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Hi Mobi,

I'm not sure if Giardia can be checked or found during a colonoscopy as the giardia parasite attach itself in the small intestines and a colonoscopy just views into the large intestine.

The diagnosis for giardia is found in the stool of the person involved and in some cases they do an endoscopy and take samples of the tissue from inside the intestine.

I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy as well in 1 1/2 week, checking the colon after 2 times hospital for diverticulitis.

Hang in there !


Thanks Laopo,

I was planning to ask the hospital to take a sample and check for Giardia as a separate test from the colonoscopy. Anyway thanks for the info.

Good luck with your own colonoscopy - we are following your progress in Bedlam. :o

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The care you are receiving sounds appropriate, colonoscopy is the right thing to do, although the doctor would have done better to either nor mention cancer or else present it as something to be ruled out rather than a likelihood.

Unless there are more findings than the symptoms you describe (for example, anemia or occult blood in the stool - doctor would know this only if a blood count were done and stool examined, or manual rectal exam done - they can test for occult blood from a small swipe) - then odds are against cancer and in favor of either antibiotic-induced diarrhea or giardiasis. I find it very odd that the doctors gave you more antibiotics after you first developed the problem , are you sure they were antibacterial agentts and not flagyl or tinidazole? If not then it is hardly any wonder you still have diarrhea, the worst possible thing to do for someone with antibiotic-induced colitis is give more antibacterials.

Anyhow -- have the colonoscopy, and assuming nothing is found on it, ask the doctor specifically about both giardia. and pseudomembranous colitis, stressing that the problems all started after a course of antibiotics. Also ask specifically about treating for these two things -- which luckily respond to the ame drug -- even in the absence of it being found in the stool, it is not always easy to isolate them. This would be if you have not already had a course of treatment with flagyl or tinidazole. In fact, if it were me and the colonoscopy were negative I would insist ion a course with these drugs and also try to find a probiotic.

Nothing you have said leads me to think a change of hospital or doctor is needed at this point. If the colonoscopy shows something then that will be a different matter, of course.

One other thought - are you on any other new medications which migth be causing this?


My father developed very similar symptoms as a diabetic with severe obstructive sleep apnea, and his bowels became much more regular within a week or two of beginning use of the CPAP breathing machine when he slept.

Don't ignore the stress you are putting on your body by having chronically disrupted sleep...


Hang in there m8, I know exactly how you feel right now. I am awaiting a CT scan to exclude a mass that was found nearly 2 months ago on my right kidney. This mass was found after I was admitted to Phyathai Hospital with severe pain in the back and running down my right leg and a blood pressure 120/190. After some urine, blood, ultrasound and MRI scans they found that I have Spinal Stenosis with nerve root entrapment and 2 degenerated discs. I have not been able to walk since that day. It was on the MRI scans that this 'mass' showed up.

Unfortunately I had totally forgotten to renew my health insurance which had expired about 6 weeks prior to my admittance. Phyathai cleaned out my cash reserves with one foul swoop. Now I have just enough to get my wife and I to Europe, To add to all the stress the Italian Consulate has made us wait almost 6 weeks just to hand in the visa application.

The Dr. told me also that it could be cancer, which I would rather not have heard. Ive spent the last 6 weeks in my condo watching my hair fall out from my head and face, unable to walk, and the thought that I might have cancer.

It's not a nice thought at all. Power to you m8, and hope that you get a clean diagnosis.


Sorry to hear of you troubles lordsux. I hope you make it back to Europe OK.

As for me, it's beginning to look like the good doctor may be right. I found some blood deposits in my diarrhoea this morning :o

Hang in there m8, I know exactly how you feel right now. I am awaiting a CT scan to exclude a mass that was found nearly 2 months ago on my right kidney. This mass was found after I was admitted to Phyathai Hospital with severe pain in the back and running down my right leg and a blood pressure 120/190. After some urine, blood, ultrasound and MRI scans they found that I have Spinal Stenosis with nerve root entrapment and 2 degenerated discs. I have not been able to walk since that day. It was on the MRI scans that this 'mass' showed up.

Unfortunately I had totally forgotten to renew my health insurance which had expired about 6 weeks prior to my admittance. Phyathai cleaned out my cash reserves with one foul swoop. Now I have just enough to get my wife and I to Europe, To add to all the stress the Italian Consulate has made us wait almost 6 weeks just to hand in the visa application.

The Dr. told me also that it could be cancer, which I would rather not have heard. Ive spent the last 6 weeks in my condo watching my hair fall out from my head and face, unable to walk, and the thought that I might have cancer.

It's not a nice thought at all. Power to you m8, and hope that you get a clean diagnosis.

Firstly Mobi, good luck with the tests. It's not worth panicking before you know what is wrong, it may be very treatable.

To Lordsux - I know, somewhat, how you feel, as I also have some degeneration in my vertibrae and spinal stenosis. (The myelogram is a lot of fun isn't it? :o ) I know of the back pain you have and, with me, a loss of feeling in the legs. (Obviously not as severe as yours, as I can still walk for short distances before needing to sit)

I also suffer arthritis, high blood pressure and have some liver scarring. I go for my second hip replacement next month.

I mention this because a lot of my problems eminated fron the genetic condition of Hemachromatosis, or Iron Overload, which was not diagnosed until relatively late in my life after the damage to my body had occurred. Basically the body retains iron in excess which, over a long period of time, can cause damage to many different organs.

If you have never done so, it might be prudent to get your iron levels checked as this may be part of your problem. It's only a simple blood test. In fact everybody should do the test to eliminate the possibility of having the condition.

Good luck with your further treatment. :D

Mobi, hate to get disgusting here, but giardia is a possibility. Google giardia symptoms, lots of gas, sticky mucusy bowel movements, its worth checking out with your doctor. I've had it once, my mother got it in the US. It is not pleasant to have but easily curable with a course of Flagyl. Nasty antibiotics, but they do work, unlike other antibiotics which have no effect at all on giardia.

Good luck and hope you feel better soon :o

I have to agree that the symptoms sound like when I had a dose of giardia in a Koren drill rig a few years ago, the whole rig went down with it and it took weeks to diagnose and that was only after one of our crew went back to Australia and had treatment there.

I didnt experience any stomache pain though..just grumbling and an immediete urge to "go".

1 kg weightloss is nothing after a period of liquid bowel movements.

Mobi, hate to get disgusting here, but giardia is a possibility. Google giardia symptoms, lots of gas, sticky mucusy bowel movements, its worth checking out with your doctor. I've had it once, my mother got it in the US. It is not pleasant to have but easily curable with a course of Flagyl. Nasty antibiotics, but they do work, unlike other antibiotics which have no effect at all on giardia.

Good luck and hope you feel better soon :D

I have to agree that the symptoms sound like when I had a dose of giardia in a Koren drill rig a few years ago, the whole rig went down with it and it took weeks to diagnose and that was only after one of our crew went back to Australia and had treatment there.

I didnt experience any stomache pain though..just grumbling and an immediete urge to "go".

1 kg weightloss is nothing after a period of liquid bowel movements.

Khunandy, I'm afraid I don't understand your explanation in 'bold'; would you mind describing the same in other words ? :o


Sorry to hear of you troubles lordsux. I hope you make it back to Europe OK.

As for me, it's beginning to look like the good doctor may be right. I found some blood deposits in my diarrhoea this morning :o

What colour? Bright red or darker red?

Do you have haemorrhoids? Diverticulum? We all have one or both as we get older. It's probably no wonder that you have some blood in your stool - your colon has taken a beating lately.

Stop looking for canaries until the sparrow does turn into one.

BTW, did the doctor do any blood tests for cancer, such as CEA?

Khunandy, I'm afraid I don't understand your explanation in 'bold'; would you mind describing the same in other words ? :o

Sorry Laopo,

I was working out at sea on a Korean Drilling Rig when we were all struck down with giardia. No medication had an effect on the illness. One of our crew members flew back to Australia and his doctor diagnosed giardia.

Acting on this information the correct anti-biotic was sent out to the drilling rig.

The source of the giardia was traced to the galley staff taking their smoking breaks in the toilets and not washing their hands afterwards. :D

Sorry to hear of you troubles lordsux. I hope you make it back to Europe OK.

As for me, it's beginning to look like the good doctor may be right. I found some blood deposits in my diarrhoea this morning :D

What colour? Bright red or darker red?

Do you have haemorrhoids? Diverticulum? We all have one or both as we get older. It's probably no wonder that you have some blood in your stool - your colon has taken a beating lately.

Stop looking for canaries until the sparrow does turn into one.

BTW, did the doctor do any blood tests for cancer, such as CEA?

It was dark red, like blood clots.

The doc examined my rectum and said everything was fine, so I doubt it's haemorrhoids. There's no pain on passing either, just slight stomach cramps.

He has not done any blood tests.

Yeah you're right - I'll stop worrying.

Last night I must have been totally exhausted as I had the best night's sleep I've had in ages - only woke up once. The wife disappeared due to my snoring, but for once it didn't wake me up.

The net result is that today I feel better and brighter than I have in weeks, but the diarrhoea is still there. :o

Khunandy, I'm afraid I don't understand your explanation in 'bold'; would you mind describing the same in other words ? :o

Sorry Laopo,

I was working out at sea on a Korean Drilling Rig when we were all struck down with giardia. No medication had an effect on the illness. One of our crew members flew back to Australia and his doctor diagnosed giardia.

Acting on this information the correct anti-biotic was sent out to the drilling rig.

The source of the giardia was traced to the galley staff taking their smoking breaks in the toilets and not washing their hands afterwards. :D

Thanks for explaining ! Scary stuff and once more prove that 'washing hands' is so important.

I think people in the East are washing their hands more often than in the west but not on your rig.. :D



Mobi, there are many possible reasons for the blood in addition to cancer, so try not to dwell on that until and unless it proved necessary. When is the colonoscopy? The sooner you can find out for sure the better.

Mobi, there are many possible reasons for the blood in addition to cancer, so try not to dwell on that until and unless it proved necessary. When is the colonoscopy? The sooner you can find out for sure the better.

Hi Sheryl,

It's on Tuesday. They've put me on a rice soup diet for two days. No meat, no milk, no fruit, just kow tom, and eggs. I have io take pills for constipation!!! tonight and tomorrow and then on Monday night I also take castor oil. As if I didn't have enough of the runs already. :o

Mobi, there are many possible reasons for the blood in addition to cancer, so try not to dwell on that until and unless it proved necessary. When is the colonoscopy? The sooner you can find out for sure the better.

Hi Sheryl,

It's on Tuesday. They've put me on a rice soup diet for two days. No meat, no milk, no fruit, just kow tom, and eggs. I have io take pills for constipation!!! tonight and tomorrow and then on Monday night I also take castor oil. As if I didn't have enough of the runs already. :o

I'll think of you....in my case no food at all during 24 hrs prior to the colonoscopy and have to take 4 sachets (on 4 liter of water; 1/liter spread out over 24 hrs) of Klean-Prep powder; google if you like... :D

take care.


I'll think of you....in my case no food at all during 24 hrs prior to the colonoscopy and have to take 4 sachets (on 4 liter of water; 1/liter spread out over 24 hrs) of Klean-Prep powder; google if you like...

you very quickly learn how to walk ( or should i say run) like a duck when preparing for a colonoscopy !!

failure to do so could be a messy business.

I'll think of you....in my case no food at all during 24 hrs prior to the colonoscopy and have to take 4 sachets (on 4 liter of water; 1/liter spread out over 24 hrs) of Klean-Prep powder; google if you like...

you very quickly learn how to walk ( or should i say run) like a duck when preparing for a colonoscopy !!

failure to do so could be a messy business.

:D I know Tax, I know..... :D

I had the 'pleasure' experiencing a colonoscopy 12 years ago, WITHOUT sedation.... :D I was completely wet from transpiration and pain.

I asked the doctor if he ever had one..he said no...

I said: "I strongly recommend you to experience one yourself.....@ss$%#le" :o




my advice dont see a doctor or go to a hospital

dont take medicine

save your money for buying healthy food

if u eat eat only natural mostly raw organic foods

u can also try to stop eatting for a day or 2 or more

start again when u are hungrey again after your first day or two break

get a good slow speed juicer from korean made and make fresh green juice for yourself from fresh green unsprayed veggies (also can find many wild in the forest)

and added to this, make a little cabbage juice (organic cabbage) in the mornings with this ss juicer and eat fresh aloe vera leaves without the skin...one or two times a day

wait 2-3 months and the problem will go away on its own

u are going though a natural detox (your body could be using giardia or something else like that to help this happen) and you dont need to do much more than just go though it

you need to give the body time to do its thing basically

my advice dont see a doctor or go to a hospital

dont take medicine

save your money for buying healthy food

if u eat eat only natural mostly raw organic foods

u can also try to stop eatting for a day or 2 or more

start again when u are hungrey again after your first day or two break

get a good slow speed juicer from korean made and make fresh green juice for yourself from fresh green unsprayed veggies (also can find many wild in the forest)

and added to this, make a little cabbage juice (organic cabbage) in the mornings with this ss juicer and eat fresh aloe vera leaves without the skin...one or two times a day

wait 2-3 months and the problem will go away on its own

u are going though a natural detox (your body could be using giardia or something else like that to help this happen) and you dont need to do much more than just go though it

you need to give the body time to do its thing basically

:o ..how old are you ?



Apo has a point of view and there's no need for others to deride him.

Mobi, good luck for tomorrow. However, if the test results are not good please take time out to think about what the doctor suggests and also think about another one (or two) more opinions. Thai doctors like to get one on the op table same day.

As for me, it's beginning to look like the good doctor may be right. I found some blood deposits in my diarrhoea this morning

Hardly suprising if you've been in a bad state for a long time. Look man, to be blunt, don't wait for your colonoscopy to get looked at for the possibility of giardia. Just go get the pills and you will probably feel a lot better within 24 hours. Don't torture yourself waiting.

QUOTE (apo @ 2008-04-13 18:42:22)

my advice dont see a doctor or go to a hospital ..............

....wait 2-3 months and the problem will go away on its own .......................................u are going though a natural detox (your body could be using giardia or something else like that to help this happen) and you dont need to do much more than just go though it

Apo has a point of view and there's no need for others to deride him.

with a point of view as dangerous as Apos' , derision is the only sensible response.

better to rule out the serious complaints that will never respond to treatment with brussel sprout juice and aloe vera before running off and foraging in the forest for hearsay miracle cures.

QUOTE (apo @ 2008-04-13 18:42:22)

my advice dont see a doctor or go to a hospital ..............

....wait 2-3 months and the problem will go away on its own .......................................u are going though a natural detox (your body could be using giardia or something else like that to help this happen) and you dont need to do much more than just go though it

Apo has a point of view and there's no need for others to deride him.

with a point of view as dangerous as Apos' , derision is the only sensible response.

better to rule out the serious complaints that will never respond to treatment with brussel sprout juice and aloe vera before running off and foraging in the forest for hearsay miracle cures.

You could have just ignored it since you don't agree with it.

as you could have ignored my comments.


anyway , lets leave it at that , and as you said , lets hope it all goes well for mobi tomorrow.

Touche and yes indeed.


Mobi, only jut read this so maybe you are at the hospital right now. Would just like to say I hope everything goes well and your illness is something that can be cured.

Good luck, mate. :o


Ok folks, so here’s what happened.

As ever I got it all round my neck, or more likely, it wasn’t properly explained to me due to the language barrier.

It turns out that I was scheduled to have a “virtual” CT colonoscopy, as opposed to the real thing. I have now Googled this procedure, and it would seem it is a very new procedure that does the job equally well and avoids the intrusive nature of a conventional colonoscopy. They put a tube up your bum, and then pump your colon full of air to expand it and then take numerous CT pictures of the colon and stomach, (back and front), which then put together to form a virtual image of the colon, and show any polyps or tumours. The procedure takes around and hour, and is uncomfortable as your stomach gets full of gas causing stomach cramps, but I guess it is better than having a camera stuck up your inside.

For those who wish to know more about this procedure, here are a couple of informative websites.

virtual colonoscopy

virtual colonoscopy2

After it was finished I asked to see a doctor. They told me my appointment was not until Thursday, which I knew, but I insisted in speaking to someone. Eventually the radiologist came to see me and advised that only the doctor could give me a 100% accurate account of the test. I said: “how about 50 %?), and he said, “OK”. Ten minutes later he had a picture of my colon up on a VDU and showed it to me. He said there was a tiny polyp in the stomach about 3.5 mm which wasn’t causing any problems, and the colon was completely clear of tumours. The stomach looked inflamed, which he suggested was caused by whatever was giving me the diarrhoea

So there we are – I’ll make the appointment on Thursday but in the meantime will start a course of Flagyl.

Thanks to all you who wished me luck, as it seems to have worked. :D

A load off my mind. :o


Excellent :o .

We often delay visits to the doctor for fear of what they may tell us, forgetting the great relief they can also bring.

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