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New Idea For Visa?.

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i made a coment on another thread ref the visa with child, and the im. off. told my wife about her taxed earnings, and how to apply. so heres the story. today she did what the officer told her to do. ie. go to tax off. tell them she earns 40kbt a month, no proof required, pay tax 1200bt a half year, 200bt fine because tax year run out/over = 1400bt , all receipted and stamped. all to easy , the tax off told my wife lots of falangs do this. so for a new visa, a annual payment of 2400bt job done. note of caution , ive not tested this yet, due to renew in aug. but it all seems too easy. the easiest method ive heard of even from the bars.lol... this is cheaper quicker easier than a letter from you embassy.. so watyaltink.

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My wife opened a small shop and noodle stall about 4 months ago and her daily turnover is around 1500 baht so she could legitamately do theat.

However as I am over 50 and we have a son I am using the living with my Thai child visa and have no need to prove any income so I am lucky with that.

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There have been discussions on this same subject before. Whilst I obviously accept this works in practice, the only area I cannot fathom out is the tax bill of 1200b per 1/2 year. I went to try this out a while back, as my wife has a legit business which the tax office is aware off but does not make 40k per month. We were told a far, far greater amount of tax would be due and that made it a no go option for us.

I dont mean to 'p!ss on yer chips' but feel obliged to comment on my findings. I ended up going the Embassy income letter route in the end dispite the huge UK Embassy charges.


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I believe about 2k per month is the normal amount mentioned for tax.

Correct, maybe he meant 12,000 B for six months.

It can be reduced a little if she has children of school age, and also if her husband is unemployed (which most of us on annual extensions probably are)

It does work, worked for me last year and I'll be doing the same again.

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