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Step Sister Made A Move On Me


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Hi folks, I have a situation. My Thai step sister who is from my fathers second marriage and has no blood relation to me, made a move on me, by moving her hand up my leg when we were sitting down together. I didnt expect it at all, and being controlled pushed her away and said to her "wot the hel_l you doing"! she on the other hand was like "you know you liked it". To tell you the truth it did feel nice a bit and honestly speaking my step-sister does look quite hot, which makes it kinda tempting !! But with my firm morals it felt it was so wrong, because she is now considered a family member. Is this normal in Thai culture? Does this type of thing go on in secret? Although she did spend a few years growing up in the states so it might be from there. Did i commit incest and please some advice on next step ?

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Is this normal in Thai culture? Does this type of thing go on in secret? Although she did spend a few years growing up in the states so it might be from there. Did i commit incest and please some advice on next step ?

I think it is a lot more common than many people here will admit. You did not "commit incest" but she is playing along those lines. Her move on you was completely manipulative, and shows no understanding or respect for common boundaries, never mind common decency. Although not related by blood, this person was adopted into your family, which means that any action you take will have repercussions for the entire family, and you will never be able to get away from it. What will happen if you grow tired of her, or she of you? What would happen if she decided she wanted something more than you were willing to give? How would her obviously manipulative behavior transform when the stakes are higher, and she may not be able to get exactly what she wants?

I don't know the answer to those questions, but I know for sure that it would involve your entire family and possibly any future family of your own.

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Is this normal in Thai culture?

Yes didn't you read about it in the guide books?

Does this type of thing go on in secret?

Never, only in public or not at all.

Although she did spend a few years growing up in the states so it might be from there.

Possibly she may have smuggled some loose morals in.

Did i commit incest and please some advice on next step ?

Yes by pushing her away you did commit incest. You'll be lucky if she doesn't fall pregnant.

Next.... :o

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Also, it would be helpful if you supplied her age upon coming to the States, and her age now. Why exactly would she think that behavior is OK?

*But of course, a lot depends on the composition of your father's second family. Maybe they see nothing wrong with it.

Edited by kat
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Hey Kat, yeh I know its sortof sly behaviour on her part , still im not going to let her suck me into anything here. She is 19 and was over in the states, early teens for a few years, don't know the story behind that but her English is quite good. Im only a few years older than her.

anyway mainly wondering if this type of in-family 'naughtiness' is normal for Thais, and where the boundries are. really I got a shock.

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You are young, and you are right to ask. I think it says a lot about your own decency that you were thoughtful and concerned about more than your own ego and easy sexual gratification to be concerned. Her behavior was very bold and confident for such a high-risk move, and one can only wonder where she got the idea that it was completely acceptable. At any rate, the questions I put before you would be very real, and would be worth considering in addition to your own personal values about what is wrong and right, which are also very important.

The combination of her young age and casual high-risk sexual behavior are a good indicator that this may be fairly commonplace for her. Don't get pulled down into her depravity, and if you think it would help at all, I would be more concerned for her as a family member and try to find out if this is an indicator for more risky behavior elsewhere.

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Had you just hugged her? :D Maybe your hugging problem popped up again. :D


Hope he had his tight pants and duct tape on, otherwise he would have had a bit of a problem.

As for incest, no it isn't.

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Hi folks, I have a situation. My Thai step sister who is from my fathers second marriage and has no blood relation to me,

:o ..if she is from your father's second marriage how come she is NOT blood related, assuming your father is also her father.... ?

At least, that's the way YOU described it.


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Had you just hugged her? :D Maybe your hugging problem popped up again. :o

As for incest, no it isn't.

So, in other words, is it perfectly acceptable to have a sexual relationship with a step daughter or step sibling as long as you are related by marriage and not by blood?

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I think a step-sister would be the child of the second wife from a previous relationship. If she was the daughter of the father of the OP the she would be his half-sister. Not sure that that makes sense but I tried :o

The OP asked if he committed incest. This is my definition of incest:


One entry found for incest.

Main Entry: in·cest

Pronunciation: in-sest

Function: noun

: sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry; also : the statutory crime of engaging in such sexual intercourse

source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary

So I would have to say No, he did not commit incest.

Edited by twschw
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Had you just hugged her? :D Maybe your hugging problem popped up again. :D

As for incest, no it isn't.

So, in other words, is it perfectly acceptable to have a sexual relationship with a step daughter or step sibling as long as you are related by marriage and not by blood?


Excuse me, please don't twist my words to suit your own agendas. I did not comment on the morality of it one way or the other. In my own opinion it isn't acceptable, legally it is.

If you want to pick an argument, go look somewhere else.

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I asked a question. If you want to avoid discussion and follow-up questions, you should post somewhere else.

I suggest you don't try and take quotes out of context. He asked a question, did he commit incest. Answear no he didn't. I suggest that you post elsewhere.

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I asked a question. If you want to avoid discussion and follow-up questions, you should post somewhere else.

Kat .. he made no comment about the appropriateness of it at all ... You drew conclusions from statements that were not made.

as for me? it's a troll :o (the thread that is)

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I asked a question. If you want to avoid discussion and follow-up questions, you should post somewhere else.

Kat .. he made no comment about the appropriateness of it at all ... You drew conclusions from statements that were not made.

as for me? it's a troll :o (the thread that is)

Thakyou JD, and I did try to clarify that point after she asked the inital question.

I also suspect Troll, considering the content of recent posts from said OP.

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You are the one who took my question out of context, by bringing up "agendas".

So, I will pose it again to those who have the mental capacity for discussion:

" .. is it perfectly acceptable to have a sexual relationship with a step daughter or step sibling as long as you are related by marriage and not by blood?"

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