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Pic Of My Lower Left Leg As Promised,


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It started out as a couple of Mosquito bites.

I have had it over 12 months. I have been to the doctor'd and clinic. They cleaned it up in March. I have had many anti-biotics and creams . My doc in the UK prescribed some cream etc. I also have dry skin on my arms and elbows.

One doc suggested bacteria , but I shower every day. My arms and elbows are nothing kike this on my lower leg though.

When I took the pic of my leg, I had just had a shower and covered it in cream, maybe I should not have done that prior to taking the pic, either,

It was not as wet as it looks , priot to the cream application. It is not sore unless the skin/scabs dry really hard, then they stick to my socks. Ihave to wear shoes and socks at work etc

It does not help taking a pic of yourself. lol. Any help on identifying this problem , would be truly appreciated .

Here is the pic

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It started out as a couple of Mosquito bites.

I have had it over 12 months. I have been to the doctor'd and clinic. They cleaned it up in March. I have had many anti-biotics and creams . My doc in the UK prescribed some cream etc. I also have dry skin on my arms and elbows.

One doc suggested bacteria , but I shower every day. My arms and elbows are nothing kike this on my lower leg though.

When I took the pic of my leg, I had just had a shower and covered it in cream, maybe I should not have done that prior to taking the pic, either,

It was not as wet as it looks , priot to the cream application. It is not sore unless the skin/scabs dry really hard, then they stick to my socks. Ihave to wear shoes and socks at work etc

It does not help taking a pic of yourself. lol. Any help on identifying this problem , would be truly appreciated .

Here is the pic

:D Can't tell from the photo. If it "sticks" to your socks, it is probably becaause it is oozing pus. It could be an infection....you say it started from a couple of "mosquito bites". It may also be an insect bite that got infected.

First thing is: you need to get to dermatologist or doctor who has knowledge of tropical skin diseases. Their are a lot of tropical insect/fungal type diseases that are prevalent in warm humid climates (like Thailand) that a lot of Euopepean doctors never see in Europe.

I've had a persistant straph infection in my leg which was cleared by a course of anti-biotics. Straph infections are becoming common as drug resistant Strah bacteria is growing more common.

There are antibacterial soaps and washes you can use. I use one antibacterial wash that I put in a bucket of water every day and soak/wash my leg in that for 15 minutes at least before I go to bed.

Get an opinion from a dermatologist/ skin specialist if you can.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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Difficult to tell with an out of focus image but might you have eczema, click for images?

Assuming that you have seen enough doctors to rule out infection 100%, then I would be inclined to agree that this looks like onset of psoriasis or eczema, especially if there is some history of it in your family.

I've had mild bouts of psoriasis on and off since childhood and into my adult life. It comes and goes, although (knock on wood) I've haven't seen any symptoms for several years. There is a history of it in my family. When I did get it, it would usually be around the joints (knuckles, elbows and knees), but it can come up anywhere.

If this is the case, there is a steroid creme available by prescription in the west and over the counter in Thailand, and it would likely clear this up pretty quickly (within a few weeks). Any GP doctor or pharmacy attendant in Thailand would know about it. Just be sure to get it confirmed that it is eczema and not an infection.

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Hi Mike,

I have had it over 12 months.

Have you had anything like this before 12 months ago?

My doc in the UK prescribed some cream etc.

Did he suggest what it might be and what the cream he prescribed?

I also have dry skin on my arms and elbows.

Is this similar to the knee?

Are there any other family members with a similar problem, did you a particular nasty or stressful experience one year ago?

If any of these ring a bell, it could be psoriasis, a picture of the elbow might help.


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If this is the case, there is a steroid creme available by prescription in the west and over the counter in Thailand, and it would likely clear this up pretty quickly (within a few weeks). .

I hadn't seen this post, whilst I was posting, so yes I agree it could be psoriasis, but I might suggest that if it is active then it might not clear up in a couple of weeks, no matter the type of cream you put on, but you might be lucky if it does.

Certain immuno-suppressant tabs work effectively, but I guess that will not be prescribed unless you need that particular application.


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If you can find it, you might try covering it with Royal honey. It is suppose to be amazing stuff. Good luck with it.

I agree with BEENTHEREDONETHAT. Try honey, active manuka honey is supposed to be the best. I saw on TV not long ago that they used this in western hospitals if nothing else helped. Honey can kill most bacteria and fungus.

Do a search on the web, plenty there about this.

(Then there is maggot therapy as a last resort, pretty gross but works wonders)

Maggots and honey dressings are available on prescription but not sure if you can find them here in Thailand.

Edited by ZZZ
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This image could be it, it a dry state, thinking it is ready for cure

I may have found the actual pic image , however, Thaivisa , maybe unknown to Thaivisa, that I am not allowed to show the image in a 'DYNAMIC' state

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This image could be it, it a dry state, thinking it is ready for cure

I may have found the actual pic image , however, Thaivisa , maybe unknown to Thaivisa, that I am not allowed to show the image in a 'DYNAMIC' state

I am attempting the pic again

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Hi Mike,
I have had it over 12 months.

Have you had anything like this before 12 months ago?

My doc in the UK prescribed some cream etc.

Did he suggest what it might be and what the cream he prescribed?

I also have dry skin on my arms and elbows.

Is this similar to the knee?

Are there any other family members with a similar problem, did you a particular nasty or stressful experience one year ago?

If any of these ring a bell, it could be psoriasis, a picture of the elbow might help.


I posted two of the creams I have, and now it has uploaded to Thaivisa,. Can I locate it ? No :D

The information was precise.

No, None of my family have problems with this. They are both old. They will be celebrating there 58 wedding anniversary in July :o

Maybe a stessful experience coming out here to reside, to teach, maybe. After 3 years marriage. Alas I took that in my stride. I was here two or three years on monthly hols ,before I decided to come to the land of pittance lol

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This may sound like a stupid question, but do you scratch it?

I've had a relative with sores that the dermatologist could not explain. They took biopsies and such, thinking it was an infection, and finally cured it with anti-anxiety medications... it was in fact some unknown original trigger that was then made into a chronic rash and wound from relentless scratching. My relative did not really acknowledge that they were scratching themselves like that and causing the damage! It really needed to be forced "hands off" to have time to heal.

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The 2 creams I haveat the moment are …

  • (Prescribed by the UK Doctor) Polyfax ointment 200g Polymyxin B Sulphate.

10.000 IU

  • Over the Counter at a mum and dad Pharmacy… CANASONE. C B

Clotrimazole and Bethaimthasone. Broad spectrum Anti-fungal plus anti-inflammatory Drug.

I try to leave it alone, but sometimes I do scratch, big time, it is like a relief.

It is not that painful. At the moment it is ready for peeling again, the scabs are quite hard,

I am prepared to give my primary email address, to help me sort this out.

Please feel free to PM me,and we can take it from there.

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ok, Just taken a pic of my right arm. let's give it a shot.

Looks like psorisis(sp) I used to have it. I can't remember the cream i used but will have a look and let you know. I think it was something like Benovate(or similar name)

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I do have this one, between the 1st and 2nd Finger of my left arm, however it is quite slight. When it feels dry it become itchy.


That picture definately is psoriasis.......I used to have it on my scalp, and naughty regions and I was pescribed Betnovate lotion or Cream. It still flares up a touch on my face when I shave. Not painful at all but unsightly. Remember the TV programme

" The Singing Detective" starring Michael Gambon. The star of the show was in hospital with Psoriasis over all of his body.

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Is it dangerous? I do not have a clue. I know this first time I have had this. Is it diet or lack of, at times.

I also have similar on the left side of my neck , but only one , slight lump, it is similar to the lump on my arm. It is not pleasant, yet does not hurt

I am fed up.

You guys are wonderful. It is a pleasure to be a member of Thaivsa.

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Is it dangerous? I do not have a clue. I know this first time I have had this. Is it diet or lack of, at times.

Psoriasis is not dangerous to the best of my knowledge. As I said earlier, I have had it on and off from kid-dom to as recently as a few years ago. As my father is a retired physician who also has it, we have tried everything underr the sun through the years to try to reduce the symptoms.

In my case, the only thing that has worked is the steroid creme that I bought in Thailand. Being a steroid, it is something that should be used in discretion and moderation under consultation from a physician, although it is available OTC in LoS. You can't get the same stuff in the states without a physician's prescription.

A work colleague has very severe psoriasis over a good portion of his upper body and arms. A couple of years ago, I brought him a large tub of the stuff (500ml) that I bought in LoS. He used it over the course of a couple of months and it cleared up a lot of what he had. I think some has since come back, but his symptoms remain quite reduced from what they once were.

My recommendation would be to go see a GP, or better yet a dermatologist, get the diagnosis confirmed as psoriasis, and if you don't have any health issues with using a steroid, then buy and use this creme. I suspect it will work wonders.

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here is a shot of my left hand, I took the pic 5 minsds ago, if I get too hot, it gets a little more irratable. I am cool at the minute, doing my Uni essay, just sweating it out, instead :-)

I have been using DETTOL Original Soap as well. I worked for Reckitt's for many years. That is a nother story.

Here is the pic

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Something has just struck me!

Could I have got this from a member of staff in a hair salon?

I tend to use hair salons as opposed to barbers. Not at all leaning that way, as their are now many

uni-sex salons in the UK and not many barbers as such

Someone who is working with dermatitis ? In many countries, they have to stop work until it clears up

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Could I have got this from a member of staff in a hair salon?
Entirely possible - if you have not had a history of eczema in your family it is more likely to be either psoriasis or other infection that you have picked up. Eczema seems to jump a generation, so ask if either grandparent suffered. Hair salons are great places to pick up skin problems, lack of hygiene could be an issue. Although I would expect you to be reporting scalp problems if this were the case.

If you have suddenly started suffering with this problem without any former history - can you identify any changes in your life that co-insided with the onset? Moving to Thiland, using a new brand of washing powder - laundry service? A change in any bed that you might use/sleep in. New car? I know of one good friend on mine that has suffered with a reaction like this to every brand of soap and washing agent - he has not found a cure and simply avoids all contact. He does wash himself with a very diluted brand of baby safe shampoo.

Is it diet or lack of, at times.
I had eczema as a child, mostly between my fingers and was treated with steroid creams and betnovate. I applied the cream and wore plastic gloves during the night. I did find that some of the creams that were given to me were too strong causing some atrophy - although this might just have been as a result of prolonged use. I did find that eating eggs inflamed the infection.

CANASONE Canesten? Will work on many simple fungi, so maybe experiment on one area that is infected? If you can cover the infected area with a plaster over night you will allow the skin to recover during the night.

...between the 1st and 2nd Finger of my left arm, however it is quite slight. When it feels dry it become itchy.
Try a simple anti-inflammatory drug to reduce the urge to scratch, difficult I know - I have scratched until my fingers bled before now. All symptoms disappeared when I was about 18 years old.

HTH - good luck.

Edited by Cuban
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products from the dead sea are wonderful for psoriasis; many people come here just for the sun, sea level sun that is, and the salt waters and spas of the dead sea; i think they have products sold in thailand.... specially for skin problems.... google for the dead sea/israel...

looks like excema or psoriasis... lots of info... just google...

could also be a tropical skin thingy; btw its staph not straph...

excema and psoriasis are not diseases as such they are symptoms of other things like allergies, or even unknown reasons... they have remissions and breakouts, depending on weather, psychological and physical changes, stresses, soaps, foods, whatever, u just have to find out what the triggers are.... and dont scratch...!!!

and sometimes u have to change the treatments, and often there are secondary infections too... and candida (yeast/fungus)...

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Could I have got this from a member of staff in a hair salon?

Psoriasis is not contagious, you would't have caught it from contact with another person, although unsightly and people treat it with caution, it can't be passed on by skin to skin contact.

Has it not cleared up in the sun of Thailand? Ultra violet light is generally beneficial for reducing the effect of this condition.


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Hi all,

I am aware of items like Washing Powders, and even some brands of Showers gels etc can caude a problem. One produt, but not all the rage, is <deleted>. (French Connection UK)

I was advised a week or so ago, to got o stand in the sea on Pattaya beach. The salt water may help, wow.

My changes in life erm divorced after 30 years marriage, living at my parents on a sofa, for a bed for 12 months, Uni course over 4 years. Flat in the north west UK after leaving my parents, (2 years). Coming out here, (2 years). Coming to live out here, over 1 year ago). Teaching full time (1school year) .

Need I go on? I think you have the gist . But I was ok, until 1 day last June approx, when the first thing was the little lump on the right side of my neck , plus the commencement of tailment to the left leg areas.

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