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When Thailand Get's Too Much

The Gentleman Scamp

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There are many farang suicides in Thailand and it's true what we have all at some point heard, that Thailand can completely mess you up and destroy you if you are not careful.

But WHY are some people daft enough to come over on a one way ticket if they are not in very well paid work, and WHY do so many resort to alcoholism and suicide???

I know from experience that life here can be emotional at times, more so it seems than back in our homeland, and although I've had moments of hopeless bleak despair, I have never considered suicide, but there's no guarantee that I never would at some point in life - it could happen to anybody and it does, but why so much?

My own personal theory is that there is no help for them here when they hit the skids.

In Thailand (to my knowledge - correct me if I'm wrong) there is no counselling for farangs, no therapy or psychiatrists who we can turn to when everything has gone tits up and no Samaritans Hotline.

If I am right and there isn't any of the above, then isn't it about time there was?

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I hope you are feeling better Scamps, but it worries me a bit that you have broached this subject. I am not saying that you are considering it, but try to stop thinking about the negatives. These people you have heard of are lonely old men. You are young and have a big (though, far, far too soft) heart and you are brave. Get out there and try again!

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Let me clarify something here.

I thought of this topic after I had felt down, but deliberatly waited a few days to post it so as not to give people the wrong idea.

I was nowhere down enough to end it all, life is to exciting for that, but it did make me think about this.

Writing, as with acting, is often dramatic and you and others can be forgiven for thinking that this is somehow connected with how I had been feeling.

Ning wasn't such a great deal and it was only 5 weeks but the fact I made it public made it seem a much bigger deal than it was.

The fact my accounts were recieving so much interest was a big deal and a surprise and I lapped up the attention and gratefully catered for those who were interested.

Anyway, I have to go out now and there's no need to worry about me.

I am currently reflectful though happy and optomistic. :D

Concern appreciated BTW, cheers Polly. :o

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Sorry to say, I glanced through your posts on Ning, but did not follow in depth.

Ning who?, what happened?

Judging from your avatar, however, you aged a lot!

Don't jump, this is a privilege for Pattaya.

Ah, and an advice from my wife, "if you jump, ok, but not here, think of the people who have to clean up the mess."

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Many guys who turn up in Thailand are running away from problems, they might not admit it but talk to them and you'll find recent divorce, business failure, redundancy etc are quite common.

They pitch up in Thailand, party for a while and then the problems they tried to leave behind catch up with them.

The GentScamp's theory is that there is no help for these people, well no there is not, But more than that they are unable to cope for the same reasons they were unable to cope at home.

It's sad, and saddest of all is watching what are generally decent people fool themselves into believing that they have found an answer, when in truth they are setting themselves up for the big fall.

As for councilling, there was the Bangkok Community services, they provided councilling for foreigners living in Thailand and where reputed to do a good job but I believe they have closed now but it might be worth having a look on the internet

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There are many farang suicides in Thailand and it's true what we have all at some point heard, that Thailand can completely mess you up and destroy you if you are not careful.

But WHY are some people daft enough to come over on a one way ticket if they are not in very well paid work, and WHY do so many resort to alcoholism and suicide???

natural selection. survival of the fittest. only the strong (minded/willed) survive.


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Please consider, that if you have lost everything of value in your life, you can still become a Buddhist monk in Thailand and perhaps do some good in the future for your fellow human beings. To jump unnaturally takes that away from the rest of us.



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Looking at the things that are said on this post and on this board, brings one thing to mind. There seem's to be a lot of heavy drinking amont the expat community. I'm not making a judgement here just an observation :o Alcohol is a well known depressant, and it is depressed people that take thier own lives. If you are drinking alot and depressed or thinking about killing or harming yourself. Maybe you might want to look up Alcoholics Anonymous of Thailand :D

Just trying to help The Step Nazi

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There are many farang suicides in Thailand and it's true what we have all at some point heard, that Thailand can completely mess you up and destroy you if you are not careful.

But WHY are some people daft enough to come over on a one way ticket if they are not in very well paid work, and WHY do so many resort to alcoholism and suicide???

I know from experience that life here can be emotional at times, more so it seems than back in our homeland, and although I've had moments of hopeless bleak despair, I have never considered suicide, but there's no guarantee that I never would at some point in life - it could happen to anybody and it does, but why so much?

My own personal theory is that there is no help for them here when they hit the skids.

In Thailand (to my knowledge - correct me if I'm wrong) there is no counselling for farangs, no therapy or psychiatrists who we can turn to when everything has gone tits up and no Samaritans Hotline.

If I am right and there isn't any of the above, then isn't it about time there was?

Back in 1989 I felt I had to get out.

I had been working in Bangkok for 4 years and it was really getting to me.

I was never suicidal, but can understand that it might get that way for some.

I upped sticks and went to KL for 2 years. It was like a breath of fresh air.

But Thailand has a magnetic effect and in 1991 I cam back, and have been here ever since.

Not in Bangkok, but a small fishing town on the Gulf of Thailand, a little way north of the flesh pots of Pattaya.

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There are many farang suicides in Thailand and it's true what we have all at some point heard, that Thailand can completely mess you up and destroy you if you are not careful.

But WHY are some people daft enough to come over on a one way ticket if they are not in very well paid work, and WHY do so many resort to alcoholism and suicide???

natural selection. survival of the fittest. only the strong (minded/willed) survive.


Maybe Thailand is something like the fabled elephant burial ground.

A place where the weak willed go to when it's time to die!

There's not that many suicides when compared with the number of people chasing their lost youth in Thailand.

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The AA and NA used to meet at the Bangkok Community services. Their place on Suk 33 has been closed for a while 'due to lack of funds'. Used to be a very worthwhile thing they got going, anyone know if they operate elsewhere now?

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...I'd give out my number but I need my sleep and most people are depressed in the early hours.

I think a walk along a beach is a great reliever of depression. Just getting some good air, see some kids mucking about in the water, smell some food cooking at the food stalls. And usually there're one or two nice people who will give you a genuine smile (not a 'hello hansum man' smile) who can really brighten up your day :o

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I think a walk along a beach is a great reliever of depression. Just getting some good air, see some kids mucking about in the water, smell some food cooking at the food stalls. And usually there're one or two nice people who will give you a genuine smile (not a 'hello hansum man' smile) who can really brighten up your day :D

What, at 4:30am in the morning?

Blimey, I can't wait to get my ass down to Phuket! :o

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WHY do so many resort to alcoholism and suicide???

Can't speak for alcoholism, but suicide has to be one the most selfish of all possible human acts. It leaves all the burdens for the person's faults and failings with those left behind. Better to face those faults and failings, with consideration of family and friends in mind, then to simply cash in and leave those things in someone else's lap. Sorry, but I can't look at it any other way.

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In Thailand (to my knowledge - correct me if I'm wrong) there is no counselling for farangs, no therapy or psychiatrists who we can turn to when everything has gone tits up and no Samaritans Hotline.

If I am right and there isn't any of the above, then isn't it about time there was?

I think that some of the large, private hospitals in Bangkok have English speaking psychiatrists on staff. And you can probably rest assured that if there is a single pharmaceutical therapy available they will prescribe several!

I seem to recall seeing an ad in one of the newspapers for a new counselling service.

Upcountry would be a different story.

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Mental Health Page

This page is aimed to provide a brief guidelines to help solving the everyday life mental health problems to the public in both English and Thai. The contents are prepared and maintained by a group of Thai psychiatrists in order to ensure their quality and validity. Anyway one should consider consulting professional help if the practices according the guidelines do not alleviate the problem. The contents are copy right but we allow anyone who wish to use the information in a non-profitable way.

List of Headlines


Children & TV violence



How to Cut Down on Your Drink

Know When to Seek Help for Your Child

Psychiatric medication for children


While you were not sleeping



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The AA and NA used to meet at the Bangkok Community services. Their place on Suk 33 has been closed for a while 'due to lack of funds'. Used to be a very worthwhile thing they got going, anyone know if they operate elsewhere now?

Now at PSI counselling, Suk soi 43.

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There are many farang suicides in Thailand and it's true what we have all at some point heard, that Thailand can completely mess you up and destroy you if you are not careful.

But WHY are some people daft enough to come over on a one way ticket if they are not in very well paid work, and WHY do so many resort to alcoholism and suicide???

I know from experience that life here can be emotional at times, more so it seems than back in our homeland, and although I've had moments of hopeless bleak despair, I have never considered suicide, but there's no guarantee that I never would at some point in life - it could happen to anybody and it does, but why so much?

My own personal theory is that there is no help for them here when they hit the skids.

In Thailand (to my knowledge - correct me if I'm wrong) there is no counselling for farangs, no therapy or psychiatrists who we can turn to when everything has gone tits up and no Samaritans Hotline.

If I am right and there isn't any of the above, then isn't it about time there was?

Thailand gets the dregs from many countries, esp. Pattaya. My friends and I use the term "Euro Trash' but that is being unfair to Europe. The Americans and guys from OZ quailfy as well. Pattaya just does not get many 'normal' tourists or long stay ex-pats. Some that come to stay do have a seedy past and are running from something. When the money runs out, some decide suicide in Thailand is better than deportation, jail or whatever else awaits them back home. I personally know 3 guys that have killed themselves in Pattaya in the last 5 years. When you combine alcohol or drugs with being broke, people make fatal decisions. Here in Pattaya there are several clubs that can and will help. The Ex-Pat Club has a member that will visit members in jail, hopsital and will get you help when contemplating suicide. The motto is ex-pats helping ex-pats. I know the Brits, Germans, Norwegians, etc have clubs as well. Help may not be as readily avaiable as in Western cities, but there is help if one seeks it, at least in Pattaya. :o

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The environment definitely plays a role in such tragic scenarios, but it's the chemistry of the brain (i.e. dopamines) that is setting these buggers off. Talking or counselling is not the remedy, unless such consultations provide a person with the right dopamine regulating drugs needed to help balance out the brain chemically. Statistically, men are not likely to seek out such consultation, and prefer to take the short walk off the balcony opposed to the long walk to the head shrink's office.

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  • 9 months later...

I was not aware that there were that many farangs that committed suicide in Thailand. Anyone got any statistics on this? I'm sure that every farang suicide in Thailand is front page news...not so for suicides back at home. I had a good friend who did himself in....not a surprise really if you knew him well...we tried to help him for years....in the end all his friends agreed that it was his life and he did what he wanted with it.

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