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Caught On Video! Post It Or Not?


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Yesterday I was woken up by hysterical screaming and shouting outside my apartment, on further observation I noticed a few of the Uni girls and Unitoeys* that attend the nearby school in a very heated discussion. Sensing a physical confrontation about to happen so I hobbled to my bed and grabbed my phone, it's not often you get a chance to witness a couple of pretty fit Thai chicks in mini skirted school uniforms having a crack at each other in broad daylight with a ladyboy or 2 as referees is it?

'This must be documented' I thought to myself'.

As luck would have it I just managed to fiddle the zoom and focus just as the first blows were dealt. It all seemed pretty professional with a referee and seconds for each contestant (I think both of the referees were ladyboys, not sure, one of them caught a surprise bonus slap though).

It was over much quicker than it started and fortunately, with no blood shed or visible injuries to either contestant. Anticipating round 2 about to commence at any moment, I continued filming. But only verbal assaults were recorded after round 1.

So now I have this pretty comical video of the above mentioned scenario on my phone, and I'm tempted to release it on the net. The way I see it is that they have already made it public themselves, and added to the fact that they disturbed my sleep I feel that I could expose them without too many moral qualms about it.

As to the legal implications of posting the video on the net I'm not sure, that is why I ask for advice here. The video quality is not great and the only persons that would really recognize anyone are the people actually involved. Audio is reasonably clear. No one got seriously hurt and the video is more comical than anything else.


So any advice on the legalities involved with regards to posting such a video?

*Unitoey (def. mydictionary thai male student flirting with the feminine side of his personality, not necessarily gay .pl. unitoeys a very comical sight indeed) :o

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It was over much quicker than it started and fortunately, with no blood shed or visible injuries to either contestant. Anticipating round 2 about to commence at any moment, I continued filming. But only verbal assaults were recorded after round 1.

Did you manage to rub one out in time? :o

Seeing as youtube appears to be censored again (on TOT anyway), you should post it here. Probably.

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The only issue that you might wish to consider before taking ny futher steps, is when you "publish" you loose control of the video footage - could those involved work out that you (location and angle of video) caught their moment of heated exchange and published it for all there to loose face? You might find a knock on the door or if you are unlucky a knock on the jaw.

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Yes SBK I remember that as well. I can't remember any details though or what all the fuss was about, or the outcome. I'm sure that a search would reveal many videos of Thai students fighting.

Normally its the guys fighting, but considering the guys at this college I'm not surprised it's the girls that are up in arms.

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