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People Say They Don't Care But They Really Do


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If someone implies that someone makes less money than they do or that their wife comes from a lower social class than she does, they will quickly correct them.... and they usually do it with a sentence like "not that it matters how much I make, but I make more than that" or "Nothing against english teachers, but I am not an english teacher". But the truth is, if these things didn't matter to you and you honestly believed that it doesn't matter what other people think about you, than you would not feel the need to correct them in the first place. So, it does matter to you. You cannot get mad at someone implying that your wife used to be a prostitute unless you yourself look down on prostitutes. You can't have it both ways.

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Some of us farangs are also ex-prostitutes ...


Some are currently prostitutes... :o

I've been trying for this profession for years - no takers as yet.


If at first you don't suckceed... :D

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I agree that people do care as explained by the op.

But it is possible for one to be concerned if others think his wife is an exbargirl because of a concern that she will be treated poorly or what people think about her, as opposed to what people think about him. Either way, the guy still cares, but the version where the concern is for the wife as opposed to his social status seems a little more understandable.

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