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Australian Man Dies After Swallowing Hashish - Filled Condoms


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Chalk this up as an idea that was not thought all the way through (no pun intended). Nearly two pounds of the stuff? Two pounds of beef, cooked or raw, gulped down in chunks, wouldn't make for a happy camper either. Did he realize he would have to do something to 'move things along'? If the plan was a success, I shudder at the thought of the retrieval. Makes me think of the scene in Trainspotting where the fellow dives into the toilet bowl to retrieve his bag of powder.

I. too, find this a strange story. He bought the stuff on KPN and swallowed it to get past the inspectors on the pier? Never been there myself, but can anyone confirm that the inspection is that intense? I'm impressed to hear they have hash there - I wonder where it comes from. Once on the boat or back on the mainland he would have been able to toss it up, no?

Or if he brought it in somewhere from points west. In that case, if he landed in Bkk, got his ass to KPN, then made his way to Surat Thani, well, that's a few days trip. I don't get it.

Who says you get smarter as you get older?

Sounds like he was going to pass around some really good shi_t :o

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Good grief. One's lower intestine should be considered sovereign. He didn't bring it in until it got brought it out. The hospital is absolutely complicit!

LOL, hope that was sarcasm.He was carrying with probable intent for resale. So basically, if someone decides to carry in some weapons grade plutonium buried deep in their rectum, it's cool too? (Gives new meaning to the phrase dirty bomb suicide) 'Nuff said.

I have the impression this fellow's IQ matches his age. Ingestion of such quantiites of active ingredient can result in heart failure and renal system collapse.

No sympathy from me here. I used to care, but after seeing his kind littering Phuket I reckon no big loss for society here unless you are counting a heart broken bargirl over the loss of a potential client.

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He bought it in India and went down south thailand to sell it. when it didn't come out they probably tried everything rather than go to the hospital, though like someone said, he should have just flown to Amsterdam. That's why they waited 5 days till they went to the hospital. This guy has done it before, he's addicted to being caught as well..... because that has happened to him before. But still he keeps doing it.

He is a first class fool and he probably knows it.

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Thai police arrest Australian party pooper

- DPA / 4-13-08

:o How apt!

Honestly though, what an idiot, hard to feel bad for the guy. We've all heard of the swallowing condoms drug muling thing, but I had no idea it was done with those quantities, or maybe it's just this guy... Anyway normal digestion from one end to the other usually takes a couple of days, so he likely ate the stuff before arriving at Koh Phangan, and was expecting the goods to "arrive" shortly after he did. Thing is by day five of not having a stool after eating something like that it was WELL past time to see a doctor. WHY didn't he seek discrete medical attention long before friends had to make an anonymous hospital drop? Well, there've been no claims for his intelligence, so there you go I suppose.

Incidentally I've been from Surat Thani pier to Koh Phangan and back again, as well as in and out of Thailand through Suvarnabhumi, Poipet, Mae Sai, and the train crossing to Malaysia and I've never once seen anything that made me think they were checking for drug smuggling. I've not seen any dogs, and they weren't even checking luggage at any of these places. In fact the only place in SE Asia that I've been where I noticed an effort to stop the movement of any contraband was entering Singapore. It's nuts that eating 65 condoms full of hash was the best thing this guy could come up with.

I don't know what the going rates are for drugs in Thailand, but most newspapers list "street values" as what the price would be if it were sold in the lowest possible denominations. It's misleading because users are more likely to buy more than a gram and get a discount overall, but quoting the highest possible value sounds more impressive to readers. Still 2000THB/gram seems pretty steep, do people really pay that out here? I'm sure locals don't, and Phangan seems to have a pretty large population of Thai stoners.

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the condom conection equals dick ed to me. its also occured to me, i should get paid for this, what a wonderfull way to lose wieght. all you ladys out there or you overwieght gents. eat all you want/can and still lose wieght , as long as its wrapped up in a condom. now this has to be worth a try. i,m off to buy shares in condoms.

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at 51 he should know better

Person I knew very well in Goa India, got his house raided by police, he was 52 years old he had hash in his pocket doing a deal and swallowed it,

dont know how much it was actualy but he died of a heart attack 2 hours later.

So I think hashish can be very dangerous in high doses, but then again he could have had a heart condition and not have known it like some older people have.

bottom line is, he is and idiot and with a few years in the Bangkok Hilton, he himself will realise that he is and idiot.

no sympathy what so ever.

I would imagine your friends heart attack was brought on by the stress of being raided by the filth or from the kicking he got from them. Swallowing a bit of hash is not going to kill anybody. If you don't beleave me you should try it. :o

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maybe someone slipped this into his curry when he was not looking? maybe he just thought it was a very bad cut of meat? maybe he was an unwilling mule? :o

Maybe someone out there can come up with a conspiracy theory implicating the corrupt police and Mr. Thaksin. One would have expected better from some TV members.

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The condoms bursting in his stomach will not be the reason he is ill. Three broken condoms would be about 40 grams. You would need to digest a whole lot more than that to be in any danger of dieing. In fact if memory serves me right its near enough impoissible to die overdose on Hashish.

What gets me is how you go about swallowing 60 condoms with about half an ounce of hash in them. Try swallowing an ice cube hole. Its about that size. How much money would he of made? No more than £3000 I would imagine. Now he's gonna die in a thai jail. Game over!

It's a strange story, if he was taking the Hash outta Thailand why was he still in Thailand after 5 days, I can only assume he was taking it to the Islands for full moon parties etc, maybe he flew into Thailand from India or Nepal with the drugs in his stomach, went to the Islands and couldn't pass them so Had no choice but to go to Hospital after days of trying to pass them.

Jeeez, If he went that route after Air Fares I doubt he would make much money even if successful, shows how desperate he was I guess. Poor guy should have flown to Amsterdam and went to hospital, he'd be free after a few days.

I am afraid not, this will only be valid for people from Surinam or the Dutch Antilles

Well, let me say it this way, if caught by the Dutch Border Police, he will be given a lot of s**t inducing stuff, then has to sit down on a kind of toilet and he will be kindly asked to move his bowels smartly.

After that he WILL be booked, go to court, and spend some time in one of the state hotels, also known as prisons.

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at 51 he should know better

Person I knew very well in Goa India, got his house raided by police, he was 52 years old he had hash in his pocket doing a deal and swallowed it,

dont know how much it was actualy but he died of a heart attack 2 hours later.

So I think hashish can be very dangerous in high doses, but then again he could have had a heart condition and not have known it like some older people have.

bottom line is, he is and idiot and with a few years in the Bangkok Hilton, he himself will realise that he is and idiot.

no sympathy what so ever.

You have to look at the bright side of this - this guy will have lots of time to learn how to speak and write Thai - plus he will make new friends too!

What a dumb ass!

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Does anyone know where I can get some hash?, but it has to be good shit

Go to Amsterdam, any good coffeeshop and ask for the menu.

post-13995-1208816946_thumb.jpg Prices are in Euro per gram or 2 grams, excluding roll paper :o


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maybe someone slipped this into his curry when he was not looking? maybe he just thought it was a very bad cut of meat? maybe he was an unwilling mule? :o

Maybe someone out there can come up with a conspiracy theory implicating the corrupt police and Mr. Thaksin. One would have expected better from some TV members.

Well it is pretty obvious to me that after Thaksin met the 2 korean women in Pattaya(later killed) he paid the police, possibly the one in Pai, to grab a farang and inject him with hashish containing condoms.

I mean the facts all fit. God the police here are terrible.

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