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Indian Tourist Murdered at Full Moon Party

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message to parents:

keep allowing your kids to watch videos (and play video games) depicting extreme violence, and don't be surprised when those kids grow up to act it out.

I never read so much crap in my life, i watched those kind of movies played games. Many of my friends did so far none of them turned out to be a mass murderer. There have always been violent crimes but there have not always been movies and video games.

Guys like you make me so tired, there is not a shred of evidence for these wacko theories. Of course a youth would say they were inspired by things they have seen, good to shift the blame.

Normal people know the difference between a game a movie and reality. Violence is something that comes natural to us i don't need to see a movie to know how i beat someone up. I might be a bit more effective after i have seen a movie but it isnt the cause of the violence. It all depends on how you are raised.

I think Robblok and I have experienced different communities. He has probably grown up and experienced regular common-type communities, where everyone is exposed to violent influences (movies/violent actions/computer games, etc) - without alternative perspectives. I, on the other hand, have experienced lots of regular common-type community interactions like that - BUT AM ALSO AWARE OF ALTERNATIVE SCENARIOS, ....so that's why I'm qualified to offer alternative perspectives.

Believe it or not, Robblok, there are households and communities that consciencously and actively groom their offspring (younger generation) to embrace healthy lifestyles. In this crazy world, such families/communities are rare, but they do exist, if you know where to look. If you haven't experienced/observed such family/community dynamics, then you're excused from not knowing it exists, nor having something to compare to what you accept as one-size-fits-all family attitudes, where all kids are exposed to sustained, extreme violent influences from cradle to grave.

It's common for families to pay lip service (if they even do that) about doing what's right in life (for their kids' benefit), but the grim reality of how parents/teachers/leaders act is often in stark contrast. Mr. Thaksin was one shining example: regardless of what he said while he was PM, he was a dyed in the wool liar, shyster and hypocrite for all to see. He taught a generation of Thai youths that it's perfectly fine to cheat and lie your way to riches and power.

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I think Robblok and I have experienced different communities. He has probably grown up and experienced regular common-type communities, where everyone is exposed to violent influences (movies/violent actions/computer games, etc) - without alternative perspectives. I, on the other hand, have experienced lots of regular common-type community interactions like that - BUT AM ALSO AWARE OF ALTERNATIVE SCENARIOS, ....so that's why I'm qualified to offer alternative perspectives.

Believe it or not, Robblok, there are households and communities that consciencously and actively groom their offspring (younger generation) to embrace healthy lifestyles. In this crazy world, such families/communities are rare, but they do exist, if you know where to look. If you haven't experienced/observed such family/community dynamics, then you're excused from not knowing it exists, nor having something to compare to what you accept as one-size-fits-all family attitudes, where all kids are exposed to sustained, extreme violent influences from cradle to grave.

It's common for families to pay lip service (if they even do that) about doing what's right in life (for their kids' benefit), but the grim reality of how parents/teachers/leaders act is often in stark contrast. Mr. Thaksin was one shining example: regardless of what he said while he was PM, he was a dyed in the wool liar, shyster and hypocrite for all to see. He taught a generation of Thai youths that it's perfectly fine to cheat and lie your way to riches and power.

Im sure i was raised in hel_l, a small Dutch village everyone did watch movies with violence and played computer games. I am sure this has corrupted all of us and turned us into mass murderers. Only thing is none of us ever did anything or had any run ins with the police.

While on the other hand villages where ppl are raised the way you say.. a lot of religious nuts come into existance.

Just see it this way if your upbringing is good you know right from wrong. Some ppl commit the most gruesome things inspired by the bible.. torah.. or koran while others don't. Who is then to blame those books or is it something else. Its too simple to blame games and movies for violence. There has always been violence in the world. Humans dont need to be inspired by movies. I am sure there were not many TV's in Rwanda and they also did not play much computer games still genocide was committed.

The thing is there are a lot of ppl wanting to ban all kind of stuff because it might influence a minority. I hate those ppl they reign in my freedom for their own goals. I think your a german if i look at your name, the germans are good at supressing things.. but if you suppress things too long and they are let out you get a lot more mayhem.

Three tips to make the Full Moon parties safer:

- No alcohol during the party (this should not be too dificult to enforce. The island is not that big)

- No amphetanimes (check all the boats that bring tourists and locals to the island for the party. This should take only a few dozens policemen and sniffer dogs)

- Tolerate the consumption of weed during the party (who wants to fight after a number ?)

There should not be a single murder after that.

My condoleances to the victims' families.

Don't give up the teaching job! :)

I think Robblok and I have experienced different communities. He has probably grown up and experienced regular common-type communities, where everyone is exposed to violent influences (movies/violent actions/computer games, etc) - without alternative perspectives. I, on the other hand, have experienced lots of regular common-type community interactions like that - BUT AM ALSO AWARE OF ALTERNATIVE SCENARIOS, ....so that's why I'm qualified to offer alternative perspectives.

Believe it or not, Robblok, there are households and communities that consciencously and actively groom their offspring (younger generation) to embrace healthy lifestyles. In this crazy world, such families/communities are rare, but they do exist, if you know where to look. If you haven't experienced/observed such family/community dynamics, then you're excused from not knowing it exists, nor having something to compare to what you accept as one-size-fits-all family attitudes, where all kids are exposed to sustained, extreme violent influences from cradle to grave.

It's common for families to pay lip service (if they even do that) about doing what's right in life (for their kids' benefit), but the grim reality of how parents/teachers/leaders act is often in stark contrast. Mr. Thaksin was one shining example: regardless of what he said while he was PM, he was a dyed in the wool liar, shyster and hypocrite for all to see. He taught a generation of Thai youths that it's perfectly fine to cheat and lie your way to riches and power.

Im sure i was raised in hel_l, a small Dutch village everyone did watch movies with violence and played computer games. I am sure this has corrupted all of us and turned us into mass murderers. Only thing is none of us ever did anything or had any run ins with the police.

While on the other hand villages where ppl are raised the way you say.. a lot of religious nuts come into existance.

Just see it this way if your upbringing is good you know right from wrong. Some ppl commit the most gruesome things inspired by the bible.. torah.. or koran while others don't. Who is then to blame those books or is it something else. Its too simple to blame games and movies for violence. There has always been violence in the world. Humans dont need to be inspired by movies. I am sure there were not many TV's in Rwanda and they also did not play much computer games still genocide was committed.

The thing is there are a lot of ppl wanting to ban all kind of stuff because it might influence a minority. I hate those ppl they reign in my freedom for their own goals. I think your a german if i look at your name, the germans are good at supressing things.. but if you suppress things too long and they are let out you get a lot more mayhem.

I agree about religious fanaticism - Yes, that can be fed just about anywhere. However, in my previous posts, I didn't mention anything about religion, nor did I mention that ALL people exposed to sustained violence (in videos, actions, etc) become violent. I was mainly saying that sustained violent influences do two basic things:

A. It innures people to violent acts - whether as perpetrators or as spectators/observers, and

B. It increases the likelihood of those (who are immersed in violent influences) to commit them.


it is not the party or the people that come here to attend, its the thais that decide they want to rob or beat up the foreigners that come here....i was on koh phang nagn two years ago and come to thailand every year for 4 months, and only saw 1 policeman the whole night searching ppl on the way down the hill for drugs as this is the best way to get money from you by bribing you with a jaoil term...as soon as there is any trouble of any kind its left to the gangs to beat the crap out of you cos we are stupid ferangs....

when they realise that the economy is in such a poor state cos no one wants to come here anymore it will be too late.......but then that is the problem...they know we want to come here for the sun sand and cheaper lifestyle its a beautiful country but they really shold start to protect the tourists from these gangs.......buses and bar gangs in pattaya are rife...my mate got robbed on his 1st day near khao san rd last week its happeneing almost everyday now

  • 2 weeks later...
From what I understand, he was trying to break up a fight and got in the middle, the other two parties did not die, is what I have been told. And, according to the news article, he was Indian, not Swedish.

Not died, but critically injured...

and the suspected killer of the Indian tourist.... is 14.... :):D

Provincial Police Region 8 Track down Full-Moon Party Killer

The commander of Provincial Policed Region 8 traveled to Pa Ngan Island to interrogate the teen-aged suspect allegedly involved in the stabbing of a foreign tourist during a fight at the famed full-moon party.

Police Lieutenant General Thanee Tawitsee, commander of Provincial Police Region 8, traveled by helicopter to Pa Ngan Island yesterday evening to interrogate a suspect, allegedly involved in the stabbing of a foreign tourist.

The suspect is a 14-year-old boy and he is arrested for taking part in a fight during a full moon party at Haad Rin.

The boy is suspected of having stabbed 24-year-old Chetan Dadhwal with a hand metal scraper. Dadhwal was an Indian national who tried to break up the fight and was then stabbed. He later died while being hospitalized at Bann Don Inter Samui Hospital.

The suspect denied all charges despite evidence found by police and witnesses who identified him as the culprit. He has been charged with causing a disturbance which resulted in the death of others and is in custody.

The 15-year-old victim who Dadhwal was trying to help was reportedly stabbed four times with the hand scraper as well. His condition is still critical and he remains under close medical observation.

- Thailand Outlook (today)

As heard on the grape vine.....

This is the second death to occur within the imediate vicinity of the Drop In Bar in less than six months. Apparantly the place is now having all it's documents checked and if all is not in order faces closure. An English girl was also raped that night by four thais (again, an association with the Drop In Bar was mentioned). The story goes that she went to the local police station with a translator from a local cafe the next day and ended up signing a statement confessing to being 'drunk and out of control'. She has now left the Island. The foreign run bunglow resort where she was staying has all the details.

As for the death of Chetan Dadhwal, absolutely terrible and a waste of a life. It will be interesting to see what happens to the 14 yr old murderer (bet you're not feeling like such a big man now are you??)


I've been to many many or more full moons over the last 10 years and without exception theres always been trouble around the drop-in bar. Mostly starting with big drunk idiot falangs admittedly but after it gets going the violence is indescriminate, man just checking if the falang lieing in a ring of red soaked sand is still alive gets bottled over the head for example. Don't get involved, remain calm and view the strangeness of the human beast.

Deep sympathies for all...

I'd suggest the police, instead of setting up road blocks and worrying about the "smelly ravers" poppin pills an eating illicit mushrooms, they should station a few officers on the beach by drop in to break up any trouble before it gets out of hand, just thier presence would probably keep things cool.

Never see or hear any trouble round zoom or vynl club.....

Al those people sayin ban fullmoon party just chill anywhere else on the island an stop moaning, think of all the people trying to earn a living. if you ask me, bars should be able to stay open until the customers leave like before that pr#ck Taksin reared his ugly head


just read that, a year! despicable! <deleted>. Should send all these idoit violent yutes to the jungles in the south, tagged (grenade attached to be irremovable) and told to engage those murderous bastads, let em scrap it out, keep em all busy and give all the nice normal people a break.


1 year punishment is a shame! what has the judge been up to lately!?

People like this guy, the killer, should be given capital punishment, and be hanged till death. People need to fear the law to some extent, the law is for the people and with the people, while at the same time, people should respect it, and that respect comes out of a little fear towards it. its like this, if 100 ppl are bad, you dont have to shoot them all down, just shoot one, and the rest get sobered just by the fear.

Feeling really sorry for Chetan's father. How sad he would be feeling to loose his only son, while in a community where the son is generally with their parents till the end.

Don't get involved, remain calm and view the strangeness of the human beast.

Though it sounds a bit mean, unfortunately thats a fact! thats the way people will have to be now on in such places.

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