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Worrying Times In Bkk Embassy

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Hi guys, just wondered whats going on in the UK Embassy at BKK? MY wife handed her UK settlement visa paperwork in 8 days ago, they told her to phone 3 days later, she did and they told her to phone the next day and the next, this has gone on for 8 days now!! They have never phoned her, or asked her anything, only to keep trying the next day, I didnt know the operated like this? And also no contact or anything to report for 8 full days now, seems very strange? Is it just me worrying and being paranoid or should we just sit tight?

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My GF applied three weeks ago on a Thursday she recieved a call on the following Tuesday to pick up the visa the same day so all in all a two clear working day turnaround.

Well that was the turnaround time a few weeks ago so eight days sounds a lot.

I hope it goes well though.


ps I emailed them on a monday and when they called my GF on a Tuesday they said tell your BF we got his email so its clear that the visa section enquiries do read their emails promptly.

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yes, thanks richard, everyone i know of seems to have had a turnaround of 2/3 days, but now 8 and its not like they have phoned her to question her about anything at all! Just doesnt make sense, oh well just my luck i guess!

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It almost sounds too obvious , but why don't YOU call the BE and ask to speak to the ECM . If busy ask when he/she will be free to take your call. If you don't want to wait ask to speak to any ECO. You may have to call a few times but you will get one quite quickly . Then you can explain that its unacceptable to be told to call back next day only to have it repeated.

Most likely they will dig out your application and give you some information .

Don't be fobbed off by the operator . Ask for the ECM or ECO. And its no good being timid with them , you need to be forceful. Polite but forceful.

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