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Why Doesnt Thailand Have Vandalism


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<br />Take the fillings out of your teeth while you're yawning? Oh...I don't think it's that bad <img src="style_emoticons/default/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> <br /><br />I've seen some graffiti here, but nowhere near as bad as back in the States. I once saw a car that somebody had "ghetto-ized" with spray paint. I think this was in Miami. A nice sports car in my hometown which was parked on a grassy road shoulder with a "For Sale" sign got vandalized. The rear window was smashed to pieces...probably by some dumb kids tossing a rock from a moving vehicle. As for cars being keyed and other things being smashed, I haven't really seen that here in Thailand. If somebody keyed our car it would probably look better <img src="style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /><br />
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When i first came 2.5 years ago i saw little graffiti but now its quite prevalent in Bangkok. Strange you mentioned keyed cars as I did see one 2 days ago at a fun park in BKK but I would admit mindless vandalism is not common here.

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Broken windows, keyed cars and "lawn jobs" are pretty well-known forms of vandalism in the States. Often, these acts are done as some sort of revenge, but they're also done by teens who want a laugh. I wonder if the vandalism over here (except graffiti) is done for revenge only.

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Travelling around Issan last week and taking nightly walks in Loei in the parks ,i thought i could never do thisa in Sydney where i come from.

I probaly would be robbed or bashed .

I walked to a Buddha temple in the park about 9pm and i walked inside,there was beutifl paintings and miniture statutes.

Things like this we could never ever have in Sydney Australia and yet thats suppossed to be the lucky country?

i walked thru the park to see families and Police walking around,and i think what a great place this really is where you can walk safely,have beutiful open temples,walk safely at night.

When i was in Udon last Friday night i was looking out for the louts and hooligans buit i didnt see any,i felt very safe.

I wonder why the youths from the West countries are violent and things are out of control.

Looking at the Sydney news site today on the internet i come across stories such as



Why cant we in Sydney have the nice things such as temples etc open.

Isnt the west the "lucky countries".

Personally im sick of people saying Thailand is 3rd world,the 3rd world is the Western countries with do gooders who help these out of control young hooligans go on there violent sprees.

I have no time for these young idiots in Australia.


Don't get me wrong....I like Thailand and will certainly retire there. But once you have been in Thailand a while you will see gangs of Thai youths around. Don't fool yourself vandalisim is there if you look around.

Watch the Thai news every night. Even if you can't speak Thai the pictures will give you the idea.

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Thinking about this....

I was wondering how would I know if something was vandaled or not? I mean vandalisim usually means takeing something, usually someones property, and making it ugly.

Well, with the shacks around here, I would not know if someone threw garbage at their shack, or the owner/squater put it there.

I have no idea, if that broken TV was pulled out of the garbage and set out for re-sale, or if the bottles and cans, plastic etc is supposed to be there.

Hard to judge in the slums/Thailand.

at last a man with understanding. ive been thinking the same. if the yobs throw tesco baskets in the sea/river in falang land we/i notice here you,d have to be in over your head to notice.no need to go on.

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Why Doesnt Thailand Have Vandalism?

Coz, they're too lazy.

i'm assuming because your post was in red it was sarcasm?

Because they're too busy scamming and theiving.
typical thai-bashing bullshyt. go back home if it's sooo bad.
Maybe you havn't noticed all the high walls with barbed wire/broken glass, bars on windows, guards posted at most business.
yeah, but have you seen any vandalism? i believe that was the question,
I have to agree with Dakhar, what with all the shanty towns and ghettos that I've seen up and down Thailand, including BKK suburbs, it's impossible to see what has been vandalised and what hasn't. It all looks the same
i admit never seeing the "BKK suburbs", i can only imagine that there are people living in squalor there, fair enough. but to say there are shanty towns and ghettos "up and down " thailand, come on pal, that is really generalizing, don't you think? my neighbors and friends live in shacks, but they're some of the happiest, worry free people i've met. i envy them.
So little crime???????????? jeeeeeeeeeez they'll take the fillings out of your teeth while your yawning here if your'e not careful.
jezuz h chryst, if it's that bad... again,go back from where you came. although it's obvious you're exaggerating, but c'mon, if it ain't that bad, don't say it is....
Why is there so very little crime? People are working 8-10-12 hours a day, 6 or 6 days a week.

It's not that they are too lazy to do graffiti and vandalise things - they don't have the energy.

I think that kids are more likely to put 50 bahts worth of fuel in their motorbike, than to waste 50 baht on spray paint etc.

finally, some words of wisdom.

i don't live in BKK, i live up country. i've had stuff stolen from my land, who hasn't? but i get sick of the constant thai bashing day after day after day after day from expats i know and on this forum. of course,this country sure ain't perfect, but tell me a country that is.

where i live there's glass on top of the walls but no vandalism, but i'm pretty bloody sure that's not the reason for it.

i'd better stop now before i get my azz banned....



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better they do not , considering that on every corner there is almost

always a billboard with the picture of his majesty or a politician .

There was one foreigner in Chiangmai last year who thought to be funny

with graffiti and got jailed and luckily pardoned if you understand what I mean ,

and deported ......

If they just in the West had such respect for one individual ......

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In general Thailand might have less but what annoys me is that Thailand has so many "stupid" and random crimes. Throwing rocks at driving cars, random killing sprees, killing because they lost their face or think they did...

Edited by freitag1
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Much less petty crime and vandalism here. I leave my expensive helmet on the bike, never stolen, the bike never tampered with. I surrender my driver's license to enter a moobahn, park the bike on the street, and the permit slip is never taken. The only things I ever got stolen (except for one jewel thief) were stolen by a farang boy. Grafitti here is nearly absent.

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every one here has their view including you,so dont knock someone that may have had problems with thais and are having their tenpenny worth on here.

generaly i have found very little vandalism in thailand(pattaya also) unlike england where i used to live.i have a wonderful life here and so happy i could fart but there is an underlying feeling in pattaya that the drug and violence is escalating.that is not moaning that is being honest,and unlike many of you that live up country or on the darkside older people are getting more concerned.

more younger tourists here drinking in excess are not helping the situation,as they feel brave and underestimate the ferral instincts of many young thais here.i personally have many thai friends and have never had problems here in 4.5 years except for one young farang who decided to misbehave badly to me.yes,i can move on to upcountry but i accept that pattaya can be dangerous like any other country and my instincts are still excellent at smelling potential trouble that i do not have problems here.there is also a jokular attitude too, on these posts and maybe some people are taking it too serious.i actually thought the post of stealing fillings was excellent and true,but lets all chill out and enjoy life here and be SAFE.

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I sometimes get abit dissapointed by the amount of rubbish i see being thrown in the ditch or the river over here.Maybe its a kind of vandalism.Plus the amount of plastic that gets thrown off of sea boats.

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every one here has their view including you,so dont knock someone that may have had problems with thais and are having their tenpenny worth on here.

generaly i have found very little vandalism in thailand(pattaya also) unlike england where i used to live.i have a wonderful life here and so happy i could fart but there is an underlying feeling in pattaya that the drug and violence is escalating.that is not moaning that is being honest,and unlike many of you that live up country or on the darkside older people are getting more concerned.

more younger tourists here drinking in excess are not helping the situation,as they feel brave and underestimate the ferral instincts of many young thais here.i personally have many thai friends and have never had problems here in 4.5 years except for one young farang who decided to misbehave badly to me.yes,i can move on to upcountry but i accept that pattaya can be dangerous like any other country and my instincts are still excellent at smelling potential trouble that i do not have problems here.there is also a jokular attitude too, on these posts and maybe some people are taking it too serious.i actually thought the post of stealing fillings was excellent and true,but lets all chill out and enjoy life here and be SAFE.


thanks for the reply, your points were well taken and i hope mine were as well.

please, without me trying to be stir the sh*t, i haven't been a member here long, but a bit longer than you.

thai-bashing here bothers me so much, i sometimes see it where it isn't.

but in my last post, it was there for all to see. sorry, i just get pissed off at poeple who move here and piss and moan about thailand like their own country is better/perfect. here i go again, time to pull the reins back....

pattaya or isaan, the world's changing, can't do much about that, i guess.

good luck to us all,


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<br />
I leave my expensive helmet on the bike, never stolen, the bike never tampered with.
<br /><br />you are extremely fortunate.<br /><br />i have been here only a few months and seen 2 gone walking already.<br />
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Tell me about it! Wifes new pushbike 1500baht from Tesco 2 days old stolen in Bangkok locked to lampost. Rice stolen from fields in the paper today, nuts and bolts from powerlines, road signs, toilet paper, friend living in Sinburi had 2 solar lights stolen last month they were bolted to posts now he has to put cement over the bolts to stop them, my brother in law (Thai) had 4 ducks stolen 6 weeks ago when he went out last week and he is very poor. Wifes relatives have to watch their TEAK trees as someone has been "helpingthemselves" to it recently. So one poster says Im exagerating hmmmmmmmmmm really? They will steal anything here even if it is bolted down!

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<br />
I leave my expensive helmet on the bike, never stolen, the bike never tampered with.
<br /><br />you are extremely fortunate.<br /><br />i have been here only a few months and seen 2 gone walking already.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Tell me about it! Wifes new pushbike 1500baht from Tesco 2 days old stolen in Bangkok locked to lampost. Rice stolen from fields in the paper today, nuts and bolts from powerlines, road signs, toilet paper, friend living in Sinburi had 2 solar lights stolen last month they were bolted to posts now he has to put cement over the bolts to stop them, my brother in law (Thai) had 4 ducks stolen 6 weeks ago when he went out last week and he is very poor. Wifes relatives have to watch their TEAK trees as someone has been "helpingthemselves" to it recently. So one poster says Im exagerating hmmmmmmmmmm really? They will steal anything here even if it is bolted down!

You are talking about theft, not vandalism, a completely different subject.

Regarding an earlier poster regarding stupid or random crimes, I would say nearly all violent crimes are not random, unlike in England where you may get beaten up just for being in the wrong place. Violent crimes in Thailand are usually due to conflict of interest, sexual jealousy or greed. Many murders are certainly stupid in the extreme, the perpetrator is obviously the ex- husband, etc,evidence is plain, and indeed when caught, the murderer is often calm and resigned, it's as if he or she had to take revenge and once that's done, well so be it. But the motive is clear, it's not random.

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You are talking about theft, not vandalism, a completely different subject.

Regarding an earlier poster regarding stupid or random crimes, I would say nearly all violent crimes are not random, unlike in England where you may get beaten up just for being in the wrong place. Violent crimes in Thailand are usually due to conflict of interest, sexual jealousy or greed. Many murders are certainly stupid in the extreme, the perpetrator is obviously the ex- husband, etc,evidence is plain, and indeed when caught, the murderer is often calm and resigned, it's as if he or she had to take revenge and once that's done, well so be it. But the motive is clear, it's not random.

I would agree with this, there is far more meaningless violence in the U.K compared to here, search for "happy slapping" if you want evidence :o

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Honestly spoken, there are numerous problems in Thailand The jails are filled with very violent people, including lots of mass murderers. In Sydney you will not lose your children, whereas gangs in thailand do kidnap children (Izan) and get seldom caught. Sometimes it shows up in the newspapers and the Thai people make a lot of noise than everything gets back to normal. Shit happens everywhere. And you cannot compare a big city with a provincial town, the comparison does not make sense

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While I was on my last R&R in Thailand there was a story splashed all over the news of a young boy killed while riding as passanger in his father's truck, he was killed by a rock hurled at the truck by a Thai guy.

Add to this 'College Gang wars' and all the other group violence that is not uncommon amoung Thai youths and it becomes quite clear that the whole idea that 'Violent Youths' is a Western issue becomes clear for what it is - Utter &lt;deleted&gt;.

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While I was on my last R&R in Thailand there was a story splashed all over the news of a young boy killed while riding as passanger in his father's truck, he was killed by a rock hurled at the truck by a Thai guy.

Add to this 'College Gang wars' and all the other group violence that is not uncommon amoung Thai youths and it becomes quite clear that the whole idea that 'Violent Youths' is a Western issue becomes clear for what it is - Utter &lt;deleted&gt;.

In my experience Thai youth have nothing on Western youths, well in australia anyway.

We have kids as young as 10-14 drinking alcohol, mugging people, throwing rocks at cars etc.

If you ever come to Sydney, visit Mount Druit or Macqaurie fields and you will know what I mean.

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The point I am making is not that violence amongst Thai youths is worse or even the same as violence amongst western youths (the 65million population of Thai compared to the almost a billion westerners)..

Rather that Thai youths have, just like western youths, - their own violence - It is theirs, of their own making and not imported.

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The point I am making is not that violence amongst Thai youths is worse or even the same as violence amongst western youths (the 65million population of Thai compared to the almost a billion westerners)..

Rather that Thai youths have, just like western youths, - their own violence - It is theirs, of their own making and not imported.

Sounds more like speculation to me. Also comparing to "western" countries is comparing to what? There are so many western countires, poor and rich which have different problems etc. This can also apply to any topic regarding Thai's and westerners.

But generally when western is mentioned on this website its UK, US and Australia mainly

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