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Farangs Being Farangs


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a person walking around the moat during song khran has got to expect that they will be sloshed with water from time to time. it is why most of us walk around the moat. to participate.

so what is the story with the 2 farangs, white, large, white 't' shirts (singlets?) that chose to slap down my partner when she attempted to bless them?

why are you in thailand and why are you still drawing breath?

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a person walking around the moat during song khran has got to expect that they will be sloshed with water from time to time. it is why most of us walk around the moat. to participate.

so what is the story with the 2 farangs, white, large, white 't' shirts (singlets?) that chose to slap down my partner when she attempted to bless them?

why are you in thailand and why are you still drawing breath?

No excuse for slapping down anyone let alone a female.

What they should have done is indicated that they didn't really want their sartorial garb doused in water.

If the lady in question was bent on persisting she should have desisted. And at the very least I can accept that they might have been a little pis*ed with her.

Just because someone is walking around the klong doesn't mean they want to join in the water games.

BUT to question "why are you in thailand" is I think going a little too far. I have lived here for as long as many but that doesn't mean that I want to be drenched to the skin every time I venture outdoors.

Anywhere else in the world (well the developed world anyway) if you emptied a pail of water over someone you might find yourself in court on a common assault charge.

This pair will be really be really getting steamed up come Wednesday next :o

AND the reason that "why are they still drawing breath" is because you didn't come to the fair maidens rescue.....

Edited by john b good
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a person walking around the moat during song khran has got to expect that they will be sloshed with water from time to time. it is why most of us walk around the moat. to participate.

so what is the story with the 2 farangs, white, large, white 't' shirts (singlets?) that chose to slap down my partner when she attempted to bless them?

why are you in thailand and why are you still drawing breath?

Good. I'm fed up with these stupid farangs thinking they are having fun by harassing people. I had to dodge as$wipes squirting ice water yesterday. One idiot threw water at someone but ended up tossing the bucket too. Hit the motorcycle driver in the face. In Patong, they had geniuses chasing people into the KFC to squirt them. Brilliant. I watched an elderly man using crutches trying to hobble away from farangs spraying him. The guy had a serious disability and was elderly but those wonderful farangs had to get him. The Thais at least showed some respect and moved in to help the poor guy.

Know what one of the fat sows had to say? "Yure spoiling our fun mate". Her copulation buddy with his cheap tatoos would have said something but he was too drunk to move.

I know I am in the minority here, but the idiot brigade have taken a religious festival and formerly fun time and ruined it for most people. And before you say I'm a morose prune, I spent last night in a water fight at our songkran party and was drenched. My friends were using a fire hose at the end. Call me a hypocrite, but I am offended by drunk farangs or otherwise who have no understanding of the intent of the festival treating it as super soaker week. I was rather touched when 2 of my friends took small pails of water drenching me, but said, please, have a happy songkran. Big difference between that and some pushy (select expletive) deciding I want to get soaked. As you can see, I have a big issue with the tards with subnormal IQs engaging in the activity. Personally, I hope some of these water tossers slip, fall down and get run over. Better yet, I hope alot more get clobbered, particularly after spraying people in the face with filthy water.

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Hello all,

I have spent the last 5 years living 6 months a year in Chiang Mai and 6 months a year in Norway. For all of these years except the last one I spent November through April in CM. I gradually got so fed up with Songkran that in 2007/08 I changed my schedule - and arrived in CM in early October instead of November - and left in early April, well before Songkran. I am going to continue doing this. Why?

I don't own a car in Thailand - only a 125cc motorbike -- and EVERY time I use this bike during the Songkran-week I get soaked. I often get hit with 5 to 10 liters of water thrown from big buckets when I am going 60 km/h (36 mph) or more down a 4-lane (2x2) highway. This is crazy behaviour by the people throwing water - and the police do nothing. Large groups of people - 30 or more - standing on the roadside with buckets and buckets of water - sometimes with ice-cubes and/or Tiger Balm mixed in the water -- that REALLY stings when you get it in the eyes --- icecubes also carry an extra punch when they hit you in the forehead at 60+ km/h!!! :-( They are also drinking beer and whiskey to excess. Drunk as skunks, many of them!

During Songkran 2007 - my last Songkran ever, or at least in a long time - I had an accident on my motorbike with my wife riding behind me on the same bike - we wiped out at 60 km/h because I got hit with lots of water with icecubes. I only had some cuts and bruises - but my wife hurt her knee and hip, especially the hip, badly. She is still not 100 % 12 months after the accident. The police arrived and talked informally with the 30+ drunk thais who had caused the accident --- but no action was taken either then or in the days and weeks that followed. My wife spent weeks in the hospital... :-( Thank God both my wife and I have good insurance!

With hindsight I should have slowed down when I spotted this large group by the side of the freeway, but between downtown CM and my home 20 km outside CM there are A LOT of these groups throwing water by the side of the road - if I slow down every time I see one of these groups then it's going to take a long time driving home... If you have a car with a hard top then it's no problem, but for everyone else these groups CAUSE lots of traffic accidents every year --- and nothing is done by the police, year after year... So now I have decided to skip Songkran and all of April - at least until I can afford a car, which is many years away, around 5-6 maybe.


a person walking around the moat during song khran has got to expect that they will be sloshed with water from time to time. it is why most of us walk around the moat. to participate.

so what is the story with the 2 farangs, white, large, white 't' shirts (singlets?) that chose to slap down my partner when she attempted to bless them?

why are you in thailand and why are you still drawing breath?

Good. I'm fed up with these stupid farangs thinking they are having fun by harassing people. I had to dodge as$wipes squirting ice water yesterday. One idiot threw water at someone but ended up tossing the bucket too. Hit the motorcycle driver in the face. In Patong, they had geniuses chasing people into the KFC to squirt them. Brilliant. I watched an elderly man using crutches trying to hobble away from farangs spraying him. The guy had a serious disability and was elderly but those wonderful farangs had to get him. The Thais at least showed some respect and moved in to help the poor guy.

Know what one of the fat sows had to say? "Yure spoiling our fun mate". Her copulation buddy with his cheap tatoos would have said something but he was too drunk to move.

I know I am in the minority here, but the idiot brigade have taken a religious festival and formerly fun time and ruined it for most people. And before you say I'm a morose prune, I spent last night in a water fight at our songkran party and was drenched. My friends were using a fire hose at the end. Call me a hypocrite, but I am offended by drunk farangs or otherwise who have no understanding of the intent of the festival treating it as super soaker week. I was rather touched when 2 of my friends took small pails of water drenching me, but said, please, have a happy songkran. Big difference between that and some pushy (select expletive) deciding I want to get soaked. As you can see, I have a big issue with the tards with subnormal IQs engaging in the activity. Personally, I hope some of these water tossers slip, fall down and get run over. Better yet, I hope alot more get clobbered, particularly after spraying people in the face with filthy water.

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With hindsight I should have slowed down when I spotted this large group by the side of the freeway, but between downtown CM and my home 20 km outside CM there are A LOT of these groups throwing water by the side of the road - if I slow down every time I see one of these groups then it's going to take a long time driving home.n the face with filthy water.

You said it: I should have slowed down! You bad mouth the locals, knowing precisely what is going on on, but continue on as normal at 60kph & get hit in the face. If you know so much, & the locals are throwing water so dangerously why continue at a dangerous speed?

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Yes, "phoowey" to all the stupid Farangs who don't get it (either by failing to see that the ol' saying 'you definitely can't beat them, so join them' holds more true for Songkran than almost anything else, OR for joining in but losing all common sense in where (not) to throw (too much) water.

I had two Farang-newbies with me in the truck yesterday, but we started with a 'safety & common sense' briefing. As a result, we all had a blast, and were very safe.

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I had two Farang-newbies with me in the truck yesterday, but we started with a 'safety & common sense' briefing. As a result, we all had a blast, and were very safe.

That's the difference. Anyway, I can't change the world, so I'll just go to the Temple with my friend in our condom gear.

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Who remembers the elderly Leslie Nielsen and Priscilla Presley in Naked Gun 2 1/2, wearing full-body condoms before going to bed? My son used to sell those as novelties, at the Condoms Galore Store in the Montrose, in Houston. We sure could use a dude like that around here.

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Who remembers the elderly Leslie Nielsen and Priscilla Presley in Naked Gun 2 1/2, wearing full-body condoms before going to bed? My son used to sell those as novelties, at the Condoms Galore Store in the Montrose, in Houston. We sure could use a dude like that around here.

wetsuit and a rubber has been my motto in SE Asia for quite some time now and appears to work

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Yes, "phoowey" to all the stupid Farangs who don't get it (either by failing to see that the ol' saying 'you definitely can't beat them, so join them' holds more true for Songkran than almost anything else, OR for joining in but losing all common sense in where (not) to throw (too much) water.

I had two Farang-newbies with me in the truck yesterday, but we started with a 'safety & common sense' briefing. As a result, we all had a blast, and were very safe.

Maybe in that scene you were safe, but in this scene you were acting very dangerously...

I noticed the polite zones, indeed they're easy to spot.. But.. I have to wonder what the difference is with everywhere else.. Had an excellent battle at some of them with fun people in matching shirts trying to throw buckets from the moat at me, with me trying to stop them with short bursts of water from one of the better pump guns (hard to find now, and 600 baht) directly into their faces.. (Best way to pre-empt a bucket strike..

So, my faith is restored, party on!!!

:o Anyone who shoots people directly in the face with a pump gun is an idiot in my book.

Edited by Ajarn
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"Large groups of people - 30 or more - standing on the roadside with buckets and buckets of water - sometimes with ice-cubes and/or Tiger Balm mixed in the water -- that REALLY stings when you get it in the eyes --- icecubes also carry an extra punch when they hit you in the forehead at 60+ km/h!!!"

I wear eye protection all the time when I ride a scooter. The mosquitos and dirt can take out an eye just as easily as any Songkran activity... I bet you left your helmet at the store as well... :o

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Hello all,

I have spent the last 5 years living 6 months a year in Chiang Mai and 6 months a year in Norway. For all of these years except the last one I spent November through April in CM. I gradually got so fed up with Songkran that in 2007/08 I changed my schedule - and arrived in CM in early October instead of November - and left in early April, well before Songkran. I am going to continue doing this. Why?

I don't own a car in Thailand - only a 125cc motorbike -- and EVERY time I use this bike during the Songkran-week I get soaked. I often get hit with 5 to 10 liters of water thrown from big buckets when I am going 60 km/h (36 mph) or more down a 4-lane (2x2) highway. This is crazy behaviour by the people throwing water - and the police do nothing. Large groups of people - 30 or more - standing on the roadside with buckets and buckets of water - sometimes with ice-cubes and/or Tiger Balm mixed in the water -- that REALLY stings when you get it in the eyes --- icecubes also carry an extra punch when they hit you in the forehead at 60+ km/h!!! :-( They are also drinking beer and whiskey to excess. Drunk as skunks, many of them!

During Songkran 2007 - my last Songkran ever, or at least in a long time - I had an accident on my motorbike with my wife riding behind me on the same bike - we wiped out at 60 km/h because I got hit with lots of water with icecubes. I only had some cuts and bruises - but my wife hurt her knee and hip, especially the hip, badly. She is still not 100 % 12 months after the accident. The police arrived and talked informally with the 30+ drunk thais who had caused the accident --- but no action was taken either then or in the days and weeks that followed. My wife spent weeks in the hospital... :-( Thank God both my wife and I have good insurance!

With hindsight I should have slowed down when I spotted this large group by the side of the freeway, but between downtown CM and my home 20 km outside CM there are A LOT of these groups throwing water by the side of the road - if I slow down every time I see one of these groups then it's going to take a long time driving home... If you have a car with a hard top then it's no problem, but for everyone else these groups CAUSE lots of traffic accidents every year --- and nothing is done by the police, year after year... So now I have decided to skip Songkran and all of April - at least until I can afford a car, which is many years away, around 5-6 maybe.


This would be my case in point that I stated in my post in the General topic forum, why on earth would you drive that fast towards a group of people who you know are going to throw water on you. Slow down, pull up to them, let them douse you with water, and then get to know them, and wish them a happy sawadi pi mai!

Or go on living with you fustration of being ignorant to a culture, and society you don't want to take the time to understand, though you don't mind the cheap prices! HYDROCRYTE!

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Why do some of us insist on calling ourselves farangs? I, for one, I am neither French (farang-set) nor an infidel (ferenghi). Either version is an insult to me personally... not that I have any problems with the French, but I don't want to be bunched off with another nationality just because we look similar.

I've started calling any Thais who calls me a 'farang', an Asians. They always come back with, Hey! I'm Thai! Um, hey, I'm American. I'd personally prefer to be called that big dorky white guy rather than a farang. :D:o

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Why do some of us insist on calling ourselves farangs? I, for one, I am neither French (farang-set) nor an infidel (ferenghi). Either version is an insult to me personally... not that I have any problems with the French, but I don't want to be bunched off with another nationality just because we look similar.

I've started calling any Thais who calls me a 'farang', an Asians. They always come back with, Hey! I'm Thai! Um, hey, I'm American. I'd personally prefer to be called that big dorky white guy rather than a farang. :D:o

From the nature of your post I would imagine that big dorky white guy would be a fairly accurate description.

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Why do some of us insist on calling ourselves farangs? I, for one, I am neither French (farang-set) nor an infidel (ferenghi). Either version is an insult to me personally... not that I have any problems with the French, but I don't want to be bunched off with another nationality just because we look similar.

I've started calling any Thais who calls me a 'farang', an Asians. They always come back with, Hey! I'm Thai! Um, hey, I'm American. I'd personally prefer to be called that big dorky white guy rather than a farang. :D:D

You are quite correct.

Actually they don't really like us all that much and when using the term "farang" it is very often in a derogatory manner.

My preference is to be referred to as "caucasian"

I will go with "asians" for the other lot. :o

Edited by john b good
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This would be my case in point that I stated in my post in the General topic forum, why on earth would you drive that fast towards a group of people who you know are going to throw water on you. Slow down, pull up to them, let them douse you with water, and then get to know them, and wish them a happy sawadi pi mai!

Or go on living with you fustration of being ignorant to a culture, and society you don't want to take the time to understand, though you don't mind the cheap prices! HYDROCRYTE!

What on earth is a HYDROCRYTE? All my searches came up with zero.

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This would be my case in point that I stated in my post in the General topic forum, why on earth would you drive that fast towards a group of people who you know are going to throw water on you. Slow down, pull up to them, let them douse you with water, and then get to know them, and wish them a happy sawadi pi mai!

Or go on living with you fustration of being ignorant to a culture, and society you don't want to take the time to understand, though you don't mind the cheap prices! HYDROCRYTE!

What on earth is a HYDROCRYTE? All my searches came up with zero.

My goodness you did your research, I would classify that as a pun, Hydro- pertaining to water and I hope the rest is evident. If I'm too vague, let me know.

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This would be my case in point that I stated in my post in the General topic forum, why on earth would you drive that fast towards a group of people who you know are going to throw water on you. Slow down, pull up to them, let them douse you with water, and then get to know them, and wish them a happy sawadi pi mai!

Or go on living with you fustration of being ignorant to a culture, and society you don't want to take the time to understand, though you don't mind the cheap prices! HYDROCRYTE!

What on earth is a HYDROCRYTE? All my searches came up with zero.

My goodness you did your research, I would classify that as a pun, Hydro- pertaining to water and I hope the rest is evident. If I'm too vague, let me know.

Too vague mate........................Please explain. The "CRYTE" bit has got me. (Sorry for yelling.)

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I bad-mouth the locals in my post? Really? You must be really thin-skinned - and on behalf of others, and not yourself, no less! So I guess I owe that group of 30 thais an apology for having an accident that was 100% my fault right in front of them - in your opinion? I could have run into them! I put their lives at risk! My God - I am a horrible person!!! Yes, I agree that me not slowing down was unwise - but was it racist or bigoted or "culturally insensitive" of me as well? That is pushing it A BIT far isn't it? Please don't come back and say 'but I never said that!' - no, not in those words, but that was the gist of your post...

But you probably belong to the 'Love it or Leave it-brigade' - and jump down the throat of anyone who critisise ANYTHING about thais or Thailand, no matter how outrageous the matter being "bad-mouthed" is. If you find yourself starting to waver in your beliefs just close your eyes, stopper your ears, and repeat this mantra in your head: "Thailand and the thai people are 100% perfect in every way!" - for 15 to 20 minutes.

BTW, I was wearing a helmet, but not with a faceguard - as was my wife -- and I was going on the extreme right-hand side of the road, in the fast-lane long enough away from the hooligans not to get hit - or so I thought... I have pulled this manouvre more than 50 times before, at least, and never got hit -- but this time the bastards RAN INTO the road far enough to be able to hit me. Entirely my fault, I guess, for pissing the hooligans off by trying to evade the "blessing" of 10 litres of freezing water with icecubes in the face.

I do not mind getting hit when on a motorbike in a soy or other small roads - but on a 4-lane highway or larger where most traffic goes 80-90 kph I think it is outrageous that "perfect thai people" are allowed by the police to "bless" passing motorists. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE REAL SONGKRAN - it is a perversion of a beautiful old thai tradition! Oh no, I did it again! I bad-mouthed drunk thai hooligans. I guess I should 'Leave it'?

This forum sure has a lot of special people on it. I'm glad I'm not special.


With hindsight I should have slowed down when I spotted this large group by the side of the freeway, but between downtown CM and my home 20 km outside CM there are A LOT of these groups throwing water by the side of the road - if I slow down every time I see one of these groups then it's going to take a long time driving home.n the face with filthy water.

You said it: I should have slowed down! You bad mouth the locals, knowing precisely what is going on on, but continue on as normal at 60kph & get hit in the face. If you know so much, & the locals are throwing water so dangerously why continue at a dangerous speed?

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Except the pissheads who ruin it for most people.Phone 1166 if you see high powered guns and they will get a big fine.

On which planet? There were four farang standing in front of the Amora Hotel on Chiaphum Road, all using water canons. I saw several police pass them by as if they were not even there....

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Did they hose down the police? If not then the police may have not noticed them, may have decided to let them enjoy themselves,may have had an appointment, did not want to hassel any farang at that time of day, etc. Maybe the farang were dressed in skimpy outfits and thus would probably not be carrying large amounts of cash so they did not need a warning about muggers, pickpockets etc. I have not seen the BIB writting tickets in the middle of a water fight (hard to keep ink from running) Then again, they may have been on their way to a private party in a dry place. Only2 more days ?????

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From the nature of your post I would imagine that big dorky white guy would be a fairly accurate description.

Yep, sometimes I'm painfully honest. :D :D

Furthermore, as I speak Thai, I find it especially disconcerting to be called a foreigner... what do I have to do to be called something a bit more respectable? I'm pretty sure that Thais in my home country would not like being called a foreigner if they were fluent in speakin' Amerikan :o

Edited by Galong
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From the nature of your post I would imagine that big dorky white guy would be a fairly accurate description.

Yep, sometimes I'm painfully honest. :D :D

Furthermore, as I speak Thai, I find it especially disconcerting to be called a foreigner... what do I have to do to be called something a bit more respectable? I'm pretty sure that Thais in my home country would not like being called a foreigner if they were fluent in speakin' Amerikan :o

Whether you speak Thai or not you are still a big dorky white guy. I speak Thai also but I am still a big white guy. So what?

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From the nature of your post I would imagine that big dorky white guy would be a fairly accurate description.

Yep, sometimes I'm painfully honest. :D :D

Furthermore, as I speak Thai, I find it especially disconcerting to be called a foreigner... what do I have to do to be called something a bit more respectable? I'm pretty sure that Thais in my home country would not like being called a foreigner if they were fluent in speakin' Amerikan :o

Whether you speak Thai or not you are still a big dorky white guy. I speak Thai also but I am still a big white guy. So what?

I agree with ya on this one , so what ?

We can't change how we look like can we ?

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Why do some of us insist on calling ourselves farangs? I, for one, I am neither French (farang-set) nor an infidel (ferenghi). Either version is an insult to me personally... not that I have any problems with the French, but I don't want to be bunched off with another nationality just because we look similar.

I've started calling any Thais who calls me a 'farang', an Asians. They always come back with, Hey! I'm Thai! Um, hey, I'm American. I'd personally prefer to be called that big dorky white guy rather than a farang. :D:D

You are quite correct.

Actually they don't really like us all that much and when using the term "farang" it is very often in a derogatory manner.

My preference is to be referred to as "caucasian"

I will go with "asians" for the other lot. :o

Feel free to feel insulted by 'Farang', but I'm here to tell you that it is nonsense. Farang is the common name for us, and when it is said by most anyone, it is just a name with no meaning what so ever, other than non-Asian. Think of the use of 'Asian'. Why would someone who liked Asians call them something else? It is used in the same form by both words.

Reminds me of The Thai Visa member who said, "I will never say the word 'Kaw' (polite request) because I will never beg anything from anyone"... Believe me, Thais don't use it for that reason. That is him unwilling to believe anything else, other than what he 'knows'.

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I bad-mouth the locals in my post? Really? You must be really thin-skinned - and on behalf of others, and not yourself, no less! So I guess I owe that group of 30 thais an apology for having an accident that was 100% my fault right in front of them - in your opinion? I could have run into them! I put their lives at risk! My God - I am a horrible person!!! Yes, I agree that me not slowing down was unwise - but was it racist or bigoted or "culturally insensitive" of me as well? That is pushing it A BIT far isn't it? Please don't come back and say 'but I never said that!' - no, not in those words, but that was the gist of your post...

But you probably belong to the 'Love it or Leave it-brigade' - and jump down the throat of anyone who critisise ANYTHING about thais or Thailand, no matter how outrageous the matter being "bad-mouthed" is. If you find yourself starting to waver in your beliefs just close your eyes, stopper your ears, and repeat this mantra in your head: "Thailand and the thai people are 100% perfect in every way!" - for 15 to 20 minutes.

BTW, I was wearing a helmet, but not with a faceguard - as was my wife -- and I was going on the extreme right-hand side of the road, in the fast-lane long enough away from the hooligans not to get hit - or so I thought... I have pulled this manouvre more than 50 times before, at least, and never got hit -- but this time the bastards RAN INTO the road far enough to be able to hit me. Entirely my fault, I guess, for pissing the hooligans off by trying to evade the "blessing" of 10 litres of freezing water with icecubes in the face.

I do not mind getting hit when on a motorbike in a soy or other small roads - but on a 4-lane highway or larger where most traffic goes 80-90 kph I think it is outrageous that "perfect thai people" are allowed by the police to "bless" passing motorists. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE REAL SONGKRAN - it is a perversion of a beautiful old thai tradition! Oh no, I did it again! I bad-mouthed drunk thai hooligans. I guess I should 'Leave it'?

This forum sure has a lot of special people on it. I'm glad I'm not special.


With hindsight I should have slowed down when I spotted this large group by the side of the freeway, but between downtown CM and my home 20 km outside CM there are A LOT of these groups throwing water by the side of the road - if I slow down every time I see one of these groups then it's going to take a long time driving home.n the face with filthy water.

You said it: I should have slowed down! You bad mouth the locals, knowing precisely what is going on on, but continue on as normal at 60kph & get hit in the face. If you know so much, & the locals are throwing water so dangerously why continue at a dangerous speed?

Typical Passive Aggresive behaviour by Locals who are newbies... You will learn , maybe, but I doubt it.

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Did they hose down the police? If not then the police may have not noticed them, may have decided to let them enjoy themselves,may have had an appointment, did not want to hassel any farang at that time of day, etc. Maybe the farang were dressed in skimpy outfits and thus would probably not be carrying large amounts of cash so they did not need a warning about muggers, pickpockets etc. I have not seen the BIB writting tickets in the middle of a water fight (hard to keep ink from running) Then again, they may have been on their way to a private party in a dry place. Only2 more days ?????

This what I like living here. 'Flexible Laws' Nobody screams much, so little attention. Lots of screams, lots of attention. I think that is the way life should work, rather than thinking only about Laws.

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