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Is This Still The Actual Documents?

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Documents to submit for visa based on marriage to a Thai national

Application Form TM.7.

Copy and original of passport or substitute document.

One 4*6 cm photo

Marriage certificate

1,900 Baht fee

If an alien is the spporter, he must submit financial evidence, proof of employment, work permit and tax receipts.

Source: Immigration Bureau, Bangkok

Thanks & Regards

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Having only yesterday renewed my "O" visa this is what was required at Nong Khai

2 completed forms TM7 titled ‘Application For Extension Of Temporary Stay In The Kingdom’

2 passport sized photographs, one each to be glued (not stapled) to the back of each form TM7 in the space provided.

(The TM7 forms and a glue stick were available at the immigration office.)

Also required were :-

1.Our original wedding certificate, which was looked at and returned.

2. The original of our house registration document (Tabien Baan) which was looked at and returned.

3. My wife's ID card, which was looked at and returned.

4. My current passport, which was later returned to me after it finally had a one month extension stamped in it which they made clear to me is the date I must go back to immigration to see if the one year extension I am applying for has been granted by Bangkok.

5. My original bank passbook which was looked at and returned.


a. 2 copies of our wedding certificate

b. 2 copies of our tabien baan

c. 2 copies of my wife's ID card

d. 2 copies of the photo page in my passport

e. 2 copies of the latest arrival in Thailand stamp page in my passport

f. 2 copies of the arrival card stapled in my passport. (which is on the opposite page to my ‘O’ visa so both were copied at once.)

g. 2 copies of the current ‘O’ visa extension page in my passport

As my application was backed by 400,000 baht in a Thai bank then also

h. 2 copies of every page in my bank passbook

i. A letter from my bank in Khon Kaen I obtained the day before confirming the 400,000 baht was in the bank plus a copy of that letter. Plus copies of the pages the bank attached to the letter, which were copies of my passbook pages, even though I had already provided them all separately.

All of the documents and copies in a. to i. inclusive had to be signed and dated by both my wife and I. Even those that applied only to her like her ID card copies, and even those that applied only to me like my passport copies, and even the original letter from the bank. Both of us signed and dated everything.

My wife was also required to fill in a separate form in Thai which she tells me was her life history. They also asked her what was my job was before I came to Thailand. They had a blue folder available with all my details in it.

The fee payable was 1,900 baht and a receipt was given.

Obviously you must take your wife with you (copy not required !)

This was for a renewal and took about half an hour to check everything. For your first extension you will both be interviewed, in the same room but separately and that that may last an hour or more.

Note: Next month I have another two and a half hours drive to Nong Khai. The one-year visa extension will not have come back from Bangkok, it never yet has in one month. So I will get another one month extension and I will be in and out of immigration in ten minutes flat. This will probably happen for three consecutive months until Bangkok graciously grants my one year extension which will date from today, not from the date it is granted Why does it take three months to approve a simple visa extension application?

Lung Bing

Thank God this performance is only once every year, That’s why I have

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2. The original of our house registration document (Tabien Baan) which was looked at and returned
You say 'our house.' But is your name on the Tabien Baan? (I thought I had read here where you need to be a permanent resident to be on the TB -- and it's no big deal if you're not(?))
1.Our original wedding certificate, which was looked at and returned.

Is this certificate in Thai? If not, is it in English? If not Thai, did you need an official translation?


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lungbing report is much as it is in Bangkok and makes a good check list for those about to do the process. Only one copy of everything is required in Bangkok and you only have to sign what is yours and no date required (as of July). Bank letters have never had attachments for me and no copies required.

For first time applicants should add that photo(s) may be required of you at home (or of marriage if none at home).

As this indicates there may be a small change from office to office so take extra and maybe you will not have to make another trip. I would have any employment information/pension receipts and the like with me even if using money in the bank.

The Tabien Bann is part of requirement from wife and, although being less used now, is still required by immigration police. You are probably not listed on it.

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Sounds like this is another variable feast, depending on the office/officer.

This is my check list:

Application form plus photo

Passport - copy of all pages used since last visa.

Copies of Bank books

Letter from Bank certifying amount in account

Marriage Certificate

Wife’s household papers

Wife’s id card

Bank letter listing foreign exchange plus exchange certs

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