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Went down to my local bar in Rawai for a game of pool tonight. Thai owned but farang customers.

No can do it seems. The police have been round and told them that you need to have a license and two pool tables to be able to operate.

This is for all bars in Rawai.

It seems it is to stop Thai's gambling on pool games.

A couple of simple points.

Why do you need more than one table?

Why is it farang bars?

What is the bloody point? The cops get more tea money in fines.

Tell you what the complaining about shootings, mugging etc is really hitting home isn't it. What is the answer. Stop people having a game of pool.

UN BE F in Leivable.

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Why do Thais (or Viets as I'm here in Vietnam for a bit) INSIST on gambling over a game of pool? They do this even if they are crap. I have a "no money" policy as I've only played one or two who can beat me on a semi regular basis, and I don't want to take money off them. Many are all sweetness and light when they are winning and playing to the crowd - the smiles quickly fade when they play someone who can hold their own. I still remember Mr Smile turning into Mr Sulk in the blink of an eye in Bangkok recently - had to beat a hasty retreat on that occassion.

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Could be true, not much would surprise me here, but I would wait for confirmation from more sources. I know quite a few bars in Rawai that are open, without pool tables or with 1 pooltable.

Maybe the owner did not pay some taxes or whatever?

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  • 2 weeks later...
thats one of the most ridiculous 'laws' ive ever heard of.

only in thailand.

It's repressive, laws like that are every where , Bridget Bardot was fined big time in France for saying she though immigrants of a certaion religious persuasion , Not Atheists, Christian or Jewish or Pagan.. a propertion of member of this specific group that she THOUGHT in her own personal mind was causing unrest in her world ...Fined - forbidden to say.... <deleted> is that ?????

A ban on Gambling ....not as bad as a ban on vibrators.

Just a thought, I realize that foreigners in other countries are called " Immigrants" but here in K. of T., those of us resideing legally enjoy no status whatsoever...Just " Farang" ( if we're white ) I realize it's just slang but to have an immigration officer refer to people waiting in an office that way....And for it to be perfectly acceptable .....

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It's repressive....

You got that right.

...Just " Farang" ( if we're white ) I realize it's just slang but to have an immigration officer refer to people waiting in an office that way....And for it to be perfectly acceptable .....

....reflects how far the society has managed to evolve, or failed to.

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For me I don't care if I am thought of as Farang, in talks with Thai friends I point out that Falangs invented the postage stamp [think about that one] telephones, aircraft, internal combustion, the industrial revolution, computers, everything we take for granted now and everyone wants.

Why do we have money and are thought of as walking atm's whilst most Thai's are poor?

Then ask in all innocence what have Thai's contributed to the world?

The silence is deafening. Not knocking Thailand but be proud to be Farang, I think it is a badge of honour not an insult.

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Why do we have money and are thought of as walking atm's whilst most Thai's are poor? Then ask in all innocence what have Thai's contributed to the world?

The silence is deafening.

Poverty is relative. The disparity between the haves and have nots in the west is just as great. In the west it's much better hidden.

Based upon key life economic indicators, most Thais are not poor. They may not be rich from our perspective but if it means a roof over their heads, food on the plate, jobs and access to some education and rudimentary health care, then they are certainly doing better than many regions in the west.

If you are thought of as a walking atm, I suggest that you consider associating with different people. Most of my friends have enough money that they can buy what they want. There is a Thailand waiting to be discovered outside of the "entertainment" zones, where Thais do not consider farangs as atms.

As for Thailand's contribution to the world, it is a valid point from a myopic perspective. However, from a big picture perspective, Thailand is an important country, contributing to regional stability and putting food on the world's tables. True, it's not as flashy as similar sized countries like Korea, an industrial juggernaut, or a small nation like Israel which churns out intellectual capital contributions on a weekly basis, but has Thailand over the past 100 years been that that much more different than say Denmark, the Ukraine, Portugal or New Zealand?

In any case, there is sufficient allure from Thailand to captivate your attention. That quality in and of itself must have some intrinsic value.

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Went down to my local bar in Rawai for a game of pool tonight. Thai owned but farang customers.

No can do it seems. The police have been round and told them that you need to have a license and two pool tables to be able to operate.

This is for all bars in Rawai.

It seems it is to stop Thai's gambling on pool games.

A couple of simple points.

Why do you need more than one table?

Why is it farang bars?

What is the bloody point? The cops get more tea money in fines.

Tell you what the complaining about shootings, mugging etc is really hitting home isn't it. What is the answer. Stop people having a game of pool.

UN BE F in Leivable.

Just another daft and stupid law that we farang can only raise our eyes at. I am sure the local thicks are interpreting the law as they see fit.

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Went into one of the pool bars in Patong few weeks ago for a game. I played with one of the staff girls. On the table next to us were 5 cops playing...2 traffic cops in full uniform, the other 3 in white tshirts (still wearing their guns though)...and money was clearly changing hands. T.I.T.

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