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Safari World


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Hey I know the owner, he is a family friend.

Its a great place to go, all the bad news is all just rumors. All animals are kept in good shape

you do, can I get my double pricing charge back........ i couldn't work it out, maybe I looked at more animals than the average Thai!

just google the words... Safari World Bangkok Animal Abuse.

See what you come up with. Even Thais have told me it's known for animal cruelty..

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It's not great but then its not that bad either. The humans are kept in much better conditions that Dusit Zoo. However, there were a couple of things that bugged me like you could pay to play with a "baby human" for a while and things like that (my gf did it, much to my disapproval).

The "Humans with orange & black stripes & big teeth" temple gets a couple of dozen visitors a day paying 300b to get in, and who also get a free meal if they want. So they aren't exactly rolling in it.They are excavating a new enclosure to keep them in semi wild conditions, but it seems to be slow going.

Drive your car and feed the "humans", but not the "human with orange & black stripes & big teeth", "tan coloured human with big teeth" nor the "three black furry humans with big teeth". Been there done it, great place to spend with the family. Also there are shows as well and all in one price.

TBH in Thailand I have never seen "humans" in the wild except for "small garbage eating humans" and "noisy 4 legged barking humans", all others have a better chance of survival in a zoo at least they will not be poached so fast.

I enjoy the "humanutang" boxing shows. Terrific day out for the kids, and I usually win a shedload of money on the betting action, as I tip their "trainer" to slip a few nuts and bolts into the red corner's glove.

Kan Win's photos are excellent, but nothing prepared me for the onslaught of hungry "tall, long necked humans" and "black/white striped 4 legged riding humans" sticking their noses in the car and slobbering all over us. I could've spent all day in that enclosure alone. The "noisy 4 legged barking human" and "thick skinned, big mouthed flesh eating human that swims" shows were ok, but the "huge grey long nosed humans" were great and spectators are encouraged to join in for free. I get the impression that these people care for the "humans", treat them well and are NOT out to exploit all and sundry for a quick buck.

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Hey I know the owner, he is a family friend.

Its a great place to go, all the bad news is all just rumors. All animals are kept in good shape

you do, can I get my double pricing charge back........ i couldn't work it out, maybe I looked at more animals than the average Thai!

I live within 5 minutes of the place.

It's a nice enough place for a visit, although I do remember reading stories about the Orangutans, and haven't been back since.

Admittedly, I'd have probably gone more often (before the Orangutan story), but the double pricing pissed me off.

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It's not great but then its not that bad either. The humans are kept in much better conditions that Dusit Zoo. However, there were a couple of things that bugged me like you could pay to play with a "baby human" for a while and things like that (my gf did it, much to my disapproval).

The "Humans with orange & black stripes & big teeth" temple gets a couple of dozen visitors a day paying 300b to get in, and who also get a free meal if they want. So they aren't exactly rolling in it.They are excavating a new enclosure to keep them in semi wild conditions, but it seems to be slow going.

Drive your car and feed the "humans", but not the "human with orange & black stripes & big teeth", "tan coloured human with big teeth" nor the "three black furry humans with big teeth". Been there done it, great place to spend with the family. Also there are shows as well and all in one price.

TBH in Thailand I have never seen "humans" in the wild except for "small garbage eating humans" and "noisy 4 legged barking humans", all others have a better chance of survival in a zoo at least they will not be poached so fast.

I enjoy the "humanutang" boxing shows. Terrific day out for the kids, and I usually win a shedload of money on the betting action, as I tip their "trainer" to slip a few nuts and bolts into the red corner's glove.

Kan Win's photos are excellent, but nothing prepared me for the onslaught of hungry "tall, long necked humans" and "black/white striped 4 legged riding humans" sticking their noses in the car and slobbering all over us. I could've spent all day in that enclosure alone. The "noisy 4 legged barking human" and "thick skinned, big mouthed flesh eating human that swims" shows were ok, but the "huge grey long nosed humans" were great and spectators are encouraged to join in for free. I get the impression that these people care for the "humans", treat them well and are NOT out to exploit all and sundry for a quick buck.

a half-witted attempt at satire, at best.

give it a rest, you are neither amusing, thought provoking nor origional. having many friends in animal conservation who are out in the field on a daily basis making a difference i ncan only say you come off as shrill and ineffective.

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Many thanks to Kan Win for suggesting Safari park, Kanchanaburi NOT Safari World, Bangkok. We went there to day and WILL be going back, maybe as soon as next week.

They did mention charging extra (for me, the farang) but just the mention of a work permit got me in for 120B our daughter got in for free.

Kan Win's photos are excellent, but nothing prepared me for the onslaught of hungry giraffes and zebra(s) sticking their noses in the car and slobbering all over us. (surprise :D) I could've spent all day in that enclosure alone. The dog and crocodile shows were ok, but the elephants were great and spectators are encouraged to join in for free.

I get the impression that these people care for the animals, treat them well and are NOT out to exploit all and sundry for a quick buck. (Thank you. That is how most of us feel about Safari Park in Kan)

Go there, buy at least 100B's worth of carrots at the entrance and have a great day.

Glad that you took my advise "2long" :D and sorry to hear :D "They did mention charging extra (for me, the farang)" did not know that part as my wife "Khun Thai" got the tickets as I sat in our car. I did ask her how much and was told 120 baht each which was on both our tickets. Sorry for that missing part and well spotted "2long" :D . I will go back and buy a ticket myself just to see how much they really charge for (the farang) and I shall report back. :o .

Thank you for the up-date as well, so folks come and have a family day at "Safari Park in Kanchanaburi" B)

Kan Win :D

P.S. If I told you then it would not have been a "surprise" for you and your family? :D "(but nothing prepared me for the onslaught of hungry giraffes and zebra(s) sticking their noses in the car and slobbering all over us.)"

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It's not great but then its not that bad either. The humans are kept in much better conditions that Dusit Zoo. However, there were a couple of things that bugged me like you could pay to play with a "baby human" for a while and things like that (my gf did it, much to my disapproval).

The "Humans with orange & black stripes & big teeth" temple gets a couple of dozen visitors a day paying 300b to get in, and who also get a free meal if they want. So they aren't exactly rolling in it.They are excavating a new enclosure to keep them in semi wild conditions, but it seems to be slow going.

Drive your car and feed the "humans", but not the "human with orange & black stripes & big teeth", "tan coloured human with big teeth" nor the "three black furry humans with big teeth". Been there done it, great place to spend with the family. Also there are shows as well and all in one price.

TBH in Thailand I have never seen "humans" in the wild except for "small garbage eating humans" and "noisy 4 legged barking humans", all others have a better chance of survival in a zoo at least they will not be poached so fast.

I enjoy the "humanutang" boxing shows. Terrific day out for the kids, and I usually win a shedload of money on the betting action, as I tip their "trainer" to slip a few nuts and bolts into the red corner's glove.

Kan Win's photos are excellent, but nothing prepared me for the onslaught of hungry "tall, long necked humans" and "black/white striped 4 legged riding humans" sticking their noses in the car and slobbering all over us. I could've spent all day in that enclosure alone. The "noisy 4 legged barking human" and "thick skinned, big mouthed flesh eating human that swims" shows were ok, but the "huge grey long nosed humans" were great and spectators are encouraged to join in for free. I get the impression that these people care for the "humans", treat them well and are NOT out to exploit all and sundry for a quick buck.

a half-witted attempt at satire, at best.

give it a rest, you are neither amusing, thought provoking nor origional. having many friends in animal conservation who are out in the field on a daily basis making a difference i ncan only say you come off as shrill and ineffective.

I thought it was quite amusing...at least it got your attention.

I don't have any "friends in animal conservation who are out in the field on a daily basis making a difference"...this is merely your wish.

You are not very smart & your grammar is attrocious.

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Hey I know the owner, he is a family friend.

Its a great place to go, all the bad news is all just rumors. All animals are kept in good shape

Have you got shares in the place?

These days more and more people have gotten wise to these places. Most are happy to see healthy thriving animals in some sort of natural environments, not as disposable products used to yield in big profits for the traffickers, owners and exploiters of these animals.

If people boycott these pretend safari compounds, the sooner the exploiters will have to clean up their acts or shut down.

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Hey I know the owner, he is a family friend.

Its a great place to go, all the bad news is all just rumors. All animals are kept in good shape

you do, can I get my double pricing charge back........ i couldn't work it out, maybe I looked at more animals than the average Thai!

I will make them charge you 4 times next time

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Please "Doza" give us a break, these shows are very common in Thailand and for Thai Folks and Tourist to have this in Kan at that price well....I .....am....... speechless

Aah, sorry. I forgot the golden rules of conservation and using captured wild animals:

1) If it is common in a country its ok

2) If nationals of that country enjoy it, its ok

3) If its cheap, its even more ok!

...bear bile anyone?

A couple of Questions Doza , dont they have any animal shows or wild animal hunting in the country you come from and what is your countries history of wildlife preservation and Conservation?? Nignoy
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Hey I know the owner, he is a family friend.

Its a great place to go, all the bad news is all just rumors. All animals are kept in good shape

Have you got shares in the place?

These days more and more people have gotten wise to these places. Most are happy to see healthy thriving animals in some sort of natural environments, not as disposable products used to yield in big profits for the traffickers, owners and exploiters of these animals.

If people boycott these pretend safari compounds, the sooner the exploiters will have to clean up their acts or shut down.

Just like some of the wellknown Zoo,s and wildlfe parks in UK, lions and tigers kept in cages far smaller and dirtier than anything you see in Thailand!! a certain UK safari park used to sell lion cubs to anyone who had 25 pounds , or the eastern england park of stealing selling hawks and falcons , to keep the birds quiet in transport, their eyes were superglued shut!! Nignoy
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Hey I know the owner, he is a family friend.

Its a great place to go, all the bad news is all just rumors. All animals are kept in good shape

you do, can I get my double pricing charge back........ i couldn't work it out, maybe I looked at more animals than the average Thai!

I will make them charge you 4 times next time

i wouldn't be proud of the association.


BANGKOK, Thailand, April 18, 2006 (ENS) - After two years of investigation and DNA testing, 54 orangutans that were forced to entertain tourists at a private zoo in a Bangkok suburb, will be returned eventually to their homeland in the Indonesian rainforest.

Schwann Tunhikorn, deputy director-general of the National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department (DNP), said recent DNA tests by a Kasetsart University veterinarian confirmed that 54 of the 69 apes seized by Thai forestry police from Safari World in 2004 belonged to Indonesia.

Safari World Zoo's Managing Director Pin Kewkacha also admitted that the zoo illegally obtained the endangered apes from Borneo and Sumatra islands.

But Pin is likely to escape legal punishment as the country's wildlife protection law does not cover a case involving non-indigenous animals, forestry police officers said Tuesday.

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Hey I know the owner, he is a family friend.

Its a great place to go, all the bad news is all just rumors. All animals are kept in good shape

Have you got shares in the place?

These days more and more people have gotten wise to these places. Most are happy to see healthy thriving animals in some sort of natural environments, not as disposable products used to yield in big profits for the traffickers, owners and exploiters of these animals.

If people boycott these pretend safari compounds, the sooner the exploiters will have to clean up their acts or shut down.

Just like some of the wellknown Zoo,s and wildlfe parks in UK, lions and tigers kept in cages far smaller and dirtier than anything you see in Thailand!! a certain UK safari park used to sell lion cubs to anyone who had 25 pounds , or the eastern england park of stealing selling hawks and falcons , to keep the birds quiet in transport, their eyes were superglued shut!! Nignoy

Don't believe it.

England is a world leader for it's zoo natural environments, scientific and animal conservation work. They have to follow strict guidelines by law. Regents Park Zoo in London is renowned for this.

So where do you get your information from?

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I think Nignoy used to work in the Zoo trade in some capacity.

England is a world leader for it's zoo natural environments

I wouldn't agree with this after seeing the big cats in cages in London Zoo. Pathetically small. Birds of Prey section is pretty awful too. Come to think of it, even the Penguin enclosure was a concrete unnatural mess. Actually the Gorilla and Apes cages were terrible. If England is a world leader in it's natural environments, lets hope London Zoo isn't the flagship.

Excellent conservation work though as far as I am aware.

And certainly a lot better than any Thai zoo/animal attraction I have visited.

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Hey I know the owner, he is a family friend.

Its a great place to go, all the bad news is all just rumors. All animals are kept in good shape

Have you got shares in the place?

These days more and more people have gotten wise to these places. Most are happy to see healthy thriving animals in some sort of natural environments, not as disposable products used to yield in big profits for the traffickers, owners and exploiters of these animals.

If people boycott these pretend safari compounds, the sooner the exploiters will have to clean up their acts or shut down.

Just like some of the wellknown Zoo,s and wildlfe parks in UK, lions and tigers kept in cages far smaller and dirtier than anything you see in Thailand!! a certain UK safari park used to sell lion cubs to anyone who had 25 pounds , or the eastern england park of stealing selling hawks and falcons , to keep the birds quiet in transport, their eyes were superglued shut!! Nignoy

Don't believe it.

England is a world leader for it's zoo natural environments, scientific and animal conservation work. They have to follow strict guidelines by law. Regents Park Zoo in London is renowned for this.

So where do you get your information from?

Englands Zoo,s especially London are run by burocrats who pay themselves huge salaries using govt funds that were ment for there animals, as far as where I got my information ,I am a Qualified Master Zookeeper, I have worked in the world zoo mileau all of my civilian working life, I have managed or been curator of 3 top european zoo,s , I still do volontary advisory work for international wildlife protection agencies, have been involved with BBC exposure documentary.s, was on the team that bred the first American Bald Eagles, my wild life care papers are used as training literature for zookeepers and wildlife carers in many countries. Not to be forgotten I was offered the Post of Head keeper at Regents Park Zoo , they came to me!! I turned it down ,I did not want to damage mygood name!! as far as guidelines go the admin staff there are not bothered and the govt does not care!! :o Nignoy
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Hey I know the owner, he is a family friend.

Its a great place to go, all the bad news is all just rumors. All animals are kept in good shape

Have you got shares in the place?

These days more and more people have gotten wise to these places. Most are happy to see healthy thriving animals in some sort of natural environments, not as disposable products used to yield in big profits for the traffickers, owners and exploiters of these animals.

If people boycott these pretend safari compounds, the sooner the exploiters will have to clean up their acts or shut down.

Just like some of the wellknown Zoo,s and wildlfe parks in UK, lions and tigers kept in cages far smaller and dirtier than anything you see in Thailand!! a certain UK safari park used to sell lion cubs to anyone who had 25 pounds , or the eastern england park of stealing selling hawks and falcons , to keep the birds quiet in transport, their eyes were superglued shut!! Nignoy

Don't believe it.

England is a world leader for it's zoo natural environments, scientific and animal conservation work. They have to follow strict guidelines by law. Regents Park Zoo in London is renowned for this.

So where do you get your information from?

Englands Zoo,s especially London are run by burocrats who pay themselves huge salaries using govt funds that were ment for there animals, as far as where I got my information ,I am a Qualified Master Zookeeper, I have worked in the world zoo mileau all of my civilian working life, I have managed or been curator of 3 top european zoo,s , I still do volontary advisory work for international wildlife protection agencies, have been involved with BBC exposure documentary.s, was on the team that bred the first American Bald Eagles, my wild life care papers are used as training literature for zookeepers and wildlife carers in many countries. Not to be forgotten I was offered the Post of Head keeper at Regents Park Zoo , they came to me!! I turned it down ,I did not want to damage mygood name!! as far as guidelines go the admin staff there are not bothered and the govt does not care!! :o Nignoy

David Attenborough eat your heart out, if you know who he is.

Sounds impressive but anyone of the anonymouses on these forums can make these claims. A keeper is someone who takes general care of the animals, surely with your alleged qualifications; Regents Part Zoo would have offered you a position more as an advisory, organiser and administrator rather than just a head keeper. And if you believe that Regents Part zoo is in such need of transformation, than you accepting a job position with the zoo in which would give the power to improve it's structure would have been of benefit to you and the zoo, rather than a discredit to your name.

I am interested in wildlife and have many species living on my land here in Chiang Mai, and would like more knowledge as to what species they are and their habitats. I find it interesting, because I care about animals. I would like to see a copy of your wildlife care paper`s, maybe I can learn a few things.

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Dont believe everything you read. Safari World is a great place. all those bad reports are just people who view everything negative n Thailand

Hopefully, they continue well on their way out of business...

SAFARI WORLD reported a consolidated first-quarter net loss of Bt84.61 million, compared with a net loss of Bt107.99 million in the same period last year. It reported a consolidated net loss of Bt359.53 million. Siam Commercial Bank last year filed a lawsuit in the Civil Court against Safari for breaching a Bt2.36-billion loan agreement after nine years of debt restructuring. The Stock Exchange of Thailand yesterday said today would be the company's last trading day.

- Company reports published on May 16, 2007

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Dont believe everything you read. Safari World is a great place. all those bad reports are just people who view everything negative n Thailand

Hopefully, they continue well on their way out of business...

SAFARI WORLD reported a consolidated first-quarter net loss of Bt84.61 million, compared with a net loss of Bt107.99 million in the same period last year. It reported a consolidated net loss of Bt359.53 million. Siam Commercial Bank last year filed a lawsuit in the Civil Court against Safari for breaching a Bt2.36-billion loan agreement after nine years of debt restructuring. The Stock Exchange of Thailand yesterday said today would be the company's last trading day.

- Company reports published on May 16, 2007

they are going broke, that has to be good news for the animals. i wonder where they will cut costs first....

i reckon they are just misunderstood.

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DistortedLink, you asked Nignoy where he got his information from, and he told you.

So why call him a liar just because it wasn't the answer that you wanted to hear? :o

Sounds impressive but anyone of the anonymouses on these forums can make these claims.

Nignoy throughout the years on this forum has mentioned his zoo keeping past. I appreciate he has upset you but there really is no point asking someone a question and then calling them a liar when they answer.

Nignoy, next time tell him you are an electrician from Hounslow, he'll believe that because it will help him win the argument. :D

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Hey I know the owner, he is a family friend.

Its a great place to go, all the bad news is all just rumors. All animals are kept in good shape

you do, can I get my double pricing charge back........ i couldn't work it out, maybe I looked at more animals than the average Thai!

I will make them charge you 4 times next time

It almost happened, I gave the money collection guy a mouthful as I could read the Thai price in Thai script, he got pissed off with my banter, he took a swing at my pickup door making a load bang. I got out of the car and pinned him up against the wall of his booth. The supervisor kept the dogs of us until he squealed and appology(i was f...n' livid). I still had to pay the full price, wifey and kids had to show Thai passports but got the Thai price. Kept an eye on the revision mirror when driving through the big cats pen!!!!!! ........ 555555 (this was more than 10 years ago, coz I got rid of the SR5 Toyota in 1997!)

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Hey I know the owner, he is a family friend.

Its a great place to go, all the bad news is all just rumors. All animals are kept in good shape

Have you got shares in the place?

These days more and more people have gotten wise to these places. Most are happy to see healthy thriving animals in some sort of natural environments, not as disposable products used to yield in big profits for the traffickers, owners and exploiters of these animals.

If people boycott these pretend safari compounds, the sooner the exploiters will have to clean up their acts or shut down.

Just like some of the wellknown Zoo,s and wildlfe parks in UK, lions and tigers kept in cages far smaller and dirtier than anything you see in Thailand!! a certain UK safari park used to sell lion cubs to anyone who had 25 pounds , or the eastern england park of stealing selling hawks and falcons , to keep the birds quiet in transport, their eyes were superglued shut!! Nignoy

Don't believe it.

England is a world leader for it's zoo natural environments, scientific and animal conservation work. They have to follow strict guidelines by law. Regents Park Zoo in London is renowned for this.

So where do you get your information from?

Englands Zoo,s especially London are run by burocrats who pay themselves huge salaries using govt funds that were ment for there animals, as far as where I got my information ,I am a Qualified Master Zookeeper, I have worked in the world zoo mileau all of my civilian working life, I have managed or been curator of 3 top european zoo,s , I still do volontary advisory work for international wildlife protection agencies, have been involved with BBC exposure documentary.s, was on the team that bred the first American Bald Eagles, my wild life care papers are used as training literature for zookeepers and wildlife carers in many countries. Not to be forgotten I was offered the Post of Head keeper at Regents Park Zoo , they came to me!! I turned it down ,I did not want to damage mygood name!! as far as guidelines go the admin staff there are not bothered and the govt does not care!! :o Nignoy

David Attenborough eat your heart out, if you know who he is.

Sounds impressive but anyone of the anonymouses on these forums can make these claims. A keeper is someone who takes general care of the animals, surely with your alleged qualifications; Regents Part Zoo would have offered you a position more as an advisory, organiser and administrator rather than just a head keeper. And if you believe that Regents Part zoo is in such need of transformation, than you accepting a job position with the zoo in which would give the power to improve it's structure would have been of benefit to you and the zoo, rather than a discredit to your name.

I am interested in wildlife and have many species living on my land here in Chiang Mai, and would like more knowledge as to what species they are and their habitats. I find it interesting, because I care about animals. I would like to see a copy of your wildlife care paper`s, maybe I can learn a few things.

Any qualified european zoo keeper would be seriously insulted, I dont know whether UK recognises and teaches zoo keeping as a trade, or just animal husbandry, where as countries like germany have a recognised 3 year apprenticeship, a recognised headkeepers after a minimum of 7 years service also a Masters certificate in zoo keeping and zoological medicine.As far as Regents Park zoo is concerned, one of the main reasons I turned the job down, at the time of the interview in 1993 the zoo was in crap state both financially and physically, staff moral was at a low and the 12 member governing comittee would not agree to taking acut in their perks or their exsorbitant salaries!! with their salaries ,cars ,london loading and other bits and bobs,their wages bill exceeded 1 million pounds that had to be earned even before the first animal got fed.They held the absolute VETO on any change in zoo budget and day to day running of which they had very little experience and were so easily influenced by interests outside the zoo, you have obviously not read any of my threads over the years or seen any photo,s of our hand raised sib.tigers, orangs,gorillas, eagles , chimps and so on.Nignoy
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It really doesn't matter one bit what wildlife organisations in my country or Britain are doing with centres there when we are talking about one or two centres here in Thailand.

To argue that I don't have the right to (negatively) comment about Thai wildlife organisations because there may be marginal ones operating in my own country is pretty ridiculous since we are on a Thai forum and the thread is about Thai place. Doesn't seem like a reasoned comment coming from a wildlife "professional" to me.

Just so we are clear moving, shipping, trafficking, transporting, holding, showing off, controlling, training, breeding, keeping, capturing, wild animals for human benefit such as to feed for fun, to watch in trained unnnatural shows, and to interact with unnaturally for monetary gain or otherwise WITHOUT the core focus being in rescue, rehabilitation (which really doesn't happen with most exotic animals - back into the wild I mean), education and awarness raising is the WRONG THING TO DO. My opinion.

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Dont believe everything you read. Safari World is a great place. all those bad reports are just people who view everything negative n Thailand

Hopefully, they continue well on their way out of business...

SAFARI WORLD reported a consolidated first-quarter net loss of Bt84.61 million, compared with a net loss of Bt107.99 million in the same period last year. It reported a consolidated net loss of Bt359.53 million. Siam Commercial Bank last year filed a lawsuit in the Civil Court against Safari for breaching a Bt2.36-billion loan agreement after nine years of debt restructuring. The Stock Exchange of Thailand yesterday said today would be the company's last trading day.

- Company reports published on May 16, 2007

they are going broke, that has to be good news for the animals. i wonder where they will cut costs first....

i reckon they are just misunderstood.

The Zoo is a great place, I think they will start serving rice to cut costs.

The animals can lose a few inches around the tummy and the zoo saves money. Win win situation IMO

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It's not great but then its not that bad either. The humans are kept in much better conditions that Dusit Zoo. However, there were a couple of things that bugged me like you could pay to play with a "baby human" for a while and things like that (my gf did it, much to my disapproval).

The "Humans with orange & black stripes & big teeth" temple gets a couple of dozen visitors a day paying 300b to get in, and who also get a free meal if they want. So they aren't exactly rolling in it.They are excavating a new enclosure to keep them in semi wild conditions, but it seems to be slow going.

Drive your car and feed the "humans", but not the "human with orange & black stripes & big teeth", "tan coloured human with big teeth" nor the "three black furry humans with big teeth". Been there done it, great place to spend with the family. Also there are shows as well and all in one price.

TBH in Thailand I have never seen "humans" in the wild except for "small garbage eating humans" and "noisy 4 legged barking humans", all others have a better chance of survival in a zoo at least they will not be poached so fast.

I enjoy the "humanutang" boxing shows. Terrific day out for the kids, and I usually win a shedload of money on the betting action, as I tip their "trainer" to slip a few nuts and bolts into the red corner's glove.

Kan Win's photos are excellent, but nothing prepared me for the onslaught of hungry "tall, long necked humans" and "black/white striped 4 legged riding humans" sticking their noses in the car and slobbering all over us. I could've spent all day in that enclosure alone. The "noisy 4 legged barking human" and "thick skinned, big mouthed flesh eating human that swims" shows were ok, but the "huge grey long nosed humans" were great and spectators are encouraged to join in for free. I get the impression that these people care for the "humans", treat them well and are NOT out to exploit all and sundry for a quick buck.

a half-witted attempt at satire, at best.

give it a rest, you are neither amusing, thought provoking nor origional. having many friends in animal conservation who are out in the field on a daily basis making a difference i ncan only say you come off as shrill and ineffective.

I thought it was quite amusing...at least it got your attention.

I don't have any "friends in animal conservation who are out in the field on a daily basis making a difference"...this is merely your wish.

You are not very smart & your grammar is attrocious.

"attrocious" huh? i feel chastized.

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Dont believe everything you read. Safari World is a great place. all those bad reports are just people who view everything negative n Thailand

Hopefully, they continue well on their way out of business...

SAFARI WORLD reported a consolidated first-quarter net loss of Bt84.61 million, compared with a net loss of Bt107.99 million in the same period last year. It reported a consolidated net loss of Bt359.53 million. Siam Commercial Bank last year filed a lawsuit in the Civil Court against Safari for breaching a Bt2.36-billion loan agreement after nine years of debt restructuring. The Stock Exchange of Thailand yesterday said today would be the company's last trading day.

- Company reports published on May 16, 2007

they are going broke, that has to be good news for the animals. i wonder where they will cut costs first....

i reckon they are just misunderstood.

The Zoo is a great place, I think they will start serving rice to cut costs.

The animals can lose a few inches around the tummy and the zoo saves money. Win win situation IMO

A no win situation for the carnivores who will starve on rice, but then again, with their reputation, having starving animals like this probably wouldn't bother them much.....



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  • 3 weeks later...
It's not great but then its not that bad either. The humans are kept in much better conditions that Dusit Zoo. However, there were a couple of things that bugged me like you could pay to play with a "baby human" for a while and things like that (my gf did it, much to my disapproval).

The "Humans with orange & black stripes & big teeth" temple gets a couple of dozen visitors a day paying 300b to get in, and who also get a free meal if they want. So they aren't exactly rolling in it.They are excavating a new enclosure to keep them in semi wild conditions, but it seems to be slow going.

Drive your car and feed the "humans", but not the "human with orange & black stripes & big teeth", "tan coloured human with big teeth" nor the "three black furry humans with big teeth". Been there done it, great place to spend with the family. Also there are shows as well and all in one price.

TBH in Thailand I have never seen "humans" in the wild except for "small garbage eating humans" and "noisy 4 legged barking humans", all others have a better chance of survival in a zoo at least they will not be poached so fast.

I enjoy the "humanutang" boxing shows. Terrific day out for the kids, and I usually win a shedload of money on the betting action, as I tip their "trainer" to slip a few nuts and bolts into the red corner's glove.

Kan Win's photos are excellent, but nothing prepared me for the onslaught of hungry "tall, long necked humans" and "black/white striped 4 legged riding humans" sticking their noses in the car and slobbering all over us. I could've spent all day in that enclosure alone. The "noisy 4 legged barking human" and "thick skinned, big mouthed flesh eating human that swims" shows were ok, but the "huge grey long nosed humans" were great and spectators are encouraged to join in for free. I get the impression that these people care for the "humans", treat them well and are NOT out to exploit all and sundry for a quick buck.

a half-witted attempt at satire, at best.

give it a rest, you are neither amusing, thought provoking nor origional. having many friends in animal conservation who are out in the field on a daily basis making a difference i ncan only say you come off as shrill and ineffective.

I thought it was quite amusing...at least it got your attention.

I don't have any "friends in animal conservation who are out in the field on a daily basis making a difference"...this is merely your wish.

You are not very smart & your grammar is attrocious.

"attrocious" huh? i feel chastized.

....and rightly so!

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Dont believe everything you read. Safari World is a great place. all those bad reports are just people who view everything negative n Thailand

Hopefully, they continue well on their way out of business...

SAFARI WORLD reported a consolidated first-quarter net loss of Bt84.61 million, compared with a net loss of Bt107.99 million in the same period last year. It reported a consolidated net loss of Bt359.53 million. Siam Commercial Bank last year filed a lawsuit in the Civil Court against Safari for breaching a Bt2.36-billion loan agreement after nine years of debt restructuring. The Stock Exchange of Thailand yesterday said today would be the company's last trading day.

- Company reports published on May 16, 2007

they are going broke, that has to be good news for the animals. i wonder where they will cut costs first....

i reckon they are just misunderstood.

The Zoo is a great place, I think they will start serving rice to cut costs.

The animals can lose a few inches around the tummy and the zoo saves money. Win win situation IMO

A no win situation for the carnivores who will starve on rice, but then again, with their reputation, having starving animals like this probably wouldn't bother them much.....



There not from Safari world though

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