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US Navy servicewoman dies in Patong

PATONG: A US servicewoman accidentally fell to her death from a seventh-floor hotel room in Patong yesterday, the Gazette has been told.


Falling out of hotels seems to be quite common in Phuket. I am just trying to remember when the previous report of this was.

I don't hear much about people falling out of hotels in other countries. Not sure why.

Falling out of hotels seems to be quite common in Phuket. I am just trying to remember when the previous report of this was.

I don't hear much about people falling out of hotels in other countries. Not sure why.

fancy that isn't it? Add Pattaya and we're rollin'..


Other news reports have stated that current military suicides are at unusually high levels, hopefully this is not a part of that trend but simply an accident.

Thoughts and condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.


Just had a few more marines in the shop and they said she was extremely drunk and there was some sort of small ledge/balcony with no handrail supposedly and she fell, they reckon she fell in the night but wasnt reported until the following morning as bypassers just thougt she was drunk and asleep on the ground :o

Also heard a bunch of marines had a punch up with the BIB on bangla..guess they have ruined theyre trial run of being allowed to stay on land!!!

Drunk and balconies heights not up to standard western code. Not hard to figure why one easily falls off a balcony here.

Ditto. Sober, I freak out when walking up to the edge of most balconies in LOSS (Land Of Supposed Suicides) given the railing height.


Balcony diving is a common pastime for expats and tourists in Pattaya. Until recently, it was unheard of here. Lets hope it doesn't join motorcycle muggings as the new growth industry.

Other news reports have stated that current military suicides are at unusually high levels, hopefully this is not a part of that trend but simply an accident.

Thoughts and condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.

The marine in question was my girl, her name was Cpl Ebony P Cooper, she was only 25 years old. For those of you who think its funny... its really not. She left a lot of people behind who love her and are truly heartbroken by her passing. Thats a horrible way to go and I cant understand why her friends didnt notice her absence, yeah Heather I mean you!! I mean really if she was so drunk she would've been loud and nobody heard or saw anything??? This is more info than the military is even releasing to us back home. If anyone does have any more information on the circumstances surrounding her death I'd really appreciate it! And thanks to those who sent their condolences.

Other news reports have stated that current military suicides are at unusually high levels, hopefully this is not a part of that trend but simply an accident.

Thoughts and condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.

The marine in question was my girl, her name was Cpl Ebony P Cooper, she was only 25 years old. For those of you who think its funny... its really not. She left a lot of people behind who love her and are truly heartbroken by her passing. Thats a horrible way to go and I cant understand why her friends didnt notice her absence, yeah Heather I mean you!! I mean really if she was so drunk she would've been loud and nobody heard or saw anything??? This is more info than the military is even releasing to us back home. If anyone does have any more information on the circumstances surrounding her death I'd really appreciate it! And thanks to those who sent their condolences.

Very sorry to hear of your loss - my condolences.

I am sure the thoughtful members of TV who hear of anything will let you know.

Ignore the idiots with idiotic comments - its not worth bothering yourself with them at this sad time.

I saw a whole bunch of marines last night partying and enjoying themselves last night in Crazy Horse in Singapore - then 10:30 they all left en masse for their curfew and we actually commented among ourselves how well behaved and polite they had been - and the 5 of us were English.

Ignore the idiots with idiotic comments - its not worth bothering yourself with them at this sad time.

I will add my condolences to this also and sorry for your loss. Members, think before you post here. Off topic and insensitive posts will be removed and members warned.

Other news reports have stated that current military suicides are at unusually high levels, hopefully this is not a part of that trend but simply an accident.

Thoughts and condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.

The marine in question was my girl, her name was Cpl Ebony P Cooper, she was only 25 years old. For those of you who think its funny... its really not. She left a lot of people behind who love her and are truly heartbroken by her passing. Thats a horrible way to go and I cant understand why her friends didnt notice her absence, yeah Heather I mean you!! I mean really if she was so drunk she would've been loud and nobody heard or saw anything??? This is more info than the military is even releasing to us back home. If anyone does have any more information on the circumstances surrounding her death I'd really appreciate it! And thanks to those who sent their condolences.

Again I would like to offer my condolences for your tragic loss. I can't offer prayers because I am not religious, but if there is anything that you would need help with over here I'll be happy to track down phone numbers etc if it helps. Feel free to PM.


Unfortunately like it or not this happens all the time here, ie falling off balconies. Railings are rather low - near waist level. It doesnt take much to fall off one. There may be smth more to this, but the odds are against it. I know one is grieving and you'd like to think there is more of an explanation to this than the obvious because its incomprehensible.

Other news reports have stated that current military suicides are at unusually high levels, hopefully this is not a part of that trend but simply an accident.

Thoughts and condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.

The marine in question was my girl, her name was Cpl Ebony P Cooper, she was only 25 years old. For those of you who think its funny... its really not. She left a lot of people behind who love her and are truly heartbroken by her passing. Thats a horrible way to go and I cant understand why her friends didnt notice her absence, yeah Heather I mean you!! I mean really if she was so drunk she would've been loud and nobody heard or saw anything??? This is more info than the military is even releasing to us back home. If anyone does have any more information on the circumstances surrounding her death I'd really appreciate it! And thanks to those who sent their condolences.

hi..my names trennah aka jay is what i go by ..and i found out yesterday about ebony im currently stationed in germany right now i know that you dont know me and i dont know you but ive known ebony for years before i came in and before she then went to the marines im from san antonio texas as though she was too and she was my best friend and it kills me so badly about this when i got a phone call about this i didnt want to believe it period you know the last email i got from her was on 25 may 08 ....dam_n this is just crazy you know i mean she was everything u know and i just dont know how to take it or deal with any of this how could it be that people was there and just didnt say nuttin or look out for her period one of ur fellow marines ur battle u know u always supposed to look out for one another period they say "she was drunk" anybody knows period that if and when someone is drunk persay dat u can hear them period the story just does not fit at all period and if and when you find out more information please contact me please ... im trippin so hard right now .........and i really send out my prayers completely and condolances to her family, im goin to texas on the 18th is wen i fly out from germany so if u do get information of where or whens her funeral and what cemetary please let me know so i can do this the military way in uniform and show my respects to ebony and her family . thank you and you will be in my prayers as well .

Other news reports have stated that current military suicides are at unusually high levels, hopefully this is not a part of that trend but simply an accident.

Thoughts and condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.

The marine in question was my girl, her name was Cpl Ebony P Cooper, she was only 25 years old. For those of you who think its funny... its really not. She left a lot of people behind who love her and are truly heartbroken by her passing. Thats a horrible way to go and I cant understand why her friends didnt notice her absence, yeah Heather I mean you!! I mean really if she was so drunk she would've been loud and nobody heard or saw anything??? This is more info than the military is even releasing to us back home. If anyone does have any more information on the circumstances surrounding her death I'd really appreciate it! And thanks to those who sent their condolences.

hi..my names trennah aka jay is what i go by ..and i found out yesterday about ebony im currently stationed in germany right now i know that you dont know me and i dont know you but ive known ebony for years before i came in and before she then went to the marines im from san antonio texas as though she was too and she was my best friend and it kills me so badly about this when i got a phone call about this i didnt want to believe it period you know the last email i got from her was on 25 may 08 ....dam_n this is just crazy you know i mean she was everything u know and i just dont know how to take it or deal with any of this how could it be that people was there and just didnt say nuttin or look out for her period one of ur fellow marines ur battle u know u always supposed to look out for one another period they say "she was drunk" anybody knows period that if and when someone is drunk persay dat u can hear them period the story just does not fit at all period and if and when you find out more information please contact me please ... im trippin so hard right now .........and i really send out my prayers completely and condolances to her family, im goin to texas on the 18th is wen i fly out from germany so if u do get information of where or whens her funeral and what cemetary please let me know so i can do this the military way in uniform and show my respects to ebony and her family . thank you and you will be in my prayers as well .

Jay... I know about you, Ebony spoke of you before, actually I think it was last month sometime we spoke on you. She had so much love for you magn I jus want you to know that. I might have been talkin to her now but I know about you & how she felt about you so I feel your pain and I am so sorry! You're in my prayers right along side her family 4 real. I cant believe this shyt either its unreal. I just got off the phone with her father and he spoke to the military an hour ago they said that her body is still in thailand they're doing an autopsy and investigating it but so far they wont tell us anything else? They said the military cant do anything with her until thailand releases her body. From there sometime next week shes going to be shipped to Japan and possibly a 2nd autopsy. So I guess theres something they're looking for? Umm so we dont expect to have a funeral for her until like another 2-3 weeks I guess? So about the time ur back in Texas, so I guess I will be meeting you soon becuz I will be flying out there definately. I'm out here in Cali where she was stationed at and its killin me cuz Im lookin around at her shyt and her truck is outside wit da alarm going off every time a bus go by its crazy! I cant believe shes gone. Umm Ive heard from a few different people and everyone so far is lookin out for info and Ill definately keep u updated. I talked to her I guess a few hours b4 they say dis happened she called me from sattalite like 3x b4 she got off the boat she was in good spirits. Thats why its so crazy to me mang my girl jus called me and had to get off the phone she said Ima call u back in a few hours when I settle into my room. I aint heard from her since. So I knew something was wrong cuz Ebony didnt go not one day witout calling me & emailing me 5x ya dig!! Its un fuc_kin real. I cant believe this shyt and everybodys calling me cuz nobody believes it, Ebony was soo fuc_kin alive she was so real & kind and everybody loved her ya know! Its jus crazy. Magn let me get off this shyt b4 I break down... I would post my # for u but I dont want everybody hittin me up crazy so hit me at my email ***email removed*** or my DL im on her friendlist. Im so sorry pa I know this shyt hurts and you way over there its a nightmare. Hit me up anytime Ill be sure to let you know whatever I hear. And though its a sad reason to meet, I will hopefully be seeing you in Texas in the next few weeks.


I really feel sorry for any US personnel who lose their life, period. I am ex-Navy and remember years ago you Marines had a buddy system when visiting R&R ports of call. Do you still have this arrangement? You should think about it again if you don't because you're not just looking after your Marine in combat but in life too.

Semper Fidelis Marines we love you and I am saddened to know the death of one of your fellow Marines.


Just had a few more marines in the shop and they said she was extremely drunk and there was some sort of small ledge/balcony with no handrail supposedly and she fell, they reckon she fell in the night but wasnt reported until the following morning as bypassers just thougt she was drunk and asleep on the ground :o

Also heard a bunch of marines had a punch up with the BIB on bangla..guess they have ruined theyre trial run of being allowed to stay on land!!!

I've lived in Asia for 16 yrs. Hung out in good time bars from Wanchai to Patong...never once saw American service men in a bar fight.


what a sad story. may ebony rest in peace and may her family and loved ones find the strength to eventually move on with their lives. no matter what the circumstances are surrounding her death, the outcome is still the same.

i do truly believe that loved ones stay with us in spirit and see this as a comfort in times of despair.

my thoughts are with you during this difficult time.


I am typing in the poem that was written by Eb's mom:

Today makes a week that you've been gone

And we still don't know what really went on

A few responses were insensitive and then some

But those who love you are in shock and or numb

But it doesn't really matter what people may say

Because you are a beautiful and loving person God made you that way

We'll always remember your smiling face

Now you're with God a much better place

Of our lives you will always be a part

A treasured token kept within our hearts

No one could grace us as you do

So forever and ever we'll miss and love you!

Thank you to everyone that sent their condolences.


Hello.... This is my first time on here and so dont know my way around the forum.

First I would like to say how very sorry I am about the death of Ebony. I never knew her.

I am just back today from the same hotel as this lady, and stayed just a few balcony's away from her.

My friends and I were all at the hotel when Ebony died.

She was sighted by us at 6.10 am in the morning under our balcony. We did not see her fall.

But the impression by most people was she hadn't been there too long.

It was a shocking-terrible thing to have happened, the room she stayed in was on the 7th floor and there are sliding doors in the room that lets you out to a couple of pot plants on a ledge.

There was no balcony ... maybe in the dark she thought that there was!

Whether or not she was drunk is not relevant ... a young brave marines precious life was lost.

Every day while there I placed a rose where she had lay. The last one taken from me by a Navel Officer and he said it would be dried and delivered to her mother. I hope the mom gets it and knows that we cared.

I am now back in Australia and will continue to say a wee prayer for Ebony.

Thank you for listening ... J.J.


Rip Ebony

>>the room she stayed in was on the 7th floor and there are sliding doors in the room that lets you out to a couple of pot plants on a ledge.

There was no balcony ... maybe in the dark she thought that there was!

Isn't there a building code?  a couple of plants with no railing? In any other country that hotel would be in serious trouble for this.


Yes that is right.. no railings at all. I dont know about building regulations in that country.

And to something else I read earlier about folk walking past her thinking she was drunk.

As far as I know thats untrue. As you can imagine with all the talk in the hotel that is something that wasn't raised at all. Not by staff or guests.

The talk was that the couple who saw her fall had counselling from the hotel the next day.

The N.C.I.S (Navel Criminal Investigators) Talked to lots of people at the hotel, including myself

and I'm sure they wont speculate on what exactly happened .. everything has to take its course.

They were present when the Holy Buddist Monk blessed where Ebony lay and prayed for her soul. It was very tastefully done. I hope the parents get copies of the photo's that were taken



Wow. Thank you for that information. Im readying myself to head out to Texas now for her burial. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But I truly appreciate all the information and prayers from you all. God Bless.


Out of this tragedy, cannot something be done to ensure that such an accident cannot happen again. Time and time again we hear of accidents where the hotel balcony is too low and the victim has fallen off. Being drunk can make it very easy, but a balcony should be high enough to ensure that one cannot accidentally fall off, regardless of whether you are drunk or not.

In this case, it sounds (almost unbelievably), that there was no balcony at all! An accessible ledge and no balcony. It's amazing (even in Thailand), that no staff at this hotel has considered this to be a danger.

I'm sorry but I missed the name of the hotel. Perhaps a talk with the hotel manager/owners might persuade them to either install balconies/guard rails, or permanently lock the access doors to this ledge.



daddysgirl and jay....

I am glad that Ebony made such wonderful friends after she left El Paso. I have been trying to contact both of you. I am a friend of hers, I knew her before she moved to San Antonio. Could you please email me when you have a chance? I would love to hear more about the times you all had with her.

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