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Wake Up... The World Revolves Around Sex


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When will the world wake up and realize that everything actually revolves rearound sex.

We eat so that we can have the energy to have sex

We have houses so that we can have sex protected from the the elements

We have cars to get us from work to the house so that we can have sex

We dress nice to entice someone to have sex with us

We drink to entice someone into the right mood to have sex

We dance to get us in the mood to have sex

We go on vacation to relax and have sex

And finally we work and spend money so that we can pay for all of these thing, so that we can have sex. The list goes on and on.................

It is the nature of the beast. We have sex to satisfy a human drive to multiply, just some are sidetracked a little, just like the ones that eat too much, drink too much.

Actually the dear PM can trace his perceived troubles to the women of the western world, which have yet to learn how to adequately satisfy a man properly, without him knowing when he is being ripped off.

Dear PM, either go and train western women in satifying their men and the farang will stay home and leave Thailand alone or leave the entertainment hours alone. Cause sun and beaches we can find everwhere. :o

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They should just legalize prostitution but just enforce people to go for AIDS tests and check for other STD's. Look, It is unforunate that Thailand is thought of in this way but the damage is done and the government cannot have a blind eye to this anymore. and according to some threads on here it is thai men and women that frequent the prostitutes more. :o

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some threads on here it is thai men and women that frequent the prostitutes more.

Why would Thai women, want to frequent prostitutes?

Re the nature of the thread, I agree whole heartedly, it is what make the world go round

Aren't their male prostitutes in Thailand that cater to women??

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When will the world wake up and realize that everything actually revolves rearound sex.

Freudian by any chance? :D

According to Freud, people enter the world as unbridled pleasure seekers. Specifically, people seek pleasure through from a series of erogenous zones. Libido is the psychic and sexual energy, which can fluctuate or be directed toward any number of objects. The cathexis (amount of libidinal investment) will vary according to the object. We all go through the 5 psychosexual stages of development and most people tie up their libido at one of these stage: oral (know plenty of these :D ); anal (and these :o:D ); phallic; latency (similar to the place where the farang chics you described are :D ); and, genital.

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Aren't their male prostitutes in Thailand that cater to women??

In the little cul-de-sac near the end of Suk 22, near Tina's GoGo Bar, there's a bar, which I can't recall the name, that caters for Thai women.

All the guys were said to be gay, and therefore available to blokes as well. They stood out because they have long hair and are very well dressed. Good looking too, I suppose (not my area of expertise!)

They could make 4-5,000 Baht a time pleasing well off Thai professional women!

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"Going with the flow"

Males think about sex every half hour females once a day i know some woman will say this is not true but there it is.Wheres Harry

Hmmmm bizz you sure about this?? been in some sex stores and more vibrators than male sex toys in them!!! :o

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And I think that research says that men have a sexual thought on average, about every 6 or 7 minutes. That of course depends on where you are I guesss...  Tough to be in a Thai girly bar or disco and not think about sex all of the time  :o

Oh please, (not sure how representative the sample was, but) women think about sex just as much as men do :D – they just don’t feel the need to tell everyone :D:D

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The world doesn't revolve around sex...

The world revolves around petty ego's.

Having multiple sex partners is just a means of confirming your ego.

That's right, quite a few egos rule the world.

Or is it from some very influential countries? :o

But that's not how the world survived and evolved.

On the contrary, maybe...

The "world" still revolves around sex.

This is how it was created, as we know it, and still thrives... :D

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The world doesn't revolve around sex...

The world revolves around petty ego's.

Having multiple sex partners is just a means of confirming your ego.

You're all fools! Haven't any of you heard of old Capernicus? The world revolves around the sun. Sex? That's just something most of us can't live without; much like the sun, I guess. :o

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All the guys were said to be gay, and therefore available to blokes as well.......

They could make 4-5,000 Baht a time pleasing well off Thai professional women!

I'm going there mate!!!

To make some cash!

Don't forget the vaseline. :D

Dosen't mix well with condoms remember... :o

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Sounds like a man who seldom ever gets laid.... Jealousy is a terrible affliction


hahahahahahahahahah........... lmao

i Suc... and <deleted>... do 3 some.....even a org..... one time, maybe i have even more experience then the lot of you :o:D

but i agree it revolves around money also :D

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Anyways.... you are all wrong... The world revoves around MONEY not SEX. If you doubt that, try getting laid without a dollar in your pocket and no possessions. You won't. Not unless you got a nine-incher or better... then you can just stand on the corner in tight, wet, swim trunks and a smile on your face :o

So true..... lovin for the money...

whats that books name?...no money no honey......

And farang women..ahhhh they must hate it in Thailand, when they see what real women look like !! :D

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Ravisher Posted on Fri 2004-10-22, 09:44:49

  QUOTE (BKK_BACKDOORBANDIT @ Fri 2004-10-22, 01:18:00)

And farang women..ahhhh they must hate it in Thailand, when they see what real women look like !! 

YEP! Just look at the faces of the farang women who sit in bars with there farang boyfriends/husbands... they have an exression that is a mixture of sick/disgust/jealousy and just-wait-till-I-get-this-creep-back-to-the-hotel-room look on their faces. They do not look happy at all 

What they do not realize is that they are the SAME as the bar girls... Just that their way of doing it for money is much more subtle. I made this statement to a friend of mine and he got huffy... he said, "My wife is not like that, she love me!" I said to him, "Ok, next time you go shopping with her and she wants a new dress, or a new machine for the house, tell her 'no' that you don't want to spend the money right now. Then try to get laid that night."   

Hmmm, I think your bigging yourself up a bit really, most farang women feel sorry for the girl in the bar rather that what your up to (unless your really disgusting looking, then we like to stare AND point :o ), no women likes to see a sister have to subject herself to what bar girls do, so the looks you perceive as jealousy & disgust are most likely sadness for the girl for having to gyrate & lower herself to your level & disgust that a guy who couldn't pull this girl in a million year were it not for the fact that she's poor & desperate is taking of advantage of it.

It is funny though that it's ususally the biggest whoremongers who like to slag of farang women, feeling like you need to justify boys or feeling bitter? Don't bother, we couldn't give a crap & if you don't like the looks then tough, just get on with your lives doing what you do & leave us to ours, if someone looks funny at you then think why, are you getting your dick rubbed in a public place, hhmm, most women, thai or farang would look at that with disgust, it's cheap & nasty & better done behind closed doors.

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The world doesn't revolve around sex...

The world revolves around petty ego's.

Having multiple sex partners is just a means of confirming your ego.

Sounds like a man who seldom ever gets laid.... Jealousy is a terrible affliction :D

Anyways.... you are all wrong... The world revoves around MONEY not SEX. If you doubt that, try getting laid without a dollar in your pocket and no possessions. You won't. Not unless you got a nine-incher or better... then you can just stand on the corner in tight, wet, swim trunks and a smile on your face :o

blah blah blah. sounds like someone is jealous of the ones who do get laid for free :lol want to know the key to free sex? don't run after the women, make them run after you. get them interested in you and then lose interest in them. watch what happens. works for me :D back to the topic. are you trying to tell me i wouldn't be here if my parents didn't have sex? whatever happened to the storch thing they told me ... :D

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