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Looking For Some Intellectual People In Pattaya


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If we beg, maybe Weho will come back; he seeemed to know about some digestive stuff. i heard he has been seen at the food counter at the villa market but that maybe jjst a rumor .

I think Weho has left us forever :o

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You are right of course !!, it was Vietnam we defeated by dropping all the bombs..
It is generally considered that America did not win that one, they left before the end.
We defeated the Germans after we captured the code-breaking machine and intercepted all the u-boat radio messages thus crippling their munition supply chain to Germany ..
I understand it was the British that captured the Enigma machine from the German Navy, in fact that was the second one the British had as the first was delivered to the British Secret Service by Polish resistance forces. As for cracking the codes that was the Brits too.

Still America got a man on the moon first! Oh Sorry - that was the German scientists relocated to America after the war.

Even the Queen of England is of German descent.

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Maybe you would all like to judge my intellectual power by my spelling. I many times make mistakes. Walking with my wife and baby today on 2nd Road we saw drunks everywhere with red eyes and stupid look. This is a place for too many to come to so they can be wreckless and stupid. 11:00 and they were already drinking and look stupid.

Anyone who has some intelligence will feel lonely here because they cannot understand stupid.

I understand the poster and have the same feeling.

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You are right of course !!, it was Vietnam we defeated by dropping all the bombs..
It is generally considered that America did not win that one, they left before the end.
We defeated the Germans after we captured the code-breaking machine and intercepted all the u-boat radio messages thus crippling their munition supply chain to Germany ..
I understand it was the British that captured the Enigma machine from the German Navy, in fact that was the second one the British had as the first was delivered to the British Secret Service by Polish resistance forces. As for cracking the codes that was the Brits too.

Still America got a man on the moon first! Oh Sorry - that was the German scientists relocated to America after the war.

Even the Queen of England is of German descent.

You are absolutely right on that one! And so is Fish and Chips..... :o

The first out at Omaha Beach on D-day were Canadians, not Americans.

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11am - wow! Must be a time delay thing - they are normally still drinking at 8am on Beach Road from the night before, maybe they are walking home after spending the night 'debating'?

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11am - wow! Must be a time delay thing - they are normally still drinking at 8am on Beach Road from the night before, maybe they are walking home after spending the night 'debating'?

I heard Pattaya is trying to become the "hub" of Master Debaters ! All they need is a few more intellectual types that don't like bars and bar girls. :o

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You are right of course !!, it was Vietnam we defeated by dropping all the bombs..
It is generally considered that America did not win that one, they left before the end.
We defeated the Germans after we captured the code-breaking machine and intercepted all the u-boat radio messages thus crippling their munition supply chain to Germany ..
I understand it was the British that captured the Enigma machine from the German Navy, in fact that was the second one the British had as the first was delivered to the British Secret Service by Polish resistance forces. As for cracking the codes that was the Brits too.

Still America got a man on the moon first! Oh Sorry - that was the German scientists relocated to America after the war.

As for America's involvement in the Middle East, is it a case of making up for the fact they turned up late for the last two World Wars by being early for the third?

Spot-on! :o

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C'mon guys,

Stanners is on a _roll

Drop the Nuke, but on him, just to cool his ardour a little and bust his bridge


I think you missed a "t" in the highlighted word above ! :o

Of course, quite deliberately though :D


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As for America's involvement in the Middle East, is it a case of making up for the fact they turned up late for the last two World Wars by being early for the third?

You boys would have lost the last two World Wars if we hadn't turned up to bail you out. :o

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Some scientists believe than scorpions will make it too.

And if I hear Wind of Change one more time I'll probably nuke myself (that works in Dutch, maybe)


5 Baht in the groaner box, Thaddy!

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Last night I had a somewhat troubling dream.

My current wife (Thai ) and I were looking for a place to live but nothing suitable could be found. Cast adrift in a bar we encountered my ex wife (farang) who invited us to stay with her in what seemed to be a palace. That night we all retired to the same bed whereupon my ex suggested that I ask the current spouse if she wished to indulge in sapphic pleasure with her. I passed on this request which was met by an explosion of indignation and the threat of imminent violence.

At that point I woke up in a muck sweat overwhelmed by a profound depression.

Are there any intellectuals here who would like to analyse the significance of this ?

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Oh no, one of our funniest trolls has departed the forum permanently! :o

Vale Jeffrey(moog)stanthorpe.

What a shame. Jeffrey was my favorite troll. British of course, which made his co-opting of people who love to hate the US so amusing. I guess with Weekend Warrior/Weho gone he felt he needed the spotlight. He was always best as a hit and run artiste.

Edited by lannarebirth
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It's amazing to me how people on this form are so quick to judge and flame others - the anonymity of the Internet at its ugliest. Dieter asked a perfectly innocent question looking for people who want to have conversations beyond the realm of beer, football and floozies. But no, we have to:

1) Pick out petty spelling errors from someone not native to the English language.

2) Call him a troll.

3) Insinuate he's into "Ganymede type" pleasures.

4) Start a flame war with other posters in his thread.

This forum is here for just the purpose Dieter made use of. Information, interesting stories and ideas. And to Dieter himself, if he's not yet given up on this thread - no clue, buddy. There are plenty of intellectual people in Pattaya, but we've all become products of the environment here, and we have to act brain dead just to fit in. Perhaps if we had a Philharmonic Symphony or opera venue....

pls allow me to second that comment.

even though i do NOT symphatize with germans (and he sure is a german) it is highly unfair to treat him like an idiot....

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pls allow me to second that comment.

even though i do NOT symphatize with germans (and he sure is a german) it is highly unfair to treat him like an idiot....

ever considered the possibility that he could be an Austrian? Or a Chinese posing as a Swiss?

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-Speaking of activities that stimulate the grey matter folks.....I've got a spiralling hobby + was wondering if anyone

living in "Pattaya/Chonburi/Eastern Seaboard",would be into..* :DASTRONOMY :D *??????

Am a humble Farang in his mid-thirties living in Pattaya for a number of years.I do enjoy a "brew" and studying the

"eye-candy"(soi 6,7,8)....But..the dark night sky can be so interesting and it'd be really nice to see things like

Saturn,Jupiter,Galaxies etc.. etc.. + put into perspective how minutely tiny us Humans on Planet Earth are in

the Bigger scale of this unimaginably big Universe :o .

Four little quirky facts to start it off + tickle your senses......

1-"My weight has "nothing" to do with how heavy I am".....standing on Pluto I could throw a 100kg man

over my head with a small flip of one hand, +Standing on a Neutron Star the same 100kg man

couldn't lift a bottle of Beer even if he used a 500 tonne mechanical crane!!(so what is weight!)

2-"The Sun"-sitting on Jomtien Beach sunbathing in 90 degrees...if God were to magically swipe the Sun

out of the sky we wouldn't have a clue, and would continue to roast ourselves under the rays.....

(for a while anyway!)

3-"Time"-Outside our comfort zone(Earth),time's got not a lot to do ,really,with what we see on our watch...

A clock on the top of "Mount Everest" and in "Death Valley" tick merrily along at different speeds !!!

4-"Relative Perspectives"-Sitting in my bedroom,I throw a tennis ball up 3 feet in the air,it comes down and I

catch it.......Someone similarly sitting still on a planet on the outskirts of the Milky Way has just seen my

Tennis Ball travel "thousands of kilometres"!!!

These,and innumerable other amazing facts are what appeal to my sense of curiosity and give me my interest in

Astronomy :D .Anyway,I'm rambling now so I'll close off.

Needless to say,if anyone does have an interest in General Astronomy give me a holler,maybe a club could

be formed :D

**P.S.-The picture included is what I'm buying next week.If it works out well, a nice telescope will be on my next

purchase schedule :D


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have always had an interest in astronomy. Unfortunately I don't think I have seen a star since moving to LOS. The light pollution as well as smog does a pretty good job of blocking them out.

On the other hand though, that set of binoculars could be very useful if you live in an elevated apartment.

It does bring to mind a certain very attractive lady in Vancouver in the building opposite to mine on about the 20th floor that liked to do her exercises in the nud_e with the curtains open.

It was actually a very intellectually stimulating experience.

Seriously though, I have some property out by Pattana golf course where you can get a pretty good view of the stars, weather depending of course. Anywhere near the coast though the light pollution is way too intense.

To add another quirky fact that probably came about from using LSD.

If some little green man on another planet say 15 light years away is at this very moment looking at earth with a powerful enough telescope, they are not seeing you as you sit here reading this, they are seeing what you were doing 15 years ago.

Also your idea about sun bathing on the beach after some mystical hand shuts off the switch for the sun is because the average distance from the sun to the earth is about 93,000,000 miles. Light travels at 186,282 miles per second. So you better put on some really good tanning oil since you will only have 8.32 minutes before your looking for a thermal blanket.

Edited by wade72
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Gee, I have a ton of this useless info stuck in my head, can I join the OP's group?

That’s right then I would have to be a pompous ass who believes that because he can speak about philosophy or some other topic that makes him more intelligent then the man who can fix his car while he stands there without a clue.

I met Michael Smith several years ago a Noble prize winner for genetic research he sat there fascinated while questioning me about my job, he was genuinely interested and asked allot of probing questions. We talked for about 2 hours. I worked in mining at the time. Later I said to him “Michael why would you be interested in this at all, it is so far beneath what you do.”

What he said to me I will never forget.

“I am an expert in my field but I know nothing about yours. If you came into my office I would have to train you how to do everything, but the reverse is true if I went to your mine. Just because the work is different doesn’t make it any less interest or valuable, and just because the people didn’t go to school for decades doesn’t make them any less intelligent. Everyone is an expert in something.”

I have never forgot how a Nobel Prize winner could honestly be that humble. That would have been more then 10 years ago and I was early 20’s at the time. What he said to me changed my way of thinking and I have not looked down on anyone since and always try to find out what is interesting about each person, and what they are an expert in.

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Gee, I have a ton of this useless info stuck in my head, can I join the OP's group?

That’s right then I would have to be a pompous ass who believes that because he can speak about philosophy or some other topic that makes him more intelligent then the man who can fix his car while he stands there without a clue.

I met Michael Smith several years ago a Noble prize winner for genetic research he sat there fascinated while questioning me about my job, he was genuinely interested and asked allot of probing questions. We talked for about 2 hours. I worked in mining at the time. Later I said to him “Michael why would you be interested in this at all, it is so far beneath what you do.”

What he said to me I will never forget.

“I am an expert in my field but I know nothing about yours. If you came into my office I would have to train you how to do everything, but the reverse is true if I went to your mine. Just because the work is different doesn’t make it any less interest or valuable, and just because the people didn’t go to school for decades doesn’t make them any less intelligent. Everyone is an expert in something.”

I have never forgot how a Nobel Prize winner could honestly be that humble. That would have been more then 10 years ago and I was early 20’s at the time. What he said to me changed my way of thinking and I have not looked down on anyone since and always try to find out what is interesting about each person, and what they are an expert in.



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Guess lot of them are still sour since we dropped a couple of nukes on them, back in the day during WW2,

History is not your forte.

Maybe Dieter should meet him they can talk about history :o

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No, not Vietnam...come on.....try harder.....I know you can get it

actually I am half right as we did drop a substantial amount of bombs defeating the Vietnese although i concede none of them carried a nuclear payload.

Quite fortunante really (although there are probably members out there who would disagree with me) but if we did, there would probably still be radiactive particles in the Thai stratophere and Pattaya would be a different place today. :o

man i bet your glad this is annonomous. but then again being a yank you wouldn,t know shame if it bit your arse.

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As for America's involvement in the Middle East, is it a case of making up for the fact they turned up late for the last two World Wars by being early for the third?

You boys would have lost the last two World Wars if we hadn't turned up to bail you out. :o

sadly i feel your absolutly correct. much to the shame of the brit empire we needed the worst fighting force in the world to come in, not just with help but to have the ordacity to take over and run the show. and you <deleted>** that up like you <deleted>** everything else up. i dodnt think yanks will ever learn.

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As for America's involvement in the Middle East, is it a case of making up for the fact they turned up late for the last two World Wars by being early for the third?

You boys would have lost the last two World Wars if we hadn't turned up to bail you out. :D

sadly i feel your absolutly correct. much to the shame of the brit empire we needed the worst fighting force in the world to come in, not just with help but to have the ordacity to take over and run the show. and you <deleted>** that up like you <deleted>** everything else up. i dodnt think yanks will ever learn.

Sorry, but you have egg on your face. The "British Empire" has long since come and gone.

Maybe you are a little bitter? :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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sadly i feel your absolutly correct. much to the shame of the brit empire we needed the worst fighting force in the world to come in, not just with help but to have the ordacity to take over and run the show. and you <deleted>** that up like you <deleted>** everything else up. i dodnt think yanks will ever learn.

Sorry, but you have egg on your face. The "British Empire" has long since come and gone.

Maybe you are a little bitter? :D

I had no idea that the English language had devolved to quite the extent as has been exhibited thus far in this thread (by some). :D

Not to mention that the original topic seems to have been forgotten entirely as well. :o

And from viewing the last few posts, this really doesn't qualify as an "intellectual" discussion either.

Ah well. Pip pip and tally-ho chaps ! TLW and all that !

Get out the scorecards, sharpen the pencils and let's keep track of who joins the next main event and when ! :D

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Hey Wade 72,

cheers for the reply :D ...you're dead right about the"seeing" here in Thailand(as astronomers call it),this

hot/humid atmosphere can be a real pain in the ass + the best time for astro-gazing is the "Winter"

season here in Thailand(very roughly Oct.-March)....also yeah,light pollution means that I have to

drive to a dark location...actually something like a Parkland Golf-course is perfect for this kind of thing...

might meet up in the future and do a bit of gazing,who knows :o !!!!

I'm surprised this Astronomy-gig isn't a bigger hit in Pattaya.....just imagine leaving the house at

midnight telling the missus you'll be back at sunrise...you're just doing a bit of Astronomy :D:D ....

the capacity for "flexilility" here is quite stunning,although not sure some wives would be fully

believing of this story,thinking to themselves that this w-anchor is feeling randy and wants

to get his pencil sharpened outside the classroom again :D !!!

Glad to see that someone out there was using the grey matter and at least managed to solve

one of my 4 conundrums,mainly the "sun/speed of light one" :D !!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways,here's a picture of my Binoculars on my bed with a coke can for "Size-reference".....

they're heavy brutes and just wouldn't be practical to hand-hold and look through,hence the

tripod/mount I bought(not in picture).The books are what I'm trying to get through at the moment

and are a great read!!!!!......whenever I have an extended study I treat myself to a nice

Scotch Single Malt and it puts it all in perspective........................................

that is.....English Language/German Language??......British Empire/Roman Empire/Genghis Khan??...

University Professor/Binman??.... Mother Teresa/Osama Bin Laden..............

A "Wee"SINGLE MALT and the thought that we are (Earth) a tiny spec of minute dust in the overall

scale of the size of the Universe leaves me about as tense as the Man from Havana on a liko of

Colombias' finest "esta cocahinha"###########



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Mr. Naam prefers to discuss them with his dog whilst sharing with him bavarian weisswurst and sweet mustard :o

So, did Mrs. Naam get a new mop and pail for Mother's day? It's always the wife/mom that gets the privilege of cleaning up the dog's diarhea.

100bh says you get scolded for feeding the dog that too. I know women dammit.

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Yep would definitely need a tri-pod with though beasts. Be pretty hard to hold on target.

As for solving your conundrums.

1: Gravity of Pluto is 1/455 that of the earth, so if you can easily lift 1 kg on Earth 455 kg would require the same effort. Although at -233 C, how incredibly powerful you feel would soon be forgotten while looking for something to thaw out your nads with.

On the neutron star the gravity is so intense that our 100 kg man would of already been crushed into a puddle before he could even consider ordering a beer. Plus keeping that beer cold would be very difficult.

2: Already did that one.

3: Time: This one is not totally true, nor is it totally false actually. The clock on the top of Mt. Everest is traveling faster then the one in Death Valley so the way to express time dilation isn’t that the clock is ticking slower, it appears to be ticking slower to the observer in the other frame of reference.

4: Relative perspective. Assuming our little green man in the milky way is stationary. This is the same as you dribbling a basketball on a train. From your frame of reference the ball is going up and down in a straight line. Someone standing on the embankment sees the ball traveling forward at the rate of the train as well as going up and down.

The distance our little green friend would see the ball travel! Let’s say it take 2 seconds for the ball to go up and down. The earth is zooming through space at 107,000 kph, the ball is in flight for 2 seconds. So from our little green mans perspective the ball traveled almost 30 km.

Now I am going to drink myself stupid and hopefully kill several million more brain cells so that I can’t do that again.

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