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As we all have noticed by now a lot of threads are locked and I for one applaud Wolfe for doing so about time as I was getting bored with all this sh**t about Bg and lady boys im not a proud its just been played out over and over again.

"Good on ya mate"

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Its been coming.. this storm has been brewing.

You might have noticed Moderator attitudes towards _those_ kind of threads has been more aggressive of late. The final decision was made to lock them.

Whilst we like people to feel they can post and discuss thailand related matters, we felt that the number of bargirl/ladyboy/sexually orientated threads was no longer acceptable. Theres a lot more to thailand than the above mentioned.

There are also other sites related to sex-pats, sex tourists and the bar girl theme. If thats the kind of content you are looking for, ThaiVisa.com is not the right site to be looking at.

Hopefully this level of reaction will help to make ThaiVisa.com Forums a better place to hang out.

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Whilst we like people to feel they can post and discuss thailand related matters, we felt that the number of bargirl/ladyboy/sexually orientated threads was no longer acceptable.

Wolfie well said- I wouldn't mind serious discussions, but it was becoming obvious the trolls were getting out of hand. :o

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I do not agree that such discussions should be locked out entirely.

We have had one or two queries on this site from people who have formed strong attachments to girls (or boys) working in bars and suchlike, and asking for advice on how to proceed - whether to firm up the relationship or jump ship(or take a middle course). Apart from the nutty slaggers, there has been helpful advice.

As this is a recurrent feature of a lot of visitors to Thailand, I would suggest that we were being remiss if we did not try to put things into the correct perspective.

My usual advice ? "It's up to you" :o

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Not to mention that many of those "I made a bargirl pregnant, how do I go about getting it to the UK and enlisting it at Cambridge?"-posters were likely trolls in sheep's clothing. Another board, named after the entertainment mini-mall on Suk Soi 4, has a 'relationships' forum that would be just perfect for those type of questions.



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For myself, none of these postings annoy me at all simply because I don't read them. I never see any postings on sports either, also simply because I don't read them....I hate most sports, but I'm not going to complain about them being discussed here. And recently, I saw a warning from George that he was going to censure a topic on 'Anna and the King' out of some legal fear, perhaps. I think that is just unreasonable paranoia...That movie, and the government' ban on most public showing, has been discussed in Thai public forums, ad nauseam...And, as I said, only some showings are banned. The film has been shown in academic settings with permission from Thai authorities. I know, because one of those occassions was in my university class on Critical Thinking about 8 years ago.

I don't like Morals Police in a public forum. Granted, controls, even beyond self-controls :o must be in force, and that's what mods are there for. But this is about Thailand, and the sex/bg scene is of interest to many, it seems. I don't feel such discussions, if civil, should be censored.

Civility, not Morality should be the guiding factor in censorship, I believe.

But, as a business, that's a whole different story, maybe, and I wonder if that's actually playing a bigger role here than I've seen mentioned...

Like search engines. Maybe TV is worried that some engines will lower their 'scores' if they have dirty words? That can be true, to a degree, and maybe valid reaon to put some controls in, as they already have.

But, to me, it's simply entertainment. I know I can always turn the channel here to find a more interesting or thought-provoking discussion...Like this one :D

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good one.

freedom shmeedom

all good sites need some regulation, like how all good rags have a mature editorial, good sites need wise moderators that know where to draw the line

agree that bg topics are best found elsewhere

last i checked this forum was named "Thailand Expat Forum", and although i understand that the bar scene is a part of life here, it really didn't need to dominate at such a graphic level. there were times i seriously thought this place was heading down the gutter.

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I'm not sure I entirely agree with censoring out the discussion of prostitutes.

Thailand's sex industry has been, is and will remain a major reason why many foreigners come to and stay in Thailand.

I of course do not agree that it is acceptable for an individual to take it upon themselves to start a moral crusade adn I entirely understand that it will be offensive to people who have married or who are living with former prostitutes to have the same old stories rammed down them.


There are huge issues and risks that need to be considered and remembered when a foreigners contact with Thai society is through the bars and the business that goes on at bars.

Many foreigners ariving in Thailand are vulnerable to being fleaced or worse still putting their health at risk because they just have no idea what the risks are.

These subjects need to be discussed and information should be availble.

No do not let it become a platform for abuse.

But equally and more importantly do not cut vulnerable people from the information they need.

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i'm glad the flood of bargirl threads has been stopped , they were becoming tedious and low rent. informed discussions on the subject seem a thing of the past and bargirls were being grouped as a kind of stereotyped sub class that warranted lack of respect and degradation from those who thought themselves too snotty to asociate with them and looked down on those who were open enough to say that they did.

i also take exception to those who post things like

....my wife (non- bg)...etc etc etc....

as if anyone cares. if they were in their home country would they introduce their partner......"meet my wife.... by the way she is not nor ever has been a prostitute."

thailand really does some strange things to mens self image and it does make me wonder about the calibre of some of the characters out there.

men can get done over by girls from each and every background, in each and every country of the world.

leave your victorian guilt at heathrow or schipol and just enjoy life as you find it.

and let others enjoy their lives too.

if you are shy,lonely,lazy or horny then go to soi cowboy and buy your company for the night/week. if you are good looking and confident and want another kind of experience then go to a club or find your partners the western way.

there are only human beings out there, good and bad. its not a world full of bg or non-bg.

grow up.

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I'd contend the mods often hit the wrong target, there are some dick wits who persist in posting utter crap, zap them as well as the thread!

Meanwhile some of our mainstay contributors get zapped for no apparent reason! :o

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i'm glad the flood of bargirl threads has been stopped , they were becoming tedious and low rent. informed discussions on the subject seem a thing of the past and bargirls were being grouped as a kind of stereotyped sub class that warranted lack of respect and degradation from those who thought themselves too snotty to asociate with them and looked down on those who were open enough to say that they did.

i also take exception to those who post things like

....my wife (non- bg)...etc etc etc....

as if anyone cares. if they were in their home country would they introduce their partner......"meet my wife.... by the way she is not nor ever has been a prostitute."

thailand really does some strange things to mens self image and it does make me wonder about the calibre of some of the characters out there.

men can get done over by girls from each and every background, in each and every country of the world.

leave your victorian guilt at heathrow or schipol and just enjoy life as you find it.

and let others enjoy their lives too.

if you are shy,lonely,lazy or horny then go to soi cowboy and buy your company for the night/week. if you are good looking and confident and want another kind of experience then go to a club or find your partners the western way.

there are only human beings out there, good and bad. its not a world full of bg or non-bg.

grow up.


i also take exception to those who post things like

....my wife (non- bg)...etc etc etc....

I could never fathom this one either. What are they so afraid of? Were they introduced wearing stockings and suspenders :o

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taxexile Posted on Mon 2004-10-04, 21:42:43

  i'm glad the flood of bargirl threads has been stopped , they were becoming tedious and low rent. informed discussions on the subject seem a thing of the past and bargirls were being grouped as a kind of stereotyped sub class that warranted lack of respect and degradation 

Perhaps the moderators got pissed off at people getting at their wives!

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In the past Thai bar girls were a happy and adventure filled part of my life.

Now that I'm no longer a consumer, I still like to live vicariously through others adventures.

I think a healthy discussion of sex is good to keep up. But not spread all over the board like BGs are spread all over Thailand.

Maybe restricted to one area like the VIP room :o

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