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Glenn "jeep" Holthaus Still Around?

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Quite a Pattaya character, had a bar. Jeep's Joint, on 3rd Rd near S. Pattaya Rd. (closed now), "Lek's Monster Burger" a specialty. Organized (I think) an early computer club, donated some computers to less fortunate Thais; did something towards finding extras for a film or two to be made in Thailand. Did a lot more in his 33+ years in Thailand I guess; I hardly knew him, but he did make an impression with some great stories. :o

I passed by his old bar the other day and thought of him and just wondered if he's still around.


'Jeep' did a lot of good work for the street kids of Pattaya, his little shophouse was full of them at night where his wife used to teach them computer skills.

I lost touch with him 10 years or so ago, he was an unsung hero back then.


Still here. Only know him through a mutual friend who told me he has been here a long time. 33 years? Wow.

Believe he is a member of TV. Think I saw a post from him a few weeks back.

Check members for Jeep Holt.

Be great to sit and have a drink with him when he is in a story-telling mood. :o

Quite a Pattaya character, had a bar. Jeep's Joint, on 3rd Rd near S. Pattaya Rd. (closed now), "Lek's Monster Burger" a specialty. Organized (I think) an early computer club, donated some computers to less fortunate Thais; did something towards finding extras for a film or two to be made in Thailand. Did a lot more in his 33+ years in Thailand I guess; I hardly knew him, but he did make an impression with some great stories. :o

I passed by his old bar the other day and thought of him and just wondered if he's still around.

Yes, Jeep is still in Pattaya. His bar is closed but he still lives there. Stop by when you see the door open. I thought I had his tel number but here's his email:


He is still here, hasn't left since the Vietnam thingy I think!

Used to dump of some very old computer stuff, which got recycled into usable machines for the children. He had (probably still has) enough stuff in his shop to open up a museum!

He must be getting on in age now though...


Quite a shocker going down the list of "New Posts", and my own name comes up! :D What's even more shocking was there were 5 posts and no one said anything bad about me. :D:D And now probably my thousands of wives and daughters and grand daughters will be able to find me now. :o

Contrary to popular belief, I'm still kickin'. Still in the same place that I've been in since it was built more than 20 years ago. But, they have changed so many other building and roads here in Pattaya that I have trouble finding my way home some nights and don't make it back for a couple of days. Sorry I can't recognize who you guys are that posted by looking at your profiles and Thai Visa handles. Maybe you can email or pm me to remind me? I'm not getting old.. I AM old..

Regarding our "Computers For Thai Kids Charity Project". We have now sent out more than 600 computers to schools all over Thailand in the past 10 years. All of them donated by you guys and a bunch of companies, embassies and hospitals. After Lek and I finally get a few of them up and running, we bundle together as many of them that are equal in speed and capabilities as we can, and then give one of the headmasters from one of the schools who have sent us letters of request a call. You should see the processions when they come pick up the computers! They bring most of the village with them I think. From the Nai Ampur's and Pu Yai Bahn's on down to every teacher in the school. Quite a village event when they get the old computers to take back with them. We were finally successful in getting computers in all the schools in Pattaya, so Lek stopped teaching in our shop house now. Plus we had a fire that wiped all our computers out and I'm just too lazy to put enough of them together to use here to teach the few kids that would still come by. Since we don't let them play games or get on chat rooms, the numbers cut way down to only the really dedicated kids and we teach them when they stop by individually. Our proudest accomplishment was when one of our garbage kids graduated as a nurse from Chulalongkorn school of nursing. We went to the graduation. Of course I was the only farang there and the head professor said I was a first. A first what, he didn't say... :D I even had to wear a suit and tie! B)

When the big Hollywood productions hit Thailand, I usually get a call to help out with casting/production/location/military advisor/etc., and if I think I'm up to it and like the stars and director I do the movie. Have done 19 of the big ones now. Last 2 being up in Chiang Mai doing the Stallone and Denzell Washington shoots. Not much casting work on either of them luckily, since it's getting harder all the time doing those 20+ hours a day required when in movie production. The one before that was the "Rescue Dawn" shoot which starred a guy named Christian Bale. I made it clear up to being the big shot "casting director" in that one for a while. That was a lot of very hard, long days and nights. Took it's toll on my old body, but "there's no business, like show business"! Plus I got to see a lot of my old Hollywood actor friends who were in the cast. Marshall Bell and I had a great time again as usual when I see him on locations.

Lek (Dracula) in now attending university studying for a bachelor's degree in Gov't/Public Administration if you guys can believe that? She says she's going to be the PM, Nai Amphur, Pattaya Mayor or something like that. Wouldn't put it past her actually, since she's got the students and faculty all eating out of her hand already. Not bad for me since I go downstairs and sometimes there's 10 or 15 young University students having her teach them something or other. :D Of course, I have to help.. Can't really understand why old Dracula is going to University. She knows EVERYTHING already!

Surprisingly enough, I found out that there has actually been 2 books written that I feature prominently in. One is by Paul Young who was my Marine Platoon Commander in Recon in Vietnam and is named: "First Recon - Second to None". There is even a picture of me in it getting some medal or another. I was sure a lean, mean fighting machine back then. What a handsome man! I showed the picture to Lek, and all she said was "What Happened?" :D The other book is buy a Pulitzer Prize winning author named Jonathan Stevenson and is called: "Hard Men Humble: Vietnam Vets Who Wouldn't Go Home". He threw in more than 30 pages about me in that one. There's a lot of us old, long time in Thailand expats in that book.

Sorry to bore all of you guys with this stuff. Just too lazy to pm each of the posters back with the update that I'm still alive :D .

  • Thanks 1

Thanks for responding, Jeep! Glad to know you're very much still around. I miss stopping by Jeep's Joint (the area is indeed almost unrecognizable now from what it was) and having a beer and maybe a Lek's Monster Burger and hearing some great stories. Jeep's Joint was quite a discovery on my part, being so removed from the usual bar scenes.

You should write your own book, really. Must not be many farang still here, if any, who know the history of Pattaya and its characters as you do. Doubtless much would be unprintable :o. It's good to be filled in on some of your more recent history. I'll look around for that Jonathan Stevenson book.

It's great that Lek is attending university. Quite a success there. I might mention that your early computer club activities helped inspire me to learn more about computer hardware and I eventually went on to build and repair quite a few PCs.

Well, if you're a regular at any bars or other social institutions, you should also mention it here. Introspecive newcomers may want to meet a truly noteworthy Thailand/Pattaya old-timer, and others such as myself who vaguely knew you from Jeep's Joint etc. might like to say hello sometime.

  • 16 years later...

Thank you for the update sangtip2

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