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Hi Mac.

Great to hear that you are well and busy growing old disgracefully.

Miss your advice on all things practical: So inbetween your shenanigans; if you should happen to know where I can purchase an electric strimmer up in the boonies - let me know please! Oh - and some security lights, which I never did manage to source in global house etc.

Nice looking pad Mac - Bargain, and I Hope that you find the right lady soon!

Aye up me ole mucker nice to hear from you:

Strimmers if you after an electrical one, then its got to be Makro or a big 'C' not forgetting Tesco of course, if you want a petrol one then two strokes range from about 2500 bht or a 4 stroke `which I had 6000 to 8000 bht: As for security lights makro were doing dusk till dawn etc, but if you want pir haolgen 300 watt or 500 watt again any good eletrical outlet or any of the above


Hope this helps

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Hi Macb

Nice to hear that you are still alive and kicking as it were.

Good relationships are not that easy to find and keep going in the long term especially at an advanced age. I am 64 in May and my wife is 21 years younger than me and we have a 3 1/2 year old son.

Naysayers please notice the age gap.

I first met my wife in 1993 and eventually divorced my UK wife in 1999 and married my Thai wife in 2000.

Our relationship is much like any other long term a few ups and downs but we are both in for the long haul (life).

I am sure that if you take a little time and care you will also find a nice woman and settle down again.

I have just found where you live and I thought it was closer than that to me or I would have popped over to see you.

Best of luck in the future and keep posting.



I must get a new computer as this one cannot spell at all

I have edited this post for spelling 3 times now

Well folks as I have said above I am still alive and kicking:

I have now rented a bungalow in Petchabun : I moved there a week or so ago with my girlfriend, but yesterday I gave her back to her mother so to speak:

So now single again the bungalow is nice for the price each month but only partially furnished, so at the moment staying at my mates again with his wife bless them:

I was living with the girlfriend and her parents for about 6 weeks (That eventually did my head in)

Now I got to re-evaluate life again hahaha. All these scenarios are definitely a learning curve but when do you find the right one .

Anyway next month I hope to be on the Internet at the bungalow which I will make my base:

Best of luck to you. What if the girl friend decide she wants to come back(i.e., pressure from parents, who miss income she provided). Had a friend with a similar problem, only trouble, he had found another girl. :D:o
Hi Macb

Nice to hear that you are still alive and kicking as it were.

Good relationships are not that easy to find and keep going in the long term especially at an advanced age. I am 64 in May and my wife is 21 years younger than me and we have a 3 1/2 year old son.

Naysayers please notice the age gap.

I'm one of the naysayers. Of course there are always exceptions and i'm happy that you are one of the ones breaking the trend. I would say though, in your favour is the fact that although the age gap is large, you are both fully grown up adults. I'm sure at the age of 43 your wife is level-headed and mature - this isn't aways the case for girls in their 20s, and i think the age gap at this level is far more difficult to cement over than in your case.

Anyway, wish you continued happiness in love.


As far as age differences, years ago a Thai man told me the ideal age difference is half your age plus seven years. I really didn't believe him but maybe he was right. I too hate living alone. I went through six live ins before I found one who would put up with me. It took me ten years to find her but she was worth the wait. At that time, I was 59 years old and she was 36 years old. The past five years have been the best of my life.


I think in the last case she was to young and immature in her working environment she seemed mature but that in hind sight is understandable :

All this info is good for readers embarking on relationships in LOS I hope.

Imagine as a teenager you meet a b/f at school and then in the teenage years you do the Buddha blessing then your both young and off the rails then along comes the baby and your still only 18/19. Your parents are pulling there hair out and of course look after the offspring, at 21yrs you end up in Pattaya and the b/f father has been told to clear off because he has another lady now.

So at 21yrs your working in the industry to make money a year on you meet a farang he likes you and wants you stop work,, your excited at this prospect but do not know anything about life or love or living with someone. let alone a Farang. You are programmed from the last year.

Well I tried to explain things that had happened in her life and why but difficult to try and make 22 yr old understand when she is still texting folks in Pattaya and emailing male friends but telling little lies, none of this is her fault, she knew no different then of course there is YABBA and ICE now that is another problem, I wanted to save her from the Pattaya life style but You cant win them all or save them all.

But I do know there was pressure from the family as well because she asked me about how much I could give without going into detail.

I do hope though that her life is not ruined now as she is now working back in Pattaya


Wow mac, have not seen you in ages - We had some word banter in Bedlam. I hope you are well and life treats you well too!

Good luck!

All this info is good for readers embarking on relationships in LOS I hope.

Oh Oh Oh Mac!

For the past year you have been giving all and sundry good advice, yet you seem not to take it yourself. What on earth possessed you to take a young girl with a baby, just out of her teenage years, and from Pattaya too. Of course she wanted your money - or if not her, her family certainly did.

No need to give excuses for her. She is what she is. A fairly typical young girl from a village, willing to give her all to any local lad and now she is paying the price for it.

There are many 30-40 year olds in the villages, most never having been near a bar or massage parlour. One could be for you, but the moment you meet her, regardless of whatever you might think of the future, tell her bluntly what you expect from ANY future relationship. (ie no support of family friends etc etc). lay it on the line. Give her an modest allowance and it's hers to do what she wants with it - but that's all! She can consider it and take it or leave it. if she walks away, you are the winner!

I do hope though that her life is not ruined now as she is now working back in Pattaya

Sorry to hear she has returned to Pattaya

So who has the little daughter now macb..the grandparents?

Sorry it didnt work out with the wife, you obviously invested a lot of time, money and emotions.

I think we underestimate sometimes how hard it is for a country girl to adjust to a western man on a fulltime basis, lets face it, apart from the lack of money the village life is easy and uncomplicated and then in we come and turn it upside down.

Better luck in the future

Hi Macb

Nice to hear that you are still alive and kicking as it were.

Good relationships are not that easy to find and keep going in the long term especially at an advanced age. I am 64 in May and my wife is 21 years younger than me and we have a 3 1/2 year old son.

Naysayers please notice the age gap.

I'm one of the naysayers. Of course there are always exceptions and i'm happy that you are one of the ones breaking the trend. I would say though, in your favour is the fact that although the age gap is large, you are both fully grown up adults. I'm sure at the age of 43 your wife is level-headed and mature - this isn't aways the case for girls in their 20s, and i think the age gap at this level is far more difficult to cement over than in your case.

Anyway, wish you continued happiness in love.

Thinking back over the years my wife was 28 when we met and she had already had a long term relationship with a farang who was gone before I turned up. He dumped her for a younger friend who had his baby.

What I stupid men he was and I thank him from the bottom of my heart.

I think the happiness in love has turned more to contentment over the longer term as we are sort of growing older together as it were. The love is still there however.

:D :D :o

[quote} Gary A

As far as age differences, years ago a Thai man told me the ideal age difference is half your age plus seven years. I really didn't believe him but maybe he was right. I too hate living alone. I went through six live ins before I found one who would put up with me. It took me ten years to find her but she was worth the wait. At that time, I was 59 years old and she was 36 years old. The past five years have been the best of my life.

When my wife and I first met I was 49 so 1/2 that , say 25 + 7 = 32 and she was 28 seems to be about right. At least it certainly is for me.

As far as age differences, years ago a Thai man told me the ideal age difference is half your age plus seven years. I really didn't believe him but maybe he was right. I too hate living alone. I went through six live ins before I found one who would put up with me. It took me ten years to find her but she was worth the wait. At that time, I was 59 years old and she was 36 years old. The past five years have been the best of my life.

When my wife and I first met I was 49 so 1/2 that , say 25 + 7 = 32 and she was 28 seems to be about right. At least it certainly is for me.

I was 42 so 1/2 that, say 21 + 7 = 28 and she was 25..its not too far out and I dont feel a huge age differance. Maybe I was a youngish 43 and she was an oldish 25. Anyway so far so good after 4 years.

Edit: Maths :o

I really do feel for the old geezers in Thailand as i think romantically they are doomed.

Go for a young girl and the age gap is a problem, plus the questionable motives of the girl. On top of that, any young girl who is interested in an old man is likely to have come from the entertainment industry.

Go for a more mature lady and besides being less physically atrractive, they often have a lot more baggage and can be quite stuck in their ways.

Of course in any normal environment, the old man would only be presented with one option, that of the mature lady, but here, things being different, young girls are there and available and as such, the old men find them all too irressistable.

Don't get me wrong, I sympathise as there's every oppurtunity that i and many of us guys who are still young will one day find ourselves in the same position, and should that happen, i don't profess to know the answer, besides accepting living the twilight years out as a single man, which sounds all a bit lonely.

Anyway, best of luck Macb - you sound like you deserve some.

The age difference between my wife and I is 9 years and I consider that to be encroaching on the outer limits that I would explore for marraige. 20 or 30 years is an eternity of difference when the girl is in her 20's with limited life experience.
Hi Macb

Nice to hear that you are still alive and kicking as it were.

Good relationships are not that easy to find and keep going in the long term especially at an advanced age. I am 64 in May and my wife is 21 years younger than me and we have a 3 1/2 year old son.

Naysayers please notice the age gap.

I'm one of the naysayers. Of course there are always exceptions and i'm happy that you are one of the ones breaking the trend. I would say though, in your favour is the fact that although the age gap is large, you are both fully grown up adults. I'm sure at the age of 43 your wife is level-headed and mature - this isn't aways the case for girls in their 20s, and i think the age gap at this level is far more difficult to cement over than in your case.

Anyway, wish you continued happiness in love.

All this info is good for readers embarking on relationships in LOS I hope.

Oh Oh Oh Mac!

For the past year you have been giving all and sundry good advice, yet you seem not to take it yourself. What on earth possessed you to take a young girl with a baby, just out of her teenage years, and from Pattaya too. Of course she wanted your money - or if not her, her family certainly did.

No need to give excuses for her. She is what she is. A fairly typical young girl from a village, willing to give her all to any local lad and now she is paying the price for it.

There are many 30-40 year olds in the villages, most never having been near a bar or massage parlour. One could be for you, but the moment you meet her, regardless of whatever you might think of the future, tell her bluntly what you expect from ANY future relationship. (ie no support of family friends etc etc). lay it on the line. Give her an modest allowance and it's hers to do what she wants with it - but that's all! She can consider it and take it or leave it. if she walks away, you are the winner!

Many a word of wisdom spoken in these posts, reminds me of the saying about not leaving your brain at the airport etc etc.

Sorry you have had troubles Macb, but you really need to choose better than you have up till now (don't mean to sound blunt, sorry)

I am 38, my wife is 32.

No need to give excuses for her. She is what she is. A fairly typical young girl from a village, willing to give her all to any local lad and now she is paying the price for it.

Sometimes on ThaiVisa I see weird ramblings from people who don't seem to have a clue, above is an example.

Fact: One million teens in the USA will become pregnant over the next twelve months. Ninety-five percent of those pregnancies are unintended. About one third will end in abortion; one third will end in spontaneous miscarriage; and one third will continue their pregnancy to term and keep their baby.

More than half of them are 17 years old or younger when they have their first pregnancy.

Approximately 40 percent of young women become pregnant before they reach 20 years old.

The United States of America has double the adolescent pregnancy and birth rates of any other industrialized country.

The poorer the young woman, the more likely she will become a mother.

Less than one-third of teens who have babies before the age of 18 finish high school.

Almost half of all teen mothers end up on welfare.

Less than 25 percent of births to teens occur within wedlock.

The birth rate for teens has been declining in recent years.


And if there was no welfare, what would they do ? Would USA be the target of hoardes of Sex Tourists willing to take advantage of a dire situation ?

No need to give excuses for her. She is what she is. A fairly typical young girl from a village, willing to give her all to any local lad and now she is paying the price for it.

Sometimes on ThaiVisa I see weird ramblings from people who don't seem to have a clue, above is an example.

I didn't read them as ramblings; in fact i understood his point completely.

I believe the point he was making was that the girl had made some bad choices which she has to live with. All over the world people are making the same mistakes of course. Teenage pregnancy is nothing new. Nothing new either about selling your body when times get hard (if not for lack of buyers i might have gone that route myself :o ).

The thing is though there are also plenty of girls who come from under-priviledged backgrounds who are smart enough and who have enough self respect to not screw about or sell themselves, even when times are hard.

If you are seriously looking for a life partner, wife, whatever, why not raise the bar at least to your own level?

I guess the problem is that for old guys on the market for a young girl the bar has long since been tossed out the window.


On most evenings I go for a drink at our local corner shop (no bars in this town) with another Brit ex-pat and we chew life over with a few Leo's. At 8 pm a large gathering of Thai boys appear and play football (soccer - for over the ponders) in the road. The last few evenings 3 very pretty girls with small babies appear and sit on the pavement watching the footie. I commented to Mrs Moon - our friendly hostess! thats nice- the girl friends come and watch, she laughs and informs that the girls are only just 15, only one still at school, other two finished.

I wonder if they are still together with their boyfriends at the end of this year, or as the case with many, heading off to the 'bright lights' when they are older and Mum & Dad end up looking after junior.

Of course cannot say to much as I believe my home country is still tops for single teenage mums!.

Macb take up golf now you are in Petchabun, EX-pats meet Tuesday and Fridays, T off at 1000 am - Battle Horse Golf club, Army barracks opposite the new Tesco's.

My mate and I are going this Thursday, will be out on course for 9 ish.

There are plenty of caddies and course workers about, we get asked every time about the mia noi thing!!

Of course cannot say to much as I believe my home country is still tops for single teenage mums!.

You're right....

The UK has the highest teenage birth rates in Western Europe - twice as high as in Germany, three times as high as in France and six times as high as in the Netherlands.

Remember the 3 Sisters that hit the headlines a while back, they had all given birth, at 12, 14, 16 years of age. :o


Typical English girls, they have babies then sponge off the welfare state. <-------------( Typical ThaiVisa style comment)

My mate and I are going this Thursday, will be out on course for 9 ish.

There are plenty of caddies and course workers about, we get asked every time about the mia noi thing!!

That's cos you're so good looking ! :o

No need to give excuses for her. She is what she is. A fairly typical young girl from a village, willing to give her all to any local lad and now she is paying the price for it.

Sometimes on ThaiVisa I see weird ramblings from people who don't seem to have a clue, above is an example.

If anyone is rambling on - you are!

This is Thailand and the discussion is regarding a Thai girl who became pregnant from her boyfriend, and now has to live with the consequences.

Every country has the same problems with teenage pregnancies. I fail to understand why these lasses cannot use the pill when they want to play around. It's not as if they're walking into the unknown. All around them -in every village - there are kids born to young teenage mothers with no support from the father.

That said however, once pregnant, western governments fall over themselves to help out financially. Nobody helps here in Thailand. So they end up in Pattaya, bangkok or wherever looking for whatever freebies they can get from the farang!

So they end up in Pattaya, bangkok or wherever looking for whatever freebies they can get from the farang!

You think that Farangs come to Thailand to give money away expecting nothing in return ? :D

Tell me, have you ever been to Thailand ? :o

You think that Farangs come to Thailand to give money away expecting nothing in return ? :D

Tell me, have you ever been to Thailand ? :o

Of course they expect something in return, but many many pay a very high price for so little.

As for your final comment, what relevance does it have? Have I been to Thailand? Yes - been here full time for the past 25 years! In that time I have seen the changes that have taken place. The girls back then were not money grabbing madams as so many are today. Those farangs that were fortunate to have married back then were not walking ATM's for the mothers, brothers etc. Mothers didn't get "sick" back in those days - nor did the buffaloes! The girls were happy to be treated nicely by the farangs, and receive a fair payment for their services. Sadly now Greed has set in, and everything is just money money money!

MacB has sadly found this out the hard way. Now he must learn from others mistakes and his own preachings.

Remember the 3 Sisters that hit the headlines a while back, they had all given birth, at 12, 14, 16 years of age. :D


Very young indeed, but not too young to know how to conceive, I suppose ? :D

And, phutoie2 "The Mums look like they do not miss many meals!"


You made my day !



Glad to see your adventures haven't brought you to any harm macb. I have to admit, when I read that news article about the Brit who got murdered in Petchabun, you were the first guy I thought of. He sounded like a real nice guy.


Hi there to everyone yes it is nice to have the Internet again and get in touch with me ole mates on here (I know less of the old)

As far as my little daughter goes, my mate Ron from my village send me pics regularly as he too is married into an extension of the family and she looks good. I am hoping to see her this month I did send a clothes parcel for her on her birthday, it takes time but I hope I may have visiting rites so to speak, but have to remember this is another country and although she dual nationality now she will be brought up as Khmer I suppose. I dont send money because I know it would not be spent on her but all the family again.

My Ex wife has the house gold diamonds land and there was a reasonable of money in her account when I left in November 2007, I have her bank book and the money has gone already (WHERE I ASK MYSELF) if she had managed it this would still be supporting her and my daughter.

On the Pattaya scene I did some thinking and realised that I am a Newbie at this place because although I have been domiciled in LOS for 4 yrs now I have never been a single person there long enough to learn the ropes. Now you maybe thinking why is this, well I met my wife after saying goodbye to a 1st Thai g/f which lasted only weeks then mmarried my ex wife and devoted myself to her and her family and never went to Pattaya much at all, I live there a year when they were building our house but did not Butterfly as they say, so it has taken me two ladies from Pattaya 1. was 35yr and then 22yr to learn a quick lesson.

So yes I am going to look as mentioned already for someone that is not connected with Pattaya, also mentioned and completely true I give advice to folks and not take heed to my own advice i my own personal situations, but I reckon I got it in order now, I am sure you guys will correct if I aint.



In my post 54 I made a typing error I said I did Butterfly but it should have read I did NOT: Teach me to use the pre-view more in future

I have adjusted that for you. It now reads "did not butterfly" :D

Anybody know the exact -Thai- qualifications when a Farang 'butterflies' ?

:o I mean, I like Macb a lot and follow his stories with great interest but he faced problems with his now-ex early December '07 and have since had the pleasure of being with 2 new ladies...also ex now.

Well, who am I to judge, just asking.... :D

No offense Macb; enjoy your life to the fullest !!!


I have adjusted that for you. It now reads "did not butterfly" :o

As usual Boo our a star thanks a lot


My perception or thought on the definition of 'Butterflying' :

Simple I suppose next time your in the garden watch a Butterfly and you will get a practical explanation, In the meantime here is the theory side of things (Blimey I am up to early to be thinking in a logical manner) Watch the Butterfly go from Flower to flower collecting pollen, now in your mind you can change the words to suit Butterflying in terms of Thai thinking.

Wow more coffee please

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