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How Get Rid Of Large Lizards In House


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No one has any right to kill these magnificent creatures.

I don't see what is magnificent about this thing. They are very ugly. I have no intention of killing them unless they attack family. but still they harrass my newborn at night with the sudden and very loud beeping sound making him to cry.

I will do whatever I can to protect my family against this thing.

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Ive managed to get rid of 3 out of the 4 Tokeys living in my kitchen. If it was down to me id leave them as they do get rid of all the cockroaches that come in from under the house but my wife is terrified of them.

The first one was living behind our fridge, one day we pulled it out gave him a poke. Then as he ran out we trapped him in a bucket. Took him down the end of the road and released him. Whilst he was in the bucket he regurgitated one of those giant dangerous Centerpedes. Those things are really dangerous and can kill giant spiders, watch youtube lol. I should of been praising him really rather than getting rid of him.

Second one I drowned in a bucket of water.

Third one I sprayed with bug spray till he got dizzy, i then sweeped him outside into the garden got a stiff broom, waited for him to bite the end of the broom, then launched him to mars.

Only one left now which i would like to keep but whilst hes there the misses doesnt like using the kitchen, which is a big problem for me lol

No one has any right to kill these magnificent creatures. After all, it is us who are encroaching on their territory. They were here first.

As for drowning and bashing them to death, that's a sick act done by pathetic brain dead people.

On my land here in Chiang Mai there are all kinds of birds, lizards, butterflies, frogs, toads, dragonflies and even the odd snake sometimes pays us a visit. None do any harm but rather enhance the area.

For those who have nothing better to do than kill Thailand`s wildlife, get a life or go and jump in a lake and drown yourselves instead, doing nature a favour.


A little harsh are you, or on your soap box? I too would never consider killing one of natures creatures, live and let live if I were Thai I would probably worry that I was killing a distant relative but people have phobias and they need education not condemnation.

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No one has any right to kill these magnificent creatures.

I don't see what is magnificent about this thing. They are very ugly. I have no intention of killing them unless they attack family. but still they harrass my newborn at night with the sudden and very loud beeping sound making him to cry.

I will do whatever I can to protect my family against this thing.

so you scared of a little beast..........just move back to whereever u from LOl problem solve !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

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just let the poor thing go on its own .Maestro not to be a plank about things, but the reason he has said what he did at the start Which you eddited its not uncomon for us Muslim to say that before we talk .Muhammad Asalam alay kum bro Just say inshaAllah if you want to say that .Or is that not even ok for us to say .?.Maestro?.deon ie hassan.

Edited by deon
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I don't think anyone likes to kills things really, but I guess if you really feel they are bothering you in some major way then you have to do these things. Maybe the noisy lizards can be tolerated but the crying kids, well maybe not.

The edit was a very un-PC thing to do. However it was the right thing to do. No one else brings ancient mythology into these posts so why should Mohammed. There's just no need is there?

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Hi, in the house we have some large lizards running around the roof making fights and loud beeping noises in the middel of the night. The noises are suddenly and frightening for my newborn and wife. They can not wear earplugs.

The size of it is about 10 inches long and very ugly to look at.

Does anyone know how to catch this thing? I would like very much for them to go. Thanking you.

Try playing this VERY LOUDLY>>>>


Should persuade it to go away mutley.gif

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We had our place sprayed for termites, killed EVERYTHING, rats, mice, chingchoks, tookays, moths, the lot! Not saying this as a reasonable means to get rid of them, more that within 3 months we had 3 new ones move in to replace the old, seems to be the effective population for our place. You'll be fighting a losing battle, after 3 years here my wife just remains happy they're outside not in! If one gets in it can be trapped/picked up with a good set of welding gloves, or tricked outside again by leaving the door open & outside light on, will go out for the food. Get up about 3am and shut the doors while it's still out. Only works the first day/night though, otherwise they start looking at inside as their home and won't leave. Seem to be attracted to the flickering light from the TV I reckon, sliding flyscreens easy for them to squeeze past, just shut the doors proper at dusk.

Fighting a losing battle trying to control a population, tried and failed dismally, you'll all get used to the noises, bit like living next to a trainline/airport, give it six months and you won't remember what you were whining about.



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We have three large ones in our house (that we know of) and have all but given up on getting them out. At first we were uneasy having them co-habiting our home but over time we have just learnt to accept them. They stay out of your way mostly and keep to themselves and are good pest control. Yes the noise can be a problem especially late at night but our 15mth year old baby is sleeping through it now. It seems that they have been particularly vocal of late though. I wonder if this is a seasonal/mating thing? In the past we would go several months without hearing a peep.

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Hi, in the house we have some large lizards running around the roof making fights and loud beeping noises in the middel of the night. The noises are suddenly and frightening for my newborn and wife. They can not wear earplugs.

The size of it is about 10 inches long and very ugly to look at.

Does anyone know how to catch this thing? I would like very much for them to go. Thanking you.

Try playing this VERY LOUDLY>>>>


Should persuade it to go away mutley.gif

PR, can you explain what is on the recording? I got curious and listened to it, then I taped it on a small hand-held recorder. I have about 7 Tokays living at my place and a few of them don't scurry away when they see me. I played the tape to a large white one and sure enough he took off running! Is the rattling or the tokay sound that scares them? Can you explain what is on the recording and why it works? I really don't want to get rid of them as they don't cause any problems, but I am curious about the sound.

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LOL..well it was meant as a joke but if it works...great! It's a recording of a tokay so if you play it really loud the ones near your house might think it's a really big fcuker and scare them into going somewhere else.

On the other hand, that recording might be a mating call?!!!!!!!

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  • 3 years later...

I got rid of a couple..... one was on a wall and I hose-piped it, when It fell I covered it with a bucket, slid cardboard under and took it for a ride 3km away. Another fell into my water barrel and drowned, I was quite sad, I only wanted rid of it.

I have one big one left and he is smart, and noisy. Tends to scurry away when I am about and back under the roof tiles.... and it stays away from where my hose can reach. I was wondering about a South American style blowpipe!

Edited by jacko45k
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You know, I see ten people currently reading this thread. And it's had a lot of hits and replies during the short-time it's been posted. Yet, the subject is so ostensibly boring! I think everyone, including the OP and myself are surprised at this. Couldn't resist mentioning this!

Continue on, guys and gals!


I suspect its cos many of us are amazed at such an unbelievable post (they keep you awake at night - really??!)

Mind you, I was interested to read Jared's post about the centipede. I have MANY tookays around my house and one that often stays in the kitchen. Perhaps that explains why I've only ever seen one centipede nearby.

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If the lizards are what I think they are (tookay) they're useful for killing and consuming any rats that might otherwise be present in the house. They are also edible. But assuming you're not worried about rats and aren't into exotic gourmet cooking, well..... get a (big) cat.

yup a cat will kill 'em but find it ...it'll stink as cat not eat...well ours did not.maybe too well fed...

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You know, I see ten people currently reading this thread. And it's had a lot of hits and replies during the short-time it's been posted. Yet, the subject is so ostensibly boring! I think everyone, including the OP and myself are surprised at this. Couldn't resist mentioning this!

Continue on, guys and gals!


I suspect its cos many of us are amazed at such an unbelievable post (they keep you awake at night - really??!)

Mind you, I was interested to read Jared's post about the centipede. I have MANY tookays around my house and one that often stays in the kitchen. Perhaps that explains why I've only ever seen one centipede nearby.

i once watched a two hour battle by a 25cm tokay and a 15 cm centipede. epic. tokay won. eventually.

having been bit by by a very large centipede. I am very pro tokay. there are at least 5 as permanent residents to my house on phan ngan. they are most welcome.

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Ive managed to get rid of 3 out of the 4 Tokeys living in my kitchen. If it was down to me id leave them as they do get rid of all the cockroaches that come in from under the house but my wife is terrified of them.

The first one was living behind our fridge, one day we pulled it out gave him a poke. Then as he ran out we trapped him in a bucket. Took him down the end of the road and released him. Whilst he was in the bucket he regurgitated one of those giant dangerous Centerpedes. Those things are really dangerous and can kill giant spiders, watch youtube lol. I should of been praising him really rather than getting rid of him.

Second one I drowned in a bucket of water.

Third one I sprayed with bug spray till he got dizzy, i then sweeped him outside into the garden got a stiff broom, waited for him to bite the end of the broom, then launched him to mars.

Only one left now which i would like to keep but whilst hes there the misses doesnt like using the kitchen, which is a big problem for me lol

That’s really sick and cruel if this is not a wind up.

We have quite a few of these large lizards up in the loft and birds nesting in the trees near by on the land, plus other reptiles, frogs, toads of all kinds here.

I hear the creatures of the night in our loft but it doesn’t bother us at all.

Why not just leave them alone and enjoy the wildlife rather than harming them, especially by the cruel methods that you use.

From my life experience, how people treat animals determines they’re characters. Those that can dish out such treatment to animals are usually curt, harsh, selfish and arrogant. Not the sorts I would want as friends. Never been proven wrong yet.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I suspect its cos many of us are amazed at such an unbelievable post (they keep you awake at night - really??!)

Mind you, I was interested to read Jared's post about the centipede. I have MANY tookays around my house and one that often stays in the kitchen. Perhaps that explains why I've only ever seen one centipede nearby.

Are you aware of the difference between a Ginkjo and a Tookay, the Ginkjos are a bout 10cm long are very drab colored generally, they are very gentle and it is common to see many at once chasing little bugs. they are not very shy.

The Tookays are much bigger, often 30cms sometimes bigger. They have a bit of a frightening appearence with a dark bluish body and big yellow eyes, and yellow and orange spots all over the body. They can be very loud and commonly wake people up in the night. They are usually seen alone and the most I have seen together at the same time is 2. If they see you they wait till you're not looking and then they hide.

Edited by canuckamuck
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Tookays... we have them but my Thai wife strongly believes these bring luck and not to disturb them.

That means maybe once the cat has caught the rat that was scared by the Tookay who was high on the backky.. put in by the farang who got his elbow stuck on the glue mat after eating the pink cynaide pellets his wife left out for him after she had cooked the malang Saeps (cockroches).. may have to call in the Monks to re-establish the harmony before the husband comes back as a Tookay in his next life.

Did I get this right?

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Just how big are these supposedly large lizards? I like them in all sizes and have a few as pets. My largest help to keep everything away: cats, dogs, bothersome people... and especially other fishermen.




But if you are talking about those cute LITTLE guys with the spots they are pretty harmless and do a lot of good. Using less noisy materials in the roof areas make for a quieter night.


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