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Dubai-based airline Emirates has become the first commercial airline to allow passengers to make mobile phone calls during flights.

Emirates said the first permitted mobile phone call was made on a flight between Dubai and Casablanca.

The aircraft, an Airbus A340, is fitted with a system which stops mobiles from interfering with a plane's electronics.

Emirates plans to extend the system to more aircraft and later this year add BlackBerry and other data services.

According to the airline, the mobile service will only be activated when the aircraft is at cruising altitude and the cabin crew will be able to monitor and control the use of the system.

Passengers will be able to receive and send text messages, but the crew will be able to prevent voice calls at certain times, such as during night flights.

Passengers will also be requested to keep their phones on "silent" mode, said the airline.

High demand

Emirates said it decided to introduce the use of mobile phones in its fleet after experiencing high demand for the phones already installed in aircraft seats.

The airline had to obtain approval from international air safety organisations before adopting the system, which was developed by the AeroMobile company.

"We have gone to considerable lengths to ensure that all safety and regulatory issues have been fully addressed", said AeroMobile Chief Executive Bjorn-Taale Sandberg.

Emirates flies to more than 60 countries and is owned by the government of Dubai.

Source: BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/7308041.stm

I wonder if the figures for "Air Rage" will increase.

I just hope that most people will show a bit of consideration and keep their phones switched off.

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Dubai-based airline Emirates has become the first commercial airline to allow passengers to make mobile phone calls during flights.

Emirates said the first permitted mobile phone call was made on a flight between Dubai and Casablanca.

The aircraft, an Airbus A340, is fitted with a system which stops mobiles from interfering with a plane's electronics.

Emirates plans to extend the system to more aircraft and later this year add BlackBerry and other data services.

According to the airline, the mobile service will only be activated when the aircraft is at cruising altitude and the cabin crew will be able to monitor and control the use of the system.

Passengers will be able to receive and send text messages, but the crew will be able to prevent voice calls at certain times, such as during night flights.

Passengers will also be requested to keep their phones on "silent" mode, said the airline.

High demand

Emirates said it decided to introduce the use of mobile phones in its fleet after experiencing high demand for the phones already installed in aircraft seats.

The airline had to obtain approval from international air safety organisations before adopting the system, which was developed by the AeroMobile company.

"We have gone to considerable lengths to ensure that all safety and regulatory issues have been fully addressed", said AeroMobile Chief Executive Bjorn-Taale Sandberg.

Emirates flies to more than 60 countries and is owned by the government of Dubai.

Source: BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/7308041.stm

I wonder if the figures for "Air Rage" will increase.

I just hope that most people will show a bit of consideration and keep their phones switched off.

Skytrax ran a couple of polls on this topic last year; I tend to agree with the results:



Dubai-based airline Emirates has become the first commercial airline to allow passengers to make mobile phone calls during flights.

Emirates said the first permitted mobile phone call was made on a flight between Dubai and Casablanca.

The aircraft, an Airbus A340, is fitted with a system which stops mobiles from interfering with a plane's electronics.

Emirates plans to extend the system to more aircraft and later this year add BlackBerry and other data services.

According to the airline, the mobile service will only be activated when the aircraft is at cruising altitude and the cabin crew will be able to monitor and control the use of the system.

Passengers will be able to receive and send text messages, but the crew will be able to prevent voice calls at certain times, such as during night flights.

Passengers will also be requested to keep their phones on "silent" mode, said the airline.

High demand

Emirates said it decided to introduce the use of mobile phones in its fleet after experiencing high demand for the phones already installed in aircraft seats.

The airline had to obtain approval from international air safety organisations before adopting the system, which was developed by the AeroMobile company.

"We have gone to considerable lengths to ensure that all safety and regulatory issues have been fully addressed", said AeroMobile Chief Executive Bjorn-Taale Sandberg.

Emirates flies to more than 60 countries and is owned by the government of Dubai.

Source: BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/7308041.stm

I wonder if the figures for "Air Rage" will increase.

I just hope that most people will show a bit of consideration and keep their phones switched off.

You ALWAYS get some inconsiderate b****d at the movies who thinks the rules dont

apply to them so why not on a plane ? I think its a bad move


I for one will be avoiding routes that permit mobile useage, not that I use Emirates anyway.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

Dubai-based airline Emirates has become the first commercial airline to allow passengers to make mobile phone calls during flights.

Emirates said the first permitted mobile phone call was made on a flight between Dubai and Casablanca.

The aircraft, an Airbus A340, is fitted with a system which stops mobiles from interfering with a plane's electronics.

Emirates plans to extend the system to more aircraft and later this year add BlackBerry and other data services.

According to the airline, the mobile service will only be activated when the aircraft is at cruising altitude and the cabin crew will be able to monitor and control the use of the system.

Passengers will be able to receive and send text messages, but the crew will be able to prevent voice calls at certain times, such as during night flights.

Passengers will also be requested to keep their phones on "silent" mode, said the airline.

High demand

Emirates said it decided to introduce the use of mobile phones in its fleet after experiencing high demand for the phones already installed in aircraft seats.

The airline had to obtain approval from international air safety organisations before adopting the system, which was developed by the AeroMobile company.

"We have gone to considerable lengths to ensure that all safety and regulatory issues have been fully addressed", said AeroMobile Chief Executive Bjorn-Taale Sandberg.

Emirates flies to more than 60 countries and is owned by the government of Dubai.

Source: BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/7308041.stm

I wonder if the figures for "Air Rage" will increase.

I just hope that most people will show a bit of consideration and keep their phones switched off.

Qantas have been trailing it on one of their 767's for some time and I belive there was a european airline that was doing the same so Emirates is hardly the first. Qantas has now annouced plans to extend the system to other 767 and A330 aircraft. The big killer is the cost, the calls/texts are considered to be roaming and as the link to ground uses satellite the roaming call cost is at satellite prices. For me it is one place I wish they didn't have the bloody things, an aircraft has too many people and is way too enclosed to make it a nice experaice.


Anyone who has been to an Arabic country can imagine what it is going to be like on an Emirates flight now! The Arabs I know in Dubai love to SHOUT DOWN THEIR PHONES AS LOUD AS THEY POSSIBLY CAN.

Dubai-based airline Emirates has become the first commercial airline to allow passengers to make mobile phone calls during flights.

Emirates said the first permitted mobile phone call was made on a flight between Dubai and Casablanca.

The aircraft, an Airbus A340, is fitted with a system which stops mobiles from interfering with a plane's electronics.

Emirates plans to extend the system to more aircraft and later this year add BlackBerry and other data services.

According to the airline, the mobile service will only be activated when the aircraft is at cruising altitude and the cabin crew will be able to monitor and control the use of the system.

Passengers will be able to receive and send text messages, but the crew will be able to prevent voice calls at certain times, such as during night flights.

Passengers will also be requested to keep their phones on "silent" mode, said the airline.

High demand

Emirates said it decided to introduce the use of mobile phones in its fleet after experiencing high demand for the phones already installed in aircraft seats.

The airline had to obtain approval from international air safety organisations before adopting the system, which was developed by the AeroMobile company.

"We have gone to considerable lengths to ensure that all safety and regulatory issues have been fully addressed", said AeroMobile Chief Executive Bjorn-Taale Sandberg.

Emirates flies to more than 60 countries and is owned by the government of Dubai.

Source: BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/7308041.stm

I wonder if the figures for "Air Rage" will increase.

I just hope that most people will show a bit of consideration and keep their phones switched off.

Silver card or even gold--it's time for me to change airline--I used to think Emirates were one of the best, but what with people going to prison, for perfectly accepatable prescription drugs or even bread with poppy seeds when in transit via Dubai and now the chance of the usual inconsiderate SOB sitting next to you chatting away just when you've, at last, managed to fall asleep--enough is enough.


I'm going against the grain here but I will move to any airline that offers mobile services. I spend far too long in the air to not use the time for work communication. I'll try and keep my voice down for any TV members :o

I'm going against the grain here but I will move to any airline that offers mobile services. I spend far too long in the air to not use the time for work communication. I'll try and keep my voice down for any TV members :o

IMHO no phone call is that important it cannot wait until you land, just leave a message on your voicemail to callers to leave their name and tel number and when you will be available to take calls., then switch your phone off until you land and are in the airport building.

I'm going against the grain here but I will move to any airline that offers mobile services. I spend far too long in the air to not use the time for work communication. I'll try and keep my voice down for any TV members :o

IMHO no phone call is that important it cannot wait until you land, just leave a message on your voicemail to callers to leave their name and tel number and when you will be available to take calls., then switch your phone off until you land and are in the airport building.

I have to agree with you.

Passengers have coped without making calls from mobiles up until now.

I feel that the use of mobiles on flights will be an annoyance to other passengers.

Hopefully the use of mobiles will not catch on.


another disturbance is coming.....

Not enough that we even can not go and watch a movie in cinema without those loud ringtones followed by the loudest possible conversation, now we will have to enjoy all those silly converstion in a plane....."you won't believe it !! I am now over India....this is so beautiful....where are you ? Hahaha, world is better seen from here.....wait a minute, I see a river....no, it can't be this one....etc....etc...."

Please someone, don't let this happen....


I can't think of anything worse than being stuck in a plane full of inconsiderate morons jabbering on their mobiles. What a crap idea. I just hope its really, really expensive.


I am almost certain that Emirates are not doing this without some kind of financial reward. Maybe they have teamed up with a telecoms company, because I am sure it is both expensive to make and receive calls whilst in the air.

I don't believe their statement about the popularity of the telephones already in the Emirates seats. (The same handset as the TV control).

I have finished with Emirates, and all my future flights will be with Qatar Airways. Incidentally, just one return trip with Qatar Airways and you qualify for the 'burgundy level' frequent-flyer loyalty card and this allows you 10kg extra luggage. Their silver level is easily reached thereafter.

Plus I won't have to worry about poppy seeds from a Heathrow butty, A microscopic piece of weed embedded in my shoe tread, or a paracodol tablet in my pillbox, all of which will earn me two years in a Dubai jail, sharing a cell with a dozen ever-so-friendly Arabs. And that is just transit in Dubai...not actual entry into the Emirate!


I think you will find that there is a dollar in it for the airlines and all will follow suit in time. Get used to it. It really is a logical progression, they are obviously providing a service they have researched first.


With luck the charges will be similar in magnitude (massive) to the regular on-board phones. Better yet, why not limit it to business/first class seating.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Terrible news.

Im not sure that all the passengers will switch off their phones , it will be an early, unwanted wakeup call for frustrated passengers.... :o



Dubai-based airline Emirates has become the first commercial airline to allow passengers to make mobile phone calls during flights.

Emirates said the first permitted mobile phone call was made on a flight between Dubai and Casablanca.

The aircraft, an Airbus A340, is fitted with a system which stops mobiles from interfering with a plane's electronics.

Emirates plans to extend the system to more aircraft and later this year add BlackBerry and other data services.

According to the airline, the mobile service will only be activated when the aircraft is at cruising altitude and the cabin crew will be able to monitor and control the use of the system.

Passengers will be able to receive and send text messages, but the crew will be able to prevent voice calls at certain times, such as during night flights.

Passengers will also be requested to keep their phones on "silent" mode, said the airline.

High demand

Emirates said it decided to introduce the use of mobile phones in its fleet after experiencing high demand for the phones already installed in aircraft seats.

The airline had to obtain approval from international air safety organisations before adopting the system, which was developed by the AeroMobile company.

"We have gone to considerable lengths to ensure that all safety and regulatory issues have been fully addressed", said AeroMobile Chief Executive Bjorn-Taale Sandberg.

Emirates flies to more than 60 countries and is owned by the government of Dubai.

Source: BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/7308041.stm

I wonder if the figures for "Air Rage" will increase.

I just hope that most people will show a bit of consideration and keep their phones switched off.

[Well I won't be flying by Emirates then! the cost is irrelevant! ]

I'm going against the grain here but I will move to any airline that offers mobile services. I spend far too long in the air to not use the time for work communication. I'll try and keep my voice down for any TV members :o

Data reception would be nice... That way we can surf TV and it'd help stave off 150 new messages on the blackberry after a 14hr flight.


Last thing I need to hear on a 11 hour night flight is the ring ding ding ding crazy frog ring tone blasting out, followed by someone yelling down the phone saying "I'm on the plane isn't this cool". Texting would be useful and probably disturb people less.

Anyone who has been to an Arabic country can imagine what it is going to be like on an Emirates flight now! The Arabs I know in Dubai love to SHOUT DOWN THEIR PHONES AS LOUD AS THEY POSSIBLY CAN.

Visiting a village in northern Thailand , i asked a Thai why they shout so loud into thier cell phone "My friend lives a long way away , in Bangkok" , go figure .

another disturbance is coming.....

Not enough that we even can not go and watch a movie in cinema without those loud ringtones followed by the loudest possible conversation, now we will have to enjoy all those silly converstion in a plane....."you won't believe it !! I am now over India....this is so beautiful....where are you ? Hahaha, world is better seen from here.....wait a minute, I see a river....no, it can't be this one....etc....etc...."

Please someone, don't let this happen....




stewardess; .....we are now flying over southern india and emirates in association with intercontinental would like to offer our latest promotion,(video ) ......free call to book standard room at "special" rates,.....etc etc

stewardess; .....we are now flying over southern india and emirates in association with intercontinental would like to offer our latest promotion,(video ) ......free call to book standard room at "special" rates,.....etc etc

:o or maybe not,.....just an idea


I have never in all my years of flying EVER seen ANYONE use one of the in seat phones - I've sat in Business Class a plenty also! Utter crap - just a benal reason to allow mobiles.

Most cretins I witness on planes can't even wait until the aircraft has stopped at the terminals - as soon as the wheels touch the ground mobile phones are on . . . well that said I've seen numerous times people switching on as we come into landing. Utter tossers the lot of them.

As for business - I can perfectly wait until I get to the other end to get my messages.

Well which ever airlines start allowing the use of mobiles - I certainly won't be using!


Agree with all of the above, it shouldn't be allowed.

My biggest gripe however is, one can only overhear half of the conversation. :o




This also from the BBC. Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7314362.stm

The use of mobiles on planes flying in European airspace has been given approval by UK regulator Ofcom.

It has issued plans that will allow airlines to offer mobile services on UK-registered aircraft.

The decision means that mobiles could be used once a plane has reached an altitude of 3,000m or more.

But airlines keen to offer the services must still satisfy other regulators about how the hardware will be used.

Service charge

Ofcom's decision comes out of a consultation exercise that began in October 2007.

The decision to offer the services now falls to individual airlines. However, there are other regulatory hurdles to overcome before the technology is considered to be fully approved.

The European Aviation Safety Agency needs to approve any hardware that would be installed in aircraft to ensure that it did not interfere with other flight systems.

In addition, said a spokesman for the UK's Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), airlines would need to develop operating procedures to ensure cabin crew were trained in the proper use of the systems.

The spokesman said the CAA knew many airlines had expressed interest in offering such services but added: "None have formally approached us yet."

"It's down to the airlines to decide whether they want to fit the systems then they would have to get approval for that," he said.

The plan is to install small mobile phone base stations, called pico cells, in aircraft that will be switched on after take-off. The base station generates a bubble of coverage in and around the aircraft.

Calls made via the pico cell will be routed to terrestrial networks via satellite link. Across Europe radio spectrum has been set aside for the technology.

The services could stop working once aircraft leave European airspace.

Initially, only second generation networks will be offered but growing interest would mean that third generation, or 3G, services would follow later, said Ofcom.

The cost of making a mobile phone call from a plane will be higher than making one from the ground.

In the UK, regulator Ofcom said it would investigate and address any evidence of "excessive charges and abuses of competition" if prices were set unfairly by airlines and mobile networks.

Mobile use is currently prohibited on planes because there is evidence that they interfere with onboard communication and navigation systems.

Research published in 2003 by the CAA found mobile phone signals skewed navigation bearing displays by up to five degrees.

There are also fears that mobiles used onboard aircraft that are not fitted with pico cells could disrupt the working of terrestrial networks.

  • 3 years later...
I'm going against the grain here but I will move to any airline that offers mobile services. I spend far too long in the air to not use the time for work communication. I'll try and keep my voice down for any TV members :o

IMHO no phone call is that important it cannot wait until you land, just leave a message on your voicemail to callers to leave their name and tel number and when you will be available to take calls., then switch your phone off until you land and are in the airport building.

definitely true .this just opens the door for every moron to make 'work related' call. gonna so mant teenagers makin 'job' calls


I can't think of anything worse than being stuck in a plane full of inconsiderate morons jabbering on their mobiles. What a crap idea. I just hope its really, really expensive.

Me, too, and I cringe at the thought. But I guess people were thinking the same when they rolled out in-seat phones, although the temptation to use one's mobile would of course be much greater.

I have never in all my years of flying EVER seen ANYONE use one of the in seat phones - I've sat in Business Class a plenty also! Utter crap - just a benal reason to allow mobiles.

I'll admit to using one once (and with Emirates). Came in very handy, when the call couldn't wait for the other end. Great for that must-make call - and one that only works one way - but to have standard mobiles going off arbitrarily! :bah:


Notice...All passengers wishing to make moblile calls must only use them while in the toilets... :o ...Should cause a riot.......

Oi you in there ...put a sok in it.......people waiting ... :)

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