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British Man Refuses To Support The Baby


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I was talking to a lady who was working at a bar in Thailand in May this year and how she got involved with a British guy who made her pregnant, and now she has had his baby.

She told me that he refuses to support the baby and know it’s his.

I asked her did she pursue this with the Thai authority, she says she did, but because she did not put his name on the birth certificate the authority can do nothing. Is this true?

She showed me the picture of the baby on her mobile phone, and she now has to support the baby herself.

This seems very unfair, and she was a good likeable lady with good hart.

Can anyone help with this; I have kept her contact number just in case someone can advise help. Thanks

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She should have put his name on the birth certificate as the father. Then maybe he would feel obligated to pay since he would have some parental rights.

In any case i doubt that Thailand could do anything to enforce any kind of payments. She would have to petition a UK court.

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Just playing devils advocate - what makes you think the baby is from the lad she say it is? She is working bar, so good possibility could be another lad.

Will I am only going on what she said, and the time they spent together, plus she told me she had unprotected sex with him.

It's a dam shame he did not step up to the mark and get a test to prove if he is the father or not, and do the right thing to support the baby :o .

Just so sad. :D

Edited by steve99
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Just playing devils advocate - what makes you think the baby is from the lad she say it is? She is working bar, so good possibility could be another lad.

Will I am only going on what she said, and the time they spent together, plus she told me she had unprotected sex with him.

It's a dam shame he did not step up to the mark and get a test to prove if he is the father or not, and do the right thing to support the baby :o .

Just so sad. :D

Don't beleive everything that you hear from Bar Girls. :D

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If she had unprotected shag with him, more than likely she had it with others. So looks as if you are smitten - when you getting married? :o

No my friend not my type.

You know sometimes humanity for someone who is put in a situation can be spared.

The <deleted> that is nicely living at home with his wife and kids should be a man and take the steps if he is the father to support the child.

I Only hope that when the child grows up and finds the <deleted> and kill him. :D

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I agree one should take responsibility for one's lil ones. However the daunting task is finding out who the father is. :o

That may be, but she had nothing to gain from telling me a different story.

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Call Maury Povitch. :o

:D :D

You are not the father!

Unfortunately if she was a "working girl" then more than likely she was going skinless with more than one person and believes (whether right or wrong) that this guy is the father. The guy probably just chalked it up to her occupational hazard by not enforcing the condom rule, not taking one of those morning after pills or not being on the pill and went on his way.

Wait... is the pill available in Thailand?


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That may be, but she had nothing to gain from telling me a different story.

She has managed to gain your sympathy to the point where you now hope the kid will kill its alleged father, give her some cash if you feel sorry for her ...........otherwise leave well alone

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No matter how much you try to educate these girls they do not have the intelligence to take the pill as a back up measure when having sex. Even if they do buy the pill they can't remember to take it everyday. I think the pill costs from Bt35 a month or something.

Sorry but it is an occupational hazard but she decided to get pregnant and then decided to kep the baby. I have little sympathy for her and could not have advised her to undertake that course of action. Termination would have been the best option.

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You might consider the possibility that the baby, is not even HER baby, just some baby she has a photo of, and the whole story, is a story, to get money from you at a later date, when you love her, and she needs excuses on a weekly basis, for emergency money.

Maybe she is already getting 5 allowances from concerned men such as yourself, for her baby. Or for her photo baby.

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a little fact, it seems from my experiance that only the husbands name can go on th b/c. i was the father/am and the thai authorities would not allow my name on the b/c unless we married. i checked this fact in korat and pattaya. now married and name on b/c. stay away from another mans problem. or adopt mother and child, i suspect thats the long term aim here.

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I am only going on what she said, and the time they spent together, plus she told me she had unprotected sex with him.

And you needed to be told that?

Her story may or may not be true, but why tell you her problems?

What are you willing to do to help her resolve her problems?

I only ask because I am aware that there are many ladies around the world with the same problem and who you might like to help out too.

roy gsd

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Don't beleive everything that you hear from Bar Girls. :o

Speak for yourself, I belive them when they say I am hansum man, why?

Because they all tell me that I am, and they cannot all be telling me lies,.. can they?

A very concerned

Roy gsd :D:D:D

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If she had unprotected shag with him, more than likely she had it with others. So looks as if you are smitten - when you getting married? :o

No my friend not my type.

You know sometimes humanity for someone who is put in a situation can be spared.

The <deleted> that is nicely living at home with his wife and kids should be a man and take the steps if he is the father to support the child.

I Only hope that when the child grows up and finds the <deleted> and kill him. :D

Who appointed you Sir Laugh a lot?

"Mothers not your type?" She will be disapointed.

"The <deleted> that is nicely living at home with his wife and kids should be a man and take the steps if he is the father to support the child".

Hope the kid tracks this guy down and kills him?

IF? There is no IF about it .

This woman has provided you with all the information and on that basis you not only judge the guy guilty but suggest the kid should track him down and kill him!

Other than "heresay" you have no tangable evidence to prove him guilty, so dispite your heavily prejudiced opinion it remains to be proven that the guy is the <deleted> you judge him to be to be.

From your comments in your posting the only proven "<deleted>" to date is yourself.

The guy is innocent until the facts prove otherwise.

Well Sir Laugh a lot, get on your charger,visit the guy at his home and confront him infront of his wife and kids ( IF they exist) and I hope you learn from the experience.

Roy gsd

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a little fact, it seems from my experiance that only the husbands name can go on th b/c. i was the father/am and the thai authorities would not allow my name on the b/c unless we married. i checked this fact in korat and pattaya. now married and name on b/c. stay away from another mans problem. or adopt mother and child, i suspect thats the long term aim here.

Utter CRAP!

I was not, and still am not, married to my sons mother, and it was a very simple process, to have my name registered on the birth certificate.

I don't know who you got your facts from, but I had no problem.

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Utter CRAP!

I was not, and still am not, married to my sons mother, and it was a very simple process, to have my name registered on the birth certificate.

I don't know who you got your facts from, but I had no problem.

Edit: missed the sarcasm. Deleted my post.

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a little fact, it seems from my experiance that only the husbands name can go on th b/c. i was the father/am and the thai authorities would not allow my name on the b/c unless we married. i checked this fact in korat and pattaya. now married and name on b/c. stay away from another mans problem. or adopt mother and child, i suspect thats the long term aim here.

Egg, how long ago was that? Last year in Phuket I didn't have any problem to get my name on the b/c, though I am not married with the child's mother.

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a little fact, it seems from my experiance that only the husbands name can go on th b/c. i was the father/am and the thai authorities would not allow my name on the b/c unless we married. i checked this fact in korat and pattaya. now married and name on b/c. stay away from another mans problem. or adopt mother and child, i suspect thats the long term aim here.

Utter CRAP!

I was not, and still am not, married to my sons mother, and it was a very simple process, to have my name registered on the birth certificate.

I don't know who you got your facts from, but I had no problem.

wheres the crap in the light of my opening line???????????

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