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6 scumbags bother other people less than 7 scumbags and no scumbags is even better.

It is your "logic" that doesn't work. :o

logically the end result of this line of thinking is one person (you) left since any other person might be a scum bag. (at some point, in some manner, in some place, under some condition)

You think that most people want to rape and murder and kill. I think that most people want to live and let live. No wonder you think that we are not "evolved" enough to put society's parasites, sex-criminals and predators to sleep where they can't bother the rest of us.

You sound like a very confused person. On one hand you are saying "kill all the evil doers" & on the other hand you say "I think that most people want to live and let live." You are aiming for a "perfect world", which cannot exist to your liking. Thank something that you are not a leader of a country.

On the other hand, being compassionate will breed compassion. Being violent will breed violence.

I bet you walk around with a gun in your pocket.

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You seem to have everything backwards. You are defending evil human garbage.

I believe in the Golden Rule and think that most other people do too and I don't carry a weapon.

Compassion is fine for basically good people who make mistakes, but that is what the killers, rapists and torturers you are sticking up for lack. They live by the sword and they don't deserve what they grant no one else.

It's strange that someone is so proud to be so deluded. :o


My thought is that what has happened is common to parents who constantly say "If you do that/continue that you will be punished." then nothing happens. The child learns that they can do what they will without consequences and do so with impunity. Having laws while not enforcing them and applying their consequences is worse than not having the law at all. There should be no parole, no multi appeals over wording technicalities when the evidence & testimony is clear, and in very few cases plea bargaining. I likewise feel that there should be no cable TV, better food than what I can afford, nor conjugal visits along with all the other 'rights; & perks common to our penal systems. I agree with the sherriff in Arizona who puts the convicts in tents and feeds then nourishing but cheap/practical food. They also grow some of their food and go out & work. Most do not care to return. If they made the experience unpleasant enough maybe the return rate would drop. Real punishment instead of coddling. When a 'life sentence' means 15>33 years or less 'with good behavior' ('Reduced time for good behavior' while in prison? What is wrong with that statement?) Some people by their anti social bahavior forfeit their place in society and should be removed. Rabid and vicious animals are dispatched promptly. When people behave in a like manner they have forfeited their position in the human race and should likewise be removed. Act like an animal, be treated like an animal. Seems simple to me. They know the rules and willingly choose to break then. The consequences should be clear, swift, and certain. I know absolutely that this is idealistic but without a standard all we have is anarchy.

How do you calculate the rate per capita in the US when only 37 of the fifty staes have the death paenalty? I would think the rate per capita counting only those 37 states is much higher.

Most of the states rarely execute anyone. Most only use it very sparingly, only for the most extreme cases. Last year there were 42 executions. Of those 26 of them were done in one state (Texas). My home state of Washington State has only executed 4 people in the last 30+ years.

The death penalty should be used sparingly. Only where there is no question. A guy goes to a school and kills a bunch of people and then is shot and wounded by the police? Death Penalty. Someone threatens someone and the other person winds up dead. Someone says that they saw the guy at the scene, no death penalty. Find blood splatter on his clothes, the gun on him, gunshot residue, finger prints. All of this would be pretty convincing, death penalty.

I guess I do not consider the US a "barbarian" country. Takes a lot more to make a barbarian country than having the death penalty. To say that the US should be considered a barbarian country like Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran is just a slam on the US.


you sound like a one eye person that can see no wrong

usa is barbarick as that is the way people are treated there they have the dearh sentence and people suport it

but as a person that visits that country and when i was lost was dragged from the car and throwen to the ground with a gun in my head

and when it was all over and it settled down I asked whitch way I had to go I was told that he wasnt a f,,,,,en road map and drove of with out so much as kiss my ass

if it such a good place why leave it

dont be one eyed

I am sorry about what happened to you, but I assure you that is not the norm. You actually expected some guy that just robbed you and held a gun to your head to give you directions? Expected him to say thank you? I have lived there all my life besides the last few years and I have never been the victim of anything more serious then someone stealing my bike from the porch as a child. Yes, I know crime happens. I know that some parts of the US have big problems with crime. But so do large parts of the UK, or France or other countries.

I think things like that happen in the UK. So I guess the UK is a barbaric country? Happens in Germany also, so Germany is barbaric. Australia must be barbaric also?

I am just saying that to take a single thing like the death penalty and use that as the criteria for a barbaric country is wrong. I guess since Japan has the death penalty, they are a barbaric country also? Malaysia is a barbaric country also?

The list of countries that he said were barbaric where very oppressive countries, that regularly kill their own people. Countries where there are many extrajudicial killings. Countries where you get your hand chopped off if you steal. Countries where you either believe in their religion or face being killed. Countries where their own citizens run around blowing up markets. Countries where if you question the government you go to jail. Countries where business deal are resolved with machine guns or RPGs. Countries with government death squads the disappear people. To say that the US is in their group just because they have the death penalty is just the ranting from someone that obviously does not like the US and will slam it whenever they can. If he wanted to just list the countries that had the death penalties, I would not have had a problem with that. It is kind of interesting that the US is the only western country that still has the death penalty. But it is the declaring that the countries that he listed are barbaric that I had a problem with.

I am over here right now for business. I have been in Asia now for 4 years on one big long business trip and it now looks like I finally have all the pieces in place to be able to move back to the US in June. I am looking forward to living again in such a barbaric country. And I will come back here a couple times a year to check in with the factories and our employees in Asia.


I agree with the death penalty,Nothing barbaric about it.If someone commits a serious crime they should be prepared to face a so called 'barbaric' punishment.

I'm a firm believer in revenge,an eye for an eye etc.


Not all states in the U S has the death penalty . Its up to each state. As retired law inforcement, I tell you.I Idelt with some people who the world would be better with out , But all people on death row in the US gets about 4 or 5 hearing reveiwing the case , It takes about 10 to 15 years before they are put to death. I know there have been people put to death who are not guilty. And one person like this is to many.

But can you think how many more people would be killed if the killers did not fear the death penalty.

Also most people who are in jail for lfie just adjust to it. So they have a normal life for them, Not punishment there.

I wouldn't give him the death penalty because personally I don't think it's much of a punishment. Better to stick them in a jail where they can get rapped and beaten every day. Unfortunately though it seems these guys get let out before their time these days and some countries prisons are more like holiday camps than real prisons.

being forced to listen to Eminem and NWA every day, punishment indeed....


Its amusing when anyone comes near to attacking the US in any way they get all defensive."no we cant do any wrong we are American" Well theres a lot of people out there and were not all brainwashed by your news media,and look at your countries history,cause of murder genocide all around the world.

being forced to listen to Eminem and NWA every day, punishment indeed....

Exactly my point, unfortunately mellow completely misread my post :o

I wouldn't give him the death penalty because personally I don't think it's much of a punishment. Better to stick them in a jail where they can get rapped and beaten every day. Unfortunately though it seems these guys get let out before their time these days and some countries prisons are more like holiday camps than real prisons.

It's against the law to rape and to beat people. To condone it makes you a sick individual, who gets enjoyment from others doing it. Therefore you are just as guilty as the criminals you claim to dislike, and are a criminal yourself because these acts are against the law.

Its amusing when anyone comes near to attacking the US in any way they get all defensive."no we cant do any wrong we are American" Well theres a lot of people out there and were not all brainwashed by your news media,and look at your countries history,cause of murder genocide all around the world.

Yes, the US does do many things wrong. Iraq war is just a total <deleted> job. Much of our foreign policy sucks. Our president is a brainless dcikwad. If you want to say that, I would have no problem. But to call the US barbaric because it has the death penalty is someone who just wants to slam the US because they do not like it. To call the US a barbaric country is just total crap.

Much of the US is not much different from the UK. Much of the foreign policy is not much different. Many other countries do not have the back bone to stand up and say enough is enough. Most other countries would have no problem with Iran having nuclear weapons as long as they could sell them the equipment used to make them. They would just sit around and talk about it forever, while they continued to sell them the equipment to develop them. Most other countries would not have a problem with North Korea having nuclear weapons. If these two guys are not contained, the next time there would not be small bombs going off in Madrid or London, or Bali, or New York. I am not for attacking these countries, but I believe that we should make things as hard as possible for them. If they want to do something that we do not like, then we have sanctions against them. They do not have the "right" to do business and have relations with any country. They are only allowed that if the other country agrees. If countries do not like what they are doing, then they can choose to not allow their people to come to your country. They can choose not to allow companies to work with them.

Not sure how the US is responsible for genocide all around the world though. It must have been the US in Rawanda that killed everyone. It must be the US blowing up cars in markets in Iraq. It must be the US blowing up schools in Afghanistan. It must be the US crushing the Tibetens. It must have been the US that was attacking the people of Kosovo. It must have been the US that was responsible for the Holocaust. It must have been the US that took Aboriginal children from their parents in Australia and put them in white homes and schools. It must have been the US that attacked East Timor? It must have been the US that attacked the Acehese people in northern Sumatra. It must be the US that is bombing the people of Chechnya. It must have been the US that was responsible for apartied in South Africa. It must be the US that is killing people and starving the population of North Korea. It must be the US that is killing people in Sudan.


With the huge concern that the Thai government seems to have about money on a day in and day out basis, you would think they would execute more of these murderers irrecpective of their confressions to save them from having

to support them in jail.

Just imagine how many tax dollars could be saved which could be put into the pockets of government officicals

and politican's pockets.

The word Baht comes up in every other sentence I have heard for as long as I have been here.

Its amusing when anyone comes near to attacking the US in any way they get all defensive."no we cant do any wrong we are American" Well theres a lot of people out there and were not all brainwashed by your news media,and look at your countries history,cause of murder genocide all around the world.

And where are you from cupcake?


Stanley; From what info I have had access to, the Thai prisons are not known for expense on prisoners, 30 baht per day for food is a figure that comes to mind, blankets etc charged to inmate, cells that house 30 or more inmates, etc. I doubt if guards are expensed out as they need to be employeed anyway for the other general prison population. No perment doctor and meds if needed are charged for. I doubt if the cost factor vs death will enter in the Thai decision.

Its amusing when anyone comes near to attacking the US in any way they get all defensive."no we cant do any wrong we are American" Well theres a lot of people out there and were not all brainwashed by your news media,and look at your countries history,cause of murder genocide all around the world.

And where are you from cupcake?

Usually these types are from England or Germany.

They have such caring, considerate histories! :o

I guess I do not consider the US a "barbarian" country. Takes a lot more to make a barbarian country than having the death penalty. To say that the US should be considered a barbarian country like Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran is just a slam on the US.


you sound like a one eye person that can see no wrong

usa is barbarick as that is the way people are treated there they have the dearh sentence and people suport it

but as a person that visits that country and when i was lost was dragged from the car and throwen to the ground with a gun in my head

and when it was all over and it settled down I asked whitch way I had to go I was told that he wasnt a f,,,,,en road map and drove of with out so much as kiss my ass

if it such a good place why leave it

dont be one eyed

What kind of an idjit gets dragged from a car with a gun held to his head and then asks the kidnapper for directions? :o

The same kind that thinks it is the fault of having the death penalty! :D

How do you calculate the rate per capita in the US when only 37 of the fifty staes have the death paenalty? I would think the rate per capita counting only those 37 states is much higher.

A good point. I'd go even further and point out that even in those states that do allow capital punishment, there are moratoriums. For example, Illinois, New Jersey & North Carolina stopped executing. For the past few years, most of the executions have occured in Texas. How can anyone generalize about the USA using one state? It would be like judging Thailand based upon a trip to Pattaya.

Anyway, I don't know why the USA is getting dragged into this discussion. It seems that everytime something is not to someone's liking, it's hey, blame the 'mericans. Cripes, I'm not even an American, but this obsession of Europeans to wag a finger of blame at the USA is a convenient way of avoiding their lengthier history of savagery, torture and genocide.

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