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Padang Basar Border

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for the last 15 years at butterworth train station the signs there said u had to be able to show 10,000baht on entry to thailand, the immigration officers are not going to ask every single person to show em there wedge, its there purely for if they have some obnoxious smelly back packer who they dont want to let in, the immigration will never enforce that every person entering the country has to show cash, its only the idiots and the illegal workers that are worried about it and if they are like normal polite ppl they will never be asked, but unfortuneately this forum is full of alarmist imbeciles who like to try and wind ppl up, believe me it will never be enforced that all entries on any border will have to show cash, yes the immigration ppl will ask some of the dirty disgusting back packers to show some cash cos they dont want em in the country.

i think that you will find that certain moderators on this forum like to stir this sort of thing up with there posts to get ppl worried and to post more, other than that i cant see why there are so many alarmist posts on this subject.

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I've been in and out of Thailand dozens of times and have never been asked for my cash holdings. Just as well because I've never carried that much Thai baht around with me. I must have been lucky because I'm a good looking farang with a smile or something. :D I guess if I was ever was asked I would just have pull out my 5 overseas ATM cards and my Visa card and use my limited Thai and charm to get myself over the line. I get hassled by the mongrels in my own country on my return more than what I do in Thailand but I get your point! :o

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i said that before somewhere here,i guess some of the members here a bit to long in Thailand,i also dont like backpackers to much,but in normal countrys nobody cares how u look like,they have laws,if u have the right papers then their is no right to refuse u entry in Thailand,if the law says different fine,but here are wishwashi laws what leaves for the immigration officer to much room for .....,i came to this forum to get useful information about new regulations or laws and i dont want to know how many ATM cards somebody has,that reminds of the Pattaya guys who had to many beers and want to show how good and rich they are so they can impress the barladies.Anyways this new regulation will hurt Thailand,if somebody who is working here with out the propper papers,he will get 10000 baht easyly somewhere,it is a bad law for the the guys who have family here living from 60000 or 65000baht a month,maybe just bought a house or car or whatever,and it is dangerous,i just think of a bus full of foreigners all loaded with 10000+ or 20000+ ,and everybody knows about that,it just shows me again how much disrespect the government has of foreigners and that they dont care at all about foreigners,sorry for my English but it is not my motherlanguage

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Frangerman, you have to lighten up a bit otherwise you will have a nervous breakdown. By the way I wouldn't dare show my ATM cards in Pattaya, I walk around in my shorts looking like a cheap charlie saying mai mee tung to all the girls, that seems to get me off the hook. :o

What's this about backpackers, huh? I haven't used a suitcase in 12 years. Don't tell me you guys still lug heavy suit cases around :D

Frangerman until these things do start happening don't worry, when they do start happening then have a back up plan up your sleeve. Take care and enjoy Thailand.

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What's this about backpackers, huh? I haven't used a suitcase in 12 years. Don't tell me you guys still lug heavy suit cases around :D

Actually there has been an improvement made and they now have wheels and most of us push or pull them between airport and hotel and don't carry them 24 hours a day on public transportation knocking down anyone within two meters. A backpack is for climbing a mountain or fighting a war - not for daily use around town. How many times have I seen someone swing around and knock some child in the head with those monsters.

I could care less how much money a person has or how they spend it but when they block my movement or stink up transport I do get concerned and may lump them all into 'backpackers'. Wrong I know; but a natural reaction. :o

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it would stand to reason that backpacker would have less to worry about as they obviously are tourists. i would think the guys that show up in flash dress and esp that doof that wore a tie at the aranyapratet border -id be checking his kit out hard! the boards anti-backpacker bias shows. you people do not have a monopoly on your knowledge or time stayed in asia -on the contrary. many of this board are quite new to asia. no need to disrespect people as a group.

stink up the transport? here in pattaya i pass a number of europeans that smell ten feet away.

ps: i never have used a suitcase and when i see people (old guys and tourists) lugging one about i think----chucklehead.

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Well, Thai immigration don't seem too impressed by folks with dreadlocks, sodden baggy clothes with all their belongings in a dirty oversized shoulderbag, who share a coke and a portion of fried banana between 3 of them, wanting to obtain yet another 30 days entry, all wound up because the officer takes a minute to compare the face obstructed by uncontrolled hairgrowth and sunglasses with the photo of a 16 year old in the crumbled passport.

Nowadays immigration insists on making sure the sorry creatures have enough change to finance the bus ride to the nearest budget guesthouse.

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ok,sorry maybe i was to rough,i know here is amazing thailand,but my point was that if anybody has the propper papers,then it should doesnt matter how they look like,for my taste the immigration in Thailand has their own laws,if the officer doesnt like ur face or whatever theh u have a problem,and i think that is not ok,coming back to the ATM cards,my point is that this forum is for non thais who need informations about Thailand or wants to discuss things about thailand,and it is not a forum for guys who want to show their personal wealth,a bit more objectivity would be great,am i wrong about this?

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oh i forgot something for Stroll,since there is AirAsia i didnt go to Aran.. at all,and should not forget most of those backpackers are students,in a couple of years they will be dentists,lawyers,businessmen or whatever loaded with alot of money,and if they feel great here in Thailand they will maybe remember that in a couple of years and return as the quality tourists the current Goverment wants,

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