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A sinister 'cover-up'

wilson steer

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What you never get to hear about in Thailand are cases of falangs having their penis sliced off. It is always covered up in an almost surreal way. This is quite common, yet is never reported in the newspapers.

If you speak with hospital doctors about this they are sworn to secrecy. A few bar girls know a few tales, but it's hard to get the truth. Lets face it, a few falangs with this happening could cause a drop in tourism.

It usually happens between partners who have been together for a while, then the falang screws around, gets found out and bingo: chop, chop.

When it happens, the victim is rushed to hospital and re-attachment is attempted, sadly many Thai wome now quickly flush the chopped penis down the toilet to prevent re-attachment.

All medical costs are met by the Thai government, compensation is made and the falang is sent back to his home country with a lot of cash, sans penis.

If you are sceptical, do as I did, ask around, ask professional Thais, ask Thai medical staff, and for 500 baht you will learn the truth!

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Interesting point (forgive the pun), Wilson. It's not for nothing that Bangkok is known as the penis re-attachment capital of the world. By coincidence it's 2nd only to Singapore as the sexual realignment (read katoeys) capital of the world. Wonder if the two have any connection -- LOL.

Yours in shivering nightmares,


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This is quite common, yet is never reported in the newspapers.

But; you can't prove it because all the doctors are sworn to secrecy?

But; you can't prove it because each and every foreigner has been paid off and unwilling to talk?

But;  the bar girls know all and will tell you all about it?

But; if you pay 'Thai medical staff' 500 baht you will learn all about it?

It's all another great conspiracy!  It is!  It is!

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then the falang screws around, gets found out and bingo: chop, chop.

"URBAN LEGENDS III" attacks the discussion board. And so what if it is true. Let me see;

Said dude was 'fooling around' and expected it would go down well? I feel sorry for somebody who makes somebody else unhapppy, why? Assuming this 'wholesale slaughter' is taking place, and I'm with Lopburi, its not, then the #### with them. People going aruond adding misery to the world are likely to feels it wrath. Probably promised everyday, I LOVE YOU and ONLY YOU. I WOULD NEVER CHEAT, EVER. Sound familiar?

That's why I sleep with a suit with body armour.

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??? You havn't quite got the full reason behind the "penis chopping scenario", I think the conspiracy is as follows:

Thai family has sons no daughters, what can they do?

OK make son into daughter better for money, (chop chop

2 tubes of silicone later, starve to death and hey presto).

(Not meaning to ridicule here - just bit of fun).

Son makes money very good, takes care family, family

no have problem..... SOn has problem no have c??k

Solution, son has friend, friend work bar can get penis

for money, Son buys penis goes hospital hey presto

no problem (Until family need more money !!)

Then start again !

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  • 3 months later...

I posted this thread fove months ago and it was largely ignored. Just yesterday a man in Bangkok is having problems with a girl with a food blender/liquidiser.

Since July a man in my apartment block has had his penis sliced by a thai girl, although he had been playing around I heard. I am happy to say she was unsucessful and he was stitched up at hospital, she made the mistake of using a serated blade which awoke him quickly and alerted him to the fact he was under attack.

It does happen, quite a lot to falangs and it is always and I repeat always covered up one way or another. If you don't believe me go and ask at your local hospital.

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I'm with Lop...urban myths mostly. Successive Goverments meeting the costs of microsurgery, and paying compensation to farangs, none of whom ever said a word. Believe that this is a widespead thing, you'd believe anything. Keep a close watch, Santa will be about in a few weeks, and the Tooth Fairy starts again in the new year. . :o

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Odd, there is a post from a newby who just found board, about lady who wants, to cut him off :o and now this post about secretive goings on in Thailand, Look's like a conspiracy to get the board chattering.

Is the tooth fairy a gay dentist?

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I contemplate with despair those board members who 'pooh pooh' my suspicions regarding the removal of male penis by angry Thai women.

Ask yourself the following.......

1. Have you read about Thai women chopping the male organ in newspapers?

2. Do you believe you could sleep soundly next to a Thai partner who know you have been 'playing away'?

3. Do you agree that a small percentage of falang get their penis sliced off?

4. Do you agree that hospital treatment is speedily given by the authorities?

5. Do you believe such mutilation can be reported in the Bangkok Post/Pattaya Mail/Chang Mai Mail/Free newspapers?

6. Have you ever actually spoken to medical staff at a large hospital and asked about falang penile mutilation?

Until you have close second hand information, the shock of this event is just a joke, our poor friend who has the 'girlfriend is going to cut me post' must be scared, I suggest that everyone take his story seriously, and that if you are in a steady relationship with a Thai lady that you 'play away' 500 km away in disguise!


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Just ask someone to read the headlines in Thai Rath for you for a week. There are a lot of things that will never be mentioned in BKK Post etc because it may upset tourists.

Although, most cock chop victims seem to be Thai men. Haven't heard about that many farang. Farangs tend to die under mysterious circumstances instead. Oh, and there was that farang guy who had his nose bit off by his tgf a year or two ago... :o

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there was a thai man a couple of years ago who parked his car outside a restaurant in a bangkok suburb,got out,dropped his shorts and chopped off his own penis with a knife and threw his severed penis onto the grass at the side of the road then drove off.

the story was featured prominently that night on the tv news and in the thai press the next day with horrible photographs of the blood soaked penis lying in the grass and the equally horrible blood stained knife lying close by.

interviews with shell shocked witnesses, especially the men, elicited that the man did it calmly and without screaming, even though the knife was not that sharp and that it took a few slashes to finally get the thing off and he then just got back in his car and drove off.

as a man, it is an awful scenario to contemplate, and the stories about husbands and boyfriends losing their penises to the wrath of disturbed wives are equally disturbing.

i read somewhere that it happens about once a week in thailand.

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I see great opportunity now in doing business in Thailand.

With all this cock cutting there must be business for specialize surgical tools, pain killers, local anasthetics and sleep inducers. Tourniquets to minimize bleeding. Maybe a VCD on how to decapitate a penis with minimum blood loss. Maybe a training program with dummies.

Hey maybe a a hired c_ck cutter , send us a picture and we get it chopped and delivered.

Might even consider a recycling unit where the aggressor could store the penis in to be sold. Imagine the chinese and japs would buy Farang soaked penis in bottles of wine and Ginseng to enhance their sexual performance. By the way the chinese have an obssession for black stuff like black dogs which they believe have greater medicinal properties. So if you have a black c_ck, you better guard it.

Maybe we could go to Soi cowboy and start a clay pot shop selling stewed pricks with 8 herbs.

Then there is the opportunity to made authentic Farang dildos made from real cocks just like the guy who preserves bodies to show the muscles in a show called "Bodyworks".

Well we could look into the transplant business, lose your C_ck and we could replace it with a stallion's or a pig's tool or even a gorilla (look out zoo). (reminds me of a chinese movie starring Amy Yip)

We could also start a collectors club to exchange collections.

Ha ha just kidding and having a little fun, I am feeling a little morbid and wicked tonight.

Why don't you guys just stay faithful. That would be the best insurance.

Crazy Dove.

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I have heard a Thai women say that a penis is best 'cut' using scissors, and I have had this confirmed by a Thai policeman. Please heed this advice; ban scissors from the bedroom, particularly if you are drunk and have just had relations with a lady for 'short time'. You have been warned................

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To add to Taxexile's post.Many years ago I remember reading in the Australian Medical Journal of an Australian man who sat down ,whipped the old fellow out and then cut it off.The report went to say that the man was then committed to a mental institution.

When I mentioned the topic of penilectomy in front of my Thai wife and her female friend,they smiled,joked,and as someone has already posted,indicted that the worthless organ is flushed down the toilet,and not thrown to the ducks as I had thought.

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Never heard of this happening to farangs.

Have heard however from a reliable source that a few years ago at a major hotel in Silom Road it happenend to two Thai men in less than a month. Apparently both men were given "replacement parts" courtesy of the local lady boy community.

That said, this kind of thing is something I no longer worry about. I'd be more than happy with a brand new 2 inch willy.

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I think a penis 'transplant' is only possible from your original member, I don't think anyone elses will do. I remember seeing an educational film about women who wanted to become men and the Doctor said; " It is highly improbable that we can give (men) from women an erectile facility apart from mechanical. In plain English this means, if you lose your penis, even after re-attachment it will take a long time to function correctly again, and if you lose it completely, eg. down the toilet, or into a ducks mouth, kiss goodbye to natural erectile performance.

Personally, I guess that falang penis-cutting is rare, yet it is still out there. As a guess I would say the lady-cutter is far less likely to be an Isaan bar girl and more likely to be a semi-rich Thai gambler women with a streak of jealousy and whiskey.

Those gentlemen who have such 'lady' girlfriends beware.

I shall remain true to my rice planting, brown skinned, non-pretentious Isaan girl, who thinks T.V. sets have live bodies inside and that it is bad luck to have your hair cut on Wednesday.

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I shall remain true to my rice planting, brown skinned, non-pretentious Isaan girl, who thinks T.V. sets have live bodies inside and that it is bad luck to have your hair cut on Wednesday.

I haven't had a good look inside the TV yet, but she well may be right. The no haircut on Wednesday's is a very old superstition common throughout Thailand

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Guest IT Manager

And you won'd find me getting my haircut on Wednesday.. very bad luck.. besides which our haircutters take a holiday on Wednesday.. OMG does that mean I have a connection to Thailand.. apart from my foreign wife, oh and of course our Thai kids, our house in the village where we live all year round, our mongrel soi dog and our stack of empty chang beer bottles?

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