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Feed The Kitties

Ulysses G.

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The number fluctuates, as sometimes people leave cats they cannot look after at the Wat, also changing when a new litter is born. I think at present there are around 20 as UG says, and thankfully all at present are in good health.

With regards to food, if i recall, Khun Dii told me they get through around 1x 7kg bag a week (when given just as a supplement rations to whatever the monks give or they catch). Im not really sure how much they need to be well fed as i am not sure how many kg's per day per cat is recommended, but im sure its much more than they are getting. Personally I wish to just donate 1 x 20kg bag a month, as that is easier on my budget. I've just been going on a sort of philosophy of 'i can only do what i can do, and its better than nothing'. :o I really hope UG's donation system will be successful and ongoing. :D

One thing to note is the risk of the cats getting sick during the rainy season , so would be good if some money could be saved for this time when they may need antibiotic treatment. But i hope, if they have a good diet, their immune system will be stronger so they wont get sick so easy, if at all.

Hmm..also i wonder if it will help if i design a small poster with info about the cats for you to place in your shop UG? (although I completely understand if you prefer to keep this separate from your business).

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Thanks, Eek. I dropped off a week's worth today. I'll switch over to fleas now.

When I was a teenager, Mom rented out one of our rooms for a bit. The boarder gave the dog fleas. Man, they're nasty! :-)

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The number fluctuates, as sometimes people leave cats they cannot look after at the Wat, also changing when a new litter is born. I think at present there are around 20 as UG says, and thankfully all at present are in good health.

With regards to food, if i recall, Khun Dii told me they get through around 1x 7kg bag a week (when given just as a supplement rations to whatever the monks give or they catch). Im not really sure how much they need to be well fed as i am not sure how many kg's per day per cat is recommended, but im sure its much more than they are getting. Personally I wish to just donate 1 x 20kg bag a month, as that is easier on my budget. I've just been going on a sort of philosophy of 'i can only do what i can do, and its better than nothing'. :o I really hope UG's donation system will be successful and ongoing. :D

One thing to note is the risk of the cats getting sick during the rainy season , so would be good if some money could be saved for this time when they may need antibiotic treatment. But i hope, if they have a good diet, their immune system will be stronger so they wont get sick so easy, if at all.

Hmm..also i wonder if it will help if i design a small poster with info about the cats for you to place in your shop UG? (although I completely understand if you prefer to keep this separate from your business).

The money we have started to collect is not only intended for the neutering/spaying and immediate medical needs of the cats. We hope to be able to create a "Wat Pa Pao Veterinary Fund" that will provide resources for any future or suddenly occurring needs. That's why we have set the thing up with its own bank account and so forth.

Any kind people who would like to donate: Please do, the needs will arise if they are not there now. Who knows, there may be 30 cats by next week! :D:D:D

/ Priceless

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Hmm..also i wonder if it will help if i design a small poster with info about the cats for you to place in your shop UG? (although I completely understand if you prefer to keep this separate from your business).

Yes, please, on the posters, although my staff have already put up small ones - they all love animals and are excited about the project.

If it is OK with everyone, I don't mind connecting Gecko Books with this as I would like to see it work long term and the fact that we have so many retail outlets and are so well known makes it easy to collect donations.

I will also ask Thai Visa if I can use my permanant 'pinned" thread that comes with being a sponsor (which I have not used in the past) to advertise taking care of the kitties - Something like "Please Help Gecko Books Take Care of Homeless Cats".

It would make me very happy to know that we can help them far into the future and due to all the people getting involved, it hopefully won't be too much of a strain on anybody. :o

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We are hesitant to post the account number yet as one is always being warned that con artists can access bank accounts somehow if they know the number. I have been told that there are special merchant accounts that are protected, but I am not sure about this. We plan to ask the bank for advice today (or Monday) and then we will post here.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You may want to contact Lanna Dog Rescue (www.lannadog.net) as well. They have often sterilization days where many dogs and so far I know cats as well get spayed and neutered for free.


Nienke PMed me a number yesterday, but it has been "busy" for more than 24 hours and I can't reach Nienke by PM. Does anyone else know the number? :o

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UG, maybe one of the other numbers from their contact page could work? http://www.lannadog.net/en/contact.html

The other potential help for neutering is through Care For Dogs. Contact Sarah on +66 (0)86 185 52 18 (as her mobile number is published on the Care For Dogs website, Im sure there is no problem about putting it on here) http://www.carefordogs.org/00000097c40623d10/index.html She already knows about the Cats, so if you decide to call her im sure her memory will be jogged when you say its at Wat Pa Pao.

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I visited Wat Pa Pao again today, and I saw the kitties. They've got some real beauties in there, and I'm not just saying that because one is a Calico. Really, if you don't have a cat but wish you did, visit Wat Pa Pao.

I also saw 56 kg of dry cat food, and since Eek reports that 7 kg lasts about a week, I'll just wait a little while before I donate the 7 kg I bought yesterday...

Also, today the cat man (Sdee? Dee? I don't speak Thai.) treated all the cats in the place with 3 vials of Frontline. Since I gave him 15 vials, he's got enough to last a little while.

So that leaves us with spaying/neutering. He showed me the girl who's going to have her kittens in about 3 weeks, and I get the impression they've got a lot of tomcats in there, so yeah, let's get that done.

I took photos of all the kitties that the little mini-monks could find. It was a Front Line party! I'll post them on my website in a few days, and if I can tell you where that is without running afoul of Forum rules, I will.

I've never heard that it's dangerous to post an account number, but I'm no expert, so I'll just wait and see what gets posted by those in the know. I was thinking I could put it in my newsletter -- about 1000 subscribers in North America, Europe and Australia -- but if it isn't safe, then I won't.

Anybody want to take the microphone at a Chiangmai Expats Club meeting and mention this? Someone could also post a notice on the CEC Google Group, and I can post a notice on the CEC Events section if you send it to me. (I know it's not really an "event," but I'll pretend it is.)

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wow what a great idea. keep up the good work. the cats in Thailand get a raw deal (ok most animals) it is so nice to hear of somebody doing something for the kitties. I would donate some money when an officially authorised bank account has been created solely for the purpose of helping cats at this temple.

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Also, today the cat man (Sdee? Dee? I don't speak Thai.) treated all the cats in the place with 3 vials of Frontline. Since I gave him 15 vials, he's got enough to last a little while.

Calico, i call him khun Dii/Dee but it not the correct pronunciation. I cant seem to pronounce his nikname correct so i call him dee (which is very close to his name). Its also kind of nice because its sort of like calling him Good Person, which he is.

WONDERFUL about the frontline! 15 vials, WOW! Ty!

The super huge cat food bag is one i got from Raksat Pet Shop, Mahidol Road. Really good value if anyone wishes to get them big bags.

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:o We are just back from Makro where we did find and buy a 20 KG bag of cat food.

We will drop it off at the Wat tomorrow morning. Will want to help out on the flea and spay/neuter

efforts in the future. LOIS & JOHN

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Great work cat people :o

Tuskers will take some posters. We are happy to collect any donations that people wish to make as well as making a contribution ourselves.

Thank you "Milton"! I'll be in tomorrow night (as usual) and we can have a word about how to organise things.

/ Priceless

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I have't been able to reach Lanna Dog rescue on any of their numbers, but I did get Sarah at Care for Dogs and talked a little bit .

One thing she asked about was if anyone was willing to take in and take care of the animals for around three days after they are fixed while the drugs wear off and to keep an eye on their condition. The only thing that makes me hesitate is it would make me very sad bringing them back to the shelter, but the truth is that it is very nice, so it is not like sticking them somewhere that no one cares about them. It would still be difficult for me however. :o

Don't anybody get too worried about "too much" food. Dii sometimes runs out and if it is packaged it lasts for a long time. People should give while they are feeling inspired! :D

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The black and white cat with no tail is just about to have babies and was one of my favorites. There is another cat that was hit by a car and walks with a distinct limp, she is so sweet that you want to take her home right away. :o

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Lovely pics Calico!

But you said Dii said one was called Scorpion? Bit confused..Scorpion was the little runt sister of the gray & white kitties..but sadly died about 4 months ago. I tried on two separate occasions to get her over her constant flu. Two visits to the vets and repeated courses of antibiotics, but she just wouldnt shake off the sickness. Her name was Scorpion because her tail curled up and over across her back like a Scorpions does. She was very cute, but very small and weak.

The vid below is from 6 months ago, Scorpion is the small gray and white kitty that keeps bugging me for attention. She was very sweet. If i could have taken one home, she would have been the one, because she always wanted cuddled and always seemed so curious about me and interested in what i was doing. Still miss her.


BUt, anyway, its great that this is taking off so well. I will have a poster for you soon UG. Tnx.

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Same name but different cat? Dee told me that little gray kitten whose photo is on my website is named Scorpion. I'd say that particular kitten is certainly younger than 4 months. Smallest one in the wat.

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OK, well, attached is a poster for UG and anyone who wishes to print off to help draw awareness to the fund. However, Im not quite sure if its worded well enough or has all the info necessary. Maybe should provide more details about the Wat and an actual pic of the cats in situ? Let me know suggestions if you feel it could be worded/illustrated in a better way. Tnx.



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Want a little free proofreading, Eek? I'd rewrite "please give do so to Gecko" as "please do so at Gecko." Otherwise it's great! This information will appear on the CEC websites later this morning -- I'm not awake yet -- to help get word out to some expats who aren't reading this thread.

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You may want to contact Lanna Dog Rescue (www.lannadog.net) as well. They have often sterilization days where many dogs and so far I know cats as well get spayed and neutered for free.


Also check with Dr. Nook, terrific vet, at 018835430. Her hospital is located in a blue building on Pracha Samphan Road, which angles SW off Chang Klan Road just south of the intersection with Sri Donchai Road (where Pantip Plaza sits).

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Want a little free proofreading, Eek? I'd rewrite "please give do so to Gecko" as "please do so at Gecko." Otherwise it's great! This information will appear on the CEC websites later this morning -- I'm not awake yet -- to help get word out to some expats who aren't reading this thread.

OH! haha! It was after 1am when i finally got round to doing it..little bit sleepy. Tnx Calico. Anything else anyone notices, let me know, tnx.



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