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Another Swedish Tourist Attack


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Anyone have any details? It happened Saturday night and the victim was driving with her 12 year old daughter was accosted by someone on a motoribke and her bag stolen. She had no money in her bag and only an old mobile. Fortunatley her daughter is fine but she is in the hospital. Does anyone have more info?

The same things keep happening in the same places, seems like it would be easy to prevent. :D These roads.. from Kamala to Patong and Nai Harn to Kata are not little side streets and dark alleys they are major roads!! :o

Also she was swedish, wonder how that will effect tourism. Although I dont have more details this is a confirmed report.!

Nothing changes if nothing changes!

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These threads go on and on, a friend of mine was in his fortuner back to Rawai from Kata when two youths on a motorbike pulled alongside saying his tyre was flat to get him to stop.

I have tried to start some sort of action, I will collate complaint forms from all nationalities to present to the various Consulates who sit on their <deleted> and take the freebies as a start but everyone seems to want to complain but do nothing.

Make your consuls life a misery, If the mods here can tell me how to do an on line petition for the various nationals then I will be happy to it, then all you will have to do is put your name and address and I will deliver the results to all concerned.

I am fed up with the what can you attitude, it is endangering lives and we should try to do something, I have mentioned this on similar threads and been hit with a deafening silence both from posters and Thai Visa.

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These threads go on and on, a friend of mine was in his fortuner back to Rawai from Kata when two youths on a motorbike pulled alongside saying his tyre was flat to get him to stop.

I have tried to start some sort of action, I will collate complaint forms from all nationalities to present to the various Consulates who sit on their <deleted> and take the freebies as a start but everyone seems to want to complain but do nothing.

Make your consuls life a misery, If the mods here can tell me how to do an on line petition for the various nationals then I will be happy to it, then all you will have to do is put your name and address and I will deliver the results to all concerned.

I am fed up with the what can you attitude, it is endangering lives and we should try to do something, I have mentioned this on similar threads and been hit with a deafening silence both from posters and Thai Visa.

Could you please explain this in layman's terms for the hard of hearing?

First thing is that the expats on Phuket don't give a dame about your personal crusade.

Second thing is all your doing is trying to unbalance Thais and farang living together.

If you live in a country as a guest you should not intervene in their laws and ways.

And for trying to get thai visa involved in your escapade is stupid.

Suggestion: Start your own website up and see how many people will help you?

This is Thailand, let them run their own country as they see fit, and if you don't like it?


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These threads go on and on, a friend of mine was in his fortuner back to Rawai from Kata when two youths on a motorbike pulled alongside saying his tyre was flat to get him to stop.

I have tried to start some sort of action, I will collate complaint forms from all nationalities to present to the various Consulates who sit on their <deleted> and take the freebies as a start but everyone seems to want to complain but do nothing.

Make your consuls life a misery, If the mods here can tell me how to do an on line petition for the various nationals then I will be happy to it, then all you will have to do is put your name and address and I will deliver the results to all concerned.

I am fed up with the what can you attitude, it is endangering lives and we should try to do something, I have mentioned this on similar threads and been hit with a deafening silence both from posters and Thai Visa.

Could you please explain this in layman's terms for the hard of hearing?

First thing is that the expats on Phuket don't give a dame about your personal crusade.

Second thing is all your doing is trying to unbalance Thais and farang living together.

If you live in a country as a guest you should not intervene in their laws and ways.

And for trying to get thai visa involved in your escapade is stupid.

Suggestion: Start your own website up and see how many people will help you?

This is Thailand, let them run their own country as they see fit, and if you don't like it?


Bit harsh redted for a saturday morning, but true!

stuandchris, yep its very sad to see anything like that, affects people different, maybe try joining tourist police or similar and as redted states maybe open a website, some will laugh but you may help some mate, good look whatever you do!


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These threads go on and on, a friend of mine was in his fortuner back to Rawai from Kata when two youths on a motorbike pulled alongside saying his tyre was flat to get him to stop.

I have tried to start some sort of action, I will collate complaint forms from all nationalities to present to the various Consulates who sit on their <deleted> and take the freebies as a start but everyone seems to want to complain but do nothing.

Make your consuls life a misery, If the mods here can tell me how to do an on line petition for the various nationals then I will be happy to it, then all you will have to do is put your name and address and I will deliver the results to all concerned.

I am fed up with the what can you attitude, it is endangering lives and we should try to do something, I have mentioned this on similar threads and been hit with a deafening silence both from posters and Thai Visa.

Could you please explain this in layman's terms for the hard of hearing?

First thing is that the expats on Phuket don't give a dame about your personal crusade.

Second thing is all your doing is trying to unbalance Thais and farang living together.

If you live in a country as a guest you should not intervene in their laws and ways.

And for trying to get thai visa involved in your escapade is stupid.

Suggestion: Start your own website up and see how many people will help you?

This is Thailand, let them run their own country as they see fit, and if you don't like it?


Bit harsh redted for a saturday morning, but true!

stuandchris, yep its very sad to see anything like that, affects people different, maybe try joining tourist police or similar and as redted states maybe open a website, some will laugh but you may help some mate, good look whatever you do!


Stu and Chris,

I think only one ex pat doesn't give a dam_n, he's too happy to spew negativity to do anything to help anyone

Keep on trying, YOU ARE NOT ALONE

I have already written my State Dept about how dangerous everything is and the Swedish Consul is changing their travel statement on Thailand .

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Thanks for that, I fail to see how asking our Embassies to help stop attacks on Farangs is supid or is Redteds contention that we are fair game and should not rock the delicate balance between cultures?

I think he will find that attacking farang's is illegal in Thailand and as such IS part of the law.

I have no intention in interfering in Thai ways but the law is the law and it is there for everyone, even guests.

FYI several Embassies now have warnings especially for the fairer sex and Sweden is considering following suit. I suppose redted considers this as upsetting to his sensibilities as well.

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Thanks for that, I fail to see how asking our Embassies to help stop attacks on Farangs is supid or is Redteds contention that we are fair game and should not rock the delicate balance between cultures?

I think he will find that attacking farang's is illegal in Thailand and as such IS part of the law.

I have no intention in interfering in Thai ways but the law is the law and it is there for everyone, even guests.

FYI several Embassies now have warnings especially for the fairer sex and Sweden is considering following suit. I suppose redted considers this as upsetting to his sensibilities as well.

Well, Well, Well. Dissolutions about Phuket and Thailand are from the many tourists that have only read about it in brochures and websites, all stating come to paradise for their holiday, blar, blar, blar.

Why do millions of holiday makers expect Phuket or Thailand to be any different to there own country?

Tourists with something to offer should be vigilant at all times and maybe things would not happen to theme in such regularity .

If you show off your goods, expect someone to try and take your goods from you.

There are scum in all countries, and it is a well known fact that money is a magnet for the scum.

Go moan to your government about scum in your own country and see how far you get, about the same as this country.

Have you ever heard the expression about "flogging a dead horse?"

If you won't to do something constructive with your life, join a charity and work as a team, it gets far better results.

Ted. Telling you like it is


Edited by Redted
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Best way is link threads/news articles to farang newsdesks - bad publicity = something done.

Ted, saying `it is as it is`, is a statement of the obvious so no medals for insight.

If you won't (sic) to do something constructive with your life stop flaming those attempting to make positive changes and join a charity and work as a team, it gets far better results.

Thanks for that, I fail to see how asking our Embassies to help stop attacks on Farangs is supid or is Redteds contention that we are fair game and should not rock the delicate balance between cultures?

I think he will find that attacking farang's is illegal in Thailand and as such IS part of the law.

I have no intention in interfering in Thai ways but the law is the law and it is there for everyone, even guests.

FYI several Embassies now have warnings especially for the fairer sex and Sweden is considering following suit. I suppose redted considers this as upsetting to his sensibilities as well.

Well, Well, Well. Dissolutions about Phuket and Thailand are from the many tourists that have only read about it in brochures and websites, all stating come to paradise for their holiday, blar, blar, blar.

Why do millions of holiday makers expect Phuket or Thailand to be any different to there own country?

Tourists with something to offer should be vigilant at all times and maybe things would not happen to theme in such regularity .

If you show off your goods, expect someone to try and take your goods from you.

There are scum in all countries, and it is a well known fact that money is a magnet for the scum.

Go moan to your government about scum in your own country and see how far you get, about the same as this country.

Have you ever heard the expression about "flogging a dead horse?"

If you won't to do something constructive with your life, join a charity and work as a team, it gets far better results.

Ted. Telling you like it is

Edited by cotambear
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I belive that it is too better to bring it to light and at least inform people, hence the thread, though I wonder why local news has not picked it up yet. Does anyone know if it has been in the Scandanavian news yet?

The people who seem to be doing a whole lot of nothing is the police on this island.

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Thanks for that, I fail to see how asking our Embassies to help stop attacks on Farangs is supid or is Redteds contention that we are fair game and should not rock the delicate balance between cultures?

I think he will find that attacking farang's is illegal in Thailand and as such IS part of the law.

I have no intention in interfering in Thai ways but the law is the law and it is there for everyone, even guests.

FYI several Embassies now have warnings especially for the fairer sex and Sweden is considering following suit. I suppose redted considers this as upsetting to his sensibilities as well.

You are certainly not alone in your concern about security on Phuket. I started a string recently called “Phuket: How Dangerous is It” as I am starting to wonder if it is wise to stay here and to start a family here.

The fact is I am not sure what can be done. After the last massacre of a young Swedish woman on the island it is just possible (although I am not able to confirm anything on a public forum) that I may have made it my business to inform the world’s press of the incident.

The problem is this: It seems fairly clear that the Thai police and local government are not too concerned if the odd “farang” gets bumped off from time to time as long as it does not affect tourist revenue. However if we were to shout about all these problems we could be seen, not as the cause but, as the messenger. An of course it is possible that the messenger could be shot (I mean that both literally and metaphorically).

I can understand the redted view that we shouldn’t get involved in Thai issues and also the mustaphamond view that we should campaign for the maximum penalties for suspects of “farang” murders. I can’t quite agree with either, but do I have any better ideas? No!

Just wanted to register my concern and willingness to do something if I knew what best to do.

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I hope the lady concerned is Not a member here on Tv, as some of the reply`s would suggest it was her fault.

Did she have a t shirt on saying " i`m swedish" come and rob me and my daughter...i no think.

A crime is a crime, and until it happens to you, do not belittle it. Support and help overcome . :o

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These things happen, to both farang and Thai.

What is done in the west about the car break ins, robberies, etc.

Every country/area has its problems, let us not make this 'us poor farang', because that is simply not true, and let's not pretend that these things are not happening back home, whereever that is, or that back home the police care about these things any more than the Thai police do.

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That is my point, there is scum in every country, however in most countries if someone is murdered or there is a spate of violence in an area action is taken, here the police don't care, that is why I am hoping that voicing concerns to our Embassies might get some positive action from the authorities.

Redted, telling it how it is, why is now tourists that are at fault? The Norwegian guy that was murdered in Rawai lived here for years. And just because something is difficult it is no reason not to try, if we all had your attitude nothing would ever be accomplished.

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These things happen, to both farang and Thai.

What is done in the west about the car break ins, robberies, etc.

Every country/area has its problems, let us not make this 'us poor farang', because that is simply not true, and let's not pretend that these things are not happening back home, whereever that is, or that back home the police care about these things any more than the Thai police do.

Cant agree..

You really think farangs are not targetted more ?? you have to be kidding !!! I mean wouldnt it make sense to target the high value targets ? of course farangs are more common targets.

Secondly the 'it happens back home' line.. Well it may do but in the last year 2 mates were attacked at gun point.. another had a gun shoved in his face in the early evening at a busy 7/11.. This is from a circle of maybe 30 or so mates. In my entire life in Europe none of my mates were mugged with a gun. Now I have 3 in one year.

Lastly, the police here really dont do anything unless theres financial incentive or pressure from someone important.. And as farangs we are faw less likely the either be or even know someone of sufficient importance.

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You really think farangs are not targetted more ?? you have to be kidding !!! I mean wouldnt it make sense to target the high value targets ? of course farangs are more common targets.
People with money are targetted more, and in general farang have more money than the average Thai, even on Phuket. So indirectly: yes, farang are targetted more, but not because they are farang, but because chances are they have more money on them than the average Thai will.
Secondly the 'it happens back home' line.. Well it may do but in the last year 2 mates were attacked at gun point.. another had a gun shoved in his face in the early evening at a busy 7/11.. This is from a circle of maybe 30 or so mates. In my entire life in Europe none of my mates were mugged with a gun. Now I have 3 in one year.
Agree with you there are way too many guns around in Thailand, especially compared to Europe.
Lastly, the police here really dont do anything unless theres financial incentive or pressure from someone important.. And as farangs we are faw less likely the either be or even know someone of sufficient importance.
Yes, and also back home the police won't do anything about a simple mugging or bag snatching.
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Is it just me, or doesn't anyone else notice that the taboo against scaring kids and going after women like this is out of character for Thais. Yes, I know there is domestic violence etc., but even Thai muggers don't beat on women or do things to hurt kids. Perhaps the perp(s) was desperate, either badly in debt, a junkie or not even Thai, but this isn't your run of the mill mugger.

As for the consulate suggestion, one can put all the pressure one wants. The response they will give is hey if you are concerned then stay away. There are so many problems caused by the low end tourists now that the embassies have their hands full dealing with the mess those people cause. Most of the western embassies just do not have the resources available here to provide the services demanded. Imagine the reaction from the taxpayers if the respective embassy budgets were increased. Most of the taxpaying public in those countries don't have the means to come to Thailand and don't care about what happens to people that aren't paying the same taxes as they are. Some countries have gotten around the money crunch by cutting side deals like the Austrialian-Canadian deal that has Australia look after Canadians in he south pacific where there are almost no Canadian facilities and vica versa in Africa where Canadian foreign offices will service Australians. Maybe it's time some of the western countries started pooling resources in Thailand.

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These things happen, to both farang and Thai.

What is done in the west about the car break ins, robberies, etc.

Every country/area has its problems, let us not make this 'us poor farang', because that is simply not true, and let's not pretend that these things are not happening back home, whereever that is, or that back home the police care about these things any more than the Thai police do.

Back home is Singapore and no these things don't happen much there. And yes the Singapore Police and the Singapore government care passionately about preventing and solving crime.

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People with money are targetted more,

Try explaining that one to these Burmese>>>

Monday, March 31, 2008

‘Bogus cops’ slay Burmese in failed extortion bid

KATHU: A Burmese laborer was executed by a shotgun blast to the face last night after refusing to pay money demanded by two Thai men posing as undercover police officers, Tung Tong’s police chief told the Gazette today.

Tung Tong Distict Police Superintendent Col Arayapan Pukbuakhao identified the victim as So Sung, 25, a construction worker living at a workers’ camp on the road that runs along the northern boundary of Loch Palm Golf Course.

The murder was reported to police about 10 pm by Akasak Hemklang, owner of the construction company Muang Ake Built Up Ltd, which had been contracted to build a project in the area.

Witnesses said two well-built men covered with tattoos arrived at the camp on a small motorcycle. Identifying themselves as off-duty police officers, they demanded money from workers, Col Arayapan explained.

After collecting 190 baht from one woman and 500 baht from another, So Sung emerged from his room and told his fellow workers not to pay because the pair were only students, not real police, Col Arayapan said.

This enraged the men, one of whom shot So Sung in the face and neck before fleeing, he added.

Phuket Gazette

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Incidents like that one show that it's not only happening to farang or people with a lot of money but to anybody who is an easy target. But as long as it is not related to farangs nobody cares about it. A lot of people don't even bother when thais or burmesians are getting robbed or murdered but when a farang is involved suddenly all the discussing starts.

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Back home is Singapore and no these things don't happen much there. And yes the Singapore Police and the Singapore government care passionately about preventing and solving crime.

Yeah, and as an expat in Singapore you can get thrown in jail for one night (or longer) based only on hearsay from a local. Guilty until proven innocent. And crime might be prevented and solved but the trade-off is complete lack of personal rights and privacy. Even cussing somebody out can earn a night in jail for "outraging a person's modesty".

And people are so nosy. As William Gibson said in his article in Wired magazine about one decade ago, "Disneyland with the Death Penalty", there's a little police in everybody.

No thanks.

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Back home is Singapore and no these things don't happen much there. And yes the Singapore Police and the Singapore government care passionately about preventing and solving crime.

Yeah, and as an expat in Singapore you can get thrown in jail for one night (or longer) based only on hearsay from a local. Guilty until proven innocent. And crime might be prevented and solved but the trade-off is complete lack of personal rights and privacy. Even cussing somebody out can earn a night in jail for "outraging a person's modesty".

And people are so nosy. As William Gibson said in his article in Wired magazine about one decade ago, "Disneyland with the Death Penalty", there's a little police in everybody.

No thanks.

I wasn't really claiming that Singapore is perfect. I was just responding to stevenl who was saying that crime and police indiference are the same in all contries. Well no they are not. There are many examples of countries with low crime and competent police forces: Monaco, Switzerland, Japan, etc.

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I wasn't really claiming that Singapore is perfect. I was just responding to stevenl who was saying that crime and police indiference are the same in all contries. Well no they are not. There are many examples of countries with low crime and competent police forces: Monaco, Switzerland, Japan, etc.

Point taken. There's a happy medium and Phuket and Singapore seem to be polar opposites in most areas - except for an abundance of ladies of the night I suppose :o

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I don't think there is a need for a crusade at all. The international media has done a good job of picking up on the recent spare of attacks in Phuket and on Samui. I doubt, however, that a girl losing five baht and an old cellphone will make the front page anywhere.

The information about the dangers of traveling to Thailand is out there if people would only start paying attention to it. It has been reported several times that the police force in Phuket is severely understaffed. There are dangers on this island, all around Thailand, all around Asia, all around the world.

This isn't just a simple problem that you can start a moral campaign against and then someone flicks a switch and everything is OK. We're living on a rapidly developing island that has twice as many people as are registered, has huge sums of money flowing through it, has an ineffective police force, has roads that aren't lit, has beaches where there are no people and so on.

I just find it hard to believe that people are still consistently surprised that bad things happen to innocent people. I remember the same sort of things happening to people in my home city in the UK. The only difference was a more efficient police force.

For those who want to start petitions, who are writing letters, I think it's important to have a realistic idea of what you actually want to achieve, otherwise you're just going to be disappointed.

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I wasn't really claiming that Singapore is perfect. I was just responding to stevenl who was saying that crime and police indiference are the same in all contries. Well no they are not. There are many examples of countries with low crime and competent police forces: Monaco, Switzerland, Japan, etc.

Point taken. There's a happy medium and Phuket and Singapore seem to be polar opposites in most areas - except for an abundance of ladies of the night I suppose :o

A quick search of documents shows an opinion otherwise. Monaco is recognized as a bastion of white collar criminals and has the disdain of EU law enforcement. Switzerland needs no introduction as a haven for some of the worlds' most evil and cruel despots, from the nazis to Marcos to various drug dealing kingpins to the looting genocidal maniacs of Africa, and Japan is completely ineffective when it comes to addressing government corruption or organized crime. The point being that crimes come in different varieties and unless one is prepared to give up civil liberties and live in a police state like Singapore or Vietnam, crime is going to happen. Report a property crime like a car breakin or home burglary in most big western cities and the cops do not investigate,

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You really think farangs are not targetted more ?? you have to be kidding !!! I mean wouldnt it make sense to target the high value targets ? of course farangs are more common targets.
People with money are targetted more, and in general farang have more money than the average Thai, even on Phuket. So indirectly: yes, farang are targetted more, but not because they are farang, but because chances are they have more money on them than the average Thai will.

So net result is farangs ARE targetted.. Your reason doesnt make me feel better.

in Thailand, especially compared to Europe.

Lastly, the police here really dont do anything unless theres financial incentive or pressure from someone important.. And as farangs we are faw less likely the either be or even know someone of sufficient importance.
Yes, and also back home the police won't do anything about a simple mugging or bag snatching.

I dont know where you come from but where I grew up if there was a couple of km stretch of road with fairly continual muggings at night, guns being used, and a very visible bike gang hanging out in that area.. then they would follow up on it, and not becuase there was the possibility of some money to them.

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Is it just me, or doesn't anyone else notice that the taboo against scaring kids and going after women like this is out of character for Thais. Yes, I know there is domestic violence etc., but even Thai muggers don't beat on women or do things to hurt kids. Perhaps the perp(s) was desperate, either badly in debt, a junkie or not even Thai, but this isn't your run of the mill mugger.

I dont see any taboo about them beating on women.. seems they are quite handy at slapping the old lady around to me..

My mates missus. mugged on the Karon Patong road.. Forced off the road while at speed into the drainage ditch, they cam back, took her gold and purse.. Seems anyone weaker than them is fair game to me.

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Incidents like that one show that it's not only happening to farang or people with a lot of money but to anybody who is an easy target. But as long as it is not related to farangs nobody cares about it. A lot of people don't even bother when thais or burmesians are getting robbed or murdered but when a farang is involved suddenly all the discussing starts.

Seems to me its pretty much 'anyone not Thai' who is most likely to be targetted.. Then if Thai anyone weak..

As to why farangs notice crime against farangs most.. Well isnt that natural ?? This is a farang board so we speak about crimes that happen to us.. Normal no ??

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Seems to me its pretty much 'anyone not Thai' who is most likely to be targetted.. Then if Thai anyone weak..

As to why farangs notice crime against farangs most.. Well isnt that natural ?? This is a farang board so we speak about crimes that happen to us.. Normal no ??

What makes you say this? Don't you read the reports of Thai and Burmese people being attacked, murdered, extorted, blackmailed, etc?

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