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Booze Ban Tonight Or Not?


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Good Question Florin, Has anyone got a informative, grown-up, adult response to the question?? (As opposed to the previous response).

why can you get someone to translate it!!! :o

ok ill try, here in patters its not been mentioned yet and normally bib would come day before, ther is another post on this and a paper is quoted the police as its up to bar???

but tonight i think is deff ok tommorow is however another day!


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Good Question Florin, Has anyone got a informative, grown-up, adult response to the question?? (As opposed to the previous response).

An informative grown up adult response eh? That counts me out and possibly 96.2% of members/lurkers and this thread been open quite a while and only a couple of responses since your post so my numbers are spot on. I will stock up tonight and go out tomorrow and possibly come straight back home again and raid the fridge.

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I was actually asking because there was an outing planned by some friends and just wanted to be on the safe side before going across town...thanks for the replies, ended up sleeping instead :o

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