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like many farang i support my wife because i have the ability to earn a higher salary. i am fine with this. the only problem is that she has nothing to do all day so she will clean the house even though it is not dirty or try to fill her time doing something else like reading. mostly i think she is bored though she will not admit it. if i did not have to work, i would probably be bored too. the problem comes in with the fact that she is basically obsessed me. i dont have an inch of breathing room. i always hear about when you have a kid your wife never has anytime for you and i am thinking THAT COULD BE ME. is anyone else in this position? should i poke a hole in the next rubber we use? i wish she could find an interesting hobby but like most retired people i have observed, they just spend the entire day wasting time. i guess wasting time is better then working, but still they need something in their life.

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Well, how about introducing her to the delights of TV? Then she could really waste her time like you, me and pretty much everyone else here. :o

Just a thought...


What's wrong with her reading. Don't have a kid. She will be busy and you will find that you can't do anything anymore without a whining brat to spoil it. Why not teach her how to use the internet. She could take some classes on cooking, massage, or whatever. Don't have kids! Get fish. Start a website and have her go around taking pictures to post on it. Don't have kids! get an easle and get her painting. Tell her to write a book. Do anything but don't have kids. Get her to post videos on youtube about her life and opinions etc. Don't have kids!


^ she is not 9. i can't go out and get her a bunch of coloring books and invent hobbies for her.

she does not like tv. she uses the internet but not more than an hour or so a day.

if i told her to go around taking photos of stuff she would look at me like i was a retard.


I really hope that is a bad attempt at sarcasm. To actually think about using a child as a tool to reduce boredom does not say much. It does not say much about:

Your value of human life or

Your value of her (poking a hole in a rubber).


I think many of us here are in the same sort of situation, without work we need to fill our days with something but what ?

Even if you had more time to yourself Thailand can so easy become like the movie Ground hog day. :o


Having a kid sounds like a plan--not a good plan, but a plan nonetheless.

Send her back to school to be a veterenarian and then buy her a puppy!

the closest thing she has to a hobby is nud_e female photography and dentistry. she was in school to become a dentist when i convinced her to quit.

Why don't you ask her what she would like to do.

Maybe she would like to go back to school and continue her training especially if you offer to get her her own shop when she qualifies. That would be cheaper in the long run and maybe profitable in the future.

It's better than having an unwanted child just to stop boredom.


dentists have the highest suicide rates of any profession and i can make more than she can make being a dentist anyways. most dentists here do not make that much money, just check the prices. i want her to stay in the house. she has some friends who are involved in her photography hobby. these are mutual friends between the two of us.

i am 75% on having the kid because we plan to anyways sometime but i am scared if i consult her that she will say no.

the closest thing she has to a hobby is nud_e female photography and dentistry. she was in school to become a dentist when i convinced her to quit.

You mean she had a life plan (probably one she had had to work very hard for in order to achieve and one that she and her family were proud of) and you thought it suited you to get her to quit her studies and now you wonder why she has nothing in life except you?

Either you are bored and thought you'd start a bit of a controversial thread to brighten up your day - or you are living proof that the extremes of feminism may have a point.


Are you a control freak?

YOU donot want her to become a dentist, so YOU convinced her to stop studying.

YOU want her to have a child so she will have something to do??

YOU donot want her to get a job.

YOU want her to stay in the house???

<deleted> ???

Just wanted to add that putting a life on this planet because someone is bored......... wooow that sure is a good reason.

If you are not a troll, you are a loser.

the problem comes in with the fact that she is basically obsessed me. i dont have an inch of breathing room.
she was in school to become a dentist when i convinced her to quit.

you "convinced" her to quit studying to become a dentist , a good profession that would have brought her satisfaction , a measure of independance , prestige and a good income , and now you are whining that she spends too much time at home.

one day she will hate you for that.

Are you a control freak?

YOU donot want her to become a dentist, so YOU convinced her to stop studying.

YOU want her to have a child so she will have something to do??

YOU donot want her to get a job.

YOU want her to stay in the house???

<deleted> ???

Just wanted to add that putting a life on this planet because someone is bored......... wooow that sure is a good reason.

If you are not a troll, you are a loser.

You beat me to it.

the closest thing she has to a hobby is nud_e female photography and dentistry. she was in school to become a dentist when i convinced her to quit.

You mean she had a life plan (probably one she had had to work very hard for in order to achieve and one that she and her family were proud of) and you thought it suited you to get her to quit her studies and now you wonder why she has nothing in life except you?

Either you are bored and thought you'd start a bit of a controversial thread to brighten up your day - or you are living proof that the extremes of feminism may have a point.

i worded that poorly. she had no problem quitting i promise you. i dont think looking in peoples mouth is as fun as you make it out to be. i am from a well off family. for her to keep her job itd be because she loved it. she did not.


Are you kidding me? :D

If my boyfriend tried to get me pregnant just to "ease my boredom" I would dump him right then and there!!!!

Have you asked her opinion in any of this? I am sure she totally wouldn't mind having to be a total mess for 9 months and then suffer through the pain of childbirth, and then raise this kid just so she isn't "bored any longer." :o Plus, don't you realize that for the 9 months she would be pregnant..your life would change dramatically because trust me, a pregnant woman's mood changes ain't pretty!


there are a lack of dentists in los? doubtful.

all women want to have children. i dont know if she is ready yet but i think if she has it after the delay for 9 months she will be happy and thank me for giving her the gift of life. or is that not right? do women really hate their kids if they are an accident?

i am asian american.

Don't limit yourself with such brevity - You are much more than just an 'Asian American'.


It is never a good idea to have "expectations" about others, whether that be having children, getting a job or finding a hobby.

If she is bored, it is because she chooses to be. If her boredom is "constricting your personal freedom/space", simply tell her this. Let her be the first to ask "I need help". If she can't do this, you can always say something like, "I can help you if you want me to". If she refuses, tell her that to remain in her state of boredom is her business & "do you really wish to be bored?" You may also like to be "up front" about her being "obsessed" with you.

What is the cause of many of the worlds problems? A lack of honest, clear & concise communication.

Are you a control freak?

YOU donot want her to become a dentist, so YOU convinced her to stop studying.

YOU want her to have a child so she will have something to do??

YOU donot want her to get a job.

YOU want her to stay in the house???

<deleted> ???

Just wanted to add that putting a life on this planet because someone is bored......... wooow that sure is a good reason.

If you are not a troll, you are a loser.

Wow, this was a bit harsh, but I think right on track. If you make enough for the both of you, then she's in the "employment sweet spot". Encourage to learn/do something she enjoys even if on a part time basis.

Oh, and of all the good reasons to reproduce, boredom is not one of them.

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