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another member here wrote that NORMALLY Tourists stay in their hotels during nightime and dont have to be scared :o

There is a warning on the page of our german Embassy that some of this quality tourists, specially in patong and pattaya are cheated other ways. For excample a saler of faked watches put something in your pocket. After you refuse to pay for it he calls the police which take u in custody or let u go for a amount of ...lets say 100k Baht... if u refuse to that offer, because u feel NOT GUILTY they keep u in jail and offer u an (corupt) atourney .......will u pay or will u stay in a Thaijail for some days, weeks, month ??????

a trick which becomes very common during the past years..... fills the pockets of everybody involved, except the VICTIMs :D

guess after reading storys like that on the Embassy pages Tourists are more carefull or even think twice, BEFORE paying.


What an intelligent and constructive comment "tamsin" :D


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Ok guys i am planning to bring my teenage kids to Phuket in July for 2 weeks vacation. We were there for the past two years running and we had a great time and we the local Thais were great, even the tuk tuk drivers.

Have things really changed that much and should i be thinking of going elsewhere if things are really this bad?

Cheers, Rick

If you were here last year, then I don't really think things have got any worse so far this year. It's just that there is now much more reporting of crimes etc. Sure there have been killings/robbing/etc this year, but we had that last year, and the year before, and the year before ..... but that's the way of this modern world.


Yes, agree with LivinginKata.

I live in Rawai, feel safe there, drive my motorbike around without any concern for time of day (I am not often about at night though).

We have had one burglary attempt in the last few years, but the dogs drove away the perpetrators.

I have not seen things changed the last years as may be concluded from these posts.

Yes, agree with LivinginKata.

I live in Rawai, feel safe there, drive my motorbike around without any concern for time of day (I am not often about at night though).

We have had one burglary attempt in the last few years, but the dogs drove away the perpetrators.

I have not seen things changed the last years as may be concluded from these posts.

Is it possible you not have seen things changed in the last years, only because of you not became a victim of anything violent in the last years ?


Is it possible you not have seen things changed in the last years, only because of you not became a victim of anything violent in the last years ?
I guess I would feel differently if I had been the victim of a violent crime. But I believe strongly that things are not increasing, but that it is simply the communication that is changing, and making everybody much more aware of things going on.

My neighbour told me a few years back, that when he had been living here for a couple of years, so I guess about 15 years ago now, that the Kata Viewpoint area was very dangerous in the evening and at night. I have heard nothing about muggings there lately, but have heard about muggings in Rawai. I think the violence is changing locations over the years, but not increasing (well, not in comparison to the growth of the island).

.......But I believe strongly that things are not increasing, but that it is simply the communication that is changing, and making everybody much more aware of things going on.

O.k. - that´s your opinion and shure the locations will change from time to time, but the general opinion and also the opinion of many differnt embassies in BKK is, that the crimes on Phuket (and other tourist areas) are increasing more than the years before - are they all wrong ?


the general opinion and also the opinion of many differnt embassies in BKK is, that the crimes on Phuket (and other tourist areas) are increasing more than the years before - are they all wrong ?
IMO: yes, because they are led by forums like this one and the embassies are receiving more information because it is a lot easier to inform them and/or complain.

I've lived in Phuket a loooooong time.

I'm pretty sure that violent crime against farangs has increased dramatically over the last ten years.

More and more Thais from other parts of Thailand have moved here for work in the construction, or, tourist industry. These are the people resonsible for the rising crime rate.

I've lived in Phuket a loooooong time.

I'm pretty sure that violent crime against farangs has increased dramatically over the last ten years.

More and more Thais from other parts of Thailand have moved here for work in the construction, or, tourist industry. These are the people resonsible for the rising crime rate.

Agree 100% - even in case there would not be any increase of the crimes, fact is, that it´s quite dangerous now and "someone" have to do something against it - so once more :

Have you sent a message to your embassy already ?

Even if you think it´s a waste of time, do it because of solidarity !!!


Is it possible you not have seen things changed in the last years, only because of you not became a victim of anything violent in the last years ?


Actually last year I had a Thai guy point a gun at me in the middle of the day on Nanai Rd. Bit of road range on his side. Really thought he was going to shoot me. I talked him out of it. These days I am careful on the roads (and elsewhere) not to get involved in any sort of incident with macho Thai guys (especially Tuk Tuk drivers) .

Hard to say whether crime etc is on the rise. I suspect it is increasing, in line with other parts of the world, and because there is much more reporting on the internet. I feel just as safe on Phuket Island as in many other areas of the world, and I don't allow myself to get into a difficult situation, especially being alone in a dark isolated place at any hour of the day. Actually probably more safe here than some other places I can think about. Touch wood, we have not had our home(s) robbed over the past 12 years. That's pretty good.

P.S. I thought about reporting this guy (he's a foreman for the Tesiban road gangs) and discussed it with my wife. She was for making a complaint to the police. I was for forgetting about it as this guy knew where I lived and most likely I would be shot dead before the case came to court. I'm sure you will all pitch in and say 'see i told you so' and ' I should have proceeded with a prosocution'. Maybe I should have, but I prefer not to be looking over my shoulder all the time. We all know that most of the killings here are 'contract hits' due to business disputes and personal vandettas, loss of face, whatever. But it rarely (repeat rarely) effects foreign tourists.

Actually last year I had a Thai guy point a gun at me in the middle of the day on Nanai Rd. Bit of road range on his side. Really thought he was going to shoot me. I talked him out of it. These days I am careful on the roads (and elsewhere) not to get involved in any sort of incident with macho Thai guys (especially Tuk Tuk drivers) .

Hard to say whether crime etc is on the rise. I suspect it is increasing, in line with other parts of the world, and because there is much more reporting on the internet. I feel just as safe on Phuket Island as in many other areas of the world, and I don't allow myself to get into a difficult situation, especially being alone in a dark isolated place at any hour of the day. Actually probably more safe here than some other places I can think about. Touch wood, we have not had our home(s) robbed over the past 12 years. That's pretty good.

P.S. I thought about reporting this guy (he's a foreman for the Tesiban road gangs) and discussed it with my wife. She was for making a complaint to the police. I was for forgetting about it as this guy knew where I lived and most likely I would be shot dead before the case came to court. I'm sure you will all pitch in and say 'see i told you so' and ' I should have proceeded with a prosocution'. Maybe I should have, but I prefer not to be looking over my shoulder all the time. We all know that most of the killings here are 'contract hits' due to business disputes and personal vandettas, loss of face, whatever. But it rarely (repeat rarely) effects foreign tourists.

Notable !

I guy you know pointed a gun at you and you are still thinking on Phuket it´s not more dangerous than somewhere else on the world !?

Have you had problems with a Thai partner, business, personal vandettas or what ever and if not why he pointed a gun at you ?

"Really thought he was going to shoot me. I talked him out of it."

O.k. you talked him out of it and what if not ?

Then may be the members here had to speak about you as the victim, and why he was on the wrong place in the wrong time and this and that....... :o

Sorry, but I can not reproduce a thinking like yours.


Yes, agree with LivinginKata.

I live in Rawai, feel safe there, drive my motorbike around without any concern for time of day (I am not often about at night though).

We have had one burglary attempt in the last few years, but the dogs drove away the perpetrators.

lucky for You and Your dogs too stevenl, usually they poison the dogs before the break in your house.....just a piece of chicken and your dogs are history, they poisoned my dog and the dogs of my neighbor too.

the Kata Viewpoint area was very dangerous in the evening and at night. I have heard nothing about muggings there lately, but have heard about muggings in Rawai.

ask the norwegian guy for muggers at the View Point in Kata......OHHH sorry, he died already, was stabbed to death over there :o it was last year in October and November, where incidents were happend every single night. After the Police was visible in the area it stopped. They also installed some lights on the street, unfortunately only on one side, from Kata to Viewpoint, not from Viewpoint to Rawaii too.


I understand what you (not) did, it is redicoulus but understandable to be scared of such a gunmen ass....le BUT, maybe next time he shoot and get away with that too.

ask the norwegian guy for muggers at the View Point in Kata......OHHH sorry, he died already, was stabbed to death over there
No, was not there, was way further, almost in Sai Yuan.

BTW, since I am not a member of the TIP forum I can not mention it there, so will mention it here to you, Moskito: if you want to insult people, do it directly to them, and not on another forum. I find that very rude.

ask the norwegian guy for muggers at the View Point in Kata......OHHH sorry, he died already, was stabbed to death over there
No, was not there, was way further, almost in Sai Yuan.

BTW, since I am not a member of the TIP forum I can not mention it there, so will mention it here to you, Moskito: if you want to insult people, do it directly to them, and not on another forum. I find that very rude.

You dont know to much about this very sad Case where the Norwegian was killed last Year!

It was not almost Sai Yuan,it was only 300Meters downhill after the View Point on the Hilltop Direction Rawai!

And at this Area is still no Light at the Road until today...


Wonder where we would stand if we did beat one of these scumbags to a pulp???? Lynchmob me thinks

Fortunately, some would say unfortunately, we would most likely be treated as the perpetrator not the (potential) victim. Going down the road of vigilantiasm (?) is a dangerous path to take any society. There is only one agency for crime suppression and that, like it or not, is the police.

Besides which if you did "beat one of these scumbags to a pulp" chances are thirty Thais would appear in thirty seconds as witnesses to your brutal assault on this innocent law abiding local chap, a veritable pillar of society. That is if they didn't beat you to a pulp and then report you to the police.

Some have advocated writing to your embassy only to be torn to shreds by the baying pack. Well why not? A simple e mail takes a lot less time to write and send than some have spent sounding off on this thread.

Someone advocated petitioning the governor. Why not? Involve the local media as much as possible and even try and rope in the national press. If all else fails, and maybe do as well anyway, write up your own piece including pics and send to your home press. Journo's love any excuse to visit Thailand to report on something or other just for the expenses (and the good time).

However there appears to be a sea change in these recent events. The rule always was if you are held up at knife/gun point hand over your wallet, watch, jewelry etc and let it go. But now it appears that the M.O. of these thugs is to hit first, steal later. This suggests either, as someone has said, a kind of "hit farang" club or the perps are high on drugs. Personally I'd guess the latter.

No special solutions to offer just my thoughts on the matter.


Ah, the same Robinson as on the TIP forum? In that case I'll repeat my message for you as well. And that is all I'm going to say to you about this.

BTW, since I am not a member of the TIP forum I can not mention it there, so will mention it here to you: if you want to insult people, do it directly to them, and not on another forum. I find that very rude.

Have you had problems with a Thai partner, business, personal vandettas or what ever and if not why he pointed a gun at you ?


Try actually reading what I wrote ... :o I stated that it was a 'road rage' incident.

AND, I don't think Phuket is any worse than the violence in many major cities, in fact I feel very safe here.


Some have advocated writing to your embassy only to be torn to shreds by the baying pack. Well why not? A simple e mail takes a lot less time to write and send than some have spent sounding off on this thread.

Someone advocated petitioning the governor. Why not? Involve the local media as much as possible and even try and rope in the national press. If all else fails, and maybe do as well anyway, write up your own piece including pics and send to your home press. Journo's love any excuse to visit Thailand to report on something or other just for the expenses (and the good time).


No special solutions to offer just my thoughts on the matter.

Cheers - exactly my opinion - why not !?

However there appears to be a sea change in these recent events. The rule always was if you are held up at knife/gun point hand over your wallet, watch, jewelry etc and let it go. But now it appears that the M.O. of these thugs is to hit first, steal later. This suggests either, as someone has said, a kind of "hit farang" club or the perps are high on drugs. Personally I'd guess the latter.

That´s the point ! At the moment it seems to be something like a contest to shoot, stab and by the way mug Farangs anywhere on the island !




Agree with you, if people think there is a problem and what to do something about it, send an email to your embassy and/or go to the governor. I think a petition (with media involved) may be the best way.

At the moment it seems to be something like a contest to shoot, stab and by the way mug Farangs anywhere on the island !

Now you're just being silly and hysterical.

Have you had problems with a Thai partner, business, personal vandettas or what ever and if not why he pointed a gun at you ?


Try actually reading what I wrote ... :o I stated that it was a 'road rage' incident.

AND, I don't think Phuket is any worse than the violence in many major cities, in fact I feel very safe here.

Only for this he pointed a gun at you and you still feel very save here - I would´nt ..... o.k. by comparison with for example Mexico-City may be Phuket is a very save area.


Ah, the same Robinson as on the TIP forum? In that case I'll repeat my message for you as well. And that is all I'm going to say to you about this.

BTW, since I am not a member of the TIP forum I can not mention it there, so will mention it here to you: if you want to insult people, do it directly to them, and not on another forum. I find that very rude.

Lol :o


I understand what you (not) did, it is redicoulus but understandable to be scared of such a gunmen ass....le BUT, maybe next time he shoot and get away with that too.

It's not really a matter of being 'scared'. More a matter of common sense. Like the Thai way of 'mai pen rai'.

AND there are plenty of cases in Thailand where people kill, and never come to justice. That's a fact that you have to accept if you choose to live in Thailand. I choose to live here, and I try to keep myself out of harms way. Ok, I had one incident in 12 years living here. Not such a bad record. I'll take my chances... :o

At the moment it seems to be something like a contest to shoot, stab and by the way mug Farangs anywhere on the island !

Now you're just being silly and hysterical.

O.k. may be I am - but it´s fact that these gangs not ask first for money etc. - they first stab & shoot. That´s against "all rules of mugging" and looks like a "contest" for me

and it´s not only my opinion .....


However there appears to be a sea change in these recent events. The rule always was if you are held up at knife/gun point hand over your wallet, watch, jewelry etc and let it go. But now it appears that the M.O. of these thugs is to hit first, steal later. This suggests either, as someone has said, a kind of "hit farang" club or the perps are high on drugs. Personally I'd guess the latter.


My neighbour told me a few years back, that when he had been living here for a couple of years, so I guess about 15 years ago now, that the Kata Viewpoint area was very dangerous in the evening and at night. I have heard nothing about muggings there lately, but have heard about muggings in Rawai. I think the violence is changing locations over the years, but not increasing (well, not in comparison to the growth of the island).

Isnt it exactly that stretch of road where the guy got killed and mugged (kneldson ??) last year ??

I personally strongly disagree with you.. I have now had 4 of my close mates (out of about 30 ish people) attacked with a gun in the last year.. 2 of them in very downtown areas and 2 in a spectacular motorbike chase and beat them up / took thier weapon event.. I dont care how you slice those numbers those are high levels of gun muggings and FAR worse than where I came from.

P.S. I thought about reporting this guy (he's a foreman for the Tesiban road gangs) and discussed it with my wife. She was for making a complaint to the police. I was for forgetting about it as this guy knew where I lived and most likely I would be shot dead before the case came to court. I'm sure you will all pitch in and say 'see i told you so' and ' I should have proceeded with a prosocution'. Maybe I should have, but I prefer not to be looking over my shoulder all the time. We all know that most of the killings here are 'contract hits' due to business disputes and personal vandettas, loss of face, whatever. But it rarely (repeat rarely) effects foreign tourists.

Amazingly that fits a description of someone who also pointed a gun at a guy I know but it was over in Kata.. I didnt count that one down in the '4 people I know' as it wasnt a mugging event but a road rage.


I know I have banged on about this in the past and got a bit of a beating about it.

The idea of a few hundred farangs marching on the governers house strikes me as genius. Nothing Thai's hate more than confrontation and boy would it hit the press and wake our comfy consluates up.

Lets do it, easy, half a day and scare the shit out our embassies and the uninterested authorities here.

If we could organise this I could get foreign press to cover it to National level.

I know I have banged on about this in the past and got a bit of a beating about it.

The idea of a few hundred farangs marching on the governers house strikes me as genius. Nothing Thai's hate more than confrontation and boy would it hit the press and wake our comfy consluates up.

Lets do it, easy, half a day and scare the shit out our embassies and the uninterested authorities here.

If we could organise this I could get foreign press to cover it to National level.

Good and shure effective idea !

I would take part, if after 01. July because in June I will stay in Europe.

I hope we are not only 2 people - so if you could organise this, the best would be to make list for be can be shure enough people will come.



This the unfortunate but inevitable result of the influx of wealth to Phuket. There is nothing unusual about it. In fact, we are following the same pattern of intensifying criminal activity as occurs in all developing areas.

There was a gangster in the U.S. (surprise, surprise), named Willie Sutton who used to hold up banks with a Tommy Gun. When he was caught, he was asked, "Why do you keep robbing banks?" He answered, "Because that's where they keep the money."

Criminals are coming to Phuket because that's where the thousands of luxury homes are being built, and advertised across Thailand. This is where the money is, so they will keep coming until homeowners, builders, and developers decide to start making real security arrangements for their homes. I mean making a villa development, private home or condominum building impenetrable, and the neighborhoods around them unprofitable for criminals.

Years ago, in NYC, when the crime rate was soaring, the safest neighborhoods were known as Mafia Controlled. No criminal was stupid enough to hurt or rob anyone in those neighborhoods because they understood the consequences. People here must get together, organize and take control of their streets, and permanently discourage criminals from continuing their malfeasance.

Otherwise, there is certain to be a horrible tragedy like a home invasion in which a family with kids is slaughtered in their residence. Then all of a sudden there will be a mad rush to retrofit real security into every home in Phuket. But the damage will have been done and all business in Phuket will be severely crippled for years.

Trying to blame Thais, Burmese, or the police is easy but futile. It is everyone's own responsibility to protect themselves, their home and their family. There are bad people of every nationality. Look at the recent spate of farang-committed crimes in Thailand. The police have to provide their own uniform, motorbike, weapons, and ammunition, and earn a terrible wage. Would you, in that circumstance, take a bullet for a foreigner whose car cost more than your salary for ten years, whose TV cost more than you make in a year? I wouldn't.

There are simple solutions to the muggings in Rawai, and to the robberies and home invasions that are becoming all too common. People just have to stop pretending that Phuket is different from anywhere else in that regard, and take control of their own lives. Security concerns should as basic as taking a vitamin to prevent illness or putting on your car's seatbelt.

Sun Tzu wrote in The Art of War: Do not depend on your enemy not coming, but depend on your readiness against him. Do not depend on your enemy not attacking, but depend on your position that cannot be attacked.

This the unfortunate but inevitable result of the influx of wealth to Phuket. There is nothing unusual about it. In fact, we are following the same pattern of intensifying criminal activity as occurs in all developing areas.

There was a gangster in the U.S. (surprise, surprise), named Willie Sutton who used to hold up banks with a Tommy Gun. When he was caught, he was asked, "Why do you keep robbing banks?" He answered, "Because that's where they keep the money."

Criminals are coming to Phuket because that's where the thousands of luxury homes are being built, and advertised across Thailand. This is where the money is, so they will keep coming until homeowners, builders, and developers decide to start making real security arrangements for their homes. I mean making a villa development, private home or condominum building impenetrable, and the neighborhoods around them unprofitable for criminals.

Years ago, in NYC, when the crime rate was soaring, the safest neighborhoods were known as Mafia Controlled. No criminal was stupid enough to hurt or rob anyone in those neighborhoods because they understood the consequences. People here must get together, organize and take control of their streets, and permanently discourage criminals from continuing their malfeasance.

Otherwise, there is certain to be a horrible tragedy like a home invasion in which a family with kids is slaughtered in their residence. Then all of a sudden there will be a mad rush to retrofit real security into every home in Phuket. But the damage will have been done and all business in Phuket will be severely crippled for years.

Trying to blame Thais, Burmese, or the police is easy but futile. It is everyone's own responsibility to protect themselves, their home and their family. There are bad people of every nationality. Look at the recent spate of farang-committed crimes in Thailand. The police have to provide their own uniform, motorbike, weapons, and ammunition, and earn a terrible wage. Would you, in that circumstance, take a bullet for a foreigner whose car cost more than your salary for ten years, whose TV cost more than you make in a year? I wouldn't.

There are simple solutions to the muggings in Rawai, and to the robberies and home invasions that are becoming all too common. People just have to stop pretending that Phuket is different from anywhere else in that regard, and take control of their own lives. Security concerns should as basic as taking a vitamin to prevent illness or putting on your car's seatbelt.

Sun Tzu wrote in The Art of War: Do not depend on your enemy not coming, but depend on your readiness against him. Do not depend on your enemy not attacking, but depend on your position that cannot be attacked.

"There are simple solutions to the muggings in Rawai, and to the robberies and home invasions that are becoming all too common. People just have to stop pretending that Phuket is different from anywhere else in that regard, and take control of their own lives. Security concerns should as basic as taking a vitamin to prevent illness or putting on your car's seatbelt."

How do you figure "simple".

Carrying a gun? Farangs cannot.

What is your "simple" solution after your post states the obvious (Phuket=$)?

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