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Try To Be A Lilttle Considerate Of Eachother


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When you constrast the Phuket Forum with other TV forums it is a big shock. Phuket people seem to enjoy calling each other bad names and bad mouthing each other wihich serves no purpose.

The TF Forum is meant to be informative and constructive and useful to everyone. If you don't have something nice to say then why say it in public.

It gets boring to read when people use the forum for the above reasons.

Just a thought, if you don't agree don't reply.


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Well. I don't agree, and I'll ignore your adjunct that I'm not to post if that is my position.

A certain amount of conflict is bound to manifest itself if people have different views. That is what makes a forum more interesting. If everyone had the same opinion this place would be boring.

I understand that you started this thread with good intentions, but, your post comes across as a bit patronizing. You've sort of set yourself up as the on-duty teacher in the playground.

There are moderators here that will sort things out if they get out of hand. As for Phuket being more conflict prone than other sub-forums, I suggest you read the Pattaya, or, Ko Samui sub-forums.

Edited by Sir Burr
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Well. I don't agree, and I'll ignore you adjunct that I'm not to post if that is my position.

A certain amount of conflict is bound to manifest itself if people have different views. That is what makes a forum more interesting. If everyone had the same opinion this place would be boring.

I understand that you started this thread with good intentions, but, your post comes across as a bit patronizing. You've sort of set yourself up as the on-duty teacher in the playground.

There are moderators here that will sort things out if they get out of hand. As for Phuket being more conflict prone than other sub-forums, I suggest you read the Pattaya, or, Ko Samui sub-forums.

I wanted to say that :o

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When you constrast the Phuket Forum with other TV forums it is a big shock. Phuket people seem to enjoy calling each other bad names and bad mouthing each other wihich serves no purpose.

The TF Forum is meant to be informative and constructive and useful to everyone. If you don't have something nice to say then why say it in public.

It gets boring to read when people use the forum for the above reasons.

Just a thought, if you don't agree don't reply.


Well Don, I think that unfortunately it says a lot about some (SOME) of the farang residents. It's perfectly easy for anyone with just an ounce of intelligence to criticize without resorting to bad mouthing.

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When you constrast the Phuket Forum with other TV forums it is a big shock. Phuket people seem to enjoy calling each other bad names and bad mouthing each other wihich serves no purpose.

The TF Forum is meant to be informative and constructive and useful to everyone. If you don't have something nice to say then why say it in public.

It gets boring to read when people use the forum for the above reasons.

Just a thought, if you don't agree don't reply.


If everyone agrees, then where is the point of having a discussion forum. All posts would read like "i agree" "i agree with you" "you said it right" "absolutely correct".........etc etc :o and it is everybody's right to post a reply to you and i do not agree.

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personally i think that the phuket forum is quite well behaved when you compare it to other subforums in thailand.

i do try to moderate with a light hand so that everyone has the opportunity to have their say, but sometimes is does get out of hand when the name calling begins. its usually only then that i step in.

remember, folks, if you do feel that a topic has got out of hand, you can always click on the 'report' button on the bottom left hand corner of the post. a report will immediately be made and any moderator on duty can attend to the report.

and, as i usually say, play nicely folks.

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Well. I don't agree, and I'll ignore your adjunct that I'm not to post if that is my position.

A certain amount of conflict is bound to manifest itself if people have different views. That is what makes a forum more interesting. If everyone had the same opinion this place would be boring.

I understand that you started this thread with good intentions, but, your post comes across as a bit patronizing. You've sort of set yourself up as the on-duty teacher in the playground.

There are moderators here that will sort things out if they get out of hand. As for Phuket being more conflict prone than other sub-forums, I suggest you read the Pattaya, or, Ko Samui sub-forums.

I think that maybe you were missing Don's point, Sir Burr. He was specifically talking about the way that some people on the forum cannot disagree without resorting to name calling and trading personal insults. There's nothing wrong with disagreement - it's healthy, and I agree that this would be a boring place if everyone had the same opinions, beliefs and views.

I think that he was reminding us to be respectful of other people when expressing an opposing opinion on this forum, just as most of us (I hope) would be if having a face-to-face conversation. Just because the medium for the conversation is different (online forum versus face-to-face) doesn't mean that the basic concepts of respect and civility don't apply, no matter how much disagreement there may be on the topic being debated.

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Well. I don't agree, and I'll ignore your adjunct that I'm not to post if that is my position.

A certain amount of conflict is bound to manifest itself if people have different views. That is what makes a forum more interesting. If everyone had the same opinion this place would be boring.

I understand that you started this thread with good intentions, but, your post comes across as a bit patronizing. You've sort of set yourself up as the on-duty teacher in the playground.

There are moderators here that will sort things out if they get out of hand. As for Phuket being more conflict prone than other sub-forums, I suggest you read the Pattaya, or, Ko Samui sub-forums.

I think that maybe you were missing Don's point, Sir Burr. He was specifically talking about the way that some people on the forum cannot disagree without resorting to name calling and trading personal insults. There's nothing wrong with disagreement - it's healthy, and I agree that this would be a boring place if everyone had the same opinions, beliefs and views.

I think that he was reminding us to be respectful of other people when expressing an opposing opinion on this forum, just as most of us (I hope) would be if having a face-to-face conversation. Just because the medium for the conversation is different (online forum versus face-to-face) doesn't mean that the basic concepts of respect and civility don't apply, no matter how much disagreement there may be on the topic being debated.

Well said sir.

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personally i think that the phuket forum is quite well behaved when you compare it to other subforums in thailand.

i do try to moderate with a light hand so that everyone has the opportunity to have their say, but sometimes is does get out of hand when the name calling begins. its usually only then that i step in.

remember, folks, if you do feel that a topic has got out of hand, you can always click on the 'report' button on the bottom left hand corner of the post. a report will immediately be made and any moderator on duty can attend to the report.

and, as i usually say, play nicely folks.

Although I have been guilty at least once. I believe the language on this forum is always well policed and if you go to other forums on the internet you would be shocked.

Don might be a little sensitive because he has been unjustly criticized for his restaurant. But still that is what the forums for, right? To talk about stuff without.

Don had just as many good things said to him as bad things on that post.


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...a little sensitive because he has been unjustly criticized...

I have to say that this forum is a bit light. I would rather read about what someone is really thinking, rather than the toned down version. Some may disagree, but I love when a topic hits a nerve and the true opinions emerge. I wish that the Admin would open up a forum that would allow for whatever people wanted to say, and you enter at your own risk. So we get nasty sometimes. Nasty on here is better than nasty face to face. I have seen the name calling, and to me, it really doesn't bother me if someone calls me names.

My suggestion to the OP is, With all the feedback you have received, whether it be criticisim, or praise, don't you think you should be worried about something else? Seriously, you opened this thread to achieve what exactly?

I have a very close personal friend that swears up and down that the OP is the last person that should start a thread like this.

In Vino Veritas, eh OP? So for OP to start this thread, I find it appalling and down right ridiculous, having first hand knowledge of the OP true views on the "public at large", his staff, and various others.

I agree whole-heartedly with Sir Burr. If you don't like the thread, why do you read/reply. No one forces you to get online and come here.

Speaking of comparison, you said "The TF Forum is meant to be informative and constructive and useful to everyone."

Except those who disagree, right? What I enjoy most is looking through the list of Banned members, and reading their posts. I wish there was a way to see why they were banned. Having read some of the threads, this is like a PG-13 version of a Forum.


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Except those who disagree, right? What I enjoy most is looking through the list of Banned members, and reading their posts. I wish there was a way to see why they were banned. Having read some of the threads, this is like a PG-13 version of a Forum.

many of us hanker after the good old days of thai visa , and as you rightly said , todays version is definately tv lite.

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Well. I don't agree, and I'll ignore your adjunct that I'm not to post if that is my position.

A certain amount of conflict is bound to manifest itself if people have different views. That is what makes a forum more interesting. If everyone had the same opinion this place would be boring.

I understand that you started this thread with good intentions, but, your post comes across as a bit patronizing. You've sort of set yourself up as the on-duty teacher in the playground.

There are moderators here that will sort things out if they get out of hand. As for Phuket being more conflict prone than other sub-forums, I suggest you read the Pattaya, or, Ko Samui sub-forums.

I think that maybe you were missing Don's point, Sir Burr. He was specifically talking about the way that some people on the forum cannot disagree without resorting to name calling and trading personal insults. There's nothing wrong with disagreement - it's healthy, and I agree that this would be a boring place if everyone had the same opinions, beliefs and views.

I think that he was reminding us to be respectful of other people when expressing an opposing opinion on this forum, just as most of us (I hope) would be if having a face-to-face conversation. Just because the medium for the conversation is different (online forum versus face-to-face) doesn't mean that the basic concepts of respect and civility don't apply, no matter how much disagreement there may be on the topic being debated.

Exactly. It is important to understand the distinction between disagreeing with someone and insulting them. If you disagree it's fine to say:

"I disagree and here are my reasons why..."

But its not fine to say:

"I disagree and you are an idiot for saying that"

Someone once said to me, you should never put something in an email you wouldn't say to their face. Excellent advice and applies equally to forums.

Edited by ade100
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WOW! I have people actually agreeing with me! I thought I was going to get shot down.

If everyone agreed on the same thing, life would suck.

I enjoy the heated threads, and simply pass over the boring ones.

I love this forum, but it is very light.


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When you constrast the Phuket Forum with other TV forums it is a big shock. Phuket people seem to enjoy calling each other bad names and bad mouthing each other wihich serves no purpose.

The TF Forum is meant to be informative and constructive and useful to everyone. If you don't have something nice to say then why say it in public.

It gets boring to read when people use the forum for the above reasons.

Just a thought, if you don't agree don't reply.


I absolutely agree with you Don, I warned a friend of mine not to post her problem on the Phuket forum. I told her it was the worst forum on TV and she would get flayed, and I was right.

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Sorry Don but I disagree with you completely.

Not sure whether it is the critisism your establishment received, but you also got a lot of support, thats life, some people hate things, some love it.

I am with amanda, if no-one can speak their mind then that is a sad day for everyone. Discussion is a good thing although I agree abuse is wrong.

Having said that I note that your post about people not knowing food etc etc was replied to but not answered by you.

If you want to engage in debate then fine but don't ignore what you want and post new threads.

Is this and I don't like to ask this really but it seems to be, I am now a sponsor and don't want bad press? Unfortunatley we are free thinkers and as is our right we can use our freedom of speech.

If you want a lovey dovey the world is great web site then can I suggest a you start a new forum site. I can think of a name for you. www.everythinginphuketisperfectanddonsisthebestplaceintheworld.com

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I wish that the Admin would open up a forum that would allow for whatever people wanted to say, and you enter at your own risk. So we get nasty sometimes. Nasty on here is better than nasty face to face. I have seen the name calling, and to me, it really doesn't bother me if someone calls me names.

Unfortunately, the internet has a way of spawning rumour and innuendo that gets repeated so that fiction becomes fact. I too have a problem with the heavy handed ways of the censors, but then I remember the wisdom of Billy Bragg

And you have to learn to take the crunchy with the smooth I suppose

(WalkAway Renee)

Along with our right to free speech, comes our responsibility to exercise it properly.

Nothing is achieved when a thread descends into name calling. There are times when I want to pull the inards out of the tards spewing pseudo science on the health threads particularly when they go off on a tangent describing how a regimen of enemas cured Aunt Betty of her pancreatic cancer. Instead I just have a romp with the dog or cat and realize that life is way too short to worry about such stuff.

BTW, if anyone is feeling blue tonight have a look at tamsin's avatar. One of the best ones around :o

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Sorry Don but I disagree with you completely.

Not sure whether it is the critisism your establishment received, but you also got a lot of support, thats life, some people hate things, some love it.

I am with amanda, if no-one can speak their mind then that is a sad day for everyone. Discussion is a good thing although I agree abuse is wrong.

Having said that I note that your post about people not knowing food etc etc was replied to but not answered by you.

If you want to engage in debate then fine but don't ignore what you want and post new threads.

Is this and I don't like to ask this really but it seems to be, I am now a sponsor and don't want bad press? Unfortunatley we are free thinkers and as is our right we can use our freedom of speech.

If you want a lovey dovey the world is great web site then can I suggest a you start a new forum site. I can think of a name for you. www.everythinginphuketisperfectanddonsisthebestplaceintheworld.com

Isn't it a question of how you interpret Don's first posting? I interpreted it to mean (and maybe I am incorrect) that he did not like the bad-mouthing (or in another word "abuse") in which case you are actually agreeing with Don i.e. discussion is healthy, abuse is not, which is what you are stating above?

I think Amanda is stating (again, how I am reading it) that anything should be said (abusive or otherwise) ? In which case, you don't agree with her.

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Ping, please don't read my silence as being a "usual offender" (especially, as far as I know, I have never been offensive.)

It's just that the OP said "If you don't agree then don't reply"

(something I find particularly odd in a healthy debate in a forum- but I will abide by the O.P.'s wishes)

My Silence is Golden. :o

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I partially agree with the OP. There is far too much garbage & offensive replies on this forum. But members must be allowed to disagree ... so long as they have a constructive reply.

I've noticed that a selective band of members seem to have to reply to many topics even though they have nothing constructive (positive & negative) to add. I can only assume that some members have far to much idle time on their hands and use this forum for their personal amusement.

I myself have been shot down/flamed/insulted on a number of occasions even though I try to make serious/constructive replies. Thus I rarely respond unless I am moved to make a reply on a topic which I have first hand experience or a strong opinion.

After just over a year as a registered member of this forum, I'm disappointed by the quality of responses and these days I can hardly be bothered even reading messages.

Edited by LivinginKata
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Being considerate is one thing, and being honest is something different. Sometimes honesty hurts.

"Do I look fat in this?" How many times have men heard this question?

The OP has taken it upon himself to be the one to bring up this topic. All I know is the last few posts have been a bit disturbing. In fact, I find it odd that the post is started, and then the OP never bothers to follow up. I enjoy topics such as this because hearing people disagree with me sometimes has a way of keeping me in check. My head can get mixed up and an opinion gets formulated, and then I post it here, and I get feedback on it. I enjoy this forum because of that one fact. Before I go out and do something stupid, like eating at a crappy restaurant, I can say something here, and get smacked around a bit. This forum saves me time, and money.

I mean, I would love to rail some people. But where does it get me? Nowhere. The OP last post was a bit much, and I really don't care to listen to someone lecture me about how to behave on a forum. There are people here to handle that.

I read a banned members posts and this poster made a comment about something, and people actually said they weren’t going to go to his business. I think the OP should be focusing on other things, and leave the Moderating to the Moderators.

It often frustrates me something fierce not being able to say what I really want to say, at times, but I have to remember that everyone here is a person, not just a screen name.


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Disagree with the OP.

The truth often is unpleasant, but sometimes it has to be said & it most certainly can be informative & constructive.

Whilst it may have been said without malice, to suggest that people who disagree should keep quiet was bound to 'stir the pot.'

The right to disagree & criticise are at the core of democracy - I'm disappointed the OP fails to recognise this.

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Interesting that you disagree that calling someone bad names and bad mouthing them is not acceptable behavior. suggest a quick re-read of the rules will give you an idea that name calling and abusive behavior is NOT acceptable according to forum rules. Don is not suggesting that people don't disagree with each other, what he is suggesting is that it is acceptable to do so in a civil manner without resorting to nastiness. A suggestion well supported in the forum rules that every member here agreed to follow when they signed on.

By using this service you agree;

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, referencing prostitution (including bargirls and barboys), referencing suicide, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.

2) Posting another members personal details, photos or web site details is forbidden and will result in being banned. Excessive, aggressive posts against other members, moderators and admin; or flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, and/or for launching personal attacks, insulting, being hateful, useless criticism, name calling, swearing and other bad behavior or comments meant to incite anger.

Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or any attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants. The word, or its derivative, "trolling", is used to describe such messages or the act of posting them.

3) Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated.

It is possible to have a debate without resorting to nastiness and still consider it a debate or disagreement.

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absolutely. you can disagree with each other all you like, but there is no need for personal insults and name calling. i think thats what the OP was getting at.

it doesnt have to be roses all the time. in fact, a good debate is fun to watch - just leave the personal insults out of it.

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Firstly, the Phuket forum is no where near being the worst sub forum. You should read the smallish Chaing Rai forum when they discuss their favorite pizza shop or whatever. It's practically, meet at the bridge and bring your weapons type stuff. Great entertainment! :D

And when the Samui-ites start discussing whether the island has gone to the dogs or is the greatest paridise on earth, the barbs really fly! :D

Don is right, personal insults and bad language should never be part of open and/or differing opinion. I, personally,have never been guilty of such behavior. :o

However, as has been pointed out, there are rules and mods to look after that situation.

many of us hanker after the good old days of thai visa , and as you rightly said , todays version is definately tv lite.

I am one of those who miss much of the characters and posts of the past.

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