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A number of people have commented about how much weight I have lost in the past year. It's true, I've noticed myself.

I'm curious if it's down to some unnoticed illness or just my change in lifestyle (have been with the same gal for 11 years now - no cheating)?

Years ago (6+ or so) I used to go out drinking more or less every night then we had our first baby. Due to the working environment (blokes) I still went out for drinks after work most nights. Can't remember when, but, then I decided just to go out two nights a week. Just over a year ago I cut that down to one night a week (we now have two kids).

I've probably lost about 15kilos (down to 95k from 110k) in the past year (sounds a lot to me) but could it be down to the reduction in beer intake?

Something else to mention is that I've noticed ants in our downstairs toilet seem to gather after I've had a piss which could suggest diabetes I've heard?

Any thoughts?

(never posted anything like this about myself before)


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any loss of weight is a signal, if of course you did not intend to loose weight.....

Sugar in urines might be a sign of diabet, but not only...

Why not go for a check up to rule out any worry, or to start a treatment if needed ??



Thanks You, Yes!

I guess I should go for a check up. I feel quite well. I did use to drink to a lot of beer and don't drink nearly as much.

When I think a bit more about things I also don't do nearly as much snacking as I used to (not sure if that little bit has any effect).




Any large weight loss without an obvious explanation is a cause for concern, but going from 110 kilos to 95 does not sound like anything too much to worry about.

I would guess that you feel much better at you current weight than previously.

Has it now peaked? If so, I would relax a bit.

If you are in any way concerned, a thorough check up would be a good idea. In any event, a weight of 95 kilos with a past prehistory's of drinking may have caused some chronic medical issues, such as hypertension and coronary problems.


if you drank lots of beer and snavked alot and now dont then theres your answer,but still get a check up ,it cost no more than 4/5000b and only takes an hour ......


Thanks for the replies guys. I am 6'3" so I feel much better at 95kgs. Mobi, you put my mind at rest a bit. I've still got a bit of a beer belly (which no doubt will extend tonight watching the football in Silom tonight).

The suggestions of a check up - what exactly do I ask for? Is it a standard package of tests or is there something specific I should ask for?

Thanks again


Thanks for the replies guys. I am 6'3" so I feel much better at 95kgs. Mobi, you put my mind at rest a bit. I've still got a bit of a beer belly (which no doubt will extend tonight watching the football in Silom tonight).

The suggestions of a check up - what exactly do I ask for? Is it a standard package of tests or is there something specific I should ask for?

Thanks again


I think your ideal weight for your height aren't you?

I'm about 6' and weigh 74 kilos.

Yes go see a general practitioner at a reasonable hospital. I expect you'll be told your well.

Those ants just get everywhere don't they?

Great match wasn't it?

...Yes go see a general practitioner at a reasonable hospital. I expect you'll be told your well...

I agree. It can be quite satisfying going to the doctor every two years or so for a basic check-up and being told that one is in perfect health. Definitely worth the few hundred baht.

Incidentally, at 95 kg your BMI (body-mass index) is 26.2 and you could still be considered slightly overweight. Therefore, if with some further cut-down on alcohol and sugar and perhaps with the addition of some exercise (if you want to reduce your beer belly) your weight drops to 80 kg you should not be concerned.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Thanks again guys. (yea great match - what I remember of it).

Hmm..80kg? Can't imagine being 12.5 stones again (been a long time).

OK, I agree that at 46 I should get a check up (had one a few years ago for health insurance and the only thing they reported was that I need to lose weight - I was 110+ around then).

All the best



Stopping beer would certainly be enough to explain weight loss if all your other food/fluid intake stayed the same. But of course it should then stabilize and not keep dropping. Anyhow, at 46 a check up is certainly a good idea. Regarding what check-up package to get:

At a minimum, the following blood tests:

CBC (complete blood count)

fasting blood sugar (glucose)

lipid panel - cholesterol (total, HDL and LDL) and triglycerides





Most of these but not necessarily all will be included in lower end packages. It is also possible to add on specific tests to a package without upgrading to a more costly package.

Should also have a manual prostate exam during the physical check-up, there is no extra cost to that and it should be standard but sometimes in Thailand the doctors skip it unless specifically asked. It does involve a finger going where you would rather it not, but only takes a sec.

The above you should do every year or at least every 2 years.

I would also urge that you get a stress test, since it sounds like you haven't had one anytime recently. If that comes back completely fine then it does not need to be an annual event but should do every few years.

Above recommendations assume no special risk factors or significant personal or family history that you didn't mention.


It does indeed sound like a beer deficiency is the cause of your problems. Luckily the solution is obvious. Get yourself back on the program, and the pounds should come back. It's easier than it sounds, not to mention a quite enjoyable way to pass time, and make important decisions whilst "in the zone". You'll be back up to match fitness in no time! All the best! Support meetings held daily and nightly at almost all pubs except on election days.


A number of people have commented about how much weight I have lost in the past year. It's true, I've noticed myself.

I'm curious if it's down to some unnoticed illness or just my change in lifestyle (have been with the same gal for 11 years now - no cheating)?

Years ago (6+ or so) I used to go out drinking more or less every night then we had our first baby. Due to the working environment (blokes) I still went out for drinks after work most nights. Can't remember when, but, then I decided just to go out two nights a week. Just over a year ago I cut that down to one night a week (we now have two kids).

I've probably lost about 15kilos (down to 95k from 110k) in the past year (sounds a lot to me) but could it be down to the reduction in beer intake?

Something else to mention is that I've noticed ants in our downstairs toilet seem to gather after I've had a piss which could suggest diabetes I've heard?

Any thoughts?

(never posted anything like this about myself before)


I know of a child in Cambodia who was diagnosed with diabetes after it was noticed that ants came to where he had peed on the ground. Maybe it is an old wife's tale but I would be checked if I were you.

  • 2 months later...

Sorry to bump this topic back to the top, but I have an update.

It took two months, but I finally plucked up the courage to visit the hospital and have a check up. It was nerve wrecking. I had blood tests, x-ray and ultrasound.

The good news is that there is no sign of cancer (when the doctor first mentioned testing for cancer it was bad, but going in to get the results was worse - until I got the good news that is).

On the down-side I have type-2 diabetes. That's scary enough. At the moment I'm surfing the net looking for what I have to change in my life to handle the diabetes and keep it at bay. The doctor mentioned cutting down on beer. I usually only go out once a week, but cutting down on beer? Disaster, but I guess I have to do it.


Speaking as a diabetic of more than 20 years, I would say that drinking beer one night a week is fine.

You have already lost a lot of weight, so I don't think you beer consumption is excessive.

The key is to eat and drink sensibly. No sweetened drinks (coke etc). No sugar in your tea and coffee, no sweets, no puddings or cakes, and try to avoid fried food and fatty food. Sugar substitutes - like Equal, are fine. You can even get the powder version which is useful for cooking.

Oily fish, like salmon, mackeral and tuna is very good for diabetics.

And last but not least, plenty of exercise as it stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin.


Thanks for that Mobi. I've been reading that you're only supposed to drink 2 beers per day (in my mind that's 14 per week - or one Friday night).

Thanks for the pointers on the oily fish - I like all you listed.

I took today off work to read up so that I can go shopping this evening and buy more healthy food stuffs.

My two daughters are going to be confused as to why daddy doesn't eat as much ice cream. A friend of mine returned from the UK yesterday and brought me 6 packets of Bassetts Licorice All Sorts. Guess that they're out the window...ah well.

...Yes go see a general practitioner at a reasonable hospital. I expect you'll be told your well...

I agree. It can be quite satisfying going to the doctor every two years or so for a basic check-up and being told that one is in perfect health. Definitely worth the few hundred baht.

Incidentally, at 95 kg your BMI (body-mass index) is 26.2 and you could still be considered slightly overweight. Therefore, if with some further cut-down on alcohol and sugar and perhaps with the addition of some exercise (if you want to reduce your beer belly) your weight drops to 80 kg you should not be concerned.



BMI is a load of <deleted>. My old colleague was 190cm and 95kg without an ounce of fat on his body and a fitness fanatic. It all depends on body type.

Sorry to bump this topic back to the top, but I have an update.

It took two months, but I finally plucked up the courage to visit the hospital and have a check up. It was nerve wrecking. I had blood tests, x-ray and ultrasound.

The good news is that there is no sign of cancer (when the doctor first mentioned testing for cancer it was bad, but going in to get the results was worse - until I got the good news that is).

On the down-side I have type-2 diabetes. That's scary enough. At the moment I'm surfing the net looking for what I have to change in my life to handle the diabetes and keep it at bay. The doctor mentioned cutting down on beer. I usually only go out once a week, but cutting down on beer? Disaster, but I guess I have to do it.

Classic case in point for the value of getting a check up, especially (but not only) when a physical change such as weight loss is noticed.

Mobi gave good advice. I would add that cinammon has been found to be helpful in regulating blood sugar. Health food stores in the west are now selling it in capsule form, which seems riidiculous to me since it is far cheaper and tasty in its spice form. Try to take in a teaspoon a day. Suggested ways include:

-- sprinking it on a barn cereal (which you should be eating anyhow) makes the cereal tastier

-- add it to plain yougurt

-- add it to tea or coffeee

-- sprinklle on fruit

Regarding the beer I think a lot depends on just what that one night consists of, and also whether you are also in the habit of drinking it on your nights in. Beer is pretty much pure carbohydrate so should be taken only in extreme moderation.

Good luck


Thank you for your reply Sheryl.

I'll take a look at the Cinnamon, I like the taste of it. A friend also mentioned green tea.

I only drink beer when I go out so a typical Friday night might consist of 10 to 12 (small) bottles of Heineken. I sometimes drink beer in the house (when my kids are asleep in bed) but I've already decided to cut that way down.

In relation to beer the phrase Extreme Moderation isn't something I've ever considered, until now that it.

Cheers (heh)



10 to 12 beers on a night out is far too much carb and alcohol at one time, especially for a diabetic. When they say two beers a day, they mean a modest amount on a daily basis, not abstaining for the whole week and then going on a bender which puts your pancreas, kidneys and liver to the test. At the very least switch to a light beer like San Miguel Lite, but you really need to think about switching to a non-alcoholic, non-sweetened drink after your requisite two brews. Just sip a soda water to be sociable.

And you need to go back to that hospital ASAP and get an appointment with a nutritionist who can advise you on a rational diet plan and lay down the rules on alcohol, sweets and exercise to get your diabetes (and weight) under control. You're courting full-blown diabetes and all its highly unpleasant possible complications: diabetic retinopathy (loss of vision), loss of limbs due to circulation problems, erectile dysfunction, heart disease, kidney failure, stroke to name a few. But the good news is, it IS controllable, but not without lifestyle changes.


You might also try mixing the beer with soda water especially if where you go does not have lite beer available), this in essence creates a lite beer. The advantage of this approach is that it makes a smaller number of beers last longer, which is helpful for people who go out with friends and want to be abkle to continue drinking for a longer period for social reasons. If you do this, you will notice the difference only at first and then quickly become acclimated and not mind it. With a half and half mixture, 2 beers can become 4. And 2 is the max you should take.


My Harley Street Diabetic specialist used to to tell me that he had encountered many cases of diabetics who consumed large amounts of beer, and then had bad hypos in the middle of the night. This is because that alcohol has the effect of reducing amount of sugar in your blood, and if you take your insulin shot or meds before sleeping, your blood sugars may go too low - which is very dangerous.

So there's another good reason, not to drink too much beer, or alcohol in general. Wine also contains a lot of sugar. If you must drink then vodka or gin, or Thai whisky with soda is your best bet. Tonic water also has a lot of calories and sugar. But don't overdo it.

I assume you are not taking insulin, and if so, you actually have to be even more careful with your diet, than those who (like myself) can adjust our insulin shots to counter what we have been eating and drinking.

30 minutes of vigorous exersise a day, and a sensible diet will work wonders.


Thanks for all the comments...very useful to a newbie like me.

I'm now curious that, if my wife didn't start crying the other night because of my losing weight which forced me to go to the doctor to get a check up to make her happy, what would have happened?

This week I'd probably have had 5 large bottles of beer at home a couple of nights and then gone out on Friday night for my normal 7:30 to 2:00 beer swilling session. In between that during the week I'd polish off a couple of large bottles of Fanta and some chocolate bars. Not to mention the 6 packets of Licorice All Sorts a friend brought from the UK for me on Sunday.

When I stop and think about it now I've been consuming a LARGE amount of sugar more or less every day. Today is the second day that I haven't had any sugar.

To be honest, I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to cut down on the beer on a Friday night. Been a part of my life all my life (46 now).

Anyway, thanks and anymore pointers gratefully received.



Try San Miguel light. It's the same alcohol content, but less calories.

Drink slower :o

Yes, you have been eating far too much sugar. Are you taking meds, or are you controlling your blood sugars by diet alone?


I'll give the San Miguel Light a try. Yea, I realise that I have to slow down. Going to be hard though.

The doctor gave me tablets to take twice a day and I have to go back in two weeks to check my blood/sugar level again.

I think that the tablets are called Diamet (or something close to that). They're at home so I can't check properly.

There are devices in Watsons that allow you to check your blood/sugar level. Do you think that they're accurate? Worth using to keep track?

I'll give the San Miguel Light a try. Yea, I realise that I have to slow down. Going to be hard though.

The doctor gave me tablets to take twice a day and I have to go back in two weeks to check my blood/sugar level again.

I think that the tablets are called Diamet (or something close to that). They're at home so I can't check properly.

There are devices in Watsons that allow you to check your blood/sugar level. Do you think that they're accurate? Worth using to keep track?

You should definitely be checking your blood sugars at least twice a day, especially as you have just been diagnosed and you are taking new meds. You need to know what the combined effect of the meds and your dieting will be on you sugar levels. As I mentioned before, there is even a possibility of your sugars getting too low and that can be very dangerous.

I have been using One touch Ultra (made by Lifescan) in Thailand for years. It is widely available here, as are the test strips, and takes 5 seconds to give you the result. You can also download the results onto a PC or many specialists will download for you for free.

I have observed that most hospitals here also use One Touch.

You sugar levels should be between 90 - 130 before meals, and less than 180, 1- 2 hours after the start of a meal . Anything below 70 means you are having a hypo, and you should immediately drink something very sweet, like a coke, or very sweet tea or coffee. Chocolate also works well.



Hmmm....doesn't look too good.

When I got tested yesterday (Tuesday) the result came back as 300 which the doctor said was very high (it is a big number).

I got the testing device as recommended by Mobi (above).

I've just completed my first test and the result is: 219

I know that the number is still high but it seems to have come down quite a lot.

Not sure about contributing factors, but, I haven't had much to eat today (serial for breakfast and an apple, pear and banana) and a few cups of coffee (using Equal instead of sugar).

Still a bit unsure of where I am in this diabetes situation. Maybe another check after dinner might indicate something.

I'm waaay off the 90-130 suggested by Mobi!



Yes, your sugars are WAY too high. I trust the doctor put you on medication?

Best to stay strictly off the beer and other processed carbs for now until you get your sugar under control. And do exercise.

With time and patient effort you will get your sugars into normal range and at that point you will find, through ttrial and error, how much you can safely ingest of beer and other hiogh sugar foods.


Hi Sheryl.

Yes the doctor put me on Daimet 500 tablets. Twice a day for two weeks until the next appointment.

Far to go....

Hi Sheryl.

Yes the doctor put me on Daimet 500 tablets. Twice a day for two weeks until the next appointment.

Far to go....

MIck, Your sugars are extremely high. You must be feeling tired and thirsty.

As you have had a very sugary diet, I now think it is highly possible that your loss of weight has been brought on by diabetes. Frankly, with sugar levels that high, I doubt your pancreas is producing much, if any insulin, and you may well need to go onto insulin shots, to get yourself properly controlled.

I'm sorry, but I don't have any faith in a Doctor who sees readings of 300 and just gives you some pills and says come back in 2 weeks.

If you can afford it I strongly recommend that you go and see a diabetic specialist at either Bumrungrad or BNH tomorrow morning. Don't wait - you will need to have extensive blood tests to check out your overall situation. Go early - like before 8 am. and don't eat after midnight tonight. As soon as they have taken your blood you can have a meal.

I would be alarmed if my blood sugars hit 200, and if they were 300 I'd get the next cab to hospital.

Don't wait. Do it.

Good luck

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