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Seeking Really Good Kids Doctor


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Our son (2.5 yo) has been coughing on and off for 3+ months now. We have taken him to see a doctor many times and until recently had been told it was an ear infection related to continually getting colds from other kids at child care. We have seen 2 doctors at the hospital where he was born , and also doctors at the clinics in Thapae Rd (kids clinic) and in Loy Kroh Rd (general practice).

As a result he has been taken out of child care and has been on three courses of (different) strong anti-biotics - without solving the problem. I always raise the issue of the smoke/dust issue as being a possible contributing factor but this has been pooh-poohed by all of the doctors.

The most recent doctor we have seen (twice) is a professor and ear/nose/throat specialist. She was the first one to concede that it was possibly smoke-related, but has also suggested it could also be a food allergy - and has asked us to halve his milk intake (as well as keep him under air-con as much as possible). I can’t see any evidence of a food allergy myself but that is what she is saying. She has prescribed antihistamine syrup and cortisone-based nasal spray.

Mind you the first time we saw this doctor she warned us that if his ear infection continued much longer then he risked having learning difficulties. She then made a follow-up appointment in five weeks time! He was still coughing a week or so later so we went back to see her in her private clinic (near the railway station). It was a brief consultation and she did not even look at his ears until we suggested she do so (after she had shown us to the door). She said to just continue the current treatment. He's still coughing, though better when we have him inside air-con house for a few hours.

I am hoping that one or more CNX-based TV users can suggest a really good childrens doctor who can help us with this problem. Like some others TV-users who have posted recently we are also in two minds as to whether to stay in Chiang Mai (at this time of the year anyway) if there is ANY chance that the 'air' is in fact the root cause of our little one’s health issue.

- CB

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Our son (2.5 yo) has been coughing on and off for 3+ months now. We have taken him to see a doctor many times and until recently had been told it was an ear infection related to continually getting colds from other kids at child care. We have seen 2 doctors at the hospital where he was born , and also doctors at the clinics in Thapae Rd (kids clinic) and in Loy Kroh Rd (general practice).

As a result he has been taken out of child care and has been on three courses of (different) strong anti-biotics - without solving the problem. I always raise the issue of the smoke/dust issue as being a possible contributing factor but this has been pooh-poohed by all of the doctors.

The most recent doctor we have seen (twice) is a professor and ear/nose/throat specialist. She was the first one to concede that it was possibly smoke-related, but has also suggested it could also be a food allergy - and has asked us to halve his milk intake (as well as keep him under air-con as much as possible). I can’t see any evidence of a food allergy myself but that is what she is saying. She has prescribed antihistamine syrup and cortisone-based nasal spray.

Mind you the first time we saw this doctor she warned us that if his ear infection continued much longer then he risked having learning difficulties. She then made a follow-up appointment in five weeks time! He was still coughing a week or so later so we went back to see her in her private clinic (near the railway station). It was a brief consultation and she did not even look at his ears until we suggested she do so (after she had shown us to the door). She said to just continue the current treatment. He's still coughing, though better when we have him inside air-con house for a few hours.

I am hoping that one or more CNX-based TV users can suggest a really good childrens doctor who can help us with this problem. Like some others TV-users who have posted recently we are also in two minds as to whether to stay in Chiang Mai (at this time of the year anyway) if there is ANY chance that the 'air' is in fact the root cause of our little one’s health issue.

I would try the preventative route before resorting to the medicine treatments. When the body has built up toxicity from inhaling dust, smoke and other pollutants then its going to try to clean itself. Definitely cutting back or eliminating dairy products is a good idea to reduce mucus levels and decrease discomfort.

I would get the child on a cleansing diet to speed up the elimination process. Decrease refined sugar, cooked foods, processed foods and concentrate on more natural water rich foods like fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh raw vegetable juices like cucumber and celery work the best for cleaning. Nearly all allergies and sinus conditions are related to dehydration and the resulting inability of the body to detoxify quickly enough. It's just the body signaling its really dirty.

Having said that its still important to have tests done to make sure its not an infectious disease like tuberculosis or whopping cough.

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Tried a bunch of CM doctor's treatments for about 3 months for a child's ear infection some years ago with no luck. Then the first doctor in the US prescribed an antibiotic called Biaxin XL and decongestant liquid called Entex and the kid was fine in less than a week. Those medications may be available here now but not necessarily in the limited stock of clinics.

After the infection was gone, the doctor recommended that the kid blow up balloons for 5-10 minutes twice a day for 3-4 weeks to expand the ear canal or whatever it is called back to normal diameter. That worked too.

I would have used CSN's advice above too if I had had it but if it is an ear infection you may need the antibiotics.

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There is a Thai certified, American doctor, Dr Greg, who attends the private clinic on the 12th or 13th floor, (forget which,) at Maharaj hospital. He is there on Mon - Wed - and Friday mornings. You could try seeing him. He should, at the very least, be able to arrange the right referral.

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There is a Thai certified, American doctor, Dr Greg, who attends the private clinic on the 12th or 13th floor, (forget which,) at Maharaj hospital. He is there on Mon - Wed - and Friday mornings. You could try seeing him. He should, at the very least, be able to arrange the right referral.

Also, posting in the Health forum should earn you a reply from Sheryl, who is extremely helpful.

Good luck.

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Go to Pediatric Expertise. It's a small clinic inside the moat (near the corner opposite Lai Thai guesthouse) with some very qualified pediatricians. The clinic is quite busy and seems to be very common with other expats as there are always lot's of other foreigners in the waiting room.

I don't have the contact info with me but it's listed in the Sanook Book.

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Try McCormick Hosptial.

If thay can't help try the Chiang Mai University Hospital. Suan Dok


EDIT by p1p: Suan Dok Hospital is more correctly known as Maharaj, after an official name change some years ago.

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hello and MANY thanks for all replies in this thread thus far.

Actually the hospital we have used thus far is the CMU hospital, Suan Dok (Special medical service section). We have generally been VERY pleased with the service we have received there, but with this problem their performance has been unimpressive. I think the Indian/Thai doctor we saw at the kids clinic in Thapae Rd also works at McCormick. The kids doctor we usually see at CMU hospital also works at the kids clinic beside the moat suggested by another poster.

We will also take on board the suggestions re: diet suggested earlier on

- CB

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