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I was unable to re install my hp printer. So I decided to take it to Pichit and try the techie.

He ends up telling me that HP tells him its because I installed Sp2. He was supposed to have fixed it but didn't do a very good job of it. This morning I go to HP web site and they tell me that I need to uninstall SP2 then reinstall my printer after which I'm to reinstall SP2. Don't yet know how to do,yet, but I sent an email back to them asking.

My problem with the OE was because I hadn't put the dot between mail and cscoms

or at least thats what he tells me and I'll get reconnected today if he is right.

The techie also left me without sound but to be fair to him there was sound before I left the shop. Perhaps it was in the moving.

I can't think how you folks can help me with the sound. I've about exhausted all the local techies in 50 mile radius and it looks like I'll try Nakhon Sawun.

I'm still smiling cause I've got a good security system :o

Regards Joe

By the way BIZZ thanks for the list of freebies

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I would try to add new printer and see if you can't get the thing installed that way. Then once added you can delete the original one and hopefull be back running again.

With the sound I would go to Control Panel, System, then Hardware and remove all sound stuff from the system. Then turn off and restart and let Windows find and install the right stuff.

Good luck

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my 2b here ...

it seems that SP2 works fine on a clean install and not always as good if just an update,

for some nothing goes wrong, for some others, it's a nightmare .. they just uninstall it.

I have a cd of win xp sp2 (corp), and the install was as easy as the original xp, every drivers went through easy, on another machine, updated it and then some problem of display, some with games ...

when I tried to do same on the "clean" machine, no problem at all :D

sp2 is a weird stuff .. but still may be needed to be up to date to new threats :o

but it's a ms update ... they already work on sp3 and we had a pack of update too, and not long after the sp2 pack was online ...

let's hope it will be better soon :D

the techies are right, install everything, make sure it's all ok, then update to sp2 ...

or install sp2 and for some drivers you would need to change the product name in the registry to be able to install them :D this worked fine with sp1 ...


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This morning I go to HP web site and they tell me that I need to uninstall SP2 then reinstall my printer after which I'm to reinstall SP2. Don't yet know how to do,yet, but I sent an email back to them asking.

Here are some Microsoft Knowledge Base links which should help with uninstalling SP2:

How to remove Windows XP Service Pack 2 from your computer

How to help protect your computer if you decide to remove Windows XP Service Pack 2

The AutoRecovery feature lets you recover from an unsuccessful installation of Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2

As regards your sound problem:

(1) If you have a seperate sound card, check to make sure it is properly seated in its slot on the motherboard. It may not have been properly re-seated if the technician removed it, and/or the bouncing around during trip to/from shop may have caused it to become unseated.

(2) Check in the "Device Manager" (see OS Help for details) and look if there are any conflicts related to the sound card. (Look for yellow exclamation sign(s).) If you DO NOT have a seperate sound card, uninstall the sound driver in "Device Manager", then reboot your computer. Windows "Plug-&-Play" will restall the driver again.

good luck

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I too haver just installed the sp2. The problem that i have come accross is not big. The new software has just informed me that my McAfee is out of date. Ok so i try and update. I get the firewall updated but its telling me i have to purchase a new edition of McAfee to get the rest of the updates. Bummer! I dont really want to pay 44 quid. I can get another program recommended by MS. Its called Ez Amore. Its free for a year. Has anyone used this program? Also my messenger icon is still there on the bottom toolbar. When i click on it and then my inbox. It doesnt got to my hotmail account but an outlook box pops up. Should i reinstall msn messenger? :o

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SP2 is no use for a home user.It just implies useless restrictions such as firewalls,alerts bla bla bla.

I uninstalled it and very happy without it

did you find that your system was slower with sp2?

any games tha did not work anymore, or at least not in the way they worked before sp2?

I'm considering the uninstall someday :o

as my machine is pretty safe, firewall, antivirus, spybot, spywareblaster, bho demon,

and quickfix ... I do think that it's enough ... beside all the patch from ms ...

does it return the system in the shape it was before the install?

I mean, did you still have all the windows update you got before, or did you have to download them again?

I had the GID patch (the jpeg stuff) after install sp2, will it still be here after uninstall sp2?

and after uninstall, can you get updates for an "old" sp1 or do they tell you to update to sp2 instead? do you have the choice?

thanks for clear answer :D


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well, I have been visiting ms site including links given by waldwolf ..thanks :D

it not really clear about wich update you get, are they part of sp2 or not, they don't say a thing, just recommended updates ...

so, choice of updates or sp2 ... sounds ok, they may hve had a lot of complain in the support section ...

anyway, I'm thinking about :D

this sp2 did not bring more safety to my system as it is already safe like I said ...

and I noticed some things that did not run the same way after sp2 install.

sometime to try it, but far to be convinced that it's absolutly needed to have it to feel safe.

it may cover all security stuffs (although more to come by update), I for now consider it like a non absolutly "must have", unless that you use the computer as a server in a small network and even there, it could be safer having firewalls and spyware stuffs installed along with antivirus scanner ...

I said why not installed it as it works fine, but "sorry", it is not working fine everywhere ...

some games and some applications not listed by ms are running slower :o

I'm preparing an uninstall, and I guess that it will go fine :D

I'll tell you soon ...


ps: I just noticed that I just made 1,000 posts ... :D still here :wub:

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Jockstar: Check you PM for more info.

francois: Congratulations on passing your 1000th. post. I'm sure many of the people you've helped also send their thanks and congratulations.

If you use XP's built-in "Auto Recovery" function, it should return you to the previous system configuration, which I assume was SP1.

All: You can get tons of good help from MVP's (Microsoft certified experts) on the Microsoft newsgroup site(s).

More info and usage instructions here: Microsoft Newsgroups: Frequently Asked Questions


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anyway, they)ms) say that before to install sp2, you MUST update every antivirus ans scan your system, futher ... clean and defragment your hdd ...

some should follow what company says, it's sometime usefull to read the "how-to" ... :o


ps; thanks for all congratulations :D

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SP2 is no use for a home user.It just implies useless restrictions such as firewalls,alerts bla bla bla.

I uninstalled it and very happy without it

did you find that your system was slower with sp2?

any games tha did not work anymore, or at least not in the way they worked before sp2?

I'm considering the uninstall someday :o

as my machine is pretty safe, firewall, antivirus, spybot, spywareblaster, bho demon,

and quickfix ... I do think that it's enough ... beside all the patch from ms ...

does it return the system in the shape it was before the install?

I mean, did you still have all the windows update you got before, or did you have to download them again?

I had the GID patch (the jpeg stuff) after install sp2, will it still be here after uninstall sp2?

and after uninstall, can you get updates for an "old" sp1 or do they tell you to update to sp2 instead? do you have the choice?

thanks for clear answer :D


Yeah,SP2 slowed down my computer.

Yeah,Kawaks Emulator had graphics problems

After uninstalling,It sent back my system to the previous state,nothing affected,but the system was still slowed down.Not as faster as usual as when i had not SP2 installed :D

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Hi All,

about the SP2 and my printer. I got info from MS on uninstalling SP2 . Here is the problem with this. At least I think its a problem but me being a greenhorn perhaps someone can tell me its not.

I got the SP2 from a CD, Windows XP, with SP2 and I can't delete SP2 without deleting the whole CD. At least this is what the CD tells me.

Just before I installed the CD I had just installed a new hard drive, as I recall the screen was blank untill I installed the XP. So I'm thinking that if I delete the XP then I won't be able to access my PC to reinstall my printer.

If I'm right the only thing I can come up with is that I have a a windows 98. Can I uninstall the XP then install windows 98, reinstall my printer and then again reinstall my windows XP.

The printer is partially installed and I can use it to print but can't use the printer assistant strictly prints only.

As far as my PC slowing down after installing SP2 I haven't seen any problems with that.

I've had heaps of problems with this <deleted> animal but the positive thing about it is that I'm learning heaps from you folks and for that I'm greatful.

Regards Joe

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It actually sounds more like you're running with a default Windows XP printer driver, not the one on the HP disk...

First question to ask is if you really want the printer assistant.

If you're sure you want the printer assistant, it sounds more like you need to

disconnect the printer.

uninstall the printer driver. (should be somewhere on the software list in add/remove programs, failing that, remove it from device manager)


reinstall the printer driver (assuming you have the original CD still), maybe download the latest driver from HP's website, but a downloaded driver will usually just be a driver, not the printer assistant also, so do an install from the CD first anyway.

reattach the printer only when the software tells you to.

reboot to make sure everything is working

Uninstalling XP, installing 98, installing the printer, reinstalling XP - is serious overkill, and no guarantee it will work anyway...

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.....I got the SP2 from a CD, Windows XP, with SP2 and I can't delete SP2 without deleting the whole CD. At least this is what the CD tells me.......
What the CD is telling you is correct. Microsoft formally released WindowsXP incorporating SP2 only 2 weeks ago, so if you have a valid version of that release, you CANNOT uninstall SP2. Don't even bother trying.
Can I uninstall the XP then install windows 98, reinstall my printer and then again reinstall my windows XP.
NO. You can only uninstall XP if it was installed over an earlier version of Windows. You cannot re-install Windows98 over XP. It would be necessary to do a complete re-format of the HDD, which would result in loss of all data on that drive. In other words, everything would be wiped clean and you would be starting all over from scratch.
....I had just installed a new hard drive, as I recall the screen was blank until I installed the XP....
If the HDD was new, it was likely unformatted. I'm guessing, but it appears the version of WindowsXP w/SP2 you have is one designed for new installations, and therefore would automatically re-format the hard drive before installing itself. (Some people call these versions OEM, but in reality, they are "bulk" copies of the "Retail" releases, sold by Microsoft to vendors who custom build computer systems. (They usually come in a plain white sleeve, with no instructions.)

Follow bbk_mike's suggestions and first, check if HP has an updated driver for your printer, if not, then reinstall the driver(s) for the software which originally came with your printer.

And finally...as your printer is an HP, double check that the printer cable, if not USB type, is an IEEE-1284 compliant (bi-directional) cable. This is necessary so the printer and computer and "talk" to each other. (Other printers, such as Epson, don't require an IEE-1284 and work OK with older Centronics type cables.)

Post back if you have further questions.

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Hi All,

OK I bought the XP CD at Pantip at the same time I bought the new Hard drive. Its not just a matter of the Printer assistant its all the other things that the driver offers. I did an update from HP but they told me I was already updated with the latest driver. Perhaps I'd be better to leave well enough alone as I have a tendancy to screw things up in my attempts to fix things.

Thanks again for your help Joe

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