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I know the first reaction of many that read this is going to be "why doesn't that guy get a life." That's fair enough, but I can't seem to find the stuff to fret and worry over like so many of the posters here. Anyhow;

I cook something on the grill most every Sunday. As I sit there, mostly brain dead, tending the week's culinary masterpiece and drinking beers, I swat flies. Lot's of flies, I'm talking wajid flies here. Ants, of several sizes, seem to appear from nowhere and haul off the bodies. I have noticed this continues until about dusk, and then the ants seem to disappear as quickly as they showed up. Hence, my pondering; did the whistle blow and the ants go home? Maybe have a have a few, play with mamma ant sometimes, then get some sleep before it is time to lift that barge and tote that bale once again? Hope so.

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Have you noticed how these ants appear within the blink of an eye?

Put your food down on the nice clean ant free table (or similar) and before you can pick it up again it has been carried by said ants. How do they get there so fast?

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Flies disappear at dusk because they have no night flying ratings. Their instrument panels are liimited, no altilmeter, no artificial horizon etc. Also they have been warned that that night is mosquito time. Mozzies l nip out at dusk, apart from the braver ones who feed in daylight. Mosquitos have a night flying instrument panel or darn good eyesight. Also have you noticed that mozzies will only bite out of your site. They will bite my wifes back in my sight, but not bite her or my chest or line of sight parts of the body. I bin watching them do this for 20 years and they are still at it. Clever sods. Are they reading our bio-physical field consciousness? they are not watching our eyes for sure. Any ideas``

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I believe the origins of Lam Thai dancing stems from the mozzie/fly problems.

Just brushing the flies away from your face is not very asthetically pleasing is it? so some gracefull Thai lady years ago started using lovely hand movements instead and it seemed to have caught on...

or I could be wrong.

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Never had much problem with flies but as soon as I got the food cooking I'd get swarms of walks around the place. Walks are voracious, beer swilling, two legged creatures that would appear, eat my food, drink my beer and then disappear as mysteriously as they appeared.

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Flies disappear at dusk because they have no night flying ratings. Their instrument panels are liimited, no altilmeter, no artificial horizon etc. Also they have been warned that that night is mosquito time. Mozzies l nip out at dusk, apart from the braver ones who feed in daylight. Mosquitos have a night flying instrument panel or darn good eyesight. Also have you noticed that mozzies will only bite out of your site. They will bite my wifes back in my sight, but not bite her or my chest or line of sight parts of the body. I bin watching them do this for 20 years and they are still at it. Clever sods. Are they reading our bio-physical field consciousness? they are not watching our eyes for sure. Any ideas``

The plot thickens. A few years back, I heard the following theory. The buzzing you hear is the male mosquito prancing around your ears in the attempt to distract you while the female bites into your ankles to get the blood she needs for her eggs. It works too (until you wisen up to their game).

At first I thought clever buggers! In perspective, mozzies are a few million years ahead of us in terms of evolution, so why not.

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