful with your life or go home. :D

???? What are you talking about????? :o

Ive seen developers promote a better quality of life, by building state of the art communities.

Get your facts right mate this is exactly what Thailand needs.

I will give you this - you are an optomist

I hope I am wrong about your chances - really

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Excellent. Just what Thailand needs. Yet another carpet bagger coming in, gouging out plots of once beautiful verdant land, to sling up their godawful little boxes and condominiums.

Why are all these farang allowed to come here and set up business furthering the deterioration of the natural beauty of this country anyway? Is there some clause in the 'jobs restricted to Thais' I've missed? Along with all the bloody Nepalese tailors?

Go and do something useful with your life or go home. :D

???? What are you talking about????? :o

Ive seen developers promote a better quality of life, by building state of the art communities.

Get your facts right mate this is exactly what Thailand needs.

I will give you this - you are an optomist

I hope I am wrong about your chances - really

Thanks mate.

What Thailand needs is to Align developments with Strategic objectives and more developers to create

financially sustainable communities, to host the country requirement which is the Tourism industry. Once this is Achievable you will see employment rise.

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Excellent. Just what Thailand needs. Yet another carpet bagger coming in, gouging out plots of once beautiful verdant land, to sling up their godawful little boxes and condominiums.

Why are all these farang allowed to come here and set up business furthering the deterioration of the natural beauty of this country anyway? Is there some clause in the 'jobs restricted to Thais' I've missed? Along with all the bloody Nepalese tailors?

Go and do something useful with your life or go home. :D

???? What are you talking about????? :o

Ive seen developers promote a better quality of life, by building state of the art communities.

Get your facts right mate this is exactly what Thailand needs.

I will give you this - you are an optomist

I hope I am wrong about your chances - really

Thanks mate.

What Thailand needs is to Align developments with Strategic objectives and more developers to create

financially sustainable communities, to host the country requirement which is the Tourism industry. Once this is Achievable you will see employment rise.

But if you pursue this - you will also need to be very mindful of " cultural differences " :D

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Dude; don’t listen to all those negative comments from people who have no idea what there talking about.

I will tell you what to do.

Move to Pattaya, the market is booming and a new real estate agency is opening every week. And there all looking for people that can sell. Most of the agencies employ foreign real estate agents and provide work permits and visas.

I am a private investor whom buys, renovates and sells condos. I know over 50 of the owners of the agencies by name. One of owners the largest agencies who is opening another office asked me last week if I knew of somebody that wanted to work as an agent. There are so many agencies they can’t find good people. Of course, if you can’t sell, then it’s not going to matter much, because you will get fired after a few months.

Just PM me and come over here for a week and I will get you a job, work permit and visa in that time. That is of course if you are as you say you are and look and dress presentable. You need a good personality, quality communication skills, look presentable and above all, are able to sell.

You will never believe this, one of the top sellers in the market is a Thai girl that can barely speak English. She started about a year ago and her English is getting better. When she first started I don’t think she knew 100 words of English. But, what she did know was how to sell. She is never under 20 Million a month and has had months of over 60 million. But as I told you above, she is one of the best here and does much better than many of the foreign agents I deal with.

I have 5 condos now, and I go see her as least once a week, she is that good, to get her to push my condos. She has sold 6 condos in the past year for me.

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Excellent. Just what Thailand needs. Yet another carpet bagger coming in, gouging out plots of once beautiful verdant land, to sling up their godawful little boxes and condominiums.

Why are all these farang allowed to come here and set up business furthering the deterioration of the natural beauty of this country anyway? Is there some clause in the 'jobs restricted to Thais' I've missed? Along with all the bloody Nepalese tailors?

Go and do something useful with your life or go home. :D

???? What are you talking about????? :o

Ive seen developers promote a better quality of life, by building state of the art communities.

Get your facts right mate this is exactly what Thailand needs.

I will give you this - you are an optomist

I hope I am wrong about your chances - really

Thanks mate.

What Thailand needs is to Align developments with Strategic objectives and more developers to create

financially sustainable communities, to host the country requirement which is the Tourism industry. Once this is Achievable you will see employment rise.

What does this last statement mean? Sounds like a lot of nonsense to me.

Based on what I know of you today I wouldn't buy a pair of flipflops from you. Wishing you good luck anyway!

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Excellent. Just what Thailand needs. Yet another carpet bagger coming in, gouging out plots of once beautiful verdant land, to sling up their godawful little boxes and condominiums.

Why are all these farang allowed to come here and set up business furthering the deterioration of the natural beauty of this country anyway? Is there some clause in the 'jobs restricted to Thais' I've missed? Along with all the bloody Nepalese tailors?

Go and do something useful with your life or go home. :D

???? What are you talking about????? :o

Ive seen developers promote a better quality of life, by building state of the art communities.

Get your facts right mate this is exactly what Thailand needs.

I will give you this - you are an optomist

I hope I am wrong about your chances - really

Thanks mate.

What Thailand needs is to Align developments with Strategic objectives and more developers to create

financially sustainable communities, to host the country requirement which is the Tourism industry. Once this is Achievable you will see employment rise.

What does this last statement mean? Sounds like a lot of nonsense to me.

Based on what I know of you today I wouldn't buy a pair of flipflops from you. Wishing you good luck anyway!

The OP is a young man, trying to portray himself as a savvy business man.

Here is how I see the OP should have been written:

I came to Thailand and fell in love with a girl and the vacation lifestyle. I have limited experience, but have come in close proximity to some major real estate players and gleaned some superficial knowledge. If I talk enough, it may disguise the fact that I can't walk the talk.

Did I mention I love Thailand and I have a hard time of thinking of little else, but Thailand.

Wow, this kid reminds me of myself at 28.

Edited by siamamerican
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Here is how I see the OP should have been written:

I came to Thailand and fell in love with a girl and the vacation lifestyle. I have limited experience, but have come in close proximity to some major real estate players and gleaned some superficial knowledge. If I talk enough, it may disguise the fact that I can't walk the talk.

Did I mention I love Thailand and I have a hard time of thinking of little else, but Thailand.

Wow, this kid reminds me of myself at 28.

excellent analysis!

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To the OP.

I run a company that has been selling on average 1 property a week for the last 3 years, hence i can sell, i know where to advertise and have been doing ok, however the market in the areas i sell is not too hot at present and wont be for a few years IMO, which is why im starting to look elsewhere at present.

I came back from Thailand 2 months ago, where i was offered work by several fly by night agencies in Pattaya/Hua Hin that have no idea where to advertise and from what i can see are hoping for a few lucky walk ins . I am 100% sure one of these agencies would give you a job on a commission basis, but there is absolutely no future working for these kind of people. I am 4 years older then you and would also love to move to Thailand, but to work for any company like this is just a complete chancers gamble and is only worth thinking about if youve hit the bottom of the barrel.

Youre under-educated for any position in a company such as Knight Frank or similar at least to get employed directly in LOS, and from what i see the only way to work for such a company in LOS is to get a job working for them in your own country and to get a transfer, but again the chances are slim. No developer is going to give you a job as like Quicksilva says they can get a Thai to do it at a fraction of your salary.

Ive no doubt you could do the job as lets be honest real estate isnt exactly rocket science, but if i were you i would sit down and think of a better way of getting employment in Thailand then to work in real estate.

As youre 28 youve lots of time to gain some kind of qualification, why not move the future Mrs Df4 to wherever it is you live and build a solid foundation in which you can come to LOS with, as to have to come back home when youre 30 after failing in LOS is going to make life harder still for you. If i was you i would add another string to your bow that doesnt involve selling property. Now is as good a time as any to retrain as the global property market is most definitely on a downturn after 10+ years of growth, this will invariably have a knock on effect on the Thai holiday property market that relies on overseas buyers as many can no longer free equity from their property with the ease in which has been possible over recent years.

But if you prove me wrong which im sure a few could then i would gladly take my hat off to you.

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You wrote ".....And yes Thailand is a place where you take risks!! so i am prepared to lose everything"

My prediction if you invest here. Whatever you invest you will (in the end) loose it all.

The playing field is tilted so much against foreigners on business dealings and requirements, culture and corruption not to mention additions of visa issues, employment restrictions and making a certain percentage profit (on which tax falls due) within 2 years, I think. Then you cannot transfer it back home as there is a 50k Baht limit without a Tor Tor 3 (can bring in as much as you have though just can't take it back legally). It's a very expensive lesson and not a relaxing time with your Mrs and don't put anything in her name either, no matter how much you love each other now.

Crikey! I could go on and on with this list as I have on a different thread, but the conclusion is enjoy the LOS as those smiles are there whilst many of them play the short or the long game or simply wait until the unfairness of the law in competing catches up with you. Managing Thai staff is a real headache and you can't employ foreigners without a corresponding quota of 4 Thais. Also a sure fire way to get fleeced by the extened family in business, as it doesn't have to be your partner.

I suspect many a fool has lost it all (I know so) and lived to regret investing in LOS. Still if you want (not prepared), but want to run a real likelyhood of loosing it all, then play on.

This is Thailand. It's set up for Thai' to prosper. Look at how laws are implemented, enforced later and catch out the foreigner. Look at the recent 30% witholding tax introduction, visa rule changes, threat to enforce Company scheme existing laws that were not enforced for 20 years, FBA amendments, political instability (coups) and the PPP party may well be ruled out next week and another coup could occur (I doubt it). My point is that there is (in so many many ways) a real risk to anyone who commits to Thailand financially. Sensible people think through a detailed business model and have experience here. They don't jump in unaware and they leave enough in the way of accomodation and funds back in their home country, just in case. The percentage that make it in anything like an acceptable way in profits and business must be close to 0.1% of those that have tried. Be warned!!!!!!!!

Edited by twix38
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Any 1 have any advise, links, or friendly heads up of to break in the Industry :o

Without reading every post, as mostly negative posts and not too many actually answered your question. Here are are my thoughts

Presuming you actually came to Thailand first then started to find work? (thats is the BEST option)

Allow yourself 3-6 months to find work.


Email your resume to developers,agencies and attend, property shows, open nights and events etc... to get to know people and get a feel for how people operate in the industry, believe me take a business or personal card and you will be surprised who you can meet that can lead to a opportunity.

You will find its all about knowing people, it pays to know people in the industry, as smaller companies will higher people they like and who they get to know, ultimately feeling they can trust you or at least give you a chance. Yes being qualified and having experience in the industry helps but you can bring some of your other skills that some in the indsutry dont have, maybe you have website design skills, SEO skills, sales, marketing, extra languages etc etc... they may not have in theoir team ! or neither can they find locally. You will be amazed what experience you can bring to some of the so called BIG agencies and developers also, who sometimes need a new approach from some one who is enthusiastic and ambitious as you may be and NOT burnt out!

You will find that many agencies and developers on Phuket or Koh Samui in particular will always need Foreign sales people (more languages the better) as most of their clients on Samui and Phuket are foreigners, that's a fact. (check out phuket gazette and other classifieds) I have seen jobs advertised a few times.


1. Be here and available at all times and you must be able to provide a contact address, email, phone etc, business card and have transport.

2. Invest some money - Get a Thai company set up for the initial purpose of a work permit (even if working out of office/home), gives you flexibility to work straight away for another company as a consultant or yourself! You don't have to spend to much.

Then you can market yourself as a property consultant and easy to get your foot in the door, example work on commission for a while until you get to know more people who can offer you something more permanent.

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Well here's my thruppence (and before you start - I'm dyslexic so :D:D:D )

The lad is young, foolish, and white, and comes across as the type who might work on a cheesy shopping channel. At the end of the day, money talks and, well you know the rest... and it's even truer in the Far East than back in Cockneyland! You aren't going to get aught without a serious chunk of money to create the right impression... the idea that you might slum it in cheap hotels (you think they don't know where the nice hotels are, and don't judge you by where you stay?!), and stumble into an shimmering office block interview in a sweaty shirt and baffle them with a battery of Buttenese business-speak is truly naive. Learning Thai for that kind of work means proper literacy and urbane and professional speech; and that's no walk in the park even for me with one of my degrees in oriental languages... it's bloody nigh on impossible to read, write, and talk flawlessly in an abstruse oriental language - even when you're sober! Then of course, is the study of etiquette (often mistakenly called "culture") and the utterly different interview and working environment, where your complete nescience won't be forgiven - your rights are pretty tenuous compared to back home. :D

I think this lad shows a complete lack of overview about what's happening in the world economy at the moment and what the trends are modelled to be based on the effects of continued population growth and climate problems - Thailand is heading for a future of Chao Phaya floods and Isaan drought and continued growth of Bangkok slums around the edges. If you really fancied youself a savvy oriental land mogul, you'd go to Laos, where you'll find plenty of pleasantly naive people, and where there may be a future in farang retirement villas if Thailand gets a bit too "worrying" over the next few decades.

I think the real story behind this whole post by the lad is that, if you're on the wrong side of the growing wealth gap, life is pretty hard in the UK at the moment, especially in London, and set to get harder as IngSoc's chickens of economic mismodelling come home to roost. :o

The lad, like most of the population of Britain, is desperate to escape to the Land of the Lotus Eaters.

My advice, join the merchant navy as deckhand: they'll train you; you'll get paid well; and have a lot more job security and satisfaction than chasing the shadows of entrepreneurship... be wary of people promising exciting projects. I personally would be deeply sceptical about "bilaaa777"'s claims... there are as many "next big thing" sellers in Thailand as there are wisened hippy "English teacher" skint drifters who have nothing to go back home to.... do yourself a favour, get a job that involves a tangible skill; avoid the banal world of "Recruitment Consultants", "Estate Agents", and "Salesmen"... minions of Santa, the lot of them! B):D:D

As an aside...

I actually thought "jrbkk64's" English was quite exceptional for a non-native speaker - especially if they are a Thai. It's certainly quite true that many native speakers (even graduates) are utterly clueless about spelling, syntax, and grammar... (worsened by the influx of Americanese into parts of Britain, "fill out" and the nauseating upward inflection...) ...but I digress. We shouldn't be making "Ad Hominem" attacks, unless, as in jrbkk64's, there was a point.

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Well here's my thruppence (and before you start - I'm dyslexic so :D:D:D )

The lad is young, foolish, and white, and comes across as the type who might work on a cheesy shopping channel. At the end of the day, money talks and, well you know the rest... and it's even truer in the Far East than back in Cockneyland! You aren't going to get aught without a serious chunk of money to create the right impression... the idea that you might slum it in cheap hotels (you think they don't know where the nice hotels are, and don't judge you by where you stay?!), and stumble into an shimmering office block interview in a sweaty shirt and baffle them with a battery of Buttenese business-speak is truly naive. Learning Thai for that kind of work means proper literacy and urbane and professional speech; and that's no walk in the park even for me with one of my degrees in oriental languages... it's bloody nigh on impossible to read, write, and talk flawlessly in an abstruse oriental language - even when you're sober! Then of course, is the study of etiquette (often mistakenly called "culture") and the utterly different interview and working environment, where your complete nescience won't be forgiven - your rights are pretty tenuous compared to back home. :D

I think this lad shows a complete lack of overview about what's happening in the world economy at the moment and what the trends are modelled to be based on the effects of continued population growth and climate problems - Thailand is heading for a future of Chao Phaya floods and Isaan drought and continued growth of Bangkok slums around the edges. If you really fancied youself a savvy oriental land mogul, you'd go to Laos, where you'll find plenty of pleasantly naive people, and where there may be a future in farang retirement villas if Thailand gets a bit too "worrying" over the next few decades.

I think the real story behind this whole post by the lad is that, if you're on the wrong side of the growing wealth gap, life is pretty hard in the UK at the moment, especially in London, and set to get harder as IngSoc's chickens of economic mismodelling come home to roost. :o

The lad, like most of the population of Britain, is desperate to escape to the Land of the Lotus Eaters.

My advice, join the merchant navy as deckhand: they'll train you; you'll get paid well; and have a lot more job security and satisfaction than chasing the shadows of entrepreneurship... be wary of people promising exciting projects. I personally would be deeply sceptical about "bilaaa777"'s claims... there are as many "next big thing" sellers in Thailand as there are wisened hippy "English teacher" skint drifters who have nothing to go back home to.... do yourself a favour, get a job that involves a tangible skill; avoid the banal world of "Recruitment Consultants", "Estate Agents", and "Salesmen"... minions of Santa, the lot of them! B):D:D

As an aside...

I actually thought "jrbkk64's" English was quite exceptional for a non-native speaker - especially if they are a Thai. It's certainly quite true that many native speakers (even graduates) are utterly clueless about spelling, syntax, and grammar... (worsened by the influx of Americanese into parts of Britain, "fill out" and the nauseating upward inflection...) ...but I digress. We shouldn't be making "Ad Hominem" attacks, unless, as in jrbkk64's, there was a point.

You made my day Captain :-) I am European. I wish the OP luck but he has no clue what he is talking about based on his posts here. It is hard to judge someone based on a few posts but he is doing a "hard sell" of himself in poor English and with an extremely poor understanding of the subject "Real Estate in Thailand".

Edited by jrbkk64
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Ok here it is.

Ive been away from this site because someone like me is busy planning my next move, and I keep reading these posts and think you all dont know what the hel_l you are talking about. I agree with the 2 previous messages, about coming to Thailand and searching around different developers getting to know the country, road shows etc.... Dont that!!! also bought a property while I was there! I agree when you reconmended looking in News papers, listings and contractors dont that!! got offered a job!

Yes! :o to the other message you are dyslexic glad you know your weakneses, because I didnt understand anything you wrote and the statement about being White... mate the race thing is so old get with it its 2008.

so all in all I started this post to see if there was like minded people out there obviosly there isn't you must have time on your hands to write boring messages, but on the other hand send me a private message if you would like to send me your qualifications ill be happy to take you on board with my new joint Venture!

now thats why I am in sales Cocky, tenacious, bold and straight to the point with a lot of cash!!

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Ok here it is.

Ive been away from this site because someone like me is busy planning my next move, and I keep reading these posts and think you all dont know what the hel_l you are talking about. I agree with the 2 previous messages, about coming to Thailand and searching around different developers getting to know the country, road shows etc.... Dont that!!! also bought a property while I was there! I agree when you reconmended looking in News papers, listings and contractors dont that!! got offered a job!

Yes! :o to the other message you are dyslexic glad you know your weakneses, because I didnt understand anything you wrote and the statement about being White... mate the race thing is so old get with it its 2008.

so all in all I started this post to see if there was like minded people out there obviosly there isn't you must have time on your hands to write boring messages, but on the other hand send me a private message if you would like to send me your qualifications ill be happy to take you on board with my new joint Venture!

now thats why I am in sales Cocky, tenacious, bold and straight to the point with a lot of cash!!

You obviously don't need any advice, considering you are a real estate bad arse and have all that cash. Most people asking for advice, take the time to ask politely and clearly. Your original post was far from clear. Your last post was even less clear and to top it off rude.

Please tell me you're not American. I don't care about your color. You would be a could case and point to prove to other posters that cockyness isn't an American thing.

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From reading the entire thread is say youve been given some very good advice, but you seem to be too arrogant to take anything on board.

What i dont understand is why in your original post you didnt say i only want people that fully agree with me and are going to tell me i have unique wondeful ideas, i am thinking so far outside the box and will undoubtably succeed.

If youre such a great salesman you should be able to turn your hand to selling anything, while limit yourself just to property? there are new and wonderful products coming onto the market everyday that need someone of your business accumen to push them to the masses.

PS. Learn the difference between done and don't before you criticise other peoples grammar, what a Pr7ck.

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Typing error always happens when you type quickly.... and have loads on your mind, but Ill take it on board next time thanks :o

From reading the entire thread is say youve been given some very good advice, but you seem to be too arrogant to take anything on board.

What i dont understand is why in your original post you didnt say i only want people that fully agree with me and are going to tell me i have unique wondeful ideas, i am thinking so far outside the box and will undoubtably succeed.

If youre such a great salesman you should be able to turn your hand to selling anything, while limit yourself just to property? there are new and wonderful products coming onto the market everyday that need someone of your business accumen to push them to the masses.

PS. Learn the difference between done and don't before you criticise other peoples grammar, what a Pr7ck.

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Ok here it is.

Ive been away from this site because someone like me is busy planning my next move, and I keep reading these posts and think you all dont know what the hel_l you are talking about. I agree with the 2 previous messages, about coming to Thailand and searching around different developers getting to know the country, road shows etc.... Dont that!!! also bought a property while I was there! I agree when you reconmended looking in News papers, listings and contractors dont that!! got offered a job!

Yes! :o to the other message you are dyslexic glad you know your weakneses, because I didnt understand anything you wrote and the statement about being White... mate the race thing is so old get with it its 2008.

so all in all I started this post to see if there was like minded people out there obviosly there isn't you must have time on your hands to write boring messages, but on the other hand send me a private message if you would like to send me your qualifications ill be happy to take you on board with my new joint Venture!

now thats why I am in sales Cocky, tenacious, bold and straight to the point with a lot of cash!!

You are coming over as an uneducated fantasist. Probably sitting in your underwear in a council flat surrounded by empty Tennants Extra cans dreaming of being a big shot in Thailand while rubbing your latest tattoo in fond memory on when you got it on your last holiday in Pattaya.

If you really are a successful businessman with loads of cash who has already bought a property and been offered a job then I apologise, but if you are successful as you claim, then why are you looking for a job?

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Ok here it is.

Ive been away from this site because someone like me is busy planning my next move, and I keep reading these posts and think you all dont know what the hel_l you are talking about. I agree with the 2 previous messages, about coming to Thailand and searching around different developers getting to know the country, road shows etc.... Dont that!!! also bought a property while I was there! I agree when you reconmended looking in News papers, listings and contractors dont that!! got offered a job!

Yes! :o to the other message you are dyslexic glad you know your weakneses, because I didnt understand anything you wrote and the statement about being White... mate the race thing is so old get with it its 2008.

so all in all I started this post to see if there was like minded people out there obviosly there isn't you must have time on your hands to write boring messages, but on the other hand send me a private message if you would like to send me your qualifications ill be happy to take you on board with my new joint Venture!

now thats why I am in sales Cocky, tenacious, bold and straight to the point with a lot of cash!!

I give up. You really are full of sh.t!! I bet your Farang or Thai JV partners are already counting your money in their bank accounts. You might as well give it to them now, saves you a lot of headache. Easier targets than yourself are hard to find, even in Thailand.

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You are coming over as an uneducated fantasist. Probably sitting in your underwear in a council flat surrounded by empty Tennants Extra cans dreaming of being a big shot in Thailand while rubbing your latest tattoo in fond memory on when you got it on your last holiday in Pattaya.

:o:D:D brilliant.

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Ok here it is.

I've been away from this site because someone like me is busy planning my next move.

I keep reading these posts and think you all don't know what the hel_l you are talking about. I agree with the two previous messages: about coming to Thailand and searching around different developers getting to know the country; attending road shows etc.... don't do it!!!

I also bought a property whilst I was there!

I agree when you recommended looking in newspapers, listings and contractors don't do that! I got offered a job without it!

Yes! :o to the other message; so, you're dyslexic: glad you know your weaknesses, because I didn't understand anything you wrote and the statement about being white... Mate, the race thing is so old, get with it, it's 2008.

So, all in all I started this post to see whether there were like-minded people out there; obviously there aren't; you must have a lot of time on your hands to write boring messages; but if you like, send me a private message if you would like to send me your qualifications I'd be happy to take you on board with my new joint venture!

Now that's why I am in sales: I'm cocky, tenacious, bold, and straight to the point; with a lot of cash!!

Err.. yes dad.

Oh you're just so silly you know; and if you ever google for these forum posts a few years down the line when you've got over your own publicity, you'll probably cringe at yourself.

It comes as little surprise that you don't understand what everyone here's trying to explain to you repeatedly, as you can't even be bothered to spell, which suggests you're either typing so frantically that you don't read what you or others write properly; or that you're a non-native speaker; or poorly-educated; or... you might even be dyslexic yourself!

This is not a willy-waving contest, it's just a software programme consisting of long lines of code sitting on the hard drive of a server where a broad range of relatively anonymous people from all over the planet deposit and relinquish small bits of data for anyone to read publically and comment on.

Be thankful that anyone bothers to comment on your inane ramblings so much - it's obviously because we care... think of us as lonely, ugly, boring, fat shepherds, and yourself as a vapid, ultracrepidating, prancing, foppish lamb, if you will.

Assume at least that we speak as we find, and have no reason but sheer manly lovefulness for giving you a playful clip round the ear for a being found a bit mentally riggwelted. In other words, chill out, and turn the volume down upstairs!

...You know I sat here, and I honestly couldn't decide which of an array of forum put-downs to deploy first; it'd be like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, and thus rather unsporting; so here's a selection for you all to share:

1. You've clearly been reading "How to win friends and influence people" haven't you.... now try turning it the other way round.

2. We know you're full of blinkered optimism and a bit unbalanced and illiterate, but most of made it past puberty.

3. You do realise that you "said all that out loud" don't you?! No, I'm not one of the voices in your head... yes I am.. no I'm not... (etc...)

4. You're only likely to find "like-minded people" down the local nuthouse; now Kev, can I have fries with that.

5. I tell you what, I'll do you a favour... come close... no, closer... I want to whisper in your ear... "get a life".

Instead, I chose the path of love... for as master Yoda says: "...." Oh can't remember, I'm a bit demented these days... go and rent Star Wars V, it's on that one :D

...a word to the wise though, df4... if you're thinking of returning with a witty retort, regard me as "Obi Wan Kenobi" at the end of Star Wars IV: "Strike me down now Vader, and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine..."

God I am bored... you're right... <deleted>! you won! you win this time He-Man! nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nyaaaa (I can't think how else to transcribe a Skeletor laugh, soz!)

Edited by CaptainNemo
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