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Wild Boar Hunting


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Sometimes being a Moderator has its drawbacks inasmuch as you cant say what you really want.

Suffice to say, I have rarely read such a load of codswallop as what has been posted in this thread.

The OPs knowledge of hunting is purely theoretical , as he thinks you stalk from upwind and that boars have four tusks and has obviously never heard of mushrooming or fragmentation type hunting projectiles.

As for the bow hunting advocates, I think you have been watching to many William Tell or Robin Hood replays, I have seen good bowmen in action at our pistol clubs and any who think that they can consistently heart or neck shoot a porker is dreaming.(if you knew anything of hunting you would of course know that a lung shot is the quickest and most lethal of downing game) unless of course you can get a brain shot in, which is most unlikely with a bow.

Maybe when you have been treed by a wild pig that was gut shot by somebody who was using insufficient fire power or whose ambitions were way beyond their capabilities you will realize your fantasies are just that.

Oh yes ,my preferred weapon for pig was a Breda 12 gauge ,20 inch barreled pumper using Brenecke slugs.

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I read earlier in the thread that someone claimed they could take a 12.6 mm (.50 cal for us 'Colonials') round to a boar and it would not kill them outright. While in the states that's a common deer hunting round it's only used in black powder hunting. Any cartridge bullets using that calibre are going to split a boar in half.

perhaps ohio baby boars but not european ones :o

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There are plenty of wild pig suckers here in our village, they are cute little critters with their orongey brown stripes.

When a villager comes across a litter they go out and catch the suckers by hand and divvy them up, they only keep them penned for a week or two then let them roam around with the chooks etc, they tell me they are fine eating after they have been reared and fed on veggy scraps,corn and ram . Local name is moo baa.

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The OP has not hunted with a bow before nor have I and I'm from oz and wouldn't even get out there with an Uzi, those pigs are nuts and will and have ripped people to shreds especially when standing in a paddock "upwind"

There could only be 2 outcomes here and neither favour the OP

1. The Pig sniffs the air and sneaks up on OP and tears him to shreds

2. the OP sees Boar, Sihts himself and runs eventually tripping and falling on the arrow.

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The OP has not hunted with a bow before nor have I and I'm from oz and wouldn't even get out there with an Uzi, those pigs are nuts and will and have ripped people to shreds especially when standing in a paddock "upwind"

There could only be 2 outcomes here and neither favour the OP

1. The Pig sniffs the air and sneaks up on OP and tears him to shreds

2. the OP sees Boar, Sihts himself and runs eventually tripping and falling on the arrow.

:o As an animal lover i would be happy with either of the above. :D

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At the risk of being accused of being a "Redneck American" (which would be patently false--I lived in Ohio pretty much my whole life) I want to jump into this thread on the side of the OP.

He is quite correct that a well placed broadhead arrow will drop most anything in a short span. There's a reason that humans used it for millenium. It could even be argued that except for our penchant of murdering each other we'd still be using this system.

Up in Nakhon Sawn, most of the wild pigs I have seen taken have not been the large boars that you usually seen taken in the States. While that could be that the large ones are much more apt at evading humans and their traps, I think you could actually state that the danger level is much lower here than there.

And yes, that's how the locals take them. They set up traps. And they use lead shot and blackpowder mixed into a steel tube with a tripwire mechanism. As you can guess, that's neither accurate nor humane. I've seen a few traps where they recognise this and so then rig up a secondary gun to fire after the pig starts running after being peppered with the first shot(s).

Now, since there are few to no natural predators of wild pigs in Thailand, I think it's not that bad of an idea to hunt them. Without something controlling their population, there'd be a huge explosion in their numbers. We all know that pigs are prolific breeders, and the thought of them overwhelming their food supply and having to starve to death in mass should even make vegetarians shudder. A few moments of suffering for a few pigs is much better than a long time of suffering for all in my book.

As a side note, I want to affirm the way that Thais dispatch the pigs they prepare for parties. I bought two pigs once for a village party. The first one they took a framing hammer to its forehead. Poor bastard squealed and squealed. I remember them whacking it a minimum of 3 times. Then they stuck a knife into it's heart. Cue even more screaming. There's nothing worst than an animal (human included) screaming its death throes. On the second one, I got a larger hammer, like one of those mini-sledge styles they use for metal work, and showed them how to pull the sack down from the whole body to just over the head. A careful aim and a strike for all I was worth at the base of the skull essentially finished that one. They still knifed it through the heart, but at least I could rest better since it was for all intents and purposes dead before that.

Now why for that last paragraph? I guess I wanted to demonstrate that those who aren't opposed to hunting can still be empathetic. My biggest question though is to the detractors, especially those who are vegetarians; why do you refuse others the right to provide them and their's food, and if you're a vegetarian are you one because of religious beliefs--if so and your Buddhist, do you think that it's in accordance with his teachings to be so hate filled toward others?

Hi Dave, like you I have empathy/sympathy for other creatures. If they must be killed for whatever reason I would wish it to be quick, and also that the creature has no knowledge of what is about to happen.

With this in mind I think most farming, and most slaughter house practices are cruel.

Further, I also think some hunting is cruel. I could not leave a gin trap out for an animal. It makes me upset to think of any animal in agony for hours.

But a well placed broadhead arrow, or bullet is probably one of the humanest ways of killing an animal:

1/ No knowledge at all of what is about to happen.

2/ Mortal blow leading to massive loss of blood.

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i have been several times present when "european" boars were broken up, skinned and lead bullets removed. the location of the bullets in the (european) boar's body were proof that any arrow wouldn't have done much damage except causing the animal a lot of suffering..

You are wrong yet again. Just look at some boar bow hunting on youtube. There are several short films where a broadhead has passed straight through an animals chest. And if you think a broadhead would not have done much damage, then clearly you have never seen a broadhead.

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Sometimes being a Moderator has its drawbacks inasmuch as you cant say what you really want.

Suffice to say, I have rarely read such a load of codswallop as what has been posted in this thread.

And I have rarely read such a load of patronising rubbish

The OPs knowledge of hunting is purely theoretical , as he thinks you stalk from upwind and that boars have four tusks and has obviously never heard of mushrooming or fragmentation type hunting projectiles.

No I dont think that at all. You aproach the boar with the wind taking our scent away from the boar. I made that clear earlier as Im sure you already know.

European boars do indeed have 4 tusks. And why do you say I have never heard of mushrooming or fragmentation bullets ? I have indeed heard of these. You, like gollom are resorting to guesswork. If you dont know, why make things up? It only makes you look silly. It does nothing to enhance your argument.

As for the bow hunting advocates, I think you have been watching to many William Tell or Robin Hood replays, I have seen good bowmen in action at our pistol clubs and any who think that they can consistently heart or neck shoot a porker is dreaming.

No one here has said that they can consistently get a heart or lung shot. You are the first to mention such a remarkable feat.

(if you knew anything of hunting you would of course know that a lung shot is the quickest and most lethal of downing game)

Isnt it you that are talking codswallop ?

How on earth can a lung shot be the most lethal. It is one of the most lethal,thats for sure, nothing more. It is no more lethal than a direct hit on the chambers of the heart, or the aorta, or the central liver area. They would each lead to massive and fast blood loss.

Maybe when you have been treed by a wild pig that was gut shot by somebody who was using insufficient fire power or whose ambitions were way beyond their capabilities you will realize your fantasies are just that.

Go and see some vids at youtube, if you think bow archery for boar is underpowered. You are quite wrong. Boar are routinely taken by bow.

Oh yes ,my preferred weapon for pig was a Breda 12 gauge ,20 inch barreled pumper using Brenecke slugs.

Bully for you

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The OP has not hunted with a bow before nor have I and I'm from oz and wouldn't even get out there with an Uzi, those pigs are nuts and will and have ripped people to shreds especially when standing in a paddock "upwind"

There could only be 2 outcomes here and neither favour the OP

1. The Pig sniffs the air and sneaks up on OP and tears him to shreds

2. the OP sees Boar, Sihts himself and runs eventually tripping and falling on the arrow.

Gosh, are those really the only outcomes ?

You seem to have missed a great many out, such as finding no pigs, or perhaps not seeing any of large enough size as to want to take one down. Then there is taking one or more down. I'm sure if you tried it shouldnt be too hard for you to imagine many more outcomes

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the OP sees Boar, Sihts himself and runs eventually tripping and falling on the arrow...

...tearing with the broadhead his lungs, all arteries, both kidneys, colon and sphincter and dies fast in peace :o result: no more yada yada yada yakety yakety yakety yak from the OP. may he rest in peace!

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Just look at some boar bow hunting on youtube


Who would have thought that this topic would be one of the bigger threads about Phuket when...........in fact it's not about Phuket.  Mods let's either move or close this thread as it has not a thing to do about Phuket now. Please take this topic somewhere else as I'd rather be discussing Chairat's bold decree that beach road will not have tuk tuks and black taxi's next year blocking traffic.

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the OP sees Boar, Sihts himself and runs eventually tripping and falling on the arrow...

...tearing with the broadhead his lungs, all arteries, both kidneys, colon and sphincter and dies fast in peace :o result: no more yada yada yada yakety yakety yakety yak from the OP. may he rest in peace!

If you dont like the conversation, feel free to go elsewhere. You have nothing to say anyway, its all inaccurate or guesswork.

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Who would have thought that this topic would be one of the bigger threads about Phuket when...........in fact it's not about Phuket.  Mods let's either move or close this thread as it has not a thing to do about Phuket now. Please take this topic somewhere else as I'd rather be discussing Chairat's bold decree that beach road will not have tuk tuks and black taxi's next year blocking traffic.

It is about Phuket, thats if boar hunting is available on Phuket.

Go discuss Chairats Bold Decree, no one is stopping you. And have the goodness to let others discuss what they please to discuss.

Its really so simple. Just refrain from clicking on this thread. It doesn,t get any easier than that..

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@Naam, I took the time to look up the various force that 12,5 mm class bullets strike with.

  • *.470 Capstick (12x72) 8 669 J
    *.50 Beowulf (12.7x54) 4 234 J
    *.50 BMG (12.95x99) 13 000-15 000 J
    *.510 Whisper (12.95x48) 2 491J

Now the biggest, baddest 7mm class cartridge (I chose this becuase the 7mm class is the most popular for large game hunting throughout the world) is the 30-378 Weatherby Magnum. And wouldn't you know, it produces a grand total of 6 450 J. While looking at the 12,5mm cartridges listed above, it would seem to fall smack in the middle of the options. However, that disregards the fact that I included to speciality 12,5 mm rounds; the .510 Whisper (which is a silenced essentially subsonic round), and the .50 Beowulf (which is a round that was developed to use the AR-15--not exactly a frame you would want to subject to a full 12,5 load).

And I am positive that a boar struck mid-ship would be split in half by 9 000 J(since that's the lowest specced non-speciality cartridge for that family). There is a reason that militaries use it for anti-material/aircraft round.

Also, all this linking to youtube to bolster your case or detract from the other side's is counter-productive(and that's for everyone who's done it). That website is well known for showing the stupidity of people and is even less reliable than wikipedia.

Splorff had a good retort to the Moderator who decided to jump in and express his views. Don't think that I need to add to them with the exception of pointing out that using a round that will mushroom(controlled deformation) or fragment(spall) is a very bad idea on a boar. In order to mushroom or fragment, it needs to expend energy. This energy is than not being used to pierce the tough hide/muscles of the boar. Ideally, you would use a round that's going to tumble inside the boar after penetration. This would increase the damages to the vital organs.

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@Naam, I took the time to look up the various force that 12,5 mm class bullets strike with.

  • *.470 Capstick (12x72) 8 669 J
    *.50 Beowulf (12.7x54) 4 234 J
    *.50 BMG (12.95x99) 13 000-15 000 J
    *.510 Whisper (12.95x48) 2 491J

Now the biggest, baddest 7mm class cartridge (I chose this becuase the 7mm class is the most popular for large game hunting throughout the world) is the 30-378 Weatherby Magnum. And wouldn't you know, it produces a grand total of 6 450 J. While looking at the 12,5mm cartridges listed above, it would seem to fall smack in the middle of the options. However, that disregards the fact that I included to speciality 12,5 mm rounds; the .510 Whisper (which is a silenced essentially subsonic round), and the .50 Beowulf (which is a round that was developed to use the AR-15--not exactly a frame you would want to subject to a full 12,5 load).

And I am positive that a boar struck mid-ship would be split in half by 9 000 J(since that's the lowest specced non-speciality cartridge for that family). There is a reason that militaries use it for anti-material/aircraft round.

Also, all this linking to youtube to bolster your case or detract from the other side's is counter-productive(and that's for everyone who's done it). That website is well known for showing the stupidity of people and is even less reliable than wikipedia.

Splorff had a good retort to the Moderator who decided to jump in and express his views. Don't think that I need to add to them with the exception of pointing out that using a round that will mushroom(controlled deformation) or fragment(spall) is a very bad idea on a boar. In order to mushroom or fragment, it needs to expend energy. This energy is than not being used to pierce the tough hide/muscles of the boar. Ideally, you would use a round that's going to tumble inside the boar after penetration. This would increase the damages to the vital organs.

Hi Dave

In reply to golloms assertion that an arrow wound results in hour long agony,and is not effective against boar, just view this clip. The boar collapses within 1 - 2 seconds, after being struck with a broadhead, and presumably dies quickly , through blood loss.


And the gentleman who thinks boars dont have four tusks might want to watch the whole thing too !

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>>It is about Phuket, thats if boar hunting is available on Phuket.

This thread stopped being about Phuket about after the initial post  from waht I see Where else in this thread is Phuket mentioned in the last 3 pages of posts?  I ingnored this thread until just now and will go back to ignoring

as the last 3 pages are not about hunting in Phuket at all, but rather something

completely different.  Why don't you move this to a hunting forum or to an animal rights forum.

Edited by steelepulse
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>>It is about Phuket, thats if boar hunting is available on Phuket.

This thread stopped being about Phuket about after the initial post  from waht I see Where else in this thread is Phuket mentioned in the last 3 pages of posts? 

Phuket does not ned to be mentioned at every post. The post concerns boar hunting at Phuket. That is clear from the outset.

 I ingnored this thread until just now and will go back to ignoring

as the last 3 pages are not about hunting in Phuket at all, but rather something

completely different.  

Fell free to ignore this post entirely.

Why don't you move this to a hunting forum or to an animal rights forum.

TV does not offer either of these. And if they did, I would hardly post it in an animal rights forum ! But if it pleases you, consider this thread to be the hunting forum.

Much better to keep it here. Hunting on Phuket belongs in the Phuket forum.

Now, go back to ignoring this post. You have nothing to contribute to this thread.

Edited by splorff
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PEACE brother Splorff! you have my blessings to "broadhead" any boar in/on Phuket. and in case you are successful please send a smoked hind leg by personal message or e-mail attachment :o

Certainly not, any boar I take I will share with my Thai buddies. I might send some to Dave though.

But I would like to go forest trekking with you in the Pattaya Jungle. Can I hug the trees with you ? Can we hold hands and revere the animals too ?

We must be very careful not to step on any insects or toadstools though, or step upon the grass and harm it, or the karma faerie may send us to hel_l...

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PEACE brother Splorff! you have my blessings to "broadhead" any boar in/on Phuket. and in case you are successful please send a smoked hind leg by personal message or e-mail attachment :o

Certainly not, any boar I take I will share with my Thai buddies. I might send some to Dave though.

But I would like to go forest trekking with you in the Pattaya Jungle. Can I hug the trees with you ? Can we hold hands and revere the animals too ?

We must be very careful not to step on any insects or toadstools though, or step upon the grass and harm it, or the karma faerie may send us to hel_l...

Thanks for the kind offer. I'm sure the in-laws would enjoy it....I personally can't stand pork, but horses for courses as they say.

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>>TV does not offer either of these.

As I said, go to another forum. I'm sure if you goggled "animal rights forum" or "hunting forum" you would find one.  I could swear that I have not seen you in the phuket forrum, nor do you live here so go ahead and beat it to those other forums.  

PS seeing as how you live in England. I'd seach for " boar hunting forum in England" or  boar hunting bow or rifle forum england" and/or  " animal rights forum England" and then you'l find you are in the right place.

Ciao amici

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As I said, go to another forum.

I'm sure if you goggled "animal rights forum" or "hunting forum" you would find one.

nor do you live here so go ahead and beat it to those other forums.  

PS seeing as how you live in England. I'd seach for " boar hunting forum in England" or  boar hunting bow or rifle forum england" and/or  " animal rights forum England" and then you'l find you are in the right place.

Ciao amici

You do not own TV. It is not your place to tell others to go to other forums.

I'm not particularly bothered of what you are sure of.

Where I live is no concern of yours. And I certainly would not bother searching for boar hunting forums in the UK. Bow hunting is proscribed here.

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PEACE brother Splorff! you have my blessings to "broadhead" any boar in/on Phuket. and in case you are successful please send a smoked hind leg by personal message or e-mail attachment :D

But I would like to go forest trekking with you in the Pattaya Jungle. Can I hug the trees with you ? Can we hold hands and revere the animals too ?

We must be very careful not to step on any insects or toadstools though, or step upon the grass and harm it, or the karma faerie may send us to hel_l...

there seems to be some misunderstanding. i'm neither a vegetarian (au contraire!) nor do i like to hold hands of a male (i am a lesbian born into a male body who likes pussy) and to the best of knowledge i've never hugged a tree. i also don't believe that something like karma exists. i'm just a simple animal lover who eats parts of dead animals but believes that no animal should suffer when it's killed to serve the afore-mentioned purpose. moreover, i reject killing animals for "sports". e.g. i hate @ssholes who fish, hold up the struggling fish "ain't dis summ bootiful catch?", remove the hook and throw the fish back in the water that other "sportsmen" can have the fun to catch the fish again :o

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