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Is It Possible To Find True Love Without Money ?


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Basically you are asking can you have a normal relationship with out showing off cash. I believe the answer is yes you can. But the fairy tales are left for the moves now. If you are lacking in funds you will need to show true strength and control as well as future ambition. But also know how to surprise her now and then. Learning to keep your cool is a must. In Thailand this dose happens but you will need to be close to her age and she will need to like you're for being you.

I was in a lot of trouble for cash 3 years ago when I meet my gf, and I wasn't brave to ask my parents to help out at that time too, but I new how to show her a good time and be Romanic behind shut doors. And also know how to stand my ground. But now I am fine and use my mother in laws credit cards quite often now.

Good luck.

your mother in-laws?.......fantasy :o:D

It’s meant to take the Piss. But on the honest side I have used now and then when in need and trust me it’s not worth a brag at all. I look at it as selling’s one soul :D

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Is it always family and money first in Thailand?

And farangs only important for money ?

I hope not but after reading several threads in here I think that true love between thais and farangs are very hard to find. :o

For money cant buy me love...... except in Thailand?

How old are you? Do you plan to live in Thailand & seek love & romance or are you here now??

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Who honestly wants to be with someone with no money? If you have no money you probably have no prospects and or are lazy. Not exactly attractive to anyone.

Id marry a girl with no money, i probably prefer women brought up with bugger all.

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its an east / west thing

in the west

the most down and out busted arse poet will find a girl who loves him for who he is

he can get a student allowance / unemployment benefit / family allowance

they can live the bohemian life style in a dump somewhere

in the east

theres no benefits or allowances

the money flows up from child to parent

not down from parent/state to child - the key difference

so when daughters are sent to resorts and bars

the intention is to find a farang to end the poverty cycle

then channel that money back to mamma


the test for new players is to play poor

just enough money to support yourself or you and her


see who runs and see who stays

its the acid test


be prepared for a long wait

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At 18 years old when with your school sweetheart it was true love and not about money, after that it is always an issue, whether discussed or not. A persons income just dramatically chages a lifestyle too much between poor and well off for it not to be an important issue.

Yes there is always the east-west perception as well, but would suggest the average women in the west is very interested in what you earn. The better looking she is the choosier she can be.

Good looks and youth in men are an attraction for women, but unlike wealth they are transitory.

As a general rule you can see in the couples the older guys that have money with the pretty ones. The others either have no taste or have just accepted what they can get.

The madly in love feeling is also good for only so long, then things wind down to the stage of being comfortable with each other and friends. Might I suggest that many relationships based on money may well bipass that first stage and go straight to the second. For the lady was that period of exhilaration of being madly in love worth a lifetime of poverty, I expect usually not, especially if they have already been there and done that.

Just a few musings...

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maybe, just maybe, i do not know what i am talking about...

or i am just different.

anyway, the reason i got to comment like i had and usually have... whatever they have been...made too many posts already... is that i see how people are much poorer here in my country than in thailand. but this experience about marrying farangs for their money and even ripping them off... (or taking their homes when the farang is no longer convenient to have) is just not as widespread. altho i do know of cases where poor or desperate or want to get rich/migrate-the-easy-way -- girls here marry foreigners (but some marry for love too, of course!). or maybe i have not been as exposed to the reality out there... i dont know anymore really... :o

incidentally, am not rich at all (just lucky in many ways). i just dont think money is the answer to most problems. in fact, it could even be the cause of many problems. that is the reason i dont buy lotto tickets... i would not know what to do with the money if i win!!! :D

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I met my wife whilst travelling a few years back, Never had much money as it was the end of my trip, infact she lent me some money for my last few days, Now were are married and happy with 2 kids, Oh i didnt have to pay her family to. So in my case money wasnt a problem. We have both worked hard and made our money together.

But on the other hand maybe she was attracted to me because i am farang and we earn more money on average!

Different circumstances, if the age gap was big (which its not both 27 when met) then yes i would say that would be about money!

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To happyending

Instead of going to the bars as you stated where these girls go. why not try and meet girls who dont sell themselves as you might get a better chance of meeting a genuine one, not bar girsl with 10 bfs.

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I don't think this is just a Thai related issue. I think for people in general it is hard to commit to someone who is likely to offer you a life full of problems. A life without money is full of problems.

The real question is probably what would my partner do if I wouldn't have money? Would they go out and work and stay with me? Give it a try and you will see how real your relationship is.

Well said. Try it out anywhere in the world: "honey, I'm going to stop paying for groceries, all the bills, and have decided not to pay for our children's education.... but I still love you."

I've seen a lot of people from all over the world fight about all kinds of things, but money and financial issue type problems are a fairly common denominator.


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I don't think this is just a Thai related issue. I think for people in general it is hard to commit to someone who is likely to offer you a life full of problems. A life without money is full of problems.

The real question is probably what would my partner do if I wouldn't have money? Would they go out and work and stay with me? Give it a try and you will see how real your relationship is.

I agree. Just say a couple of times no to your girl if she wants money and see how she reacts. I will marry my girl with a marriage contract and she won't get any of my assets in case we get divorced or I die from non natural causes / go missing. That's fine for her she doesn't want my money anyway. I'm lucky to be with a girl that can take care of herself and runs her own business that brings in good money and that she has built up from scratch.

Edited by freitag1
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I have tried to find the right one for me , and so far no luck.

First of all its the language problems , so many nice girls but I have learned my lesson and its been a waste of time and money.

Im 42 years old , and I think that Im still good looking :o

I stay in Thailand for 2 months every year and I love it .

If I find the right girl to marry I will sell my house in Europe and settle down in Thailand.

Im not rich but I have a business so money is not really the issue here.

I have no problems with the Thai culture , I just hope I will end up with a girl that will love me for who I am and not my money.

And being a farang in Thailand its hard to find the right one....

Is it always family and money first in Thailand?

And farangs only important for money ?

I hope not but after reading several threads in here I think that true love between thais and farangs are very hard to find. :D

For money cant buy me love...... except in Thailand?

How old are you? Do you plan to live in Thailand & seek love & romance or are you here now??

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I don't think this is just a Thai related issue. I think for people in general it is hard to commit to someone who is likely to offer you a life full of problems. A life without money is full of problems.

The real question is probably what would my partner do if I wouldn't have money? Would they go out and work and stay with me? Give it a try and you will see how real your relationship is.

I agree. Just say a couple of times no to your girl if she wants money and see how she reacts. I will marry my girl with a marriage contract and she won't get any of my assets in case we get divorced or I die from non natural causes / go missing. That's fine for her she doesn't want my money anyway. I'm lucky to be with a girl that can take care of herself and runs her own business that brings in good money and that she has built up from scratch.

To me that is a little sad. I can see where you are coming from trying to avoid being bumped off so she can get her hands on your "fortune". But what if one day you are just in the wrong place at the wrong time and get shot/knifed and die. From your post your wife doesn't get your money even though your demise was through no action of her own, so who does get the funds? She might not want your money anyway but she and her business would certainly benefit from the funds and it would be a shame for them to just lie in a bank account until the bank decides to absorb them thank you very much.

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to OP...

just keep looking, don't rush... 42 years old for a man is not that old... how old was warren beatty when he got married for the first time and the marriage with annette bening is still going on strong, right? ;-) (am not updated) and i think jack nicholson is still a hunk at what age? you men are lucky, compared to women in general...

and and do not just limit yourself to one place..

no rush.. mind you, single life has its advantages... its just a matter of mindset.

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I agree. Just say a couple of times no to your girl if she wants money and see how she reacts. I will marry my girl with a marriage contract and she won't get any of my assets in case we get divorced or I die from non natural causes / go missing. That's fine for her she doesn't want my money anyway. I'm lucky to be with a girl that can take care of herself and runs her own business that brings in good money and that she has built up from scratch.

This post is pathetic on so many levels.

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Its do able, the trick is finding someone who is at your level. For example if your broke and with no prospects or ambition to change that, look for a girl with similar sloth. If your fairly affluent or poor but working on rising you status, get with a student possibly. If your set up, have good money coming in, get with a woman with cash. So that this way money is never really a thing that separates you. It worked for me and I'm happily married To a Thai Woman.

Never was lucky enough to find women with money. If they had any, they obviously weren't ready to part with any of it. Money problems account for the majority of divorces. Theres a saying I heard, which states that is just as easy to fall in love with a rich man, as it is with a poor one. But thats probably not true.

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This is not a wise crack. When I said No to OP's ? is it possible to find true companionship, friendship, security, stimulation, good times, someone to wake up with, soul-mate, etc.... for an old and ugly farang with some money, I meant difficult. It also depends on what that particular farang defines as true love. I'm going to take a nap.

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Yes it is!

OK, I am going to assume that you mean where money is not the prime mover here. I mean, if you are a farang living in the gutter with absolutley no money at all, begging for food, you are going to have a hard time anywhere in the world finding love.

I have gone out with a number of Thai women, and when asked, many of them want to date foreign men because they are fed up with the womanizing ways of the Thai men they have dated before, and they think farangs are not like that. Of course, men are the same anywhere for good or bad. But the perception for some women is that farang men are not butterflies.

So if you meet a woman like that, and you are in fact not a butterfly, I think you have a real chance to find love where money is not a factor.

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met my gf after being here 1 month, she paid my drinks and my food...

now were getting married and having a baby after 8months.. never bought her anything before the engagement ring last month, never put her around luxeries...

thai girl only look for money in old guys.

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I have tried to find the right one for me , and so far no luck.

First of all its the language problems , so many nice girls but I have learned my lesson and its been a waste of time and money.

Im 42 years old , and I think that Im still good looking :o

I stay in Thailand for 2 months every year and I love it .

If I find the right girl to marry I will sell my house in Europe and settle down in Thailand.

Im not rich but I have a business so money is not really the issue here.

I have no problems with the Thai culture , I just hope I will end up with a girl that will love me for who I am and not my money.

And being a farang in Thailand its hard to find the right one....

Having read your posts I would also ask yourself another question....

Are you looking first at Thailand and then at a Thai girl/woman for TRUE LOVE?


Are you more interested in finding TRUE LOVE and looking to find this, REGARDLESS of the country?

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To happyending

Instead of going to the bars as you stated where these girls go. why not try and meet girls who dont sell themselves as you might get a better chance of meeting a genuine one, not bar girsl with 10 bfs.


thanks for the tip

i agree with what you say

i myself dont go to bars to meet girlfriends

im refering to friends i know who have been told by family [mamma]

to go and find a farang to milk

most of them dont want to go but feel obligated due to the eastern cultural differences

these are good, genuine people

but their culture tells them to obey their parents

some get lucky and find a good man

some learn the game and take on 10 bf

others are sad and feel guilty for not providing for their family

see it from their side

its not an easy life

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To happyending

Instead of going to the bars as you stated where these girls go. why not try and meet girls who dont sell themselves as you might get a better chance of meeting a genuine one, not bar girsl with 10 bfs.


thanks for the tip

i agree with what you say

i myself dont go to bars to meet girlfriends

im refering to friends i know who have been told by family [mamma]

to go and find a farang to milk

most of them dont want to go but feel obligated due to the eastern cultural differences

these are good, genuine people

but their culture tells them to obey their parents

some get lucky and find a good man

some learn the game and take on 10 bf

others are sad and feel guilty for not providing for their family

see it from their side

its not an easy life

:o the only difference is accountability, they always use that excuse "oh, I should go blow random dudes for cash because mamma said so" I doubt that many mothers really pimp out their girls as they claim.

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Having read your posts I would also ask yourself another question....

Are you looking first at Thailand and then at a Thai girl/woman for TRUE LOVE?


Are you more interested in finding TRUE LOVE and looking to find this, REGARDLESS of the country?

Well I think most of us are searching for true love regardless of where you live, I have tried too . Maybe things could have been different in the past.

I love Thailand, its my second home. I have no family here yet , I can't predict the future but I will follow my heart when the time is right. My problem right now is the language.

I really want to understand thai , and maybe some day speak it fluently.

Edited by balo
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I would think its harder in Thailand without cash to find a serious partner, A lot grow up in poverty and in a way many of us westerners can't comprehend that fully, we have in most parts had some form of social security to fall back on, even if we were poor growing up we were safe in the knowledge that our governement would take care of us to a certain degree. Poverty is not fun and I would think that a girl that has the opportunity to meet a farang and provide stability in her life would take it, I have no doubt that the my girlfirend loves we dearly, but I also know that she is happy that I am not broke. As for finding a nice girl learn Thai and get away from the tourist areas, I met my girlfriend at a hotel I stayed in that is not in a tourist area, I asked her out to dinner and as they say its all history from there.

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This is a no brainer, I have no doubt whatsover that finding true love without money is possible,in fact I would say it happens far more often than we think.

However question should be " can true love last for long without money"?

Whilst I dont say it is impossible I suggest that far more relationships fall by the wayside as a result of financial pressures than for any other reason.

There is more than a grain of truth to the old expression " When poverty walks in the door love go's out of the window"

Cultural differencies are difficult to overcome at the best of times and when, as is often the case in Thailand, the farang has inherited an extended family who quite likely are hoping if not expecting that daughter and her new farang husband/partner to provide financial support for them as well you can be sure that a great deal of additional stress will follow when the families expectations fail to materialise.

All females by instinct are seeking a mate who can provide security for her and her future children, this applies the world over,like it or not, money provides that security, without that security the seeds of insecurity are sown.

Love, like life, is like a sh.. sandwich, the more bread you have with it, the easier it is to swallow.

Money does not buy love but it certainly does take some of the problems which contribute to the breakdown of relationships.

You can be unhappy in a relationship with or without money , the difference is that with money it does make the pain a little more bearable than it would be without it.

All donations greatfully recieved!!!! :o:D:D:D

roy gsd

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Of course you can find love without money,

Subject to Reality Math 101:

love - $ = unattractiveness + mediocrity,

love + $ = trophy wife + head-turner,

You heard it before, you get what you pay for, :o

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Of course you can find love without money,

Subject to Reality Math 101:

love - $ = unattractiveness + mediocrity,

love + $ = trophy wife + head-turner,

You heard it before, you get what you pay for, :o

Money and power are usually on the top of the list of things that women throughout the world usually look for in choosing a mate so I tend to agree with Cobra's math. Men seem to put beauty at the top of their list which of course makes us guys much less insincere, mercenary and materialistic than women !! :D:D

True love is hard under any circumstances as can be witnessed by just observing the sad behavior of many of the married couples you see around you in everyday life. Money obviously cannot buy happiness but I sure think that it makes it much easier to find. I guess I am fortunate to be one of the lucky ones and I consider myself one of the happiest married guys on the planet.

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Poverty is not fun and I would think that a girl that has the opportunity to meet a farang and provide stability in her life would take it, I have no doubt that the my girlfirend loves we dearly, but I also know that she is happy that I am not broke. As for finding a nice girl learn Thai and get away from the tourist areas, I met my girlfriend at a hotel I stayed in that is not in a tourist area, I asked her out to dinner and as they say its all history from there.

I couldn't agree more. Most Thai ladies know that joining up with a farang gives them a much better chance of not being knocked about by a drunken, shiftless, unfaithful husband who may well take off if money gets tight. It goes without saying that their life style improves too. Missing out on sleeping on bare boards with the rest of the family in a wooden house on stilts and subject to the thunderous noise of rain on the tin sheet roof is pretty attractive too. Not for nothing does a lady say she wants to be taken care of; that means continuity, a feeling of being protected and a far greater degree of consideration and interaction with her fella than she might otherwise expect. Money doesn't count for everything for many ladies, it merely enables you to be miserable in comfort.

Most ladies know their families all too well and an increasing number, so it seems to me, do not tell their families that they have a farang boyfriend. It saves so much hassle I am told. I would advise that nobody goes haring off to Nakhon Nowhere towed by Miss Wonderful to meet the family withing six months of getting together, which should be enough time to ascertain that you are both singing from the same hymnbook and thus provide a united front to a maybe avaricious family.

I have never felt that my wife puts her family's interests before mine, or more properly, ours. If I did, I might well advise her that continuing in that vein will bring our roundabout to a shuddering halt.

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