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Worried About Crime In Thailand?


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I am terribly worried about the rising tide of petty crime in my area. There seems to be an epidemic of youth crime especially in the last few days.

Three times I have had a colourless liquid thrown at my car in two days. I thought at first it was acid but fortunately it seems to be quite diluted as it hasn't harmed the paintwork. What was most worrying was the vandals were less than 10 years old. What ever happened to decency and respect for elders.

I have also noticed that there are gangs of people running around in some kind of basic war paint carrying what looked like guns. Is a coup in place??

I am not sure what to do. I don't have a plane ticket so I can't go home. But I am scared to leave my property.

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My Moo Baan is well guarded, but once outside the gate, things seem to be getting rougher and rougher. I used to walk from the main road to the village when I would go out (I don't drink and drive). I don't anymore--too many rough characters on the soi. Now, I make sure I am in a taxi or on a motorbike. Several adult friends had advised me not to walk and would insist on giving me or riding or seeing me get into a taxi.

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My Moo Baan is well guarded, but once outside the gate, things seem to be getting rougher and rougher. I used to walk from the main road to the village when I would go out (I don't drink and drive). I don't anymore--too many rough characters on the soi. Now, I make sure I am in a taxi or on a motorbike. Several adult friends had advised me not to walk and would insist on giving me or riding or seeing me get into a taxi.

Have you considered you are not living in a good area? It is a diverse county with options. I don't even live in a moobaan, and can walk around anywhere I like any time of the day without problem. I wouldn't live your lifestyle. Sewers attract rats, that is the way of things.

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I am extremely worried about the increasing levels of crime in my house, let alone in my neighborhood. Why only last night Mrs CM served my steak medium well instead of medium rare and if that's not a crime I don't know what is. And as if that's not enough, she absolutely failed to put any olives in my "after work" martini, criminal I say!

Look, crime against resident farangs, as a general rule, is a fairly minor risk for those farangs who at least a little bit street smart, remain aware and get along with their neighbors. I don't expect that situation to change too much unless something truly large scale and exceptional happens - even the rising cost of food and basic supplies is unlikely to change the picture.

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Aware?? Yes, absolutely.

Worried?? Not a chance.

Bangkok is no different than any other major city, whether London, New York, Las Vegas Tokyo, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and so on. If you are in the city and don't have your "radar" on alert one status, then you are asking to be a victim.

As an example, Las Vegas has become extremely violent. Armed robberies are commonplace. Pickpocket teams work the crowded sidewalks of the lower strip virtually at will.

Even in my own adopted village, one has to be aware. Everyone knows everyone else, but we still could never leave the house unlocked or unprotected. Big gated fence on the perimeter and big metal gate on the front door.

Trust, but check.

Once more ....

Radar up in the big city.

Trust, but check.

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