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Farangs And Baggy Shorts ... Why?


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I'm glad somebody posted this. The common sight of overweight farangs in long baggy shorts and short socks is major irritant. Much worse than the rare sight of farang usually Swiss wearing Lycra long johns.

:o Are you gay? I'm too busy looking at the tight short minis of my female prey.... :D

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Both the above posters have a point. Some of us do not look at women, or at men, or at either, or we look at both for fashion tips, general nosiness, etc. If we ignored half the people, or only paid attention to their sex organs, we would be psychos.

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At 64, a bit fat, semi-retired and living in the sticks I wear baggy cargo shorts to keep me cool, loud flowery shirts when I need to wear a shirt and sandals that I buy from Lotus Tesco.

Up here nobody has commented that I know of and when I am in Bangkok in the daytime I wear the same with trousers instead of shorts in the evenings.

If I go to immigration or places where long trusers are appropriate then I wear them.

At my time of life I do not have a dress code nor do I particularly care what other farangs may say or think about the way I dress.

If you don't like what I wear then close your eyes and pass me by. I promise not to shed a tear if I offend you nor will I comment about you.

I have to admit I did get on the Skytrain at On Nut once to get to the Nana BTS and the sweat was literally rolling of me, but that was because the car had broken down outside Tesco and I had to push it around the corner and leave it to be collected as I was on my way to get a flight ticket and the place was closing soon. The only Thai person who helped my was a street vendor who would not accept anything for his help.

When I got back to the car and collected my stuff I went to my friends bar and had a shower and got changed there and flew out later that evening.

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I love my baggy shorts.

Long pants for restaurants, temples, offices and the like.

A button down cotton shirt, cleaned and pressed and clean, light colored cargo shorts and nice belt keep me cool, dry and happy....and that's what matters doesn't it?

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What ever one wishes to wear and be pleased with it - so be it, just don't miss to look in a mirror from time to time!

most of the time, the outdoor temperature is above 30 C, it is simply an illusion that short and baggy pants keep the body cooler!

Look at the Bedouins of the dessert, loads of clothes incl.woolens, Indian folks in their Saris, Marroccans in their woolen Jelabas and...

I am wearing most of the times long Pants, Socks and tie up shoes (@ the Job) and a shirt, if necessary a tie and never felt hotter or cooler, no matter what I was wearing.

See Thais, sometimes they even wear an Overcoat...

It is much more what one eats and drinks, there are "heating" and "cooling" foods and drinks! How we move...Thais never will expose them selves directly to the sun, it heats up our body.

Some from "the baggy pants" fraction do look extraordinarily funny, especially if "armed" with white socks and sandals too...e-xtra topping on the pizza is the cheap copy of a Hawaii shirt a la Tesco!

Let 'em comin' please!

Edited by Samuian
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Generally I don't give a dam_n what people wear as long as it is appropriate to the occasion/location (i.e. shirts on in a restaurant etc). But what I don't understand is those "shorts" people wear that come halfway down their shins. If you are going to wear shorts wear SHORTS and if you are going to wear longs wear LONGS. I fail to see the attraction of these in between garments but each to their own.

When I came here almost 2 years, brought with me 3 well made Columbia shorts (made in Cambodia) with plenty of really secure pockets, from the USA which were well above my knees. They were great and comfortable especially since I ride a bicycle to get around CM. But alas, the pant seats slowly wore out. When I was last in Cambodia, I was forced to buy the baggie style (semi) shorts which are an inch or 2 above the knees, since they were the only ones I could find. They are not as comfortable, durable and with fewer secure pockets, as the real USA purchased shorts but still better the longs. As a side, one of them had the label that read "Columbia, Made in the USA", yeah right.

Edited by vagabond48
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I see that the fashion police are out in full force here, in the Land of Shorts, the Land of Pink Suits and Yellow Shirts. Yves St. Laurent died recently and guess what - like most designers of men's fashions, he was gay. It does not matter, folks. You do not need to spend $55 more just to have Calvin or Tommy's name shouting out your choice of mass merchandise.

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I am wearing most of the times long Pants, Socks and tie up shoes (@ the Job) and a shirt, if necessary a tie and never felt hotter or cooler, no matter what I was wearing.

See Thais, sometimes they even wear an Overcoat...

Horsepooey! I am MUCH hotter in long trousers than short ones.

Thais have acclimated to the heat over 1,000s of years. Maybe you are lucky enough to have a cool metabolism, but for those of us with hot ones, shorts are a must!


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Wearing shorts above the knees have the same association with guy's that might wear a Toupée. Molecule's all the way..three quarters with a tailor made shirt and a pair of Van's.


vans, especially retro checkerboards making everyone lickable.

Toupees with shorts are cool but only if the colours match.

Question: why are so many "hetrosexual" males looking at nutsacs? Bill & Ted never would have done that. whoa.

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Wearing shorts above the knees have the same association with guy's that might wear a Toupée. Molecule's all the way..three quarters with a tailor made shirt and a pair of Van's.


I have enough money to live a decent life, plenty of female company and feel comfortable in the clothes that I wear.

Frankly, I don't give a dam* about being stylish.

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Living in a less than desirable area all too populated by sex-tourists; I can say without a doubt the cheap cargo shorts, cheaper flip-flops, and the ever present Chang/Singha wife beater t-shirt is the norm rather than the exception in dress code for the aging sex-pats in these parts. I also take exception to them wearing black socks w/sandals as it's so 'last year' fashion-wise. They can also easily be identified by the “thai-in-tow” which is usually young enough to be their granddaughter, but this is about foreigners and their attire not their accompanying accoutrements.

Sunday nite I was witness to one of the strangest sights I'd seen in a while. Believe me, living where I do, you see some pretty whacked things.

A guy who had to be pushing 70+ was wearing the most hideous hair piece I'd ever seen. I mean it looked like a stuffed badger or possibly a possum perching on his head. I even stopped walking past to look to see if it had eyes. He was wearing a Singha wife beater (singlet). That is something I would NOT advise if you're pushing 70 as his "guns" just weren't loaded any more. He had on khaki shorts which were pulled up to just a few inches below his armpits and a pair of white soccer socks which went over his knees, almost to the middle of his spindly thigh.

Even the thais selling stuff on the Sukhumvit were staring at him. As it was windy, every once in a while he'd do a quick surreptitious check of the hairpiece to see it hadn't gone askew (or ran off to hibernate), as well as tug up the shorts.

I almost went back to take a picture with my mobile as I am currently working on a book, sure to be a best seller called; "Identifying Old Fat Sex Tourists; A Bangkok Field Guide". He’d a been a contender for the cover that’s for sure.

All he needs is a couple of 14 year old girls on each arm to make hime the poster child for the western news media stereotypes of Thailand.

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Socks?? Why would I bother to wear socks? Shorts, sandals and a T shirt suits me fine.

That's my fashion for LoS.

I neva wear anything but shorts, here or home, summer or winter.

Open front cotton shirts, for the breeze, T shirts too hot, and usually flipflops.

Occassionaly I get dressed up and wear runners with socks.

Socks must be woollen, to keep feet cool and NOT sweaty and stinky like cotton socks.

As for those "cargo" shorts...... ewwwwww

To me, they are cullottes, split skirts, like the girls wore at school.

I always presume guys wearing them are sexually confused about themselves.

Rugby style shorts, are men's shorts.

Edited by Zpete
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Clothing is like haircuts - it tells people which one of the Three Stooges you most closely resemble. Mai bpen freakin' rai.

If you wear shorts, wear briefs underneath. The world does not wish to see your privates.

As a govt. officer, I had to wear dress shirt, long pants, and tie. As a teacher, likewise. But as a tourist or expatriate, shorts are fine. No, socks do not go well with sandals, usually.

What next, a thread railing against aging expats who ride their motorcycle with a backpack? Against far-flung farang females who frolic in fancy frocks?

Breiefs underneath? That defeats the purpose of maximum circulation, you know the flow of upward air currents. Maybe someone could market small battery operated fans attached to each ankle, pointed upward. Sounds like a money-maker to me. Frankly, as for myself. I have never worn shorts out in public view in Thailand, unless at a beach resort area. The key to all this dilemma is the choice of fabric. Some people are going around with cottons and or poly blend heavy enough for wear in Alaska or the Yukon. Lightweight nylon is the best, but surprisingly it is not easy to find here.

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If you wear shorts, wear briefs underneath. The world does not wish to see your privates.

Breiefs underneath? That defeats the purpose of maximum circulation, you know the flow of upward air currents.

Actually in this hot, humid climate, "briefless shorts" still leaves you vulnerable to sweating in those deeper cracks. When I try going without underwear (around the house only, mind you) I get diaper rash every time (despite using Johnson's Baby Powder).

I find cotton briefs (not boxers) are perfect for absorbing excess perspiration in those places where the sun don't shine. Then, go ahead, cross your short-clad legs in public with confidence!

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Whats wrong with a cheap watch? I got mine from a market in england cost me five pounds and ive had it for over 10 years and it still works perfectly! people who spend all their money on expensive clothes and stuff are a bit shallow but maybe they think they fit in better with the thai face thing. i dont know

I have expensive watches and cheap watches - and I usually don't bother wearing any of them - unless I'm going out. I use my mobile to check the time if I need to.

I earn more than you do

My house is bigger than yours

My Dad's bigger than your Dad

I thought we were supposed to out grow this when we reach puberty.

Yeah, then we move on to penis envy!

Shorts: If its stuffy (Humid) I put on shorts with a light cotton shirt (button down), casual but not ostentatious. When its colder, and I want to be casual (market etc), I wear cotton trousers, jeans or cotton joggers (just the bottoms) and either a t-shirt/polo shirt or button down shirt. I wear the shorts as trousers make my nuts ache when it hot - and I look like I shat myself when I walk with nut ache! Cargo pants don't ease the <deleted>-stewing, so loose fitting cotton thigh length shorts (not sport ones though). Never socks with sandles - flip flops with no socks or deck shoes/tabis/trainers with or wthout socks -shoes always with.

I think nothing looks worse than those muppets (sorry, people) that wear full western clothes when not in the office/classroom (or going/returning to/from) face red and dripping with sweat and shirt transparent with persperation.

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If you wear shorts, wear briefs underneath. The world does not wish to see your privates.

Breiefs underneath? That defeats the purpose of maximum circulation, you know the flow of upward air currents.

Actually in this hot, humid climate, "briefless shorts" still leaves you vulnerable to sweating in those deeper cracks. When I try going without underwear (around the house only, mind you) I get diaper rash every time (despite using Johnson's Baby Powder).

I find cotton briefs (not boxers) are perfect for absorbing excess perspiration in those places where the sun don't shine. Then, go ahead, cross your short-clad legs in public with confidence!

Yep I go with cotton briefs too. Stops that shorts' peekaboo action happening (escaping testicle) and supports those heat stewed aching nuts too!

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Hi all

Now to really be at the cutting edge of fashion I personally favour a T shirt worn Issan style i.e. face through an arm hole then wrapped around the head with a nice large knot to secure it. This also has the added benefit of keeping my Toop firmly in place, although some might argue that covering it up defeats the object, but the boss lady says one has standards to maintain.

I must say that I cut a dashing figure with my crocs (orange to enable ease of location after a few archas) and practical too as I can wash my feet without having to remove them.

Socks are a definite no no, one of the bonuses of living in a warm climate is that it can be a sock free zone. All of this combined with my "It ain't arf hot mum" bell bottom knee length shorts ensures that I look a dapper figure in any environment :o

As for expensive watches I was devastated to find that my exclusive Baht 200 Diesel watch, that's make not diesel powered, was available for baht100 at the local market. Quite frankly why I bother with a watch escapes me considering I don't know what month it is let alone what day.


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I've been to Thailand twice now, and have to say I love the place, but what puzzles me, is why do so many Farangs like wearing such revoltingly designed baggy shorts?

So what do YOU wear?

Don't be so judgemental, it's an unattractive trait.

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Why all the fuss about baggy shorts - at least they cover what they should.

What I can't accept is the Dutch and German guys (yes, it is race-related) who are still wearing the denim cut-offs they wore in the 70's. You know the style - bum cheeks and pubes exposed.

Worse than that, my wife and I went to Samet for a few days and were subjected to a 60+, super-slim, leather-skinned German guy sporting a black leather codpiece/thong on the beach. :D

It was like watching the first few frames of an old porno move (not that I would know about that). :o

And, wouldn't you know, in the evenings he was wearing denim cut-offs.

Shouldn't there be a European Directive about this?

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If you ask most Thais they will say it's appropriate for farangs to where "baggy" shorts in thier country.Of course not in temples,goverment buildings and in nice restaurants.They're not offended ,yet some character who has visited twice this country is.I say let him stay offended.We don't care if you are or are not .It's your problem.

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Keeping cool is number one objective for me in LoS.

At home in hot weather. all I wear is a "lavalava", like in the pacific islands.

Like a sarong, but just about one and half metres of island print cotton fabric, no sewing required, costs about 45baht, $NZ1.50.

No need for unnwears, just wrap it around ya waist, go to the shops wateva, nobody cares.

I am a honky, not an islander, but their sense of dress is spotton.

Holidaying in Noumea one time, temp around 30 C, the young folk loitering around the city's main square, “Place des Cocotiers”, were wearing "SKI" jackets...........<deleted>.

Personally, I need briefs when wearing shorts, always 3 - 4 inches above knee, or I would be banging me knees with the family jewel.

I mus admit, I do not see many Thai guys, katoeys excepted, wearing real shorts.

You guys wearing cullottes, begs a question of sexuallity......baggy cargoes.

In Bangers, I just go to a guy on Sukhumvit, near Emporium, he chops my long shorts down to real mid thigh shorts.... great.

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I always try to wear shorts every chance I can. When I lived in NYC during the winter months, when a cold spell of around 32F (0C) ended for a short while and we had balmy weather of mid to upper 40F (4.4C+) I would wear my shorts and when I went out for a bicycle ride.

Hey I just remembered, when I was in my heavy jogging days in my early 30's, wearing running shorts in 32F+ temps was not unusual. Of course, my blood was thicker back then.

Although I have never been to a nudist colony, I am a naturalist at heart. Oh, if we only lived in a biting bug free environment. But of course, we don't live in a Tahiti like culture.

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Hi all

I am not saying that I have thin legs but as someone once remarked ....I had no obvious means of support.

Not sure what he was getting at but he must have thought that I cut a dashing figure in my bell bottomed baggy shorts :o


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It depends on the occasion. I'll wear anything from suit to sarong, but I don't lose any sleep over what some insecure prig thinks about it. I will say if I am doing anything remotely official or work related I'll have long pants.

If I go to Pattaya for the day, I wear cargo shorts because I want to respect their unique culture.

Yesterday I was writing all day so I just wore a sarong and a t-shirt. It's good to be free.

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