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Farang Population In Nakhon Sawan


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I normaly see farangs sitting there before 2pm on a regular basis and I do on the odd occasion have a beer there myself but generaly like to have 1 or 10 closer to home. Most of the farang I know drink in town close to the market area.



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Hi all im in the uk now trying to sell a house at the wrong time,still i can't wait till i come to live in NS for good (uk is the pit's)it would be great to meet up with some of you guy's for a beer or 3,i'm going to build some shops to rent out as my girlfriend owns some land.ok i will look out for any farang's next time at big c and say hello.

bye for now


Hope to see you when you get here bluejagy,best of luck selling the house,



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Hello farangs. I am coming to visit gf family in Mae Wong on 9-8. I have to do business in NS city on 11-8 so will be staying Pimarn Hotel on Sunday night,10-8,so on Monday plan to drop by the madyakka bookstore if I can find it. Maybe can meet some of you guys while I am thyere . Will be in NS city just Sunday and Monday, but in Mae Wong until Wednesday. Just so you know,I am from US but am 1/4 Welsh, 1/4 Scottish, 1/4 German and 1/4 American Indian, so obviously I have many problems. But I am friendly Indian.

While I am writing I have 1 question maybe you guys know since I am ot alandowner here. Gf has land here but no chanote. Apparently it is too inexpensive or small for this. Is there someway to get chanote for this kind of land. I do not really understand this as we are just used to having a land title for everything. All I know is this chanote thing seems to be important. Hope to meet you soon. Cheers.

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Hello farangs. I am coming to visit gf family in Mae Wong on 9-8. I have to do business in NS city on 11-8 so will be staying Pimarn Hotel on Sunday night,10-8,so on Monday plan to drop by the madyakka bookstore if I can find it. Maybe can meet some of you guys while I am thyere . Will be in NS city just Sunday and Monday, but in Mae Wong until Wednesday. Just so you know,I am from US but am 1/4 Welsh, 1/4 Scottish, 1/4 German and 1/4 American Indian, so obviously I have many problems. But I am friendly Indian.

While I am writing I have 1 question maybe you guys know since I am ot alandowner here. Gf has land here but no chanote. Apparently it is too inexpensive or small for this. Is there someway to get chanote for this kind of land. I do not really understand this as we are just used to having a land title for everything. All I know is this chanote thing seems to be important. Hope to meet you soon. Cheers.

Hi tomahawk if you cant find the shop give me a call 056 313 136


Dave Coyle

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Hello farangs. I am coming to visit gf family in Mae Wong on 9-8. I have to do business in NS city on 11-8 so will be staying Pimarn Hotel on Sunday night,10-8,so on Monday plan to drop by the madyakka bookstore if I can find it. Maybe can meet some of you guys while I am thyere . Will be in NS city just Sunday and Monday, but in Mae Wong until Wednesday. Just so you know,I am from US but am 1/4 Welsh, 1/4 Scottish, 1/4 German and 1/4 American Indian, so obviously I have many problems. But I am friendly Indian.

While I am writing I have 1 question maybe you guys know since I am ot alandowner here. Gf has land here but no chanote. Apparently it is too inexpensive or small for this. Is there someway to get chanote for this kind of land. I do not really understand this as we are just used to having a land title for everything. All I know is this chanote thing seems to be important. Hope to meet you soon. Cheers.

As far as I am aware the local council issues a chanote to a piece of land which has never had any title only when that area is expanding and will be developed for either housing or business.In saying that I have only seen It happen once and this was In Nakhon Sawan city,further out in the province one could only guess if they will ever issue a chanote for the land you are talking about.



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Hello farangs. I am coming to visit gf family in Mae Wong on 9-8. I have to do business in NS city on 11-8 so will be staying Pimarn Hotel on Sunday night,10-8,so on Monday plan to drop by the madyakka bookstore if I can find it. Maybe can meet some of you guys while I am thyere . Will be in NS city just Sunday and Monday, but in Mae Wong until Wednesday. Just so you know,I am from US but am 1/4 Welsh, 1/4 Scottish, 1/4 German and 1/4 American Indian, so obviously I have many problems. But I am friendly Indian.

While I am writing I have 1 question maybe you guys know since I am ot alandowner here. Gf has land here but no chanote. Apparently it is too inexpensive or small for this. Is there someway to get chanote for this kind of land. I do not really understand this as we are just used to having a land title for everything. All I know is this chanote thing seems to be important. Hope to meet you soon. Cheers.

The Scottish and American Indian half sound good.

We've just bought 12 Rai in Mae Wong, this has Chanote tile deeds. I didn't realise it depends on size of land to get Chanote? Someone more qualified will tell you though I'm sure.

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Hello farangs. I am coming to visit gf family in Mae Wong on 9-8. I have to do business in NS city on 11-8 so will be staying Pimarn Hotel on Sunday night,10-8,so on Monday plan to drop by the madyakka bookstore if I can find it. Maybe can meet some of you guys while I am thyere . Will be in NS city just Sunday and Monday, but in Mae Wong until Wednesday. Just so you know,I am from US but am 1/4 Welsh, 1/4 Scottish, 1/4 German and 1/4 American Indian, so obviously I have many problems. But I am friendly Indian.

While I am writing I have 1 question maybe you guys know since I am ot alandowner here. Gf has land here but no chanote. Apparently it is too inexpensive or small for this. Is there someway to get chanote for this kind of land. I do not really understand this as we are just used to having a land title for everything. All I know is this chanote thing seems to be important. Hope to meet you soon. Cheers.

The Scottish and American Indian half sound good.

We've just bought 12 Rai in Mae Wong, this has Chanote tile deeds. I didn't realise it depends on size of land to get Chanote? Someone more qualified will tell you though I'm sure.

The following is from part of a PM I sent to tomahawk today.

"No Indian blood in me but lots of Scots/Irish blood.

I live in Amphur Mae Wong, in Tambon Mae Lay (aka Maeley, Maelai). ...

As to your chanote query: I presume the land in question is Sor Por Kor land (or perhaps even pre-SorPorKor) – you can’t accelerate the change to chanote. Sor Por Kor land will probably, eventually, be upgraded to chanote at some time in the possibly distant future. As far as I know, there is only one small plot of land (10 rai) in the entire district that has been granted chanote…and that was granted over 10 years ago to a national politician. It’s not a problem though…unless you need to finance the purchase through a bank, which would not be possible. Being inexpensive land or being only a small plot is not at all relevant."

Interesting to read that you have chanote. Do you (are you intending to) live in Mae Wong?



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  • 2 weeks later...

greetings all, my first posting on the site so i hope i'm doing this right... Great news about the bookshop, i will be there soon! i hope it's a big success.

Also, can i request advice please from you techno's out there. I live in the middle of nowhere about 90 minutes bus ride from Nakon Sawan. The nearest phone lines are about 6 kilometres away. What options do i have for internet access?

i have tried bluetooth via a mobile [absolutely appalling] and am currently using GPRS [even more appalling... how are they allowed to sell these services?] What other options do i have... if any? I suspect not many, but would be grateful for any ideas.

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greetings all, my first posting on the site so i hope i'm doing this right... Great news about the bookshop, i will be there soon! i hope it's a big success.

Also, can i request advice please from you techno's out there. I live in the middle of nowhere about 90 minutes bus ride from Nakon Sawan. The nearest phone lines are about 6 kilometres away. What options do i have for internet access?

i have tried bluetooth via a mobile [absolutely appalling] and am currently using GPRS [even more appalling... how are they allowed to sell these services?] What other options do i have... if any? I suspect not many, but would be grateful for any ideas.

90 minute bus ride is a long way; unless you're talking about those 'buses' that are wooden and use a tak-tak engine. Than it's not too far!

Since the phone lines are such a distance off, that rules out dial-up. You could, if you're a sadist, get satellite but everything I've read on the forum about that has been negative. Another possibility is to get a better phone. Phones with EDGE are getting really cheap. Or you could go to CAT and get an EV-DO/CDMA 1x modem. The EV-DO is much faster, but even with CDMA 1x it's about the same speed as EDGE. The problem doesn't lie with your bluetooth connection, since even the slowest version of bluetooth handily exceeds the speeds offered by any mobile phone connection. I would be willing to wager that the problem lies with the tower. Are there times when not even voice calls go through? If so, you have your answer there. And since voice calls are where the phone company makes their money they're going to give them priority over the data calls. The good news is that GPRS is faster than GSM. Here's a list of technologies and their speeds:


First generation digital networks. Speeds limited to ~13kb/s (1.6 kB/s).


Added data packets to GSM. Speeds approximately 56kb/s (7 kB/s).


A superset of GPRS. Increases speeds up to 236kb/s (29.5 kB/s), although I've seen it burst to that in Mae Poern, it's more steady around 136 kb/s (17 kB/s).

CDMA 1x:

A different technology from the previous 3. Uses many transmitters on the same frequency, which GSM* can not do. Used by Hutch in Bangkok and as a fall back for CAT in Nakhon Sawan. Speeds up to 144 kb/s (18 kB/s), most users I've talked to indicate it usually runs at ~80% of that (115 kb/s or 14.4 kB/s).


To CDMA what EDGE is to GPRS. Funnily enough, it employs CDMA technology, but inserts ideas from GSM to get those speeds. Increases speeds to "Up to 2.4 Mb/s" (300 kb/s) although CAT does state the average speed is more like 800 kb/s (100 kB/s) which users on the forum have reported meeting.

A couple of points:

1. Using EDGE/GPRS allows the usage of the connection nation-wide.

2. Using CDMA does not allow nation-wide usage. Any province where Hutch is offered does not allow roaming; previously it was allowed but there was a problem between CAT and Hutch that ended up preventing it.

3. EDGE/GPRS let's you use pretty much any phone to connect. There is the possiblity of using those phones on other providers. Also there are USB adapters and PCMCIA cards.

4. CDMA is more selective on what you can use to connect. There are a few USB adapters, a couple of PCMCIA cards, and a much smaller selection of phones. Any of the adapters have to be bought through CAT.

5. As far as I know, there's only one horrendously overprice Motorola PDA phone that supports EV-DO. There's one or two USB adapters and the same number of PCMCIA cards. These too have to be bought through CAT.

6. If you just holiday in Thailand, getting a phone that you can take home and use is probably the best bet. This would require you to utilise EDGE/GPRS. However, simply buying a new sim card and topping it off when you arrive in Thailand is easy. If you're gone long enough for the sim to expire, no harm.

7. Using EV-DO/CDMA requires you essentially maintain the service for the length of the contract; even if it's prepaid.

I hope that gives you a heads up of what you're trying to understand.

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Many thanks for the advice Dave. I was pondering Satellite connection but have heard bad things too. I can actually live with the slow speeds of bluetooth and GPRS, thats not a problem, the main problem is constant loss of signal and therefore the internet crashing. Plus of course the difficulty in actually getting connection to the internet in the first place. Certain times of day seem to be ok... but a lot of the time it's impossible. For instance i was logged onto this site yesterday, the signal crashed, it was 3 hours before i could get back on to log out.

Bluetooth had certainly improved over the last few months, but the GPRS is awful. Unfortunately i have just lost my bluetooth phone. Hence the GPRS.

Yes, it's a wooden bus by the way! i actually only live about 80 kilometers south east of NS.. between Phai Sali and Bung Sampan.

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Many thanks for the advice Dave. I was pondering Satellite connection but have heard bad things too. I can actually live with the slow speeds of bluetooth and GPRS, thats not a problem, the main problem is constant loss of signal and therefore the internet crashing. Plus of course the difficulty in actually getting connection to the internet in the first place. Certain times of day seem to be ok... but a lot of the time it's impossible. For instance i was logged onto this site yesterday, the signal crashed, it was 3 hours before i could get back on to log out.

Bluetooth had certainly improved over the last few months, but the GPRS is awful. Unfortunately i have just lost my bluetooth phone. Hence the GPRS.

Yes, it's a wooden bus by the way! i actually only live about 80 kilometers south east of NS.. between Phai Sali and Bung Sampan.

Sounds like either you're on the edge of coverage or the coverage isn't that top notch.

I love going home to Nakhon Sawan. It's a real snoozer getting there, but as soon as I start seeing tak-taks driving alongside Hwy 32 I realise that it's not too far! My little brother in law rides one of those wooden buses to school (cause I'm cheap and it's much less expensive than driving him), and once I rode down there with him. Took about 4x times as long as I do either riding my motorcycle or driving the truck, but it gave me a chance to practice my limited Thai with a new group of people, especially since I had to ride the bus back home.

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Funnily enough although it's the nearest big town to me i don't know NS that well. Have lived this area for about 9 months, previously Samui, and have probably only been to NS around 6 times- most of them being Big'C' trips. However the last time i was there it felt pretty comfortable, had a good wander around. Will be going next week for a book buying splurge, are there any decent bars around?

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Where to go and What to do

Eating, drinking and dancing on an evening.

Not a definitive guide.

I will state here and now that the opinions given here are personal opinions of myself and friends who frequent these places regularly. They are meant as a guide for those who might wish to visit and not to be taken as fact.

Moon Beautiful - Restaurant near Sawan Park.

English / Thai music with 2 bands playing. Not too loud & in your face. Food good. Open until 4 a.m. Usually piped music after 1 a.m. Big screen + 2 smaller tv's for sports etc. Has 1 air con room with large screen tv. Staff has large turnover but service is usually good. Sometimes food not quite what ordered. Beer reasonable prices. Same for mixers.

Brod Aird - Near Sawan Park

Seating at tables with an inside balcony upstairs. 2 bands playing. Music mainly Thai with the odd English song. Rock / Heavy / Medium. Loud!! Food Good. Beer / mixer prices fair. Some staff talk English. Efficient and friendly service. Thais more Farang friendly here too. Tables usually have enough free before 10 p.m. Can book tables for up to 8 / 10 people if you can speak Thai. (They usually remove reservation at 10 p.m. or so). Has 1 large screen visible from balcony or right side (as you enter). Good age range here. Very busy after 10-15 p.m. or so.

Clubhouse - Near Sawan Park

A nightclub. More a place for the younger ones say under 35. 1 band (sometimes 2) playing. Thai music. Loud!! Staff not so efficient. Entry fee 100 Baht. Use ticket for 1st drinks. Usually empty mid-week. Weekend can be very busy. Prices good. Food OK but not the best by far in our experience.

Pimarn Hotel :-

Collection Pub

A quieter place. Usually 2 bands play. Often 1/3 Farang Music. Somewhere comfortable for the older minded people. Music medium volume. Now Expensive compared to other places. Friendly staff. Menu in English / Thai. Some staff speak Thai. Clean and tidy. Large screen tv + smaller tv. Very good service. Can book table.


For younger people. More a nightclub. Good Thai music. Staff friendly. Expensive. Need I.D. (No I.D. = no entry). The only place so far that I have experienced any violence (that was Thai on Thai).

Ban Konwan

Generally under 35's. Good live music. Very busy - especially after 10 p.m. Often no tables available after 10-30 'ish. Service good to indifferent. (indifferent for Farang when busy in our experience). Expensive. Food often warm, not hot. Staff friendly. Thai people here also seem friendly to Farang.

Ban Suan Hotel

Food reasonable. Staff often slow. Few speak English. Prices OK. Music more Thai Folk / Country. has 2 tv's. Not a place to spend a full evening. Has 1 large air con room with large screen tv.

Bandisan - Near Soi Taitong

A Fish based restaurant. No music. A few staff speak English. Very popular with Thai people.

Mai Son (Coffee Shop) - Near Bansuan Hotel (on the corner opp new 7/11)

Small. Very cheap. Not so tidy. But friendly. Has 4 piece playing country / folk type Thai music. Not loud. Mainly Thais. We find a good place to start before moving on. Little English spoken.

Paradise Club - Near Sawan Park

Not an obvious place. Plenty of Ladies singing - often in short skirts etc. (you get the drift). Ladies will come sit at the table for a small renumeration. Very quiet midweek. have rarely been on a weekend so do not feel I can comment. Staff very friendly & efficient. Food good. Prices OK..

There are plenty of other restaurants on the river. One travels up and down the river while you eat.

Numerous other places to eat and drink that I am not familiar with or have visited once or twice so do not feel I can make a personal comment on.

I have omitted the several other places where you can drink, listen to ladies singing and have ladies entertain you. One where they dance on the tables. Another where 'further down the hall' you can go and book a lady for a short time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just discovered this site, I have been living in the Nakohn Sawan area for about two years now, Ban Phot Pisai, to be exact. I have just browsed the thread and am wondering if anything has been set up for a farang gathering in N.S. I would like to get to know a few english speaking people in this area, also9 would be interested in some golf.

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Where to go and What to do

Eating, drinking and dancing on an evening.

Not a definitive guide.

I will state here and now that the opinions given here are personal opinions of myself and friends who frequent these places regularly. They are meant as a guide for those who might wish to visit and not to be taken as fact.

Moon Beautiful - Restaurant near Sawan Park.

English / Thai music with 2 bands playing. Not too loud & in your face. Food good. Open until 4 a.m. Usually piped music after 1 a.m. Big screen + 2 smaller tv's for sports etc. Has 1 air con room with large screen tv. Staff has large turnover but service is usually good. Sometimes food not quite what ordered. Beer reasonable prices. Same for mixers.

Brod Aird - Near Sawan Park

Seating at tables with an inside balcony upstairs. 2 bands playing. Music mainly Thai with the odd English song. Rock / Heavy / Medium. Loud!! Food Good. Beer / mixer prices fair. Some staff talk English. Efficient and friendly service. Thais more Farang friendly here too. Tables usually have enough free before 10 p.m. Can book tables for up to 8 / 10 people if you can speak Thai. (They usually remove reservation at 10 p.m. or so). Has 1 large screen visible from balcony or right side (as you enter). Good age range here. Very busy after 10-15 p.m. or so.

Clubhouse - Near Sawan Park

A nightclub. More a place for the younger ones say under 35. 1 band (sometimes 2) playing. Thai music. Loud!! Staff not so efficient. Entry fee 100 Baht. Use ticket for 1st drinks. Usually empty mid-week. Weekend can be very busy. Prices good. Food OK but not the best by far in our experience.

Pimarn Hotel :-

Collection Pub

A quieter place. Usually 2 bands play. Often 1/3 Farang Music. Somewhere comfortable for the older minded people. Music medium volume. Now Expensive compared to other places. Friendly staff. Menu in English / Thai. Some staff speak Thai. Clean and tidy. Large screen tv + smaller tv. Very good service. Can book table.


For younger people. More a nightclub. Good Thai music. Staff friendly. Expensive. Need I.D. (No I.D. = no entry). The only place so far that I have experienced any violence (that was Thai on Thai).

Ban Konwan

Generally under 35's. Good live music. Very busy - especially after 10 p.m. Often no tables available after 10-30 'ish. Service good to indifferent. (indifferent for Farang when busy in our experience). Expensive. Food often warm, not hot. Staff friendly. Thai people here also seem friendly to Farang.

Ban Suan Hotel

Food reasonable. Staff often slow. Few speak English. Prices OK. Music more Thai Folk / Country. has 2 tv's. Not a place to spend a full evening. Has 1 large air con room with large screen tv.

Bandisan - Near Soi Taitong

A Fish based restaurant. No music. A few staff speak English. Very popular with Thai people.

Mai Son (Coffee Shop) - Near Bansuan Hotel (on the corner opp new 7/11)

Small. Very cheap. Not so tidy. But friendly. Has 4 piece playing country / folk type Thai music. Not loud. Mainly Thais. We find a good place to start before moving on. Little English spoken.

Paradise Club - Near Sawan Park

Not an obvious place. Plenty of Ladies singing - often in short skirts etc. (you get the drift). Ladies will come sit at the table for a small renumeration. Very quiet midweek. have rarely been on a weekend so do not feel I can comment. Staff very friendly & efficient. Food good. Prices OK..

There are plenty of other restaurants on the river. One travels up and down the river while you eat.

Numerous other places to eat and drink that I am not familiar with or have visited once or twice so do not feel I can make a personal comment on.

I have omitted the several other places where you can drink, listen to ladies singing and have ladies entertain you. One where they dance on the tables. Another where 'further down the hall' you can go and book a lady for a short time.

Madyakka needs an update :o

Edited by intumult
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I just discovered this site, I have been living in the Nakohn Sawan area for about two years now, Ban Phot Pisai, to be exact. I have just browsed the thread and am wondering if anything has been set up for a farang gathering in N.S. I would like to get to know a few english speaking people in this area, also9 would be interested in some golf.

Last week of November I'll be there. Won't go golfing though; don't have clubs and don't care for the sport. However, I'm up to meeting a few fellows that live in the same area.

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I just discovered this site, I have been living in the Nakohn Sawan area for about two years now, Ban Phot Pisai, to be exact. I have just browsed the thread and am wondering if anything has been set up for a farang gathering in N.S. I would like to get to know a few english speaking people in this area, also9 would be interested in some golf.

Last week of November I'll be there. Won't go golfing though; don't have clubs and don't care for the sport. However, I'm up to meeting a few fellows that live in the same area.

Let me know when you get here and how to get in touch, maybe we can put something together.

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I just discovered this site, I have been living in the Nakohn Sawan area for about two years now, Ban Phot Pisai, to be exact. I have just browsed the thread and am wondering if anything has been set up for a farang gathering in N.S. I would like to get to know a few english speaking people in this area, also9 would be interested in some golf.

Last week of November I'll be there. Won't go golfing though; don't have clubs and don't care for the sport. However, I'm up to meeting a few fellows that live in the same area.

Let me know when you get here and how to get in touch, maybe we can put something together.

I am over in New Zealand but back end of December and early January. I live 125km from NS near Klong Lan

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I just discovered this site, I have been living in the Nakohn Sawan area for about two years now, Ban Phot Pisai, to be exact. I have just browsed the thread and am wondering if anything has been set up for a farang gathering in N.S. I would like to get to know a few english speaking people in this area, also9 would be interested in some golf.

Most of the farang I know here tend to drink at Yellow bar which is on Daowadung rd about 4-500m from fairyland heading towards my shop on the left hand side,accross the road from the shop with large motorcycles outside.There is normaly farang there on a daily basis in the evening.The food is very good as is the live music.Also every day there will be farang at "Kup Kups" which is just a little hole in the wall place but is something of an institution in the teaching circle here.Its in a small soi directly opposite vittitaep,not the entrance that is close to fairyland but the otherside.Teachers have been drinking there for over 20 years.



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I just discovered this site, I have been living in the Nakohn Sawan area for about two years now, Ban Phot Pisai, to be exact. I have just browsed the thread and am wondering if anything has been set up for a farang gathering in N.S. I would like to get to know a few english speaking people in this area, also9 would be interested in some golf.

Most of the farang I know here tend to drink at Yellow bar which is on Daowadung rd about 4-500m from fairyland heading towards my shop on the left hand side,accross the road from the shop with large motorcycles outside.There is normaly farang there on a daily basis in the evening.The food is very good as is the live music.Also every day there will be farang at "Kup Kups" which is just a little hole in the wall place but is something of an institution in the teaching circle here.Its in a small soi directly opposite vittitaep,not the entrance that is close to fairyland but the otherside.Teachers have been drinking there for over 20 years.



Been visiting NS for the last 18 years. If you want to meet native English speakers to share a beer or three with Kup Kups wins hands down every time. :o

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Madyakka... came to Nakhon Sawan yesterday to visit the bookshop. As i have said before i don't know it that well yet. Spent hours walking around but just could not find your place. Managed to open the google earth map [eventually] but to be honest it could be a plate of spaghetti... where for example is Big C? which is the only place i know!

any chance you can post or email me directions from big c? i asked a few taxi drivers for the ECC building but i might as well have been talking chinese.... HELP! i need books!

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Madyakka... came to Nakhon Sawan yesterday to visit the bookshop. As i have said before i don't know it that well yet. Spent hours walking around but just could not find your place. Managed to open the google earth map [eventually] but to be honest it could be a plate of spaghetti... where for example is Big C? which is the only place i know!

any chance you can post or email me directions from big c? i asked a few taxi drivers for the ECC building but i might as well have been talking chinese.... HELP! i need books!

Hi John,

It can be a bit of a headache finding your way around town in the begining, not to mention trying to find a paticular place or shop.

When you want to come to the shop give me a call and I can either give you directions or pick you up if you're not too far away,

look forward to your visit,


Dave 083212 7123

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Which immigration office You are using while staying in Nakhon Sawan? Which is nearest?

Was just wondering when somebody will respond to this question... :D:o

I am on a retirement visa and presumed the only choice for 90 day reporting was Maesot?? :D

There is one in Ayutaya although I haven't been there personaly,



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Which immigration office You are using while staying in Nakhon Sawan? Which is nearest?

Was just wondering when somebody will respond to this question... :D:o

I am on a retirement visa and presumed the only choice for 90 day reporting was Maesot?? :D

There is one in Ayutaya although I haven't been there personally,



I live in Klong Lan Pattana about 125km southwest of Khampaeng Phet and I have always gone to Suan Phlu in Bangkok.

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Opening bank account in Nakhon Sawan

In November I wish to open a savings account in NS (with ATM card & Internet access) in preparation for retirement at a latter date.

I will be on a 60 day tourist visa with letters of introduction from my Australian bank & government employer. Obviously I will not have a residence certificate, work permit etc. I would prefer a branch in the Pak Nam Pho Kosi Rd/Sawanwithi area.

My research suggests doing so can be abit hit and miss. Any advice as to which bank to try and how to do so would be much appreciated. I have heard Kasikorn or Siam Commercial may be easier than say Bangkok Bank? Are banks in NS bureaucratic or not?

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Opening bank account in Nakhon Sawan

In November I wish to open a savings account in NS (with ATM card & Internet access) in preparation for retirement at a latter date.

I will be on a 60 day tourist visa with letters of introduction from my Australian bank & government employer. Obviously I will not have a residence certificate, work permit etc. I would prefer a branch in the Pak Nam Pho Kosi Rd/Sawanwithi area.

My research suggests doing so can be abit hit and miss. Any advice as to which bank to try and how to do so would be much appreciated. I have heard Kasikorn or Siam Commercial may be easier than say Bangkok Bank? Are banks in NS bureaucratic or not?

I personally use Kasikorn. Having said that, I opened my account down in Samut Prakarn. However, last time I was home, I visited the branch near Big C in Nakhon Sawan and even though my account wasn't opened with them, and I didn't even have my bank book with me they went out of their way (like the bank manager making all the calls!) to help me increase the daily limit on withdrawls using my debit card.

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