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Why Can't Users Add Post Signature With Links?


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I'm a member of a handfull of forums but Thaivisa is the only one that doesn't let user's add a post signature.

It would be great for people that have their own sites/blog related to Thailand that would benifit other users.

I'm guessing it's because Thaivisa is worried about a decrease in direct advertising if people were able to display links?

Would appreciate thoughts from thai visa admin :o


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We do not allow URL's in signatures as it amounts to promotion or advertising of a business or website. Only forum sponsors/advertisers are allowed to display a URL in the signature.

However... members are welcome to add a URL to their profile page in the appropriate section.

Totster :o

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The users make this site/forum what it is... my feelings are that you should allow them to promote their business if they want to. Banner placements still take up more on-screen real estate so I doubt you'll loose business there.

But hey, this isn't my site so I guess I have no choice but to follow the rules (until another forum takes over thaivisa that allows links) :o

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Guest Reimar
The users make this site/forum what it is... my feelings are that you should allow them to promote their business if they want to. Banner placements still take up more on-screen real estate so I doubt you'll loose business there.

But hey, this isn't my site so I guess I have no choice but to follow the rules (until another forum takes over thaivisa that allows links) :o

That's right: It isn't your site you just use an high quality Service Site for free! If you want to take part in financing this site, be a Sponsor and you can place your URL. For to do so, please contact sales[at]thaivisa.com and sing up the required contract, pay you Sponsor Fee and place your Link in your Signature.

Is as easy as that.


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