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Robbing Bar Stewards (well, Pump Attendants)


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I posted sometime ago re. being cheated at the petrol station on soi nernplabwan - near to suhkumvit.

At the time i couldnt understand how they overcharged me but i just knew that my car couldnt take the amount of petrol they charged me for - well today i found out:

Having been robbed before i was prepaired for them! On pulling up next to a pump a I quickly got out the car and asked for 1000 baht of 91. I looked directly at the dials as the pump was isnerted into the car and within 2 seconds (max) i read 90 baht. I asked the pump jockey 'how 90 baht so quick' to which he agressivley retorted 'soon soon mi bad soon'

So basically what they do is wave you to a pump with 80 baht on it (typical cost put in a motorbike) - and even at close quarters 80 looks like 00.

Thats why they all wave frantically to get you to a particular pump. Even though i knew they had robbed me and they knew i knew they just became aggressive and closed ranks so i just accepted my loss.

Dont use this place they are robbing bar stewards!

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The attendant would need to have had the nozzle in his hand (and not in the holder on the pump) as you drove up else the pump would rest to zero. Lesson learned.

Now i come to thin about it the nozzle was in his hand pointing into the holder - but not resting.

Good advice - thanks.

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The attendant would need to have had the nozzle in his hand (and not in the holder on the pump) as you drove up else the pump would rest to zero. Lesson learned.

:o unless they had managed to override the reset catch (which is probable and easily done with a piece of wire), either way I for one will be more alert whenever I fill up in future !!! Thanks to all who have pointed out this one in both this and other threads on this board. :D

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Easy Instructions for Filling Your Vehicle With Petrol (gasoline for our American cousins):

1) Drive into petrol station, aim your vehicle for a pump of your choice.

2) Ignore the waving and aerobics of the pump attendants, they may wish to mislead you, there again, they may not, up to you.

3) Park vehicle in front of petrol pump of choice, turn off the ignition and exit the vehicle - DO NOT release the door latch to the petrol filler thingy yet!

4) Approach pump and wait for attendant if not already present.

5) Examine the settings of your chosen petrol dispenser to ensure a) the pump provides the correct octane for your vehicle, and :o the counter is set to zero.

6) provide instructions as to the amount of product required, ie. 200 baht, 500 baht etc.

7) Determine if your instructions have been understood. This is best determined by watching which nozzle the attendant selects.

7) Return to the driver compartment of the vehicle and release the latch and then quickly, return to the scene of the would be crime.

8) Pay attention to every detail until such time as the transaction is completed to your satisfaction. NB. draining the hose to gain the full value of the transaction is to be avoided.

9) Pay the man/woman and drive away.

The above guide is provided as a community service and the author accepts no responsibility whatsoever for problems you may incur as a result of following these instructions. Further guides, including, "how to take a taxi without becoming a drama queen", are available on request.

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