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My internet connection with True its too slow.

I'm paying about 1500 bath for a 3M ADSL wireless connection but i still find it very slow to watch TV online and to download especially during working hours and week ends.

Does anyone can reccomend me how can i improve my connection?



I have been with True for years and tried every package available, now with SME for 2500bt per month but to be honest its just as slow as the standard package, there are no super fast options in Thailand...

I have been with True for years and tried every package available, now with SME for 2500bt per month but to be honest its just as slow as the standard package, there are no super fast options in Thailand...

thanks, you advice me then to stick with the current one?


dont switch to hutch cdma cause it sux. tried it out today and, dear god, its worthless. 120 up, 50 down!!! and throw in a nice ping of 700 to bkk, 1900 to ny, usa. awesomeness.

I have been with True for years and tried every package available, now with SME for 2500bt per month but to be honest its just as slow as the standard package, there are no super fast options in Thailand...

thanks, you advice me then to stick with the current one?

I advise youi to Cut your Package down to the Minimum .. and pay for what you get...

Not for what you dream for..

In Thailand, Dreams Don't come TRUE...



Superfast in Thailand? My ping rate in World of Warcraft hit 26,000ms once here. Back in USA it's like 100ms. But bad internet connection and all I'd rather live here. For 500THB a month I can't complain.


You only feel the speed difference in Thailand I guess... but not many sites are hosted here anyway. One day the CAT might just wake up and stop limiting the international bandwidth with their censorship.


There seems to be quite a few myths around, probably created by True which seems to excel in seriously oversubscribing their bandwidth, regardless of whether you are on a home package or a business package.

I also sense that since True's active customer base probably 85% in Bangkok, that they are stuck with a very high percentage of heavy users.

If you browse ISP related topics on Thaivisa, you'll quickly find out that pretty much all ISP's offer dramatic improvements in international connectivity when moving up to the business packages.

One example is Maxnet, where recently several board members were very pleasantly surprised at the performance after changing to their Premier package. In general Maxnet seems to be able to offer between 60 and 90 % of rated speeds on their premier lines.

Then we have the direct CAT lines, of which I have several (in different locations), while compared to Europe they would be considered outrageously expensive, they do perform quite well. I have both 2 and 4 Mbps (2782 and 5350 Baht/month respectively), which runs at around 80% of rated capacity pretty much all of the times. Ping times to the US consistently under 300 msec.

One reality we have to understand here in Thailand, we are exactly on the other side of the globe of the USA, so all that traffic has to go through outrageously expensive and vulnerable undersea cables, and those expenses have to get recuperated from somebody.

This is a cost completely non existent for US based ISP's, and even for European based ISP's the cost is considerably lower due to the much shorter distance between Europe and the US East coast.

This same distance (and extra routers/equipment along the way) is also the cause of the 200 msec extra ping to US servers. Simply can't be helped!

Superfast in Thailand? My ping rate in World of Warcraft hit 26,000ms once here. Back in USA it's like 100ms. But bad internet connection and all I'd rather live here. For 500THB a month I can't complain.

I didnt know that speed existed in Thailand, In Oz our fastest is 20,000ms. But most run around 10,000 ms due to crappy lines

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