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Menu For My Birthday


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Looks great but maybe something in the middle thats a little fresh/ acidic to re fresh the palate all that beef may be overwhelming by the last course,,,,, a light fish course may work well to break the menu up especialy with the last few courses

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Looks great but maybe something in the middle thats a little fresh/ acidic to re fresh the palate all that beef may be overwhelming by the last course,,,,, a light fish course may work well to break the menu up especialy with the last few courses

Agree with you but "unfortunately" this menu is for presentating Wagyu beef to my customers, we will use only 12 grade marbling!

Will post some pics next week if interested.


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For a birthday a nice menu, or?


no! i am missing Leberkäse as well as Weisswürste mit süssem Senf und Laugenbrezel. having spent (years ago) some time in Japan your menue does not rock my chair.

anyway... alles Gute zum Geburtstag Gerd!

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For a birthday a nice menu, or?


no! i am missing Leberkäse as well as Weisswürste mit süssem Senf und Laugenbrezel. having spent (years ago) some time in Japan your menue does not rock my chair.

anyway... alles Gute zum Geburtstag Gerd!


May be coming to Patters in April and we have together a Weisswurst, ok?


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For a birthday a nice menu, or?


no! i am missing Leberkäse as well as Weisswürste mit süssem Senf und Laugenbrezel. having spent (years ago) some time in Japan your menue does not rock my chair.

anyway... alles Gute zum Geburtstag Gerd!

Happy Birthday Gerd.

Hey Dr. Naam, here's what you're missing. I ate there last week and it was fantastic:


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