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So I've noticed there are a couple of posts on this forum about ESOL courses. Whilst we are on the subject, I was wondering if anyone can tell me which one of these courses we should be applying for; or what course is required by the home office/British embassy in order to apply for ILR once our settlement visa has expired.

My wife will be arriving in the UK on the 1/4/08 and I want to get her on one of these courses ASAP. Her English is fine as well as her reading and writing, so we are not sure which course she should be applying for. These are the courses my local college are offering:

ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages

ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages Elementary

ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages Pre Intermediate

ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages Level 1

ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages Level 2

ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages Intermediate Level 1

ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages Intermediate Level 2

ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages High Intermediate Level 1

ESOL English for Speakers of Other Languages High Intermediate Level 2



This Thread might help.

You need to read the whole thread, apart from the rant at the end.


I enjoyed the rant!

Some exageration and distortion, but broadly about right.

She needs ESOL with citizenship content included. Demonstrating an ability to move up a level with a nice letter signed by the nice teacher to prove it will negate the need for your wife to take the life in the UK test and go on to seek ILR, Citizenship et al.

That's too little to claim citizenship, IMHO, but rules are rules (and will probably have changed in respect of the qualifying period by the time she's eligible). Oh, and it will cost more.

Better get used to being treated as a 2nd class citizen in your own country.


Thanks for the replys guys. It still doesnt help me in determining the right course for my wife.

And about the rant at the end...I agree with it all. My line of business see's me taking charge of different trades on site, many of which are eastern europeans, and they all tell me what they get upto, and how easy it is to milk the system dry. Makes me bloody sick. Its down to me as to who we employ on site, and I'm tending not to use the Poles and the Lithuanians now as they are all money hungry, greedy, bastards. They all moan about the money they are earning and I'll tell you something; there not earning far off what I do, and I'm on a good salary. Despite my own mother being Polish, it still pisses me off. I'm getting a bit off topic now so I'll stop.


Thanks for the replys guys. It still doesnt help me in determining the right course for my wife.

G., once the trouble and strife arrives, arrange an appointment with the college and the tutor should determine which course is right for her. It should be pitched one peg above what her perceived standard is.



Just read my lost post...a bit out off character for me...must have been the few beers I had last night.

Anyway, thanks scouse and vinny for the posts. Very helpfull and will probably call the college first.



Hi Guemlum,

Personlly my wife is studying ESOL entry level 2 with citizenship. You say that your wife can read and write English very well , if she is good at reading and writing then maybe she would be better off studying to take the "life in the UK " test.

Good luck


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